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Ian Justine Teodoro

12 St. Ignatius of Loyola


1. What are the significant lesson you’ve learned from the story?
2. What characteristics of Desmond Doss do you want to acquire? Why?
3. How does the phrase “Please Lord, Help me get more” strike you?
4. Do you believe that we can change the world without using weapons?
5. Do you think Desmond Doss can be considered patriotic or true servant of

1. The significant lesson that I’ve learned from the movie hacksaw ridge are
anything is possible if we have faith in God, we don’t need to kill other
people to win in a battle, and God is enough weapon to any struggles or
problems we are facing in our lives.
2. The characteristic that Doss i want to acquire is his faith to God because
whatever the situation he faced he still remember the words of God. And
also for being brave without any weapon while fighting in battle.
3. The phrase made me realized that the purpose of him isn’t killing or hurting
others or their enemies His purpose is to save more life that’s why he called
God to help him and give him strength to surpass the situation.
4. Yes, i believe that we can change the world without using any weapons.
First, by spreading peace and stop wars. Second, without wars, there will be
no killing. Lastly, spread the love and words of God. We just need to believe
in God's existence, and obey the words of Him.
5. Yes because he followed the word of God, and he should considered as a
patriot mainly because of being dauntless with a faith.

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