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A month before my graduation.

When I was in school, exactly in the course of 11; I was playing basketball with my friends and
the physical education teacher, everything was fine until in one of the final plays I fell after
going to the bounce of the ball in the hoop, that moment did not seem so out of the ordinary
until I felt that my foot was heavy, I bent down to see it and noticed that it had an anomaly in
the shape of the ankle, I immediately felt that I could not walk as before, so they took me to
coordination and took me to the hospital.

When I was there in the hospital they called my parents to give them the news, they
immediately went to where I was and took me home after they diagnosed me with an ankle
sprain injury and ordered me to have 15 days off. When I got home I had to walk on crutches
to be able to walk. My graduation was about to end and I was nervous that I would have to go
to the ceremony with the crutches and I did not want that ... I lasted 28 days to be able to walk
with was before the ceremony so at graduation even when walking I It hurt a little, but he
could walk without the crutches, as opposed to walking a little slow; but for me it was a great
achievement to be able to do it, and so nothing prevented me from enjoying that great

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