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John Rhandel Maninang

12 St. Ignatius Of Loyola


1) What are the significant lessons you learned from the movie?
I learned from the movie hacksaw ridge , is always believe in God , do whatever it takes ,
risk yourself to help others because. Few people would risk their lives to help others be that
kind of person so that you can change the faith of humanity.

2) What characteristic of Desmond doss do you want to acquire? Why?

Being generous and faithful, because giving your life to save others, as you can see on the
movie Desmond doss is willingly trying his best to save his friends in the war and at the
end when his friend is in danger he kick the grenade out of his friend to save him but he
suffered from the explosion
3) How does the phrase "Please Lord, help me get more" strike you?
This phrase is the part when Desmond doss need protection in god his faithfulness is the
key for his safety so that i realized faithfulness can protect you in life.

4) Do you believe that we can change the world without using any weapon? Why?
Yes if only we can Cooperate to others and no betrayal exist then we can change the
world, But sometimes God is the key to be with others God can be the reason why other
people can make peace like us we are religious people being religious is fun because you
can socialize with others so that we can be with them.

5) Do you think Desmond doss can be considered patriotic or true servant of God? Why?
Yes, because every time he is in trouble he always relying in the name of God even at
the end when the grenade explode near him he lost his bible but he end up getting it back
for the help of his friends.

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