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Date: 23/09/2020

Names: Karla Altamirano, Camila Torres

¿How to enjoy the vacations in Ecuadorian Coast without problems?

Ecuador is an amazing country where you can find all the weathers and landscapes you want.
Talking about the coast is an amazing idea for some vacations, but provided you are a foreigner
you will have to follow some tips that might help you in some unexpected situations. Here are
some tips to help you to improve your vacations in the coast of Ecuador.

1.Provided you want travel to the Cost region of Ecuador, you will choose the months between
December and May because you will prevent the appearance of a snake.

2.You won’t want to bother it unless you want a snake bite.

3.As soon as you see a snake near to you, you will run like the wind, get away and find a safe place.

4.Provided you want to prevent Dengue disease, you will use repellent and long sleeves shirts,
during the winter this disease increase in the Ecuadorian coast.

5.In case you be thirsty, you will stay sure the place where the water comes from and it is a safe
water, if you don’t know that is better not drink it.

6. Provided you came to the Ecuadorian coast, you will have to bring beachwear because the
weather it’s really hot and humid.

7.Provided you go to the beach you will have to bring a really good sunscreen and a cap otherwise
you could have serious skin burns.
8.When you try coast Ecuadorian food, you will have to make sure that you are not allergic to any
ingredient especially talking about seafood.

9.Provided you take a specific medicine you will have to bring them for all days you´ll going to stay
because especially in the beach it’s difficult to find a pharmacy.

10. As soon as you arrive to the coast, you will have to put on some insect repellent because some
of them can cause illness or allergies.

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