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Jan Greig R.

12- St. Ignatius of Loyola

B. Hacksaw Ridge Movie

1. Love and Compassion

The love that Desmond felt for his fiancée who later became his wife was almost obvious. It was
true. It was pure. It was love! His compassion for the enemy soldiers was a typical show of love
for enemies. He did not differentiate between American Soldiers and the Japanese soldiers. He
saved anyone he could no matter who they were because for him it doesn’t matter if you are an
enemy because you are a son of God that need to live.

2. Selfless man I want to acquire this characteristic because I don’t want to be a selfish
man that only think of myself that doesn’t care of anyone.

3. It only said that if we only seek our God Almighty, He will answer our prayer and
ready to help and protect us.

4. Yes, because weapon is only for those people who are greed in power while those
people who do not use a weapon instead a word of God is their weapon, anything can change in
any minute, hours or even seconds if you will come and ask of the Lord for what you need.

5. Yes, because of what I see he obey and follow Gods words and even if it’s a war he
still doesn’t use a weapon to kill because he put it in his mind that “though shall not kill” that is
one of the proof that he can be a servant of God.

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