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Locating this lesson with the rest of the

What makes globalization possible?
1. The Global Interstate System (Module 1)
2. Contemporary Global Governance
3. The Global Economy
4. Market Integration
What is Global Governance

1. What is Global Governance
2. Global Governance then and now: from Westphalia to UN
What is Global Governance
The idea behind global governance is that it will aid in helping to
solve any challenges within the international system.
What is Global Governance?
➢ the “processes and institutions, in which rules are created, compliance is
elicited, and goods are provided in pursuit of collective goals”
What is Global Governance
“…the way in which global affairs are managed;
typically involves a range of actors including states, regional and
international organizations.
➢States: US, China, Russia
What is Global Governance
▪ beyond the traditional forms of cooperation
between sovereign nation-states (e.g.
interstate diplomacy, treaties, and
international law)
▪ include a broader variety of networked
organizations and individuals in creating and
enforcing rules

Ritzer & Dean, 2015

What is Global Governance
➢single organizations may nominally be given the lead role on an
issue, ex. WHO, WTO, UNCLOS
➢global governance is an international process of consensus-
forming which generates guidelines and agreements that affect
national governments and international corporations.
➢Ex.: WHO policies on health issues;
➢the Paris Agreement on CO2 emissions
What is NATO? | CNBC Explains
NATO's Identity Crisis, Explained | WSJ
How it all began?
How Global Governance began…

➢ The modern state and system of global governance arose from the
Westphalian treaty.
➢ the principles, the foundation of “governing nations” of the time.
➢ “states are required to control their territory and be willing to participate in a
system of international law”
➢ This is the foundation of global governance and culture.
Organizations (IGOs)
1. World Health Organisation (WHO)
2. European Union
4. World Trade Organisation
5. International Criminal Court
6. International Monetary Fund
7. World Bank and International
Organisation for Migration
8. International Labour Orgnaization
9. Paris Agreement of the UNFCCC
10. ???
What is the United Nations
the ideals
The United Nations is an international organization founded
in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member States.

The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the
purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.
What is the United Nations
the ideals
➢the United Nations can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century,
➢ such as peace and security,
➢ climate change,
➢ sustainable development,
➢ human rights,
➢ disarmament,
➢ terrorism,
➢ humanitarian and health emergencies,
➢ gender equality, governance, food production, and more.
What is the United Nations
the ideals
➢ provides a forum for its members to express their views in the
General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and
Social Council, and other bodies and committees.
➢ enables dialogue between its members,
➢ hosts negotiations that is a mechanism for governments to find
areas of agreement and solve problems together.
What is the United Nations
➢The UN's Chief Administrative Officer is the Secretary-General.

➢2015 marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations.

António Guterres
UN Secretary General
Who is in charge of global governance in
the contemporary world?
What is the role of globalization in
FAO Policy Series: Global Governance

How Infection Spread | Contagion

Contagion (2011) "Social Distancing“

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