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Part 1: possessive adjectives Where we use possessive adjectives, they are always used before a noun: possessive adjective + noun. Examples My book is on the table. Are these your sunglasses? Her husband is a musician. That's not his bag. What is its name? These aren't our suitcases. They are their children. Practice Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective for the subject in brackets: « How big is, family. (you) « They are parents. (I) « Please come to party. (we) * Those aren't shoes. (he) Part 2: possessive pronouns We use possessive pronouns to describe ownership when the noun we are talking about is clear, for example: e Answering questions: © "ls that your dog?" "Yes, it’s mine." "it's mine" means the same as "it's my dog" without repeating "dog". e With demonstrative pronouns: "This is mine." "That's not his." "Is the red one yours?" ° ° ° We can also use possessive pronouns after the noun, for example when we are talking about a particular thing: ¢ That dog is mine. Examples: e It's mine. e Which one is yours? ¢ That's not hers. e That coat is his. ¢ This is ours. e Is this room theirs? Practice Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun for the subject in brackets: ¢ This isn't our order. It's . (they) e Whatis____ telephone number? your hers mine ours e "Is this your wallet?" "No, it's : my their his her « Do you have your keys? | can'tfind___. your my mine its e We are buying first house. hers our theirs mine POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Possessive pronouns replace the noun — they stand instead of the noun, so they are not used with a noun. possessive adjective + noun — possessive pronoun This is my house. > This is mine. It’s your tea. — It’s yours. Which is our car? — Which is ours? or This house is my house. > This house is mine. The milky tea is your tea. > The milky tea is yours. The smallest car is our car. > The smallest car is ours. PRACTICE EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentence. This is ____ house. your / yours This dogis ____._ their / theirs | lent my pen to David because he left__ at home. his /his Angela finished her homework before Tilly finished | lent my pen to David because he left___ at home. his /his Angela finished her homework before Tilly finished ____. her/hers Sarah is wearing new shoes. her / hers 2. Change the underlined possessive adjective into a possessive pronoun. His car is faster than your car. | asked Laura to swap her shift with my shift. Her shoes were wet from the rain. This is not our food, we ordered pizzas. He was cross when he learned his holiday had cost more than hers. Both possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership or possession. possessive possessive adjectives pronouns I my mine you your yours he his his she her hers it its its we our ours you your yours they their theirs POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Possessive adjectives are used with the noun. possessive pronoun + noun This is my house. It's your tea. Which is our car? Adjectives and pronouns: possessive Introduction We use possessive adjectives and pronouns to describe ownership (who owns what). possessive adjective: « "Itis my coat." possessive pronoun: e "That coat is mine." ¢ "It's mine.” Subject Fasebesive possessive adjective pronoun I my mine eal and your your she her hers he his his it its * we our ours they their theirs * note there is no possessive pronoun for "it".

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