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ad TaG Nc Part 2 : Passed AZ-900. With a Score over 900. Section 1, 2 and 3 Blogs, Tech Blogs / By Aditya / Leave a Comment In my previous blog | discussed the various sources from where | got my references to prepare to enter Azure Fundamentals. Link is available below YouTube Video with complete walkthrough is here #az900 #az900pass #mslearn Passed az 900 ye... That was what to study from. This article is to describe the premise of What is most important for the exam and azure fundamentals. Too much content to cover docs.msdn and learning paths but not all are for let’s just say handy in terms of situational analysis. I attended March 2nd ~ th 2021 Microsoft ignite. They did confirm that the test is not just reading and learning but also experience. This is true for all certs, not just AZ-900. This blog is also a refresher for me to what | prepared with a month ago. And knowledge shared for you. | believe in sharing and learning. This is how | learnt and | encourage the practice as well. The content of this exam was updated on November 9, 2020. + Describe cloud concepts (20-25%) * Describe core Azure services (15-20%) * Describe core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%) Sections covered in my youtube video are below + Describe general security and network security features (10-15%) + Describe identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features (20-25%) + Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%) It’s explained in the video why the above three were chosen over the former 3. I highly recommend VILT for all microsoft certs. MS-Learn and VILT are the foundation to build upon. Having said that; let me proceed with the content to study. 1. Describe cloud concepts (20-25%) 1. Tip : This section has the most verbose questions from my experience in practice tests, Watch out for distractors, questions with specific justification can only have the right answer. So subset or even Ist guess is always right. 2. Could Models 1. laa ~ (Infrastructure as a Service) ~ Data center, firewalls, Servers and Storage 2. Paas - (Platform as a Service) ~ 0S, DevTools, DBMS,Business Analytics.etc 3. Saas ~ (Software as a Service) ~ Hosted Apps (outlook, onedrive, skype, etc) Applicaton & Data Bg SES } SaaS vine Ql w cao “QO. XK & PaaS ‘Operating System ‘A Oo © ep viatzaton [ a 4 Se Servers =| —- Be som ap 3, Advantages of Cloud Computing -_= CH og laaS = ge S @ 1. High Availability - No downtime 1. HA = (Uptime/(Uptime + Downtime)) * 100 2 Depends on SLA for each service 3. Increase HA by running workloads on multiple Availability Zones 4, Load Balancer ~ Evenly distributed traffic to multiple servers in one or more data centers. Routes the traffic to only available data centers with servers. 2. Scalability — 1. Vertical - Increase computing capacity by adding RAM or CPU to one Virtual machine. 2 Horizontal - increase computing capacity by adding instances of resources ie virtual machines to your configuration, RAM or Processing power (CPU) | 3, Vertical Scaling “ei a @ @ <|,— Horizontal Scaling I Gl PEE] Ou 3. Elasticity — 1. Autoscaling so applications always have the resources they need. 2. Automatically increase or decrease capacity based on traffic, memory and computing power. 4, Agility - 1. Deploy and configure quickly 2 to indicate done via APIs and demand 5, Geo-distribution 1. Data centers around the globe 6, Disaster Recovery |. Backup services, data replication and geo distribution. 2. Power outages, network failures, natural disaster, etc 7. Fault Tolerance 1. This is to do with Uptime in case of faults in any model, how resilient is the system. 4, Consumption based Model 1. End users only pay for the resources they use, based on real time constraints on billing 5, CapEx vs OpEx 1. Capital Expenditure 1. The upfront spending cost on physical infrastructure; and then deducting that upfront expense overtime, 1. Own infrastructure 2. Big Initial Investment 3. Lot of maintenance 2. Operation Expenditure 1. There is no upfront cost as you Pay-As-You-Go for a service or product as you use it. 1. Rent Infrastructure 2. No initial investment 3. Operational team maintenance 3. Serverless Computing 1. Eliminating the need to manage infrastructure. |. Tip: remember PSM. Provisions, Scales and Manages the infrastructure required to run the code. 2 Invisible to the developer 6. Types of Cloud Computing 1. Public Cloud ~ 1. Servers and storage are owned and operated by a third party cloud service provider and delivered over the internet 2. Private cloud - 1. Used exclusively by users from one business or organization. Either on-premises data centers or 3rd party providers. 3. Hybrid cloud - 1. Combines public & private cloud by allowing data and application to be shared between them. 4. Exam Tip : Read up as much as you can. This is such a section where questions come from any and all corners. 2. Describe core Azure services (15-20%) 1. Compute services 1. Azure Compute is an on-demand computing service for running cloud-based applications. 1. Examples are Azure VMs, Azure Container Instances, App Service and Azure Functions. 2. Azure Virtual Machines (AVMs) y el vm 2 Tip: VP-MSN- short for Virtual Processor, Memory Storage and Networking resources. |. Virtual Machine Scale sets designed to support Autoscale. (Vertical and/or Horizontal). Machines are identical and Load Balanced vMs. 3. Azure Batch ~ High Performance Computing batch jobs. 3. Containers and Kubernetes 1. Multiple instances of a containerized application on a single host machine. -DRR 4. Azure Functions |. Triggers used to perform response to an event (via REST request), timer or message. 2 Choose the amount of memory & duration. 5. Azure App Service 1. Build, deploy & Scale enterprise-grade apps. 2 Itis a Paas 3. It offers automatic scaling and high availability. 4. Types 1. Web Apps 2 Api Apps 3.Web Jobs 4, Mobile Apps oe 8 (@ 2. Networking 1. Azure VPN Gateway venve = a nett Us Wes 1 wan0076 NO21O0/16 yp coensy veuve a= 2 Type of interconnected network 1. Site-to-site connection (VNET to data center) 2 Point-to-Site connection (device to vNET) 3. Network-to-Network connection (vNET to vNET) 3. VPN Type. |. Policy based VPNs 1. Statically the IP address of packets should be encrypted through each tunnel. 2. Features 1. Support only IKEv 2. Static routing (source and destination declared in policy) 3, Specific resources 2. Route based VPNs IPSec tunnels are modelled as network interface or virtual tunnel interface. To be used when 1. Connection between vNETs 2. Point to site connect 3, Multiple connections 4, Co-existence with Azure Express Route gateway. 2. Features 1. Support IKEv2 2. Any-to-any (wild card) traffic selectors 3, Dynamic routing protocols change in IPSec tunnels 3. IKE ~ Internet Key Exchange - version 1 or 2 1. Agreement of encryption between 2 endpoints 4, IPSec - Internet Protocol Security 1. Encrypts & decrypts data packets in VPN tunnel, 4,Sizes 2. For On-premise 1. VPN device 2. Public facing (internal-routable) IPv4 address Resource Crowe (gs ‘Connection Public om Logical —} oles 3 "Address connec es <>, +> Gatewaysubet ‘tua Network 2. Azure Express Route 1. 50Mbps to 10Gbps 2 Point-to-Point, Ethernet, any-to-any (IPVPN), ete 3. 2 layer of Open system interconnection (OSI model) 4. Layer 2 - DataLink Layer - node to node communication 5. Layer 3 - Network Layer ~ node to multi-node network 6. Microsoft Cloud Services 1. MS Dynamics 365 2 Azure Compute services such as VMs 3. Azure Cloud services such as Azure CosmosDB and Azure Storage. 7. Connectivity Models e e e e PS Gs Ge Gis 1 { J mi A @ —— Sea see ove “erie rote moe? —— 3, Azure Virtual Network (vNET) 1. Resources communicate with each other. 2 Capabilities L Isolation and Segmentation 1. Divide private IP address space into subnets 2, Name resolution (internal or external DNS) 2 Internet Communications 1. Enable incoming connections from the internet by defining a public IP address or public load balancer. 3. Communication between Azure resources 1. Virtual Networks not only VMs but PowerApps, AKS, VMSS, ete 2. Service endpoints to SQL databases, storage accounts. 4, Communication with on-premises resources 1. Link on-prem with Azure Subscription

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