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Rein Mart T.

Grade12-St. Ignatius of Loyola

1) The significant lesson I learned from the movie is have the courage to stand. Let your faith
inspire others. We must somehow find the courage to stand our ground, stay true to what we
believe and never forget that it’s God’s opinion we should value over the world’s. Doss couldn’t
live with himself if he compromised on his beliefs, and likewise our faith should be so important
to us that we too would rather suffer the anger of the world than give up on what we believe

2) The characteristic of Desmond Doss I want to aquire is being selfless because Desmond’s
selfless behavior is one of his traits that makes him a hero. Doss’s beliefs meant that caring for
others was more important that oneself.  He refused to put his own welfare above those of his
fellow soldiers. “The citation credited him with saving 75 soldiers on that ridge, but he later said
that the number was probably closer to 50 Doss’ actions at the Maeda Escarpment was just one
of the battles in which he showed his heroism and selflessness.

3) As I said Desmond Doss is very selfless when it comes to other because when he said “please
Lord, Help me get more” it is the example of having a selfless character he was concern more to
others than himself

4) No, I do not believe that we can change the world without using any weapon because the
people will not follow if you don’t force them to follow you and the participation of each other is
the key to change the world if they will not participate by not following I believe we will not be
able to change the world so that’s why we need to use any weapon

5) Yes, I think Desmond Doss can be considered patriotic or true servant of God because during
war, he don’t have any use of weapon against the enemy but he had the word of God to do what
he must so that people called him as a hero

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