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Height and Weight

ok thanks to khairani who have invited me to continue the material on body mass
index. As we already know, BMI consists of two main components, namely height
and weight. Ok fisrt time, I want tou tell you about height. Height measurement can
be done standing upright, barefoot, hands close to the body, back and buttocks against
the wall and the view is looking forward. The arms hang casually at the sides. For
people who cannot stand, their height can be estimated by measuring the knee height
(TL) using a wheel. With the formula Chamluea 1948
Male Height = 64.19 – (0.40 x age) + (2.02 x TL)
(sixty four point nine) minus (zero point fourty cross age) plus two point zero
two cross knee height
Female height= 84.88 – (0.40 x age) + (1.83 x TL)
The second topic is weight. We need to knoe if weight weighing is best done in the
morning wake up before breakfast, after 10-12 hours of gastric emptying. Body scales
need to be calibrated at zero for starters and have a precision of 0.1kg.

As we know seome factor can affecting BMI. They are :
1. Age : A study concluded that ages 40 to 59 have a higher risk of obesity than those
aged less than 40 years. This condition is thought to be due to slow metabolic
processes, reduced physical activity, and frequent food consumption.
2. Gender : According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, it is
known that men are more likely to be obese than women.
3. Genetic: BMI is very closely related to the first generation of families
4. Diet : As discussed by group 1, diet can affect a person's body mass index where
BMI is influenced by body weight
5. Physical Activity: Physical activity describes body movements caused by muscle
contractions producing expendicular energy.

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