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Fermín Torres Monfort

Rúa Serafín 8, 36201 
Vigo, Spain
+34 986 32 51 41

19 October 2019
Edith Crawley
HR Manager
Zodiac Consultants 
158 Great Suffolk St, SE1 1PE
London, UK


I was very pleased to discover that there is a vacancy for Facilities Maintenance
Technician - General Oil Burner Technician 2. As a Maintenance Technician graduate
from the Elmer Faucett School of Aircraft Mechanics, I am confident that my skills will
help the company to meet all of its key business goals in 2021 and 2022.

Based on the job description I found on your website, I can see that you are looking for
a candidate who is well versed in aircraft maintenance. Thanks to my skill and
experience, I am confident that I have the necessary skills to fill the position.

I have followed the work of Canadian Base Operators since I was a Latam Airlines
employee and I deeply admire their projects. Their sustainable designs and careful use
of renewable energy have inspired me throughout my career; It would be amazing to
continue my professional growth by working with specialists who have been so
important in shaping core professional values.

Would you have some time next week for a little chat? I am sure that my experience
can be of great use for the role they require.


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