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Name: Paulo B.


Course/Year/ Section: BSES 2-1

Laboratory Activity 1

Ecological Observations

Before you go outside, here’s the basic definition of an ecosystem:

An ecosystem is a collection of living and inorganic landscape elements coming together to

occupy the same space and interacting together.

In this time of our “learning modality”, we will keep the ecology laboratory “practical”

Keep it practical. BACKYARD PRACTICAL.

1. Go outside. Explore nature and ecosystems in your own backyard.

2. Embody your investigator’s mindset.
3. Write everything you will observe in a notebook and transfer to the laboratory activity
a. Birds - I have some pet birds. What I have observed is their playful behavior and
their courting rituals.
b. Bearded Dragon - I have a pet bearded dragon and everyday I take my bearded
dragon to bask in the sun because they need the sunlight to help their digestive
system and UV rays for calcium absorption.
c. Trees - We have a jackfruit tree in our backyard. I have observed an army of black
crazy ants workers helping their colony to strive like gathering foods and taking
care of the larva. I have also observed a piny orb weaver making its web.
d. Plants - I have observed in our welcome plant some mosquito larvae swimming
e. Sky - I saw some birds early in the morning Flying in the sky and basking in the
power line and they pecked each other. Some birds gather food and nesting
materials but others are just being what they are.... birds.

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