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Name : Alief Adzka

Class : X IPA 1
1. What is announcement ? An announcement is a written or spoken statement
in public or formal words containing information about an event that has
happened or is going to happen so publicly people know what, when, and
where it is about.
2. Communicative purpose of announcement ? The purpose is to inform the
announcement text information about an event, job vacancies, new
enrollment, new admissions, and so on.
3. Structure of Announcement !
a. Title
b. Date and place
c. Content
d. Who to contact
4. One example of announcement !
To : All Students of Class X
There will be a speech from headmaster about National Examination
on Tuesday, March 13th, 2020 at 10 p.m. in the hall. Since the topic is very
important, presence is a must. Please come on time. For futher information
contact the class teacher.

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