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Practical English, Student's Book
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted,

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Compiled by:
PKPBI team

Edited by:
1. Dr. Syamsudin, M.Hum.
2. Dr. Agwin Degaf, M.A.
3. Dr. Suparmi, M.Pd.
4. Dr. Winarti, M.Pd.
5. Asis Wahyudi, M.Pd.
6. Ibnu Wahyurianto, M.Pd.
7. Dina Ayu P. W. M.Pd.
8. Prima Purbasari, M.Hum.
9. M. Adam Basori, M.A.
10. Farid Munfaati, M.Pd.

Dian's Print Team

Cover Design:
Makhi Ulil Kirom

Published by:
Language Center
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65144
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Praise be to Allah, the Almighty and merciful for because o f h i s b l e s s i n g s t h i s

Practical English; Student's Book is finally finished. Great appreciation also goes to the PKPBI
(Program Khusus Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris) team who had worked hard to finish compiling
this book.
The main purpose of organizing this book is to strengthen the literacy competence for
third and fourth semester students who take part in the one-year English program under the
Language Centre of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This book is compiled from various
reliable sources and developed by PKPBI team to meet the students' need of achieving literacy
This book offers a timely instructional activities of an English language teaching in
the Indonesian context where students who learn English are mostly bilingual or multilingual
speakers. It integrates both global and local resources and appropriates materials from
internationally recognized English language teaching institutions, for example British Council
to cater the very need of Indonesian students. In addition, inspired by Post method Pedagogy
(Kumaravadivelu, 2006), this book also incorporates Islamic values and locality as to make it
more significant and relevant for students of Islamic Higher Education who study English as an
international language.
The book is also accompanied by supplementary fun activities to balance the load of
foreign language study. Not only are students exposed to some beneficial English expressions
and activities in the relevant context, but they are also provided with self-study mode that can
enhance their English language mastery without necessarily be dependent on teachers.
By saying Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim, this book is expected to help the students
towards their developments of literacy and academic competence. It is also aimed to give
significant assistance towards their preparation to face their study for further.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Head of Language Center

Dr. H. M. Abdul Hamid M.A.

PREFACE ..................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... iii

Reading & Speaking : A study time tabel ............................................................. 3
Reading strategy : Scanning ........................................................................... 4
Listening & Speaking : First day at school ............................................................. 8
Talking about time ............................................................ 11
Writing & Grammar : Writing a personal study time table .................................. 12
Word recognition ............................................................. 13

Reading & Speaking : An aplication form ............................................................ 19
Reading strategy : Skimming ......................................................................... 20
Listening & Speaking : Meeting other students ..................................................... 26
Performing dialog ............................................................. 26
Writing & Grammar : Writing an aplication form ............................................... 27
Word recognition ............................................................. 30

Reading & Speaking : Informal message ............................................................. 37
Reading strategy : Finding fact and opinion ................................................... 39
Listening & Speaking : Voicemail message ............................................................ 42
Telephoning ...................................................................... 43
Writing & Grammar : Writing a message ............................................................. 45
Word recognition ............................................................. 46

Reading & Speaking : Notes at work .................................................................... 51
Reading strategy : Finding topic sentence ..................................................... 53
Listening & Speaking : Take a note ........................................................................ 56
Performing dialog for taking a note .................................. 58

Table of Content

Writing & Grammar : Writing a note ................................................................... 61

Word recognition .............................................................. 62

Reading & Speaking : Business card .................................................................... 65
Reading strategy : Finding main idea ............................................................. 67
Listening & Speaking : Business card .................................................................... 73
Talking about job .............................................................. 76
Writing & Grammar : Writing a card ................................................................... 78
Noun phrase ..................................................................... 81

Reading & Speaking : An invitation ..................................................................... 85
Reading strategy : Mind maping .................................................................... 86
Listening & Speaking : An invitation ..................................................................... 90
Inviting someone .............................................................. 92
Writing & Grammar : Writing an invitation card ................................................ 92
Verb phrase ....................................................................... 93

Reading & Speaking : Restaurant menu .............................................................. 101
Reading strategy : Review ............................................................................... 102
Listening & Speaking : Ordering some menu ........................................................ 106
Discussing menu ............................................................... 107
Writing & Grammar : Writing a review Review ................................................... 108

Midterm test : ...........................................................................................

Reading & Speaking : Professional profille .......................................................... 113
Reading strategy : Scanning ........................................................................... 115
Listening & Speaking : Personal information ........................................................ 124
Interviewing ..................................................................... 126

Table of Content

Writing & Grammar : Writing personal information ........................................... 127

Nominal sentence ............................................................. 129

Reading & Speaking : Shopping, Sign, Notice ..................................................... 134
Reading strategy : Skimming ......................................................................... 135
Listening & Speaking : Shopping ........................................................................... 138
Buying something ............................................................. 144
Writing & Grammar : Writing advertisement ...................................................... 150
Nominal sentence ............................................................. 151

Reading & Speaking : Transport announcement ................................................. 155
Reading strategy : Finding fact and opinion ................................................... 156
Listening & Speaking : Transport announcement ................................................. 158
Asking and telling about transportation ........................... 160
Writing & Grammar : Writing transport announcement ..................................... 171
Verbal sentence ................................................................. 171

Reading & Speaking : Study skill tips ................................................................... 175
Reading strategy : Finding topic sentence ...................................................... 177
Listening & Speaking : Study tips .......................................................................... 183
Sharing study tips ............................................................. 185
Writing & Grammar : Writing nominal and verbal sentence ............................... 186

Reading & Speaking : Email ................................................................................. 194
Reading strategy : Finding main idea ............................................................. 196
Listening & Speaking : Messaging and taking note ............................................... 198
Performing dialog ............................................................. 199
Writing & Grammar : Writing an email ............................................................... 200
Present progressive .......................................................... 201

Table of Content

Reading & Speaking : Film and entertainment .................................................... 205
Reading strategy : Mind maping .................................................................... 208
Listening & Speaking : Going to cinema ................................................................ 211
Telling favorite movie ...................................................... 212
Writing & Grammar : Present progressive .......................................................... 217

Reading & Speaking : Holliday during pandemic ................................................ 223
Reading strategy : Review .............................................................................. 223
Listening & Speaking : Traveling to abroad ........................................................... 229
Telling traveling experience ............................................. 230
Writing & Grammar : Writing paragraph ............................................................ 231
Review nominal and verbal sentence ............................... 232
Review present progressive .............................................. 234

Final test : ............................................................................................

REFERENCES : ............................................................................................ 237

Practical English

Read a study timetable for a week in summer school in England to practise and improve your
reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task

Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… local a. a visit to an interesting place
2. …… preparation b. something you can learn to do
3. …… a tournament c. close to where you are
4. …… a project d. getting ready for something
5. …… an excursion e. a competition between many teams or people
6. …… a skill f. a piece of work that takes time to finish

Reading text: A study timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9.00 English level test Vocabulary
10.00 English skills : Speaking English skills : Reading
11.00 Preparation for excursion Preparation for excursion Whole day
12.00 Lunch Lunch
to London
13.00 Project class Project class or Oxford
15.00 Art Basketball
17.00 Free time Free time
18.00 Dinner Dinner Dinner
19.00 Swimming Football tournament Cinema
21.00 Free time Free time Free time

Unit 1

Thursday to Sunday
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9.00 Grammar Vocabulary Grammar Late breakfast
English skills : English skills : Progress test English skills :
Speaking Listening Writing
Preparation for
11.00 Games with English Drama Drama
12.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13.00 Project class Project class
Excursion to local
15.00 Circus skills Mountain biking Theatre trip
castle or museum
17.00 Free time Free time
18.00 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
19.00 Bowling Talent show Disco Free time / packing
21.00 Free time Free time Free time Free time / packing


If we want just one piece of information from a text (e.g. name, an address, the time of a TV
programme or a word we want to spell) we need to scan for it. This means looking through very
quickly without really reading the words. All we have to do is find the word(s) we want.

Look at the list below. Tick the things you would use scanning for :

reading instructions
finding a telephone number
finding out who a letter is from
reading a book
finding a street on a map
looking up the time of a bus
finding a plumber in yellow pages
finding a word in the dictionary
studying an agreement
checking that a cheque has been signed

Unit 1

There are ways for us to scan a reading passage

Ÿ Think about what we are scanning for.
Ÿ We can write the word that we scan and try to get a picture of it in our mind.
Ÿ Keep thinking about what we are looking for and let our eyes run over the page.
Ÿ Do not read the words. Do not read the sentences. Just look.
Ÿ If we do not find it first time, try again.
Ÿ Keep thinking about the words we want and keep our eyes moving quickly.
Ÿ If we do not do it quickly then we are not really scanning, we're stopping to read
the other words.
Ÿ We might need a lot of practice before we can scan well, but it will save our time in
the end.
Ÿ It is very useful for looking up all sorts of things.
Ÿ If we are not good at reading yet, we can still scan. Try finding words we know well,
like Liverpool or your own name, in a page of writing.

Look at the following shopping list to find out if you remembered to order bread:
Shopping list
Ice cream

How many words did we read? Bread was the only word we needed to read. Example. Scan
below page for the answers to these questions. Work as quickly as you can.
1. How many parts are there in this table of content below?
2. Which part is signal-to-noise ratio available?
3. On what page can you read about the functional block description?
4. Which part of firmware and report belong to or available?
5. Does this content have an index?

Unit 1

Scanning an Index
Look for answers to these questions in the index on the page. Try to find the page number very
quickly. Ask your teacher or another student to time you. Write down exactly how many seconds
it takes to complete the page.

1. Edit an entry directory page_____

2. Installation page_____
3. Chart of characters page_____
4. Advanced operation page_____
5. Call log page_____
6. Dial a number from redial page_____
7. Headset display page_____
8. Delete from the directory page_____

Unit 1

High February rainfall a Jakarta flood hazard

The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Tue, 02/02/2010 5:57 PM | Jakarta
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned Tuesday that
Jakarta's February rainfall could reach 400 mm, well above the normal average of 273 mm. The
Head of Climate Analysis and Information Nuryadi said that the high level of rainfall could cause
inundations in Jakarta's low-lying areas. “People have to remain vigilant when the predicted
rainfall numbers are this high,” he told The Jakarta Post.
BMKG predicted chances of light to heavy rain in Jakarta both noon and night for the first
week of February. The current rainy season is expected to end in June 2010 for Jakarta and West
Java. (gzl)
Task 1. Try to scan any new words that you do not yet. You can try to scan
from this news reading passage. You are allowed to use dictionary, then
write its definitions or the synonyms of the words you have chosen.

You can add those new words in this table:

Unit 1

Task 2. Now try to answer these questions based on the news reading passage

1. What is the news about?

2. In what paragraph(s) the newsworthy event can really be captured?

3. What is the closest meaning of the word “vigilant”?

4. Who is the possible actor involved in the news?



A What do people say when they meet for the first time? Check (√) the boxes.
□ How do you do? □ I'm going now. □ Hi, my name's Amy.
□ What are you doing? □ Hello. I'm John. □ Good to see you again.
□ Hi, how's it going? □ Nice to meet you. □ Good morning.
□ Pleased to meet you? □ What's the matter? □ I don't think we've met.

B Read these expressions. How do people use them in conversation? Check (√)
the correct answer.
Greeting Ending
someone a conversation
1 Keep in touch. √

2 How have you been?

3 Well, it's been nice talking to you.

4 How's everything?

5 Hope to see you again soon.

6 Well, talk to you later.

7 Hello. Nice to see you again.

8 Hey, how's it going?

9 I haven't seen you for a long time.

10 It's been great seeing you again.

Unit 1


1.1 Listen and read. Number the picture 1-4

1. A: Hi, I'm Tom. What's your name? 3. A: Good evening. What's your
B: Anna name?
A: Sorry? B: My name's Janet Leigh.
B: Anna! A: You're in room 5.

2. A: Hi, Dad. This is Dave. 4. A: Hello, John. How are you?

B: Hello. Nice to meet you. B: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
C: Nice to meet you. A: Very well, thank you.

1.2 Put the sentences in the box in the conversation on the right.
Then listen and check.

No, no! I'm from Buenos Aires Hi. How are you?
Nice to meet you, Carla Nice to meet you, too
Really? Manchester's a fantastic city

Emily: Hi, Carla.

Carla: (1) ………………………………………
Emily: Fine, thanks. Carla, this is Ben.
Ben, this is Carla, from my class. She's
from Milan.
Ben: (2) ……………………………………..
Carla: Hello, Ben. Nice to meet, you. This is
my friend, Ariel.
Emily: Hello, Ariel. Where are you from? Are
you from Italy, too?
Ariel: (3) ……………………………………..
Emily: Well, nice to meet you.
Ariel: (4) …………………………………….
Carla: Emily and Ben are from Manchester.
Ariel: (5) ……………………………………..
Emily: Thank you.

Unit 1

1.3 Listen and complete the

conversation below.
Colin (1) …….. . I'm Colin. What's your
Lena: I'm Lena. I'm from Durban.
Colin: (2) …….? I'm from Sydney. What are
your hobbies?
Lena: (3) ……… . I paint pictures and I play
the guitar.
Colin: (4) ……….. I love music. I collect music
magazines. And I take photos.
Lena: That's (5) …………. . What's your
favorite sports?
Colin: Oh, I don't play sport.

Unit 1


Toshi and Mariko Andrei Marisol

1.4 Listen to Andrei, Toshi, and

Useful language
Marisol. Match the sentences below with
the pictures.
I'm ……..
a. They're from Tokyo.
I'm …… years old b. He's from Russia.
I'm from ……. c. She's from Valencia in Spain. He's twenty-
She's from ……… two.
I'm a student/ a businessman d. He's a student at Moskow University.

I'm single e. He's nineteen.

f. She isn't on holiday. She's on business.
I'm married
g. They're tourists.
h. She's thirty-five and she's married.
i. He isn't married. He's single.
j. They aren't married. They're friends.

Work in group of 3 to 4 people. Write note any information about yourself and talk about
yourself in front of your friends. Complete the table about your friends.
Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4
Full name
Where from?
Unit 1


Writing: A timetable - “Learn how to make a timetable activities”
Task 1
A. Read the study timetable below.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thuersday Friday
9:00 ICT History Citizenship English Math
9:45 ICT Portuguese English Citizenship Math
10:45 Portuguese P.E. Math Math P.E.
11:30 Portuguese Music Math Music P.E.
12:25 Arts English History
13:40 History
14:30 ScienceMu Arts Portuguese Science
15:15 sic Arts Portuguese Science
*P.E.: Physical Education

B. Fill the blank with the appropriate words based on the timetable above.
1. I get ____________ on Tuesday and Friday
2. My first class on Tuesday is _____________
3. My favourite subject starts at 14.30 on Tuesday. It's _____________
4. I have got English class ________ times a week
5. Mr. Supardi teaches History. It's on ____________ at ___________

C. Rearrange the words into a good order to make correct sentences. The timetable above
may be useful for you.
1. Music—twice —a—week—get—I – class.
2. start—my—always—classes—at—nine—in—o'clock—the—morning
3. Monday—study—on—I—Portuguese—at—10:45
4. math—get—on—I—Wednesday—at—10:45
5. teaches—my—teacher—me—history—on—afternoon—Friday

Unit 1

A. Please write down your weekend timetable from 6 am to 9 pm.

Time Saturday Sunday

(Write the time in (Write your activity (Write your activity
this column) in this column) in this column)

B. Give a brief explanation about the activities you have written above

1. My favourite things to do on the weekend is ___________________________

because. ___________________________________________________
2. I always _______________________________________ everyday even on
the weekend.
3. I never ________________________ on the weekend.
4. I don't want anyone disturb me when I _______________________________.
5. I like to _____________________________________ with my friends.
6. I usually ____________________________________ together with my
7. I always lazy to _____________________________.
8. Before go to bed, I always ________________________________.
9. The important thing I need to do in the morning is _______________________.
10. I feel ____________________ when the weekends come.

Unit 1

Grammar Focus

The part of speech explains how a word is used in a sentence. It also known as word
Here are some of them;

Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. They can take on a myriad of roles in a sentence,
from the subject of it all to the object of an action. They are capitalized when they're the
official name of something or someone, called proper nouns in these cases.
Examples : pirate, Caribbean, ship, freedom, Captain Jack Sparrow.
I'm Balinese but living in Paris.

Pronouns stand in for nouns in a sentence. They are more generic versions of nouns that
refer only to people.
Examples : I, you, he, she, it, ours, them, who, which, anybody, ourselves.
Tom is smart. He always gets A.

Verbs are action words that tell what happens in a sentence. They can also show a sentence
subject's state of being (is, was). Verbs change form based on tense (present, past) and count
distinction (singular or plural).
Examples : sing, dance, believes, seemed, finish, eat, drink, be, became
The last time I learned English was forty years ago
They are my best friend.

Unit 1

Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They specify which one, how much, what kind, and
more. Adjectives allow readers and listeners to use their senses to imagine something more
Examples : hot, lazy, funny, unique, bright, beautiful, poor, smooth.
Jamilah is a smart student because she is diligent.

Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They specify when, where, how,
and why something happened and to what extent or how often.
Examples : softly, lazily, often, only, hopefully, softly, sometimes, very.
I am usually busy.
Yesterday, I ate my lunch quickly.

Identify the word class of the marked word of the sentences bellow.
(number 1 is the example)

1. The last time I studied offline was last year before covid. (verb)
2. I always do my homework on time _______________
3. I'm never late joining the online class _______________
4. It's my first time studying online. _______________
5. I chill out on the sofa and watch television all day on the weekend. ________
6. My mom looks happy if she found me cleaning the house. _______________
7. I've finished two other online courses today,
I'm looking forward to my third. _______________
8. My parents always remind me to lock the door and turn off the lights before going to
bed _______________
9. I need to set the alarm so that I can wake up in the morning. ______________
10. I'm a bit nervous but very excited about this new class. _______________

Exercise 2
Identify the part of speech of the sentences below.

Unit 1

1. He accumulated a fortune buying and selling used cars. Identify the noun.
2. The drawing of the house is accurate in every detail. Identify the adjective.
3. She has acquired a working knowledge of French. Identify the verb.
4. He was criticized for one careless act. Identify the adjective.
5. The chameleon adapts to the surroundings by changing color. Identify the
verb. (_______________)
6. A gentleman must conduct himself well in any situation. Identify the pronoun.
7. She is an acquisitive person, always wanting things. Identify the adverb.
8. I am an adult and I expect to be treated accordingly. Identify the adverb.
9. The teachers should be aware of their students' weakness and strength.
Identify the pronoun (_______________)

10. We haven't heard a funny joke recently. Identify the adjective.


Practical English


Before reading

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task

Match the questions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6) that mean the same thing.
Vocabulary Questions

1. …… Nationality a. What's your name?

2. …… Date b. What's your surname?
3. …… First name c. When were you born?
4. …… Address d. Where are you from?
5. …… Last name e. Where do you live?
6. …… Date of birth f. What is today's date?

Reading text: Student card application

Student card application

First name: Samia
Last name: Khan
Date of birth: 09/10/1992

Address: 5 Ledger Road, Cardiff

Postcode: CF10 5RE

Nationality: Canadian I declare that the information provided is correct.

Signature: Samia Khan
Date: 28/02/2019
Your checklist – have you got everything you need?
ü [ ] a passport photo
[ ] a copy of your passport or other photo ID
[ ] proof of student status e.g. a letter from your university
Your card will be issued within 30 days and sent to the address provided.

Unit 2

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false? Answer

1. Samia is from Australia. True False

2. Samia was born in 2018. True False
3. Samia has everything she needs for the application. True False
4. You can get a student card without a passport. True False
5. The card will arrive in six weeks. True False
6. The card will arrive at your university. True False

Task 2
Put the words and phrases in order to make sentences.
1. provided the information correct. I declare that is

2. you need? everything got you Have

3. Your card within be issued 30 days. will

4. Your card will to be sent provided. the address

Task 3
Discuss with your partner/friends on the last application form you completed.

Reading Strategy : Skimming

Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning. It can be contrasted with
scanning, which is reading in order to find specific information, e.g. figures or names.

A learner taking a reading exam decides to approach text by looking at the title, introductions,
and any diagrams and sub-headings, then skim reading to get a clear general idea of what the
text is about.
Skimming is a specific reading skill which is common in reading newspapers, messages and e-
mails. It is important that learners understand that there is no need to read every word when
skimming, so often teachers set this as a timed task to encourage speed.

Unit 2

In order to get the gist of the reading text, students need to read:
1. The first paragraph, especially the thesis statement, about what the text is going to discuss
2. The conclusion, as the short collection of what have been discussed
3. Every main idea in every paragraph (commonly located in the first sentence or second

It is also important to focus on the parts of reading text before starting to read to make prediction
what the text is all about.
1. Title
2. Heading and sub-headings
3. Pictures and illustration
4. Graphs

These parts will give clue to the reader that the text will discuss something relates to a particular
Look at the sample of a reading text and its information on the location where the main idea can
be found.

Unit 2

Task 4
Without reading the text, look at the heading of the text below and say what the text is going
to discuss

All About Fish

You can find fish in many different types of water. Fish can live in freshwater or
saltwater. Fish can also live in brackish water which is a mix between fresh water and salt
water. Fish do not breathe air and they do not have lungs. Instead of lungs, fish have gills.
Fish can be lots of different colors. They can be all colors of the rainbow.
Fish are cold-blooded animals. Their body temperature changes as the temperature
of the water changes.

Task 5.
Without reading the text, please look at the picture and make prediction what the text is all
The next time you visit a rocky seashore, stop to explore. As the ocean
tide rushes out, it leaves behind little ponds of seawater known as tide
pools. These pools are important because they shelter plants and
animals that cannot live in open air when the tide is low. Tide pools may
be home to small animals, such as hermit crabs or sea anemones. Sea
urchins, creatures that resemble giant pincushions, may also reside in
tide pools. Other members of a tide pool community may include
sponges and seaweeds, such as sea lettuce and Irish moss.

Task 6.
Read the introduction, the main ideas in each paragraph, and the conclusion. What can you
say about the text?


Who doesn't have a cell phone these days? The amazing thing about cell phones is that
they are no longer just used for calling or texting. They have become an indispensable multi-tool
wonder. Today's cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With this in mind,
should students be permitted to use cell phones in school? I believe they should not just be
permitted to use cell phones; they should be required to use them. Cell phones don't just allow
students to stay connected with family and friends, they are also an excellent learning resource,
and they encourage the responsible use of technology.

Unit 2

To begin with, cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and
friends. A student can call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten assignment
or lunch money or to come pick them up if they are sick. Also, cell phones allow parents to keep
track of their children's whereabouts before, during, and after school. And, of course, there's
always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a dangerous situation.
Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel. Students can also connect with friends,
but not just because it's a fun thing to do; my teacher asks us to text or email our friends when
they are absent to let them know what's going on in class and to inform them of any homework.
When used responsibly, a cell phone can be an excellent communication tool.
Also, cell phones – especially smart phones - are a fabulous learning resource. Students
can use tools such as the calculator, the map finder, and the calendar. I've used my cell phone in
Math and Geography and to keep track of my homework. My science teacher lets us use our
smart phones to do research when we are doing group work or working on a project. For
example, when we were studying ecology we did research on local jobs having to do with
protecting the environment. Plus there are lots of great learning websites – including essay-
writing websites – we can use to supplement the learning in class. Cell phones are a quick and
easy way to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Finally, cell phones encourage the responsible use of technology. Students can learn
when and how to use their cell phones to enhance their learning. They will become more
independent in their work and more motivated to learn. Students like being allowed to make
choices, and they understand consequences. If a student is texting when he/she should be
paying attention to the teacher, the teacher should take the cell phone temporarily away. No big
deal. Before a test, all cell phones should be placed on the teacher's desk. Again, no big deal. By
allowing the use of cell phones, students will feel like they are being treated like responsible
young adults, and they will appreciate that. If teachers are patient, understanding, and
consistent, students will surely become responsible users of technology.
In conclusion, people who oppose the use of cell phones in school do it because of the
disruptions and distractions cell phones can cause. But we must accept that we live in a world of
technology and that cell phones are an important and very useful part of that world. We miss out
if we fail to take advantage of the educational power of the cell phone. All in all, cell phones
improve communication, provide learning resources, and encourage appropriate use of
technology. Teachers and administrators must find ways to incorporate this excellent multi-tool
in our schools. As you've learned from this essay, it's really not that difficult. Let's make the most
of the day and age we are living in!

Unit 2

Task 1.
Video Library Application Form
Questions 1-5


Surname Jones

First names : Louise Cynthia

Address : Apartment 1, 72 (1) .............................. Street Highbridge
Postcode : (2) ............................
Telephone : 9835 6712 (home) (3) ................................ (work)
Driver's licence number : (4) .................................
DOB: 25th Month : (5) .................................. Year: 1977

Questions 6-8
Write THREE letters A-F.
What types of films does Louise like?
A Action
B Comedies
C Musicals
D Romance
E Westerns
F Wildlife

Questions 9 and 10
9. How much does it cost to join the library?
10. When will Louise's card be ready?

Unit 2

Complete the form below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER in each gap.
Application Form – International Social Club
Name : Jenny Foo
Age : 21
Nationality : (1) _________________________
Address : (2) _________________________ Rd., Bondi.
Mobile phone : (3) _________________________
Occupation : (4) _________________________
Free-time interest : singing and (5) _________________________

Choose ONE correct answer.
6. According to Don, what might be a problem for Jenny?
a. Her accent
b. Taking to her colleagues
c. Understanding local people
7. How many members does the club have now?
a. 30
b. 50
c. 80
8. How often does the club meet?
a. Once a week
b. Once every two weeks
c. Once a month
9. what is the club's most frequent type of activity?
a. A talk
b. A visit
c. A meal
10. The main purpose of the club is to help members to….
a. meet Australians
b. learn about life in Australia
c. enjoy themselves together

Unit 2

Task 2.
Meeting Other Students
Listen to a group of new students meeting for the first to practice and improve your listening
Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Write the words in the correct group.

biology chemistry French German history maths

Arts Sciences

Task 1
Put the phrases in the group

Mother is from Scotland Studies history and maths

From Glasgow From London From Manchester
Studies history and French Studies history and German

Cara Robert Selim

Unit 2

Task 2
Write a number (1-6) to put the sentences in the correct order.
___ I'm Cara. And you are?
___ Nice to meet you!
___ I grew up near London.
___ Where are you from?
___ Are you doing history and its own?
___ Do you live in Scotland?

What subjects do you like to study?


Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Choose the five kinds of information you normally have to give to apply for a library card
first name marital status job

last name date of bitrh phone


nationality qualifications number addres

Library card application
First name JESNA
Last name RAHMANIA
Date of birth 04/11/1990
Postcode 65112
Phone 0341 1345678
I declare the information provided is correct.
Signature Jesna Rahmania
Date 03/07/2021
Unit 2

Your checklist
Have you got everything you need?
� a passport photo
� a copy of my passport or other photo ID
� proof of address
Your card will be issued within 15 days and sent to the address provided.
1. It's a good idea to write in capital letters so it's easy to read, except for your email address
and signature.
2. For dates, in the UK usually write them DD/MM/YYYY (day-month-year). So, for 1
September 2021 you write 01/09/2021. In the United States it is MM/DD/YYYY so you
write 09/01/2021.
3. If you don't understand every word on the form, don't panic. You can probably guess what
information you need to write. Ask someone for help if you need toto

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Jesna lives in Kalijaga Street. True False
2. Jesna was born in 2000. True False
3. Jesna has everything she needs for her True False
4. You can get a library card without a passport. True False
5. The card will be ready in about five days. True False
6. Jesna needs to go to the library to get her True False
library card.True

Unit 2

Task 2
Match the personal details (a–g) with the
form headings (1–7)
Headings Personal details

1. …… First name

2. …… Last name b. ANJANI
3. …… Date of birth c. 13A BUNGA MERAH, SURABAYA
4. …… Address d. RALIA
5. …… Postcode e. 01/02/1998
6. …… Phone f. 031 123456
7. …… Emaila. rali g. 65411

Task 3
Complete the form with Ziandru's details. My name's Ziandru Ahmad. I was born on 04 October
2000. I live at Flat 2B, 132 Library Street, Jakarta, and my postcode is A3456. My mobile
number is 001241 85285 and my email address is

First name (1) ……………………………………………….………….

Last name (2) …………………………………………………………..
Date of birth (3) ………………………………………………………..
(DD/MM/YYYY) Address (4) ...…………………………………..
Postcode (5) ……………………………………………………………..
Phone (6) ……………………………………………………………..….
Email (7) ……………………………………………………………..…..

Unit 2


1. Noun

Names of people, places and organizations are called proper nouns. We spell proper nouns
with a capital letter:
Muhammad Ali Oxford University The United Nations

When we give the names of books, films, plays and paintings, we use capital letters for the
nouns, adjectives and verbs in the name:
Ø J.K Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
Ø You can see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

Task 4
Choose the sentence with the correct capitalization.
1. a. england's second largest City is birmingham.
b. England's second largest city is Birmingham.
2. a. John F. Kennedy was president of the United States from 1960 to 1963.
b. John F. Kennedy was president of the united states from 1960 to 1963.
3. a. The association of southeast Asian nations (asean) was founded in 1967.
b. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was founded in 1967.

2. Adjective

Adjectives that end in -ed (e.g. bored, interested) and adjectives that end in -ing (e.g. boring,
interesting) are often confused.
Unit 2

a. -ed adjectives
Adjectives that end in -ed generally describe emotions – they tell us how people feel.
I was so bored in the library, I almost fell asleep.
b. -ing adjectives
Adjectives that end in -ing generally describe the thing that causes the emotion – a boring
lesson makes you feel bored.
I can't understand the explanation! That noise is really annoying!
Task 5
Choose the correct word.
1. I loved my maths teacher! Lessons with her were never ___. (bored / boring)
2. I'm reading a really ___ book. (interested / interesting)
3. That shop never has any customers. I'm ___ it's still there. (surprised / surprising)
4. The battery on my phone only lasts about two hours. It's really ___. (annoyed / annoying)
5. The children were so ___ they couldn't sleep. (excited /exciting)

3. Verb

The present tense is the base form of the verb:

I live in Surabaya.
We use do and does to make questions with the present simple. We use does for the third
person singular (she/he/it) and do for the others.
Do Ahmad and Yusuf live in Malang?
Does Iwan play football?
We use do and does with question words like
where, what and when:
Where do Raline and Ziandru study?
When does Ilyas usually get up?

Unit 2

Task 6
Read person B's answers and then write the correct questions.

1. A: ?
B : I live in Bogor, West Java.

2. A: ?
B : I'm an accountant.

3. A: ?
B : Usually I get my breakfast at about nine o'clock.

4. A: ?
B : I was born in Tasikmalaya.

5. A : ………. your home town?

B : Not very often. Maybe once a year.

4. Adverb

Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other

adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause,
degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then, there ).

Unit 2

Tom Longboat did not run badly.

Ahmad is very tall.
The race finished too quickly.
Fortunately, Dina recorded Ahmad's win.

sister. I love football! I play every weekend.

Your Answer: ………..
Complete the answers to the questions about Zikri. Write the correct words. Remember to
use the third person singular ('is', 'comes', etc.).
1. How old is he? ……………………………..
2. What does he do? …………………………..
3. Which university does he go to? …………...
4. Where does he come from? ………………..
5. Where does he live? ……………………….

Writing Task
Complete and write your details information into a paragraph and a list.
Write your details information
in a paragraph.

*Insert your picture.

Fill the form based on your details.

First name
Last name
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

Practical English

Reading Text: Text messages to a friend
Read a text conversation between two friends to practise and improve your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the times (1–6) with the words (a–f).
Times Words
1. …… 10.55 a. a quarter to eleven
2. …… 11.40 b. five to eleven
3. …… 10.45 c. a quarter past eleven
4. …… 11.50 d. eleven thirty
5. …… 11.15 e. twenty to twelve
6. …… 11.30 f. ten to twelve

Reading Text

Hi Aziz! Are you there?

Hello? Hello?!?
Hi! I'm here! I'm here.
What's up, Neira?
Would you like to meet for a coffee?
Yes! When?
I'm working now, but I finish work at five. Maybe at 5.15?
That's difficult for me.
Can we meet 30 minutes later?
OK. Where?
The Blue Café is nice.
I love the tea there.
It's closed on Mondays. Let's go to Rocket Boy. It's new.
Is it good?
It's very good!
Where is it? I don't know it.
It's next to the school. See you there?
See you there at 5.45!

Unit 3

Task 1
Circle the best answer.
1. What does Neira want to do? 4. Why does Aziz like The Blue Café?
a. Go to a café a. It's new.
b. Go to a cinema b. It's got nice tea.
c. Go to a class c. It's got nice coffee.

2. What time does Neira finish work? 5. What is the problem with The Blue Café?
a. Five o'clock a. It's closed on Mondays.
b. A quarter past five b. It hasn't got any tea.
c. A quarter to five c. There is no problem.

3. What time does Aziz want to meet? 6. Where are they going to meet?
a. Five o'clock a. The Blue Café
b. Five fifteen b. Rocket Boy
c. Five forty-five c. The school

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false? Answer
1. Aziz writes to Neira first. True False
2. Neira is at work. True False
3. Neira can meet at 5.45. True False
4. The Blue Café is closed on Mondays. True False
5. Aziz knows Rocket Boy. True False
6. They are going to meet at 6.15. True False

Where do you meet your friends? What time do you usually meet?

Unit 3


A fact generally refers to something that is true. Fact is statement that can be verified
objectively or proven. That is, a fact is something that can be proven to be true.

An opinion refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels about something.
Others may agree or disagree with an opinion, but they cannot prove or disprove it. This is
what defines it as opinion.


Let's now take a look at some examples of those signal words and phrases being used in the
sentence fragments that often precede a statement of fact or opinion:

● The annual report confirms…
● Scientists have recently discovered…
● According to the results of the tests…
● The investigation demonstrated…

● He claimed that…
● It is the officer's view that…
● The report argues that…
● Many scientists suspect that…

If something is true, or it really happened, it is a fact.

If something is what someone thinks or believes, it is an opinion.

Unit 3

Task 3
As you read Marco's letter from Uncle Ben, think about what parts are fact and what parts
are opinion.

Marco got a letter from his Uncle Ben, the airplane pilot. Uncle Ben has traveled all over
the world.

Dear Marco,
This is my third time visiting Paris, and I think it is one of the most beautiful
cities in the world. Paris, as I'm sure you know, is the capital of France. Today I walked
along the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, which is the most famous street in Paris. I think
it may be the most famous street in the world. It is lined with beautiful trees, fountains,
and flowers. There are shops, theaters, and restaurants, and many sidewalk cafes.
I had a wonderful lunch at one of the sidewalk cafes. The pastry I had for dessert
was especially delicious. Paris is known for its fine French cooking. I noticed on the café
menu that they serve one of the most popular French dishes, which is escargot. Snails, in
other words! I don't think I'll be trying that while I am here, though.
When you think of Paris, you probably think of the Eiffel Tower. Anyone visiting
Paris has to see the Eiffel Tower. You can see the top of the Eiffel Tower from anywhere in
the city. It is almost 1000 feet tall. When it was built, it was the tallest building in the
world. You can walk up the stairs to the top, or you can take an elevator. From the top you
can look out across all of Paris. It is an amazing sight!
Tomorrow I am going to the Louvre Museum. It is one of the largest museums in
the world. Once it was the French King's palace. Now, it is home to some of the most
famous artworks in the world. I look forward to seeing the “Mona Lisa” painting. Have
you seen pictures of it? It was painted over 500 years ago! There have been many poems
and songs written about this painting. The woman in the painting has a little half-smile.
To me, that makes it seem like she has a secret that she isn't going to tell.
Yours truly,
Uncle Ben

Unit 3

Here are some things Uncle Ben said in his letter. Which ones are facts and
which are Uncle Ben's opinions? Circle the word “fact” or the word “opinion.”

1. This is Uncle Ben's third time visiting Paris. fact opinion

2. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. fact opinion
3. Paris is the capital city of France. fact opinion
4. The Avenue des Champs-Elysees may be the most famous fact opinion
street in the world.
5. On the Champs-Elysees, there are shops, theaters, and fact opinion
6. Uncle Ben had lunch at a sidewalk café. fact opinion
7. The pastry that Uncle Ben had for dessert was especially fact opinion
8. Uncle Ben doesn't think he will try the escargot. fact opinion
9. When people think of Paris, they probably think of the Eiffel fact opinion
10. Anyone visiting Paris has to see the Eiffel Tower. fact opinion
11. When the Eiffel Tower was built, it was the tallest building in fact opinion
the world.
12. The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower is an amazing sight. fact opinion
13. The Louvre Museum was once the French King's palace. fact opinion
14. The Mona Lisa was painted over 500 years ago. fact opinion
15. Many poems and songs have been written about the Mona fact opinion

Practice 2
Choose a newspaper editorial. Then, working in pairs, identify the facts by underlining them and
the opinions by highlighting. When students have finished, students can then compare their
answers and discuss the reasons for the decisions they made.

Unit 3

LISTENING : A voicemail message

Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–h) with the words or symbols (1–8).

Words/Symbols De initions
1. …… an office a. things a company makes and sells
2. …… a brochure b. someone you work with
3. …… _ c. a place where people work at desks
4. …… a colleague d. underscore
5. …… - e. the amount of money you pay for something
6. …… the price f. at
7. …… products g. hyphen (or 'dash')
8. …… @ h. a small book with information about a product

Listening Tasks.
Listen to a voicemail message and answer the questions to practice your listening skills.
Task 1
Choose the best answer.
1. John works at Old Time Toys.
a. No
b. Yes
2. Marina wants …
a. to call John again later.
b. product information, a brochure, and prices.
3. Marina's number is …
a. 0208 6656721
b. 0208 6557621
4. Marina's email address is …

Unit 3

Task 2
Write a number (1–6) to put the actions in the order they are mentioned.
Marina says that she needs some product information.
Marina introduces herself.
Marina leaves her email address.
Marina says how she got John's phone number.
Marina asks for a brochure and prices.
Marina asks John to call her back.

Speaking : Telephone English Phrases

Let's learn some essential telephone vocabulary.

When someone calls you, the phone makes a sound – we say the phone is ringing. If you're
available, you pick up the telephone or answer the telephone, in order to talk to the
If there's nobody to answer the phone, then the caller will have to leave a message on an
answering machine or voicemail. Later, you can call back or return the call.

When you want to make a phone call, you start by dialing the number. Let's imagine
that you call your friend, but she's already on the phone with someone else. You'll hear a
busy signal - a beeping sound that tells you the other person is currently using the

Sometimes, when you call a company, they put you on hold. This is when you wait for
your call to be answered - usually while listening to music.
Finally, when you're finished with the conversation, you hang up.

Unit 3

Now, let's learn some useful English phrases for talking on the phone.
A. Formal Telephone Conversation

Receptionist : Midtown Computer Solutions, Helen speaking. How can I help you?
Fred : Hello, this is Fred. May I speak with Mr. Jack Parkins, please?
Receptionist : Hold the line, please. I'll put your call through.
(after a moment) – I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a
Fred : Yes. Can you ask him to give me a call? My number is 909-345-8955.
Receptionist : Could you repeat that, please?
Fred : Certainly. That's 909 345-8955.
Receptionist : OK. I'll make sure Mr. Parkins gets your message.
Fred : Thank you. Goodbye.
Receptionist : Goodbye.

B. Informal Telephone Conversation

Jeny : Hello?
Ryan : Hi Jeny, It's Ryan. How's it going?
Jeny : Pretty good, thanks. How about you?
Ryan : I'm fine. Sure, glad it's Friday. Hey, is Peter there?
Jeny : Yeah, hold on, I'll get him. Peter! Ryan's on the phone.
Peter : Hey Ryan, what's up?
Ryan : Not much. Are you up for going fishing this weekend?
Peter : What? There's a lot of background noise – I can barely hear you.
Ryan : Sorry about that – I'm at the train station. I was wondering if you wanted to go
fishing this weekend. I'm heading up to Mountain Lake with some friends early
tomorrow morning.
Peter : hmm, hang on a sec, let me just check with my wife to make sure we have no other
Ryan : Sure.
Peter : Okay, she's given me the green light!
Ryan : Great! We'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow morning, is that OK?
Peter : All right, see you tomorrow.
Ryan : See you, bye.

Unit 3

Speaking Task.
Make a phone call to your friend either formal or informal situation. Practice the useful
phrases for talking on the phone. Do your best. Good luck!

Please answer these questions.
1. Do you often make an appointment with someone?
2. What do you need to check when making an appointment?
3. How do you set the schedule for making an appointment with someone?

The two friends (Lino and Han) are sending chats through KakaoTalk.

Exercise 1
Based on the virtual conversation above, answer these
statements with (TRUE/FALSE) to check your

1 …… Lino is the committee of the Summer Festival.

2 …… Han can afford purchasing the ticket for the
Summer Festival.
3 …… Lino does not want to go to the festival.
4 …… The festival will be held on August 3rd in the
5 …… The Summer Festival will invite several music

BRB = Be Right Back
It is similar with
Wait a minute!
Grab = Get st. quickly

Unit 3


PREPOSITIONS are very common words, especially in English. They link a word to
another part of the sentence and tell us what the relationship is, for example in space or time.
Meanwhile DETERMINERS are words that make the reference of nouns more specific. Yes!
It is to identify 'noun' in sentence/s.
Let's discuss them one by one!

There are at least three prepositions which are common for English users to show 'place' and
'time'. They are IN, ON, and AT. Although they are common, the beginner learners always
find it hard to decide which one to use in a sentence.

Here is the use of those three prepositions of places:

(point) (enclosed space/area) (surface)
at the corner in Malang on the wall
at the bus stop in a car on the ceiling
at the end of the road in the garden on the floor
at school in a box on the cover
at the crossroads in a box on the carpet
Note that we use at for a more specific place, such as specific locations in a city.
Now, look at the difference in using the prepositions of time:

We have class at 12.30 PM at + specific time on the clock

AT I made an appointment at 10 AM at + night
The owl does not sleep at night

My idol birthday is in September in + specific month

He was born in 1992 in + specific year
IN Jae has work in the morning
Han attends the class in the afternoon
I study hard in the evening

We see the band concert on Sunday on + specific day

She got married on August 17, 2021 on + specific date

Unit 3

The most common determiners for English learners are A, AN, and THE. They are also called
as articles. To show you the difference in use, the articles are categorized into two:

a. Indefinite article (A/AN)

We use the indefinite article with singular noun when the listeners/readers do not know
exactly which one we are referring to.
My mom works in an office the listener has no idea which office it is
The people are searching for a 7-year-old girl the girl's identity is unknown

We use a before a consonant sound:

A hospital; a computer; a university
We use an before a vowel sound:
An orange; an umbrella; an hour

b. Definite article (THE)

We use THE in front of noun/s when we believe that our listeners/readers know exactly what
we are referring to.
I went to Togamas and I finally bought the book I want.
The new student in our class lives in our neighborhood.
You know the house on the corner? I live there.

Exercise 2
Look at the chat screenshots. Complete the blanks with the suitable prepositions and
determiners you have learned. Write your answers in the provided table.

Chat 1 Chat 2
1. 6. 1. 7.
2. 7. 2. 8.
3. 8. 3. 9.
4. 9. 4. 10.
5. 10. 5. 11.

Unit 3

Exercise 3
Have a casual online chat with one or two of your classmates. Please use English and apply the
prepositions and the determiners you have learned in this chapter. Send the chats screenshots to
your lecturer

Practical English


Before Reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation Task
Match the words (a-e) with the definitions (1-5).
a. Abbreviation
b. Detail
c. Symbol
d. Outline
e. Key word

1. a short plan of the main idea of a book, speech,

or report.
2. a word that is important to understand a topic
or subject.
3. A shortened form of a word or phrase. E.g. ppl
= people. Used in note-taking to save time
while writing.
4. a small item or description.
5. A thing that represents or stands for something else. E.g. “=” means (to). Used in
note-taking to save time while writing.


There are two common English expressions using the word 'notes'. We often say 'to make
notes' or 'to take notes' but what's the difference between the two?
The phrases are often used interchangeably but there is a slight difference between the
two. We generally use 'take notes' for talking about when we write at the time something is
happening, such as a lecture or an event. So we could say: “I took notes while he was speaking so I
could look at them later.” 'Make notes' is usually used for talking about when we write

Unit 4

information in a short form to organise our thoughts about reference material or something we
are preparing for. For example: “I made notes about the information in my course book so I
could write an essay.”
Today, we're talking about 'taking notes'. Taking notes is a very personal thing and varies
from person to person, but there are some techniques we all have in common. It's not possible to
write down everything a person is saying as he or she is saying it. Very few people could type fast
enough, and even if they could, they wouldn't be listening properly if they were concentrating on
The first thing to consider when taking notes is
the layout. Make sure to leave plenty of space to add to
notes after the event. You can either leave space between
the lines you are writing on, or divide the page into two
columns and only write on one side. Make sure you get to
the event early so you can get a seat where you can hear
well. You're not going to be able to take notes if you can't
hear what's going on!
Next, think about what you are going to write. Write down just the most important
words: dates, times, names and key words to describe
feelings and actions. Don't bother with I/you/he/she
and ignore most of the prepositions. If it's quicker to
draw a picture, arrow or diagram, do that instead of
writing the word. You can use titles and subtitles to
organise your information, as it will help you find things
later. Use underlining, boxes and symbols to link pieces
of information in your mind and on the page. Remember to make the most of abbreviations.
Some words and common phrases have standard abbreviations, for example: 'eg.', 'tbc', 'ie.'. It's
fine to invent your own too. Think of the most common words related to the subject you are
taking notes on and make an abbreviation for each one. Just make sure you will remember them
It's very important to focus on keeping up with the event rather than your writing. Make
sure that your attention is always on the speaker rather than your notes. If you aren't able to
write down something, just get one key word and move on to what the speaker is saying now.
Look at your notes soon after the event. There's no point in taking notes if you don't do anything
with them. Make sure to look at them after the event then go through and fill in any details you

Unit 4

were unable to write down at the time. Experiment with these ideas and find a style of taking
notes that suits you. Having a system that works is really important and a personal thing for all of

Reading Exercise 1
Are these sentences true or false?
1. Some students write their lecturer's explanation about today's discussion is a form of
2. We should not leave any space blank when taking notes.
3. In note-taking, we can use abbreviations as much as we want.
4. When taking notes, we have to focus on the notes in order to make it clearer and
5. We can review our notes after the event by adding some details and missing things.


Going straight to the main idea of each paragraph significantly increases your reading speed.
This main idea is the paragraph's topic sentence. You don't have to read as much to get a firmer
grasp of the author's fundamental ideas if you can find and understand a paragraph's topic
sentence. The question is: How do you recognize the main idea in a paragraph amid all the

Understanding topic sentences

The topic sentence describes the subject of the paragraph and its main idea. If you can develop a
nose for locating topic sentences, you can get the main idea from paragraphs quickly and thereby
improve your reading speed and comprehension.

Typically, the topic sentence comes first in a paragraph, and the remaining sentences elaborate
on the topic sentence. In the following paragraph, for example, the topic sentence makes a
simple assertion, and evidence for its truth follows on the heels of the topic sentence:
“Rainfall has been increasing steadily in Yoknapatawpha County since 1995. In that year, annual
rainfall was 32 inches. By 2008, it was 40 inches, with an increase each year between 1995 and
2008, except for 1999, when the annual rainfall level fell to 29 inches.”

Unit 4

But sometimes the topic sentence isn't the first sentence in the paragraph. Sometimes it's buried
deeper. In this paragraph, the second sentence is the topic sentence:
“Looking at rainfall in Yoknapatawpha County since 1995, a clear trend is evident. Except for
1999, when the annual rainfall level fell to 29 inches, rainfall has increased steadily since 1995.
Between that year and 2008, rainfall rose from 32 to 40 inches annually.”

The author of the following paragraph is a bit of a windbag and takes his time getting to the main
idea. In this paragraph, the topic sentence is the last sentence:
“Is it getting wetter or drier in Yoknapatawpha County? A quick look at the record gives a clear
answer. Between 1995 and 2008, rainfall rose from 32 to 40 inches annually (although in 1999 it
dipped to 29 inches). From this information, it's plain to see that rainfall in the county has
increased steadily since 1995.”

Locating the topic sentence

Because the topic sentence can be located anywhere, how can you spot the topic sentence and
get to the main idea in a paragraph? Here's how:
Ÿ Read the first sentence carefully. Three times out of five, the topic sentence is the
first sentence.
Ÿ Consider what basic property or characteristic the paragraph describes.
This attribute is the paragraph's main idea, so the sentence that expresses it is your
topic sentence.
Ÿ Think about the paragraph's purpose. The paragraph most likely wants to
impart a particular piece of information. If you can figure out what that piece is, you
know the paragraph's topic and can find the sentence that presents it.

Reading Exercise 2
Read the paragraphs. Write the number of the topic sentence next to the correct paragraph.
Write TS where the sentence goes in the paragraph.
Topic sentences

1. I lived in a small town when I was a child.

2. When I have my own children, I want to move to a small town.
3. The town I live in is very small.
4. There are two main advantages of living in a small town.

Unit 4

Paragraph A : Topic sentence ____

First, you know everyone and everyone knows you. This helps you to feel safe, and it is friendlier.
Secondly, it is quiet and there are fewer cars. This means there is less pollution than in a big town
or city.

Paragraph B : Topic sentence ____

I don't want my children to live in a big city because a big city is not as friendly or as safe as a
village. I want to move to the village where my grandparents live. The children can play in the
street there and everyone knows each other.

Paragraph C : Topic sentence ____

It was a very nice place to live then. Now it is much bigger than before. More people live there and
some big businesses opened offices there. My parents still live there but they say it was better in
the past.

Paragraph D : Topic sentence ____

There are only a few food shops and one school here. Most people go to the big city to go shopping
for clothes and gifts. There is a doctor but there isn't a hospital. Again, you need to go to the city if
you need the hospital. However, our town is very nice and it has a beautiful park.

Reading Exercise 3
Read the paragraph and tick (√) the best topic sentence.

Topic sentences: Paragraph:

� A: Japan is a very beautiful country. ___________________ It produces many
� B: Japan, for e�ample, makes cars, such as Toyotas and Nissans, which it sells all
computers. over the world. It also produces electrical goods
� C: Japan is a very important country. such as televisions and DVDs. Tokyo, the capital of
� D: Japan makes cars Japan, is one of the biggest and most modern cities
in the world.

What is wrong with the other topic sentences? Match them to the problems.
Problems: Topic sentence:
· It is an example. ..................................
· It is a smaller idea, not the main idea. ..................................
· It is about something different from the other sentences. ..................................

Unit 4


Listen to the conversation about taking notes and do the exercises to practise and improve your
listening skills.

A. Preparation: ordering
Put these words in the correct order!
1. Remember / difficult / but / have / not / a lot / it / I / to / information / of / is
2. Words / notes / a few / just / are
3. Little / draw / can / too / you / pictures
4. Test / your / let's / memory
5. Married / six / King / Eighth / times / Henry / the / was

B. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Mark is brilliant at history. T F

2. Clare thinks she needs to write everything. T F
3. Mark draws a castle and an 'H' instead of 'King Henry'. T F
4. Clare is difficult to remember a lot of information. T F
5. Clare thinks Mark' idea is not effective. T F
6. Mark's way of taking notes works for Clare. T F

Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a word from the box
today important brilliant help copy
1. You are _________ at history.
2. These are my notes from__________.
3. You don't have to ________ everything.
4. You have to write the ________ words.
5. Pictures can ________ you to remember things.

Unit 4

Look at the questions in the box, then choose eight questions and answer them. Write your
own answers in the boxes.

Do not write full sentences, only notes, and do not indicate which questions you are
answering – your partner has to guess.

For example:
What is something you are really bad at? Write: drawing pictures
Work in pairs. Swap your answers with your partner. Try to guess which question he/she is

For example:
A : Let's see – drawing pictures. Is that something you're very good at?
B : No, it's something I'm really bad at!

Ask your partner why or to tell you more. Give full answers.
A : Why?
B : I'm really bad at drawing pictures because I haven't got a good eye and I don't really
like drawing anyway.
Ÿ What are you really bad at?
Ÿ What is something you hate doing?
Ÿ Is there something that you haven't remembered to do today?
Ÿ What is something your father or mother taught you to do? 3.
Ÿ What do you want to do after school today?
Ÿ What are you worried about at the moment? 4.
Ÿ What do you hope to do next year?
Ÿ When was the last time you helped someone to do something? 5.
Ÿ What is something your parents don't let you do?
Ÿ When was the last time you promised to do something and
the nforgot? What was it?
Ÿ What jobs do your parents make you do at home?
Ÿ Is there anything you are fed up with?
Ÿ What are you used to doing now that you weren't used to doing before?

Unit 4

B. Compare your answers with your partner. Then explain your answers.

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Verb and prepositions

When a verb is part of a longer sentence, it is often followed by a specific preposition.

I agree with Mike.

She listens to the radio a lot.
He thanked me for the flowers.
Here are some common verbs for each preposition.

Verbs + for
They're waiting for a bus.
He apologised for being late.
I applied for the job but I didn't get it.

Verbs + from
This spray should protect you from mosquitoes.
Has he recovered from the accident yet?
I suffer from allergies.

Verbs + in
She doesn't believe in coincidences.
Our company specialises in computer software.
You have to work hard if you want to succeed in life.

Verbs + of
I don't approve of hunting animals for their fur.
Our dog died of old age.
This shampoo smells of bananas.

Unit 4

Verbs + on
Their decision will depend on the test results.
The film is based on the novel by Boris Pasternak.
If you make so much noise, I can't concentrate on my work.

Verbs + to
What kind of music do you like listening to?
Please refer to the notes at the end for more information.
She apologised to me the next day.

Verbs + with
I agree with everything you've said.
My assistant will provide you with more information if you need it.
We're finding it difficult to deal with the stress.

A. B. C.

D. E.

Unit 4


Conjunction is a word which connects two words or clauses or sentences/phrases and shows
the relation between them.

There are three types of conjunction: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction,

and correlative conjunction.

Coordina ng Conjunc on Subordina ng Conjunc on Correla ve Conjunc on

Ÿ To link or join two words Ÿ To join an independent Ÿ Pairs of conjunctions

or phrases that are and complete clause with used in a sentence to join
equally important and dependent clause that different words or group
complete in terms of relies on the main clause of words.
grammar when compared for meaning and Ÿ Examples: Both/and;
with each other. relevance. either/or; Just as/so;
Ÿ Examples: For, And, Nor, Ÿ Examples: Although, As, neither/nor; whether/or;
But, Or, Yet, So Before, Once, Though, etc
Ÿ Do you want chocolate, Until, Because, Whether, Ÿ Either you leave our
strawberry or vanilla? etc home or we call the
Ÿ He goes to lots of music police.
festivals, although he
doesn't like camping.

Unit 4

Fill the missing words in the following notes with the correct conjunction in the box.

A. B. C.

D. E.

Since both-and e ither-or and because

Write notes for the following situation.
a. Your boss invites all the staffs for dinner at 7 pm at Sunday Restaurant.
b. You want to thank your friend for sending you flowers yesterday.
c. You ask your secretary to send the files on your desk to the Marketing Manager
before 1 pm.
d. Your manager asks you to present the new product on Friday.

Unit 4

A. Read the sentences and write notes.
1. Two things you always do as quickly as possible.

2. Three things you always try to do well.


3. Two things you like to do loudly.


4. Two things you take very seriously.


5. Two things you always do badly.


6. Two things that you do easily,whichother people find hard.


7. Two situations where you always try to be early.

Practical English

Read four business cards to practice and improve your reading skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Before reading

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… language center a. a manager or leader of a group or department
2. …… a head b. the collection and interpretation of data in order
3. …… statistical analysis to uncover patterns and trends
4. …… director c. an organization where you can consult anything
5. …… statistics about language
6. …… a sales representative d. a person who is in charge of an activity,
department, or organization
e. the science of collecting, exploring and
presenting large amounts of data to discover
underlying patterns and trends.
f. someone who visits people to sell them products
or services

Unit 5

Reading text: Business cards

Task 1
Circle the best answer.
1. Who should you contact to talk about TOEFL and TOAFL?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar
2. Who should you see if you want to do a tour?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar
3. Who should you see if you want to talk about SPSS?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar
4. Who should you see if you want to talk about ordering lunch for a meeting?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar
5. Who should you contact if you want to translate journals?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar
6. Who has office in the United Arab Emirates?
a. Maharani b. Amber c. Niko d. Oemar

Unit 5

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false? Answer
1. Oemar's job is making sure people know about Gaza Travel. True False
2. The country code for calling USA is 971. True False
3. sanusi' is a first name. True False
4. In addresses in USA, you write the country first. True False
5. Amber is the head of her company. True False
6. Maharani works in Malang. True False
7. When saying an email address, '.' is pronounced 'dot'. True False
8. When saying an email address, '@' is pronounced 'at'. True False

Task 3
Write down your own business card

Reading Strategy: Finding Main Idea

Reading is the key to open the door of knowledge and information. When reading, readers can
find a lot of information that they didn't know before. However, there are many skills in reading,
and readers must understand and apply these skills in order to easily grasp the information. One
of many reading techniques is to find the main idea of the article.

The technique for positioning the main idea of a paragraph is to know how the paragraph is
designed. The paragraph consists of sentences that convey information about the subject.
Authors usually introduce the topic of the paragraph in the first sentence of the paragraph. This
is called a "topic sentence". The main sentence states the main idea; the other sentences are
supporting details, providing more information, rephrasing, clarification and examples to help
readers understand the main idea.

The topic sentence of a paragraph can be in the first sentence or in the last sentence. The topic
sentence can also be the first and last sentence of the paragraph: "sandwich." The second main
sentence of the "sandwich" paragraph also serves as the closing sentence.

Unit 5

Pay attention to the location of each topic sentence.

The topic sentence is underlined.

Hurricanes, which are also called cyclones, exert tremendous power. These violent storms are
often a hundred miles in diameter, and their winds can reach velocities” of seventy-five miles per
hour or more. Furthermore, the strong winds and heavy rainfall that accompany them can
completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours. The energy that is released by a hurricane
in one day exceeds the total energy consumed by humankind throughout the world in one year.

Famous School “failure”

Albert Einstein, one of the world's geniuses, failed his university entrance examination on his
attempt. William Faulkner, one of America's noted writers, never finished college because he
could not pass hid English courses. Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered one of the masters
of the English language, had to have special tutoring in English during elementary school. These
examples show that failure in school does not always predict failure in life.

Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same emotional
meaning. For example, the words 'stingy” and “frugal” both mean “careful with money.”
However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much more positive
connotation. Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggressive not pushy.
Therefore, you should be careful in choosing words because many so-called synonyms are not
really synonymous at all.

Reading Task : Locate the main idea!

Passage 1
So You Have Allergies?
You're feeling wretched: You're sneezing, your eyes are watery and you have a runny nose. You
might recognize these symptoms as those of allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, but are
they? Many of the symptoms we experience that we believe to be allergies may in fact just be a
cold, or some other non-allergic reaction to an irritant. But how do you know for sure?
There are many forms and types of allergies, and allergic rhinitis is considered to be the

Unit 5

granddaddy of them all—responsible for the greatest misery in the most people. It usually shows
up before age 20. But it can develop at any age, even in babyhood. Today, allergic rhinitis affects
over 15% of Canadians. A third of them are children.
Hay fever used to be considered nothing more than an annoyance, not really worth treating
seriously and certainly not capable of inflicting much of an economic and physical toll. But today
we know that allergic rhinitis is associated with several other respiratory illnesses, including
asthma, and that it can significantly affect your ability to work or study. In fact, it's estimated
that people with allergic rhinitis miss more than 400,000 days of work and school each
year—and suffer through over three million days of restricted activity.
Unfortunately, most of us, even those of us who do have allergies, underestimate the
consequences. A national survey conducted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and
Immunology found that while 94% of allergy sufferers reported that allergies affected their
quality of life—including work productivity, sleep, concentration, and even sex—just half of
them considered the disease to be a serious medical condition. Nearly two-thirds hadn't seen a
doctor the last time their symptoms flared up.

The main idea of the passage is

(A) consequences of allergic rhinitis according to a survey

(B) sneezing, watery eyes and a runny nose are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis
(C) the danger of allergic rhinitis
(D) The symptoms, and effects of allergic rhinitis

Passage 2
Sweat: It's Good for What Ails You
If you are someone who needs serious incentive before putting on your sneakers and working
up a sweat, it's time to listen up. Exercise is one of the most effective prevention and treatment
strategies you can do against many common ailments.
In fact, many health experts now advise everyone to be active at least 30 minutes every day, from
light activities, such as walking, to more intensive workouts, such as aerobics. For conditions
like arthritis, depression, diabetes, heart disease and many more, exercise is simply good
medicine. If you have one of these conditions, even the thought of exercise might seem daunting,
but give it a try—you won't regret it.

Unit 5

The main idea of passage 2 is

(A) Exercise is simply good medicine for arthritis and depression
(B) Exercise is one of the most effective prevention and treatment strategies against many
common ailments.
(C) serious incentive before putting on sneakers and working up a sweat
(D) Everybody should get a sweat

Passage 3
Eating Right to Age Well

As you age, your energy needs change. Your body requires fewer calories, but at the same time,
it needs more of certain nutrients—nutrients that researchers are discovering may actually slow
the aging process.
While aging is inevitable, many of the degenerative changes that prevail past middle age are
not—if preventive steps are taken. Medical research confirms that good nutrition can prevent, or
at least slow down, certain debilitating conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart
disease. In fact, one report estimates that one-third to one-half of the health problems of people
over the age of 65 are related to diet.

The main idea of passage 3 is

(A) One-third to one-half of the health problems of people over the age of 65 are related to
(B) the effect of nutrition on age
(C) Good nutrition can prevent or slow down certain debilitating conditions
(D) old people should eat good nutrition

Passage 4
Be Kind to Your Container Plants
Almost anyone who has grown container plantings has experienced the frustration of planters
that look great for the first couple of weeks, but then start to decline. Not to worry. With a little
understanding of how plants grow in containers, what to use for soil, and how to feed and water
properly, you'll have the tools to keep your container plants looking great throughout their
growing lifetimes.

Unit 5

Potting Soils
Unlike plants growing in the ground, container plants don't have the luxury of endless soil
in which to stretch out their roots. Containers only hold a small volume of soil in a defined
space. And we often further reduce this available space by putting a number of plants in each
Success with container plantings, whether you're planting in window boxes or in old work
boots, begins from the ground up. Garden soils or purchased topsoils intended for garden
beds aren't appropriate for containers: they are too heavy, and tend to drain slowly, so roots
confined to small spaces run the risk of rotting and dying. Additionally, the gardener who fills
large planters with soil from a garden bed will find the planters excessively heavy to move.

The main idea of passage 4 is

(A) The soil used in container plantings.
(B) The management of container plantings
(C) The effects of container for plants
(D) The endurance of container plantings at homes



Look at these pictures, try to find what their job and speak aloud!

1. 2.

3. 4.

Unit 5

5. 6.

7. 8.

Teacher (ˈtiː.tʃər) Chef (ʃef) Tailor (ˈteɪ.lər)

Astronaut ( ˈæs.trə.nɔːt ) Gardener ( ˈɡɑː.dən.ər ) Farmer (ˈfɑː.mər)
Fisherman /ˈfɪʃ.ə.mən / Blacksmith (ˈblæk.smɪθ)

1. a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue is called (…….....)
2. a person who owns or manages a farm is called (……………………)
3. a person who catches fish for a living or for sport is called (……………….)
4. a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft is called (……………….)
5. a professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel is called (……………….)
6. a person who makes and repairs things in iron by hand is called (……………….)
7. a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes such as suits, pants, and jackets to fit
individual customers is called (……………….)
8. a person who tends and cultivates a garden as a pastime or for a living is called (………….)

Unit 5


Listen to four people talk about their jobs to practice and improve your listening skills.
Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).

Vocabulary Definition
1. …… lead programmer a. a person who works in a job to get experience
2. …… a manager b. machines that doctors use
3. …… an intern c. a job that is not for a long time
4. …… Ltd d. the main programmer
5. …… a director e. a person who leads other people in a company
6. …… a temporary job f. the highest level of university education
7. …… a doctorate g. the person at the top of a company
8. …… medical equipment h. 'Limited', a kind of company that has private owners

Unit 5

SESSION 1 Business cards

Listen to four people talk about their jobs to practice and improve your listening

Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).
1. …… lead programmer a. a person who works in a job to get experience
2. …… a manager b. machines that doctors use
3. …… an intern c. a job that is not for a long time
4. …… Ltd d. the main programmer
5. …… a director e. a person who leads other people in a company
6. …… a temporary job f. the highest level of university education
7. …… a doctorate g. the person at the top of a company
8. …… medical equipment h. Limited', a kind of company that has private owners

Business cards

1. 2.
Dr Peter Miller Alessandro Rossi
Sales Director Lead Programmer
DX Medical Equipment Ltd *Space10 Designs*

3. 4.
Megumi Tanaka Andres Mulligan Jr
>> Product Manager Intern, R&D team
>>> Global Engineering Consults MaXtin Ltd

Unit 5

Tasks 2

Part 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Peter Miller is not a medical doctor. True False
2. Peter sells machines for hospitals and doctors. True False
3. Starlight is the name of Alessandro's company. True False
4. Alessandro is the manager of the company. True False
5. Megumi thinks her real name is difficult to say. True False
6. Andres is not a permanent member of the team. True False

Part 2
Match the sentences to the people who said them.

Andres Mulligan Jr Dr Peter Miller

Alessandro Rossi Alessandro Rossi

1. My doctorate was in electronic engineering.

2. I'm the project leader.
3. I use another name when I'm working internationally.
4. I'm happy to be joining this team for the next few month.

1. Which information do people have on their business cards in your country?
2. Please tell your father's job or your mother's job and what s/he does do in his/her job?

Unit 5

A Job Interview
Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills.

Before Listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercise.

Preparation Task

Abreviation Definition
1. B2B (……..) a. Learning and Development
2. B2C (……..) b. Human Resources
3. L&D (……..) c. Business to Business
4. HR (……..) d. Business to Customer

Circle the best answer.
1. Four years ago, Maria worked for a small HR services provider ...
a. in the B2B sector.
b. in the B2C sector.
c. in both B2B and B2C sectors.
2. Maria has been in her current job ...
a. for four years.
b. for three years.
c. for one year.
3. Maria's current role is focused ...
a. only on learning and development.
b. on a number of HR topics.
c. only on payroll and she wants to do L&D.
4. Maria ...
a. did a diploma in L&D two years ago.
b. is doing a diploma in psychology at the moment.
c. Both options are true.

Unit 5

5. Maria will need to ...

a. identify and devise an L&D strategy.
b. devise and implement an L&D strategy.
c. implement an L&D strategy that has already been devised.
6. Maria ...
a. will hear back from them next week.
b. has been invited to a second interview next week.
c. needs to call them next week to find out the next steps.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Personal good fit aligned replicated

stability measure responsible report

1. Maria feels her skills and experience are a ……………………………… for the company.
2. Maria changed jobs because she was looking for more ……………………………… .
3. She was ……………………………… for learning and development.
4. She feels ……………………………… with the company's brand and values.
5. She's used to taking a ……………………………… approach to L&D.
6. Her ideas can be ……………………………… on a larger scale.
7. She would ……………………………… to the HR manager.
8. Performance will be ……………………………… in different ways.

How do you prepare for an interview?

Unit 5


Look at the application form and do the exercises to practice and improve your writing skills.

What information do you write on an application form? Circle all the correct answers.

telephone number weather favorite color address

time of day date of birth name

Unit 5

1. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1.Berta is a student. True False

2.Berta was born in 1997. True False
3.Berta is British. True False
4.Berta lives in Madrid. True False
5.Berta goes to Tirso de Molina High School. True False
6.Berta doesn't have email. True False

2. Check your writing: gap fill

Complete the form with the correct information from the box.
Susan Australian University of London
20/8/1998S Cole
02 145 562 716 Flat 4b, 27 Green Street, East London, E14 9V

First name :
Last name :
Date of Birth :
Nationality :
Place of Study :
Email :
Phone :
Address :

What forms do you have to fill in?

Unit 5

Student's Library Card

1. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. This card is for the school library. True False

2. The girl's first name is Jones. True False
3. She is 13 years old. True False
4. The school library closes at lunchtime. True False
5. The library is not open at the weekend. True False
6. You can take DVDs for longer than books. True False

Unit 5


A. Noun + Noun: University student, English teacher

B. Adjective + Noun : Dominant language, foreign worker
C. Noun + preposition phrase: the doggy in the window, a teacher in the class

1. Exercise
Make noun phrase form!!

Gas that comes from Shale = Shale gas
An experiment done on a small scale = a small-scale experiment.

1. Systems that are used for defense:

2. A manager who is in charge of accounts:
3. Unemployment over a long term can affect a person's mental health:

2. Check your writing: Identify noun phrase!

Sania is a university student at University College Malang. She is 17 years old. As a new
student, she is very enthusiastic for the university life. Today, she just starts to register her
student card, a multipurpose card she calls it. This card can be used for enjoying university
facilities including the library, gym, self-study center, copy and print machine, and meals at
the cafeteria. Now Sania is very ecstatic that she finally turns to be a university student.

Practical English

Read an invitation to an office event to practice and improve your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the phrases (a–h) with the times (1–8).

Times Phrases
1. 2.30 p.m. a. Twelve noon
2. 6.25 p.m. b. Half past two in the afternoon
3. 12.00 p.m. c. Quarter past nine in the morning
4. 12.30 a.m. d. Five to four in the afternoon
5. 7.45 p.m. e. Quarter to eight in the evening
6. 3.55 p.m. f. Twenty to two in the morning
7. 9.15 a.m. g. Twenty-five past six in the evening
8. 1.40 a.m. h. Half past midnight

Reading text: A poster at work

Time to relax!

Come and join our lunchtime yoga class with experienced yoga teacher Divya
Bridge! When? Every Tuesday at 1.30 p.m.
Where? Meeting Room 7
How much? £10 for four 30-minute classes.
What to bring? Comfortable clothes. Divya will provide the yoga mats. How to join?
Write to Sam at

Unit 6

Task 1
Answer the questions with the words in the box.

An email Tuesday 2.00 p.m.

Comfortable Four Now

1. Which day of the week does the yoga class take place? ………………………………
2. How many classes can you take for £10? ………………………………
3. What time will the class end? ………………………………
4. What kind of clothes do you need to wear to the class? clothes
5. What do you need to send to Sam if you want to join? ………………………………
6. When should you book if you want to join? ………………………………

Task 2
Are the statements true or false?
1. Sam Holden is the yoga teacher. True False
2. The yoga class is once a week. True False
3. The class is at lunchtime in room 7. True False
4. You need to bring yoga mats to the class. True False
5. The class can't take 22 people. True False
6. You need to call Sam Holden if you want to join the class. True False


What is a mind map?

A mind map is a diagram, a graphic
organizer that helps students visualize
what they're reading and detect
connections between individual pieces
of information. In a classic mind map,
you'll always find the subject
prominently placed in the centre of the
map canvas, with all notes, ideas, and
keywords arranged around the centre
in a radiant structure.

Unit 6

Mind mapping is a particular technique that requires the following key elements to be

Ÿ A central image, to stimulate memory, associations and thought processes

Ÿ Curvilinear branches, emanating from the central image, to depict the basic ordering ideas
Ÿ A (theoretically infinite) network of smaller branches to depict ideas stemming from the
BOIs at different levels of detail
Ÿ Conscious use of colour to separate ideas by topic A single keyword for each branch

A. Read the article below and make a mind map in the form of a phrase!

The Negative Impact of Social Media on our lives

Our daily lives revolve around technology and most of us can't imagine going a day without
logging on the internet or using our mobile phones. Social networking has become a norm in our
society, with websites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and many more holding a unique and
vital role in our daily lives. The idea behind social networking is to enable us to hold better
contact with friends and family, advertise establishments, artists or products and connect with
new people. Social networking has without a doubt contributed to many positive things, but is it
also affecting us negatively? Here's a list of a few negative aspects that come with active social
networking behavior.
Unit 6

Addiction to Social Media

A number of behaviors associated with excessive use of social media have lately become the
subject of much discussion and research. That said, a social networking addict could be
considered someone who uses social media excessively to a point where it interferes with other
daily activities. Such as constantly checking Facebook status updates or “stalking” people's
profiles on Facebook, for hours on end A Facebook Addict
A research team headed by Wilhelm Hoffmann of Chicago University concluded in 2012 that
twitter is harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol. Other researchers have also linked anxiety,
sleep deprivation, depression and some psychological disorders to people who spend too much
time online.

Constant Comparison with others

Let's face it, we all look at each other's social networking sites, admiring clothes, lifestyles and
even relationships. More than often wishing that our lives were as great as others. But when it
comes down to it, people mostly tend to share only the glittering highlights from their lives,
deliberately leaving out the dull ones. We usually don't post about our boring nights at home,
rocky relationships or lack of financial stability. However this is not taken into consideration
when people start comparing their lives to others and instead end up feeling miserable which
can at times even lead to low self-esteem, and depression.

Making “Friends” online

Although social networking helps us to connect with new people, it has also impacted how
people make friends these days. Instead of meeting face-to-face, people nowadays are happy to
scroll through an endless list of bite-sized snippets of personal information, or interact through
comments, or even chat with multiple people simultaneously. We are trading a great deal of
physical interaction with a very superficial and sometimes shallow form of interaction. Many
people who are best friends on Facebook are unable to carry out a face to face conversation
amiably. And then there are those who instead of sharing their thoughts and problems with their
'real' friends, spend endless time chatting over the internet.

One of the major cons of social networking is the distraction it causes in everyday lives. Many of
us can't go an hour without checking for updates and this can cause us to get distracted from
what's really important in life. Instead of focusing on work, school and family, we spend majority

Unit 6

of our time online looking for the next juicy status update, headline or photograph. Social
networking is supposed to help individuals learn and grow. Instead, every time we are on a social
site, we feel unproductive and distracted. It is fast changing from a platform where we
communicate with others into a platform where we advertise oneself to others.

Cyber Bullying/ Hate Speech

A majority of kids, teens and even adults will experience cyber bullying in one form or another.
On social networking sites people can post whatever they want without facing any serious
consequences. Much of this information shared is often untrue and rarely controlled by the
social media sites. Such rumors can spread rapidly and often cause many people to gang up and
attack one person. A very good example is the Instagram incident that sparked riots and rage
among teens in Sweden last year. Also a lot of people will say things on the internet they would
never say face to face. They will relentlessly bully someone saying horrible things that they would
never have said in a face to face interaction. Parents of bullied kids are often unaware of their
kids predicament. Some parents find out when the situation has already escalated and it's too
late to help their kids. Social Media has given people a new platform to post hateful comments
and even threats. Discussions on some social sites can at times turn nasty, and in some cases
journalists, writers have been victimized and threatened due to their different views in
controversial topics.

Social networking has also opened up new doors for predators. They can pose as whoever they
want and talk to whoever they wish to. They can read through someone's profile find out what
interests them and hence build a connection with that person. This can be dangerous especially
if someone posts a lot of personal information, allowing the predator to track them down. Young
people are mostly vulnerable and are easily lured into such traps.

Obviously social networking sites are here to stay and already they have changed the way we
experience, think, interact, share opinions, make friends and even vote. But it's time we
reconsidered some of our rapidly shaping social-networking habits before we lose ourselves in
this mayhem. (Adapted from Elizabeth Koikai, The Negative Impact of Social Media on Our

Unit 6

B. Reread the text above and answers the questions below;

1. What is the “original” idea behind social networking?
2. What are the negative sides of social networking? Answer with mapping method.
3. What is networking addict?
4. Why does comparing our lives to others lead to low self-esteem and depression?
5. What is cyber bullying?
6. Can you explain what hate speech is?
7. Why are internet predators so dangerous?
8. Could you find postive sides of social networking? If yes, answer with mapping method.



Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises!
Preparation task

Match the pictures below with the correct words in the right side!

1. 4.

a. Take the exit d. Go straight

2. 5.
b. Go past e. Go down
(the trees) ce(the road)

3. 6.

c. Turn left f. Turn right

Unit 6

Task 1
Decide whether the statements in the following True (T) or False (F)!

Message 1
1. The message was at quarter to three (...)
2. The woman says thank you for the birthday card (...)
3. The woman describes her friend's house (...)
4. The woman talks about a swimming pool (...)
5. The party is going to be held on Friday (...)
Message 2
1. The message was at quarter past five (...)
2. The house is at Brownsville (...)
3. The woman talks about bus (...)

Task 2
Cross the best answer!
1. She is having party for ... 5. The house is the first big house ...
a. Everybody at work a. On the left
b. her family b. On the right
c. her very good friends c. Down at the end of the road
2. The party is at ... 6. If you go by public transport, take ...
a. Work a. Bus 80 to Forest Road
b. The swimming pool at her house b. Bus 80 to Brownsville
c. Her cousin's house c. Bus 18 to Brownsville
3. To get to the party, drive ... 7. The woman received the birthday card ...
a. Right on Forest Road a. Yesterday morning
b. Straight on Forest Road b. Last night
c. Left on Forest Road c. This morning
4. The motorway exit you need is ... 8. If you take a bus, ...
a. 13A a. You can walk from the town to the house
b. 3A b. There is a bus stop outside the house
c. 30A c. Somebody will drive you from the town
to the house

Unit 6

Inviting someone

A. Read the following conversation and practice it!

Fulan : Say, Filan, what are you doing tonight? Do you want to go cycling?
Filan : I'd love to, but I can't. I'm going to a soccer match with my brother.
Fulan : Oh, well, maybe some other time.
Filan : Are you doing anything tomorrow? We could go then.
Fulan : Tomorrow sounds fine. I'm going to work until five.
Filan : So let's go around six.
Fulan : Ok. Afterward, maybe we can get some dinner.
Filan : Sounds great.

B. Make an activity such as the conversation in part A, and invite a partner to go with you.
Then, practice it with your friend!


Have you ever been invited to attend an important meeting or

an event? What kind of invitation that you receive? Is it personal
or formal invitation? In this unit, we will learn how to write
invitation letters for various purposes. Before going further let's
do the following preparation activities


Activity 1
What information do you need to write on an invitation to a birthday party? Tick �� ) all the
information below.

1. the place the party will be held 5. how to get there

2. the date the party will be held 6. what to bring
3. your date of birth 7. what to say
4. the time the party will start 8. your passport number

Unit 6

Activity 2
Read the following example of invitation and answer the questions that follow.

To :
Subject : Invitation

Hi Rosita,
I am having a birthday party next Friday at my house. Would you like to come? It will be
fun! Lots of people from my school are coming. You know some of them, Tania, Rafa,
Akbar, and Clarisa. Can you wear white casual dress to my party?
My house is in front of this campus, Jalan Gajayana No 13. It is right next to the Halal
Supermarket and it has a white front door.
Hope you can come, and see you soon.

Check your understanding:

Circle the correct answer based on the information above.

1. When is Nadhira's birthday party?

a. this week b. next week
2. How does Nadhira know Rosita?
a. They are brother and sister. b. They are school mates
3. What should Rosita wear to the party?
a. white dress b. colorful dress
4. Where does Nadhira live?
a. near to campus b. next to the park.
5. Which of the following does Nadhira not mention in her invitation?
a. the place where the party be held b. the time when the party be held.

Activity 3
Complete the following invitation with a phrase from the box

Hope you can come Next to the library Would you like to come
We are going to have a barbeque How about coming over at 2 pm?

Unit 6

Dear Rafika
How are you? I am having a garden party next Sunday.
1 ______________________? It will be lots of fun and you will meet
lots of our old friends there.
2. ___________________, so please be on time,
otherwise you will miss the fun part.
My house is on Jalan Sunan Muria, 3 ______________________________. You can easily
recognize my house as it has a pink door.
It is going to rain in the morning, so 4. ________________________________.
5 __________________________ and see you soon.

Your friend, Ani.

Rewrite the sentences about the future using either the
present continuous or 'going to + verb'.

1. We're meeting at six o'clock. Rewrite using 'going to + verb'.

2. They're catching a bus to the town centre. Rewrite using 'going to + verb'.
3. He's going to play football on Saturday morning. Rewrite using the present
continuous for future use.
4. We're having a holiday in Greece this year. Rewrite using 'going to + verb'.
5. She's going to go to the cinema after dinner. Rewrite using the present continuous
for future use.
6. My train is leaving in 10 minutes. Rewrite using 'going to + verb'.

Unit 6

Check your writing: multiple selection – time references

Circle the words that can complete these sentences. You can circle more than one answer.

1. We always watch a DVD ___ Friday night.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
2. Can you come to my house party ___ Sunday afternoon?
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
3. The party will start ___ about 10 o'clock.
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
4. I will pick you up ___ morning after breakfast.
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
5. Please reply to me by ___ evening.
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
6. My family and I usually go shopping ___ the morning.
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
7. I am looking forward to seeing you ___ Saturday.
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at
8. Are you going to Tom's party ___ weekend?
a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

After doing the previous activities, mention the aspects that should be included in writing an
invitation letter. Number 1 has been done for you.
1. Receiver
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________

Unit 6

Now, read the following explanation to strengthen your understanding about

invitation letters.
An invitation is a type of letter which is written to invite a guest to a particular event or
celebration. The present and the future tenses are used within the invitation letter. The former
conveys information about the event and the latter ensures that the guest is going to attend.
Invitation is categorized differently. Some categorize it into a formal and informal invitation
while others categorize it into a business and friendly invitation. The purposes of writing the
invitation determine the types of the letters. For example, an invitation letter inviting peers or
clients to an event hosted by the company or inviting persons for an important meeting is a
formal letter. Those letters are categorized as business invitation letters and are written in a
formal tone. Invitation letters sent to friends and family members can be less formal. This type of
letter is sent for a social function such as such as birthday, marriage, baby shower ceremonies,
a. Friendly Invitation Letter
A friendly invitation letter usually follows the following format

To Carla and family Name of the invitee

My birthday falls on 22nd April and I am counting
Message containing the name
the days of happiness. I am waiting for my friends
of the event, the purpose,
and family to gather at my home on 22nd April and
the date, venue, and time
shower wishes on me. On this special occasion, I
cordially invite you and your family to be present
Phrasing the invitation
with me. Your presence will be most eagerly
awaited. Looking forward to see you on that day.
The details of venue are given below.

Yours lovingly,
Name of the sender
Benne Dickson

Unit 6

B. Business Invitation Letter

A formal invitation letter follows the following format.

November 29, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Resty Navarro

Gabon, Abucay, Bataan

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Navarro:

We are pleased to inform you that BATAAN HEROES MEMORIAL

COLLEGE is celebrating her 30th (Pearl) Foundation Anniversary
on December 7-11, 2008.

For the steadfast confidence and unwavering loyalty you and your
family have reposed to BATAAN HEROES MEMORIAL COLLEGE Message
by entrusting to her the education of at least three (3) of your containing
children and who are now successful practitioners in their the name of
respective fields, the college administration deems it proper and the event, the
fitting to award you with a Plaque of Recognition. purpose, the
date, venue
In this regard, may we cordially invite you together with your and time
professional alumni children to receive your award in a program for
the alumni and parents on December 7, 2008 at 3:00 pm at Joyous
Resort and Restaurant? (Please present this letter to the
Registration Officials when you come to Joyous Resort and
Restaurant on December 7, 2008 at 3:00 pm).

We hope to deserve your attendance. BHMC shall be deeply

honored with your presence in this once-in-a-lifetime affair.

Very truly yours,

College Administrator

Unit 6

Help Ratna and Budi to write an invitation letter for the following event.

As the chief of the committee on Seminar “How to be

a good Reporter”, I have to send a letter to invite Prof.
Rizky Sanasini to be the keynote speaker. The
seminar will be held on next month, October 26, 2021
at Student Center Hall. Help me to write the letter.

On September 24, 2021 I am going to

celebrate my graduation. I am planning to make a
little party inviting all my friends. I really want them to come to
enjoy barbeque together. The place will be in my house jalan Jaya
Negara no 40. They can easily find my house as it is next to the
park and painted green. I hope all of them
can join the party and come at 6 p.m.

Practical English

Read a menu to practice and improve your reading skills.

Before Reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task 1
Match the definitions (a-f) with the vocabulary (1-6).

Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… dressing a. Cooked in the oven
2. …… served with b. A sauce to put on salad
3. …… homemade c. Without meat
4. …… of the day d. Not from a shop
5. …… roast e. Comes with
6. …… vegetarian f. Changes every day

Unit 7

Text 1:
'Me Miss Kitchen' Restaurant Menu

Task 1
Write the words in the correct group.

grilled sausage red wine chicken homemade roast coffee steak juice

meat drinks ways to prepare food

Unit 7

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false?

1. The first is the same every day. True False

2. You can choose what comes with the steak. True False
3. The pizza has meat on it. True False
4. Soup is served with bread. True False
5. They make the ice cream themselves. True False
6. The cheapest drink is coffee. True False
Preparation Task 2
Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.

pasta cheese burger ice cream grilled fish

fruit salad sausage omelette vegetables
cheese and biscuits chipsroast chicken tomato soup

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Unit 7

'The Yours' Restaurant Menu

Task 3
Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Lunch is served for two hours only. True False
2. Dinner starts at 2:30 pm. True False
3. Bread and butter come free with starters. True False
4. The snacks are available for lunch and dinner. True False
5. If you order a snack, the salad and chips cost extra. True False
6. There are three flavours of ice cream. True False

Unit 7

Task 4
Check your understanding: gap fill

Complete the gaps with the correct number from the box.

Italian Thai French English Irish German

……………….... onion soup ……………… tea

……………….... sausage ……………... cream coffee
…………..…….. chicken and rice …………..…. pizza

Task 5
Check your understanding: recommendations
Recommend and write a dish or drink for these customers on the line below.
Grilled Fish and Potatoes Tomato Salad Vegetable Pasta
Mineral Water Cheese Biscuits Chicken Sandwich

1. You should choose

I'm a vegetarian and I want a starter
but I don't like soup. What starter __________________________
should I choose? __________________________

2. I want a main course, but I only have I suggest that you choose
$5.00. I don't like cheese. What do you ___________________________
suggest? ___________________________

Unit 7

Ordering in a Cafe

Listen to people ordering food and drinks in a café to practise and improve your listening

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Listening: Ordering in a cafe – preparation
Put the words in the correct group.

eat in a piece of freshly squeezed a slice of

bottled a glass of take away with ice

Drinks Food Both

Task 1
Listening: Ordering in a cafe – 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Customer 1 orders a large bottle of orange juice. True False
2. The apple juice costs £3.15. True False
3. Customer 2 is not going to have their tea and cake inside the cafe. True False
4. Customer 2 pays with a twenty pound note. True False
Unit 7

5. Customer 3 orders something to drink. True False

6. The cookie costs 85p. True False

Task 2
Listening: Ordering in a cafe – 2
Complete the sentences with words from the box.
Squeezed Take Away Instead Afraid Front Just
1. I'm ………….. we only have bottled juices.
2. I'll have an apple juice …………..
3. Sorry, I wanted freshly ………………. orange juice.
4. To eat in or ……………… ?
5. Sorry, I think I was in ………………… of you.
6. No, thanks. ……………… the cookie.

Discuss the questions below with your partner.
How often do you buy drinks or snacks from cafes?
Do you like fast food? Why or why not?
What's your favourite restaurant? What food and drink do you like to have there?

Unit 7


Task 1
Take a look at the following passage about a review of Bakso Bakar Pak Man. Then, identify
at least 3-5 parts of speech, preposition, connectors, noun phrase, and verb phrase!

Linda Walsh

Bakso Bakar Pak Man is located in the middle of Malang city. It's a tiny Meatball
restaurant on a busy corner in a mixed commercial and residential area northeast of
the town. They have been serving Indonesian meatballs since the 80s, as I understand
it, and during that time, the place has been continuously owned and operated by the
same extended family. Since my wife is born and raised in Malang, I felt I had a familial
obligation to visit the phenomenal place. Ah, the burdens of family. Their specialty is
the grilled meatball or known as Bakso Bakar. Hot and messy, they are insanely
delicious. Pak Man serves them plain, or you can request as many chilies as you want
along with the sauce with the meatballs. It also comes with tofu, free noodles, and
mouth-watering soup. It opens at around 09.00 a.m. and usually closes before dawn.
The locals love this place. When I visited, the line was out the door, hoping it was not
yet sold out.

Parts of Speech Preposition Connectors NP VP

N Adj V Adv

Unit 7

A. Restaurant Review
Learn how to write a restaurant review

Vocabularies enhancement
[Mains] [Receptionist] [Service] [Reservation] [Overcooked] [Impressive]
[Below Average]
[Side order] [Tip] [Check out] [Order] [Disappointing] [Fantastic] [Amazing]
[Delicious] [Annoying] [Slow] [Helpful] [Bill] [Arrived] [Dishes] [Ingredients]

Task 1
With your friends, discuss which vocabularies in (1a) are often used to give negative and positive
review for a restaurant and the basic words that you will find in a restaurant. Then, write and
grouped the words in the table below

Positive Negative Basic Words

Unit 7

Task 2
Making a restaurant's review!
Before creating your own restaurant's review, have a look at some tips and an example of a
review below!

Tips to write a review about a restaurant:

1. Use an informal or semi-formal style.
2. In the title, give the main idea or opinion.
3. Write about the important parts of the experience, not every detail.
4. Organise your ideas into paragraphs.
5. Write about the good and the bad.

Review Example!

Writing Task
Now, make your own review of a restaurant that you have been to. Use the
vocabularies provided in (1a), tips, and examples to help you write a great review!
Be as creative as you can, and you can use any templates to show your review!


Practical English


Read two professional profile summaries to practice and improve your reading skills.

A. Before Reading
Do the preparation task. Then, read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation Task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6). Vocabulary Definitions

1. …… skilled a. someone who designs buildings

2. …… customer service b. known by many people
3. …… an architect c. someone who owns part of a business
4. …… creative d. the department that takes care of people who buy products or
5. …… famous e. good at doing something
6. …… a partner f. able to use original ideas to create something

B. Reading Text: Professional Profile Summaries


I am an architect with 20 years' experience of designing

and developing spaces. I am a partner in SHAU, an
architecture firm in Bandung that is famous as the Silver
Award winner in the LafargeHolcim Awards Asia Pacific
2017 and Small Firm of the Year Award winner in
Sustainable Architecture from the American Architecture
2017. I enjoy working with people from all over the world
and have international experience of working in
Indonesia, Rotterdam, Munich and Singapore. I have
completed my bachelor degree program in UIN Maliki
Malang, and I have a BA in Architecture from Hull University. Beside Indonesian and English, I
also speak Italian. When I am not working, I spend my time hiking, skiing and diving.
Unit 9

I am an experienced sales manager with 12 years'
experience of developing customer service teams. I am
skilled in negotiation, team motivation and building
successful sales teams. After ten years of working in sales
and customer service at Halo Bank, I am now the sales
office manager of a team of 120 at Bank Indonesia. I have
accomplished my undergraduate degree program in UIN
Maliki Malang and I have a degree in Business Studies from
Cornell University. I am creative and hardworking, and
enjoy working with others.

Task 1. Reading 1 – Professional Profile Summaries –

Are these sentences about Minzy or Kino? Put a tick or a check mark on the correct answer.

1. The person who manages a large team of people. Minzy Kino

2. The person who is a partner of a company. Minzy Kino
3. The person who has worked in many different countries. Minzy Kino
4. The person whose last job was in a bank. Minzy Kino
5. The person who speaks two other languages. Minzy Kino
6. The person who likes outdoor sports. Minzy Kino

Task 2. Reading 2 – Professional profile summaries –

Choose one of the words to complete the sentences below.

World Successful Business 20 Free Service Famous Hard

1. Fina has worked as an architect for ___________ years.

2. Fina's company is __________ as the LafargeHolcim Awards Asia Pacific 2017 winner.
3. Fina likes working with people from all around the __________.
4. Fina likes hiking, skiing and diving in her ________ time.
5. Doni has spent 12 years managing customer _______ teams.
6. One of Doni's skills is building _________ sales teams.
7. Doni studied __________ studies at Cornell University.
8. Doni is creative and works __________.

Unit 9


Scanning is a reading technique you use when you look up a word

in the telephone book or dictionary.

ᵜ You use it when you want to find specific information quickly.

ᵜ You search for key words or ideas and ignore unrelated
information to find an answer.
ᵜ Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page
seeking specific words and phrases.
ᵜ When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as
numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next.
ᵜ Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font
size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in
the margin.
ᵜ You might need a lot of practice to scan well, but it will save you
ᵜ It is useful for looking up all sorts of things.


ü Think about what you are scanning for.
ü If needed, write them down.
ü Keep thinking about what you are looking for and let your eyes run over the page.
ü Don't read slowly, just look for the answer.
ü If you don't find it, try again.
ü Keep thinking about the words you want and moving your eyes quickly.
ü If you don't do it quickly, then you are not scanning, but stopping to read the other words.

Unit 9

Task 3. Read the texts. Why do these people need jobs? Cross the correct
boxes below the texts.

Sandara Bora Jino

I don't have time to work, My husband and I have a I'm 16 now, and I don't get
but I need a job because new baby. He makes a an allowance from my
college is very expensive. I good salary, but we don't parents aymore. I need to
study art. I have class all save very much money. We earn some money because
day on Monday, want to save some money I like to go out on the
Wednesday, and Friday, to buy a house. I take care weekends with my friends.
and on Tuesday and of the baby, so I need a job I go to school every day
Thursday mornings. I I can do at home. I know from 09.00 WIB to 15.30
usually study on how to type, and I have a WIB. My father owns a
weekends. I don't have any computer. restaurant, so I know a
experience, but I can learn little about restaurant
quickly. work.

Sandara Bora Jino

To save money
To earn money for college
To go out on the weekend
To buy a house

Unit 9

Task 4. Look at the images. Practice scanning by looking for the answers for
all the questions below the image.

Unit 9

1. What Summer Camp that accepts limited participants?

2. How much does the fee cost?
3. Where can elementary students go to learn swimming?
4. How many times the summer camp'11 has been held?
5. Where is the location of Caron's Stove Shop?
6. What Summer Program that is held on June 27 until August 17?
7. Can young people join the class at the New Hampshire Boat Museum?
8. What company that can help us if we have plumbing problems?
9. What program that gives the participants an opportunity to learn with professional
directors and actors?
10. Who is Nathan H. Drum, O.D.?

Task 5. Scan the text to find the answer for filling the blanks below:

Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell was born on December 18, 2001 in Los Angeles,
California, the daughter of Maggie Baird and Patrick O'Connell. She is an American singer-
songwriter, model and dancer. She is of Irish and Scottish descent and was raised in Los
Angeles' Highland Park. Eilish was homeschooled and began singing at a young age. She
began writing songs at age 11, like her older brother Finneas O'Connell, who was already
writing, performing, and producing his own songs with his band.

1. First name : __________________________

2. Last name : __________________________
3. Date of birth : __________________________
4. Address : __________________________
5. Native language : __________________________
6. Hobbies : __________________________
7. School : __________________________
8. Brother's name : __________________________
9. What does he do? : __________________________
10. What does Billie do? : __________________________

Unit 9

Give a speech about yourself. In about 120 words, write a speech about your personal profile.
You can also include your academic skill or work experiences if you have worked or taken
internships. You may use the notes below to help you.

What is
Where do
What are
you live and
your your
dislikes? hometown?


What are Who are

your likes? your family?

Who are
your friends?


Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

Preparation Task 1
Do this exercise before you listen to the audio.
Circle the best option for what people normally say when they first meet.

1. Hi, it's Pablo. / Hi, I'm Pablo.

2. Hi. Who are you? / Hi. How are you?
3. Where are you? / Where are you from?
4. You are nice. / Nice to meet you.

Unit 9

Exercise 1. Do this exercise while you listen.

Complete the gaps with the correct name.

Greta Sumi Pablo

1. _______________ introduces Greta to Pablo.

2. _______________ is German.
3. _______________ is Argentinian.

Exercise 2. Do this exercise while you listen.

Write the words to fill the gaps.

Sumi: Hi, Pablo. How are you?

Pablo: Hi, Sumi. _______________, thanks.
Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.
Pablo: Hi, Greta. _______________ Pablo.
Greta: Hi. How are you?
Pablo: I'm fine, thanks. _______________ from, Greta?
Greta: I'm from Germany. Where are you from?
Pablo: I'm from Argentina. _______________ meet you.
Greta: Nice to meet you too.


What questions do you like to ask when you meet new people?

Unit 9

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

Preparation task 2

Do this exercise before you listen to the audio.

Circle the information that you think the school library needs to give someone a library card.

First name Surname Favourite song

Pet Class Favourite Book Age

Exercise 1. Do this exercise while you listen.

Circle the correct word to complete these sentences.

1. Lucy's surname is More / Moor / Moore .

2. She's in class 1C / 1B / 4B .
3. Lucy is 13 / 14 / 15 .
4. The librarian asks for Lucy's address / photo / passport.

Exercise 2. Do this exercise while you listen.

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

Class spell old

Photo surname card

Unit 9

Lucy: Hello.
School librarian: Hello, what's your name?
Lucy: My name's Lucy.
School librarian: And what's your _______________, Lucy?
Lucy: Moore.
School librarian: Can you _______________ that?
Lucy: M-O-O-R-E.
School librarian: Thank you. What _______________ are you in?
Lucy: Class 1B.
School librarian: Class 1B. And how _______________ are you, Lucy?
Lucy: I'm 13.
School librarian: Have you got a _______________?
Lucy: Yes, here you are.
School librarian: Thank you ... OK, thank you, Lucy. Here's your school library
Lucy: Thanks. Bye.
School librarian: Goodbye.

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening
Preparation task 3

Exercise 3. Listen to interview to Ruthie and choose the correct answer

Unit 9

1. How does she spell her surname?

2. How old is Ruthie?
3. Where is she from?
4. What does she do?
5. What is her favourite dish?
6. What is her favourite colour?
7. What does she like to do in the free time?

Vocabulary Box Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.

Unit 9

Personal Profile Vocabularies

Unit 9

Unit 9


A. Read the five interview questions and then create five more personal information questions of
your own to ask a partner.

1. Q: what is your name?

A: __________________________________________________________
2. Q: where do you come from?
A: __________________________________________________________
3. Q: where do you live?
A: __________________________________________________________
4. Q: what are your hobbies?
A: __________________________________________________________
5. Q: what do you want to learn from this class?
A: __________________________________________________________
6. Q: __________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________________________
7. Q: __________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________________________
8. Q: __________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________________________
9. Q: __________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________________________
10. Q: _________________________________________________________
A: _________________________________________________________

B. Now, work with a partner take it in turns to ask your partner the question. Note down your
partner's answer in the space provided.
C. Use your partner's answers from previous page to complete the personal information below.
I'd like to tell to you all to my new friend. His/her name is…………………………………………...............
He/ she comes from…………………………………………………………………………………….........................
He/she lives……………………………………………………………………………………………............................
His/ her hobbies are…………………………………………………………………………and……….....................

Unit 9

He/ she wants to learn …………………………………………………………………..................from this class


D. Now, Use the text to introduce your friend to the rest of the class.


*ANA: adjective, noun, adverb Complement


● It is a sentence that has predicate not a verb, but can be an adjective, noun or adverb.
● It should be inserted auxiliary verb to be, they are: “is, am, are” (which is used for present), and
“was, were” (which is used in the past).

Unit 9

● Examples:
1. He is a manager.
2. I am a secretary.
3. They are smart students.
4. She is in English class now.
5. You are an architect.

Complete the sentences below!
1. I _______ a chef in a famous restaurant.
2. She _______ a senior doctor in the hospital.
3. He ________ an experienced teacher in junior high school.
4. They ________ senior high school students.
5. Tono and Tini ________ siblings.

Identify the nominal sentences in the following texts!

Unit 9


Task 3
Make 5 nominal sentences in simple present tense and write them down

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________


A professional profile or usually called profile summary is an important tool to consider when
building your resume. It is a description that highlights your relevant qualifications and skills
and it also shows your professional experience in a way that gets people or employers' attention.

The following are some guidelines that will help you write your professional profile and show you
some examples that you can use to get started.

● How to create your professional profile

Consider the following steps to craft a professional profile that makes your resume stand out:
● Keep your profile short and concise
● Include the skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for

Unit 9

● Include any achievements relevant to the job industry

● Place your profile where it's highly visible

● Tips for Writing Your Professional Profile

Here are some additional tips to consider when writing your profile.
● Include quantifiable results that show how you perform on work tasks.
● Choose your words carefully. Keep your profile wording simple and free from figurative
language, metaphors and other vague language.
● Be yourself in your profile. If a word doesn't feel right to use for describing yourself, use a
different word that will encompass your professional values and skills.

Task 4
Write your professional profile summary! You may look at the example on
the Reading section.


Practical English

Look at the advertisements and do the exercises to practice your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the adverts and do the other exercises.

Preparation Task
Match the products with the shops.
DVD player Television
computer game

tennis racket games console

football boots


electrical shop sports shop

Unit 10

Shopping signs and notices

Sale on NOW
30% 40% 50% off everything in store
Everything must go!
Hurry, sale ends July 1st!

X-station video games console and 5 games. In box. Never been used. Like new. £80.
Mobile: 01795 4319765

TVs 'R' US
Free DVD player
with every new television
Special offer – this week only

NEW department store
Jack and Jill's
Opens July 22nd
Free parking for customers.

Opening times:
10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Unit 10

Task 1
Match the adverts with the shop or product and write a–d next to the number 1–4.

1. ...... advert A a. an electrical shop

2. ...... advert B b. a new department store

3. ...... advert C c. a second-hand games console
4. ...... advert D d. a sports shops

Task 2
Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. The JR Sports sale starts in August. True False

2. The video console comes with five games. True False
3. The video console is in good condition. True False
4. You get a free DVD player if you buy a camera from Tellys'r'us. True False
5. You have to pay to use Jack and Jill's car park. True False

6. Jack and Jill's is open until late. True False


Check your understanding: gap fill

Write a word to complete the sentences.
1. In advert A, the sale ends on ____________ 1st.
2. In advert B, the X-station costs £____________.
3. In advert B, the X-station is in its ____________.
4. In advert C, you get a free DVD player if you buy a ____________.
5. In advert C, the sale is this ____________ only.
6. In advert D, the department store offers free ____________ for customers.


What is skimming?
Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning.
Unit 10

A learner taking a reading exam decides to approach text by looking at the title, introductions,
and any diagrams and sub-headings, then skim reading to get a clear general idea of what the
text is about.
In the classroom Skimming is a specific reading skill which is common in reading newspapers,
messages and e-mails. It is important that learners understand that there is no need to read
every word when skimming, so often teachers set this as a timed task to encourage speed.

Unit 10

Read the advertising below and do skimming to get a general idea of meaning.

Unit 10



Describe the situation in this picture below.

Do this exercise before you listen. Circle the best option for what shop
assistant normally say at the shop.
1. Can I help you? / Can I try it on?
2. What size do you want? / Choose the size that you want?
3. Would you like to pay by credit card? / Would you like to pay by transfer?
4. Yes, I'll take it. / Yes, I'll look it

Unit 10

Listening Material

Shopping for Clothes

Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant and do

the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

(Play the Audio)

1. Check your understanding: grouping

Do this exercise while you listen and put the questions next to the person who
asked them.

Would you like to pay with credit card or with cash?

Can I help you?
What size do you want?
Is it Ok?
Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?
And in purple?

Shop Assistant Customer

_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Unit 10

2. Check your understanding while you listen: gap fill

Write one word to answer each question.

1. What size T-shirt does the customer want?

2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt?
3. What colour T-shirt does the customer try on?
4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt?
5. How much does it cost? (e.g. £12.20) £
6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash?

3. Check your understanding while you listen: exercises

Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture

Cash credit card receipt

checkout changing rooms T-shirt

Unit 10


Listen to your friend and find the difference between these shopping place.

1. Cibaduyut Market

If leather is what you love; then there is no reason for you to miss this market. It is mainly
known for its shoes but also offers other leather goods. One would find not just a wide variety
of shoes but every shade of colour possible on shoes too. If not the pre-made designs one can
give a special order for a pair of customised shoes. The market is known for its good quality
products at super unbelievable prices.

Unit 10

2. Tanah Abang Market

This is one of the most crowded markets in Jakarta and is famous for its wide variety of
products available. Like Old Delhi is famous for its diverse category of goods in whole sale
quantity and prices, Tanah Abang is the Indonesian version of it. The same way it has been
constructed in an old traditional market fashion with full shops and buyers like sardines in a
can! Most of the export bulk of textiles people find in other countries is sent from here.

Unit 10

3. Klewer Market

It is known as the busiest textile market in Surakarta, and after the recent renovation, it has
gained more popularity. This market that is structured into levels offers low to moderately
ranged fabric materials. It is worth a look if one is in Solo. It is located near the old museum of
Palace Keraton. One can buy souvenirs like batiks, which are sold the most here. The highest
level serves different types of traditional tidbits and snacks. The Bu Edi's Tengkleng is always
occupied with foodies there for its famous mutton soup and is a must-try.

What was the last item of clothing you bought? Where and when did you buy it? Are you
happy with it?

Vocabulary Enrichment
Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.

Unit 10



Describe the situation in this picture below.


Do this exercise before you watch the video. Match the question and the answer. write a–d next
to the numbers 1–4.
1........What size are you? a.Black, please.
2........What colour would you like? b.I'm a size 10
3........How much are these trainers? c.Yes, please.
4........Do you want to try them on? d.£50.

Unit 10

Speaking Material

Buying new shoes

Listen to the conversation when Sam's looking for new trainers. Time for a visit to the
shoe shop!

(Play the audio)

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1.Sam wants to buy some__________ (trousers / trainers).
2.They cost __________ (£45 / £55).
3.Sam is a size____________ (10/ 11).
4.Sam wants________ (black/ white) trainers.
5.Sam tries some trainers, but they're too_________ (small/ big).
6.Sam__________ (buys/ doesn't buy) the trainers in the end

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

Fill the gaps with the correct phrase from the box.

Size 11 in black no thanks have you got them

They're a bit too big how much are they thanks anyway

Shop assistant: Hi there. Do you need any help?

Sam: Hi. Er … I really like these trainers. How m___ a__ they?
Shop assistant: They're £45.
Sam: OK. Do you h______ them i__ a 10?
Shop assistant: I'll have a look for you.
Sam: Thanks.
Shop assistant: Oh … what colour would you like?
Sam: Black, p_____.
Shop assistant: OK, just a moment. (The assistant goes to look for the trainers that Sam
wants to try on.) We've got 10 in white, but not in black.
Unit 10

Sam: Oh … do you have s___ 11 i__ black?

Shop assistant: Yeah, sure. Do you want to try them?
Sam: Yes, p_____. (The assistant gets Sam the trainers. Sam tries them on.)
Shop assistant: How are they?
Sam: I like them, but they're a bit t__ b__.
Shop assistant: OK. Do you want to try the white ones in your size?
Sam: Mmm, no thanks. I don't like the w____ o___ too much.
Shop assistant: Ah, OK. Well, sorry about that.
Sam: D___ worry ... T_____ anyway. Bye.
Shop assistant: Thanks a lot. Bye now.

3. Check your understanding: ordering

Write the words in the correct order to make questions and sentences.

1.How | ? | are | much | these | trainers

........................................................................................................................| a size 10 | them | Have | ? | you | in
3.Do | these | ? | you | red | have | in
4.but they're | them | a bit | . | I like | too big
........................................................................................................................ | . | don't | too much | the white ones

Unit 10

Make a conversation with your partner based on these pictures.

1. Casual Shoes

2. Sports Shoes

Unit 10

3. Formal Shoes

Can you describe the shoes you're wearing now?
What new words and phrases did you learn from this audio?

Vocabulary Enrichment
Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.


Introduction to Advertisement Writing

An advertisement is a kind of public announcement asking for or offering services or buying
and selling property, goods or giving information about missing persons, pets, etc,.

Unit 10

Format of a General Advertisement Writing

Key Points

● Begin with the words Sale/ Available/ Wanted.

● State the type of Accommodation/ Vehicles/ Goods.
● Give a brief physical description, contact details, price.

Unit 10

You have a shop named TATA Footwear in Jakarta. write an advertisement informing the
customers about the sale.

M/s Metro Shirts have introduced their new summer range of men's shirts and T-shirts. Prepare
an attractive advertisement for the range.


A. Here are the examples of nominal sentences. Study the structure of nominal sentences below.

● Mary is very clever.

● This story book is interesting.
● Chika will be here soon.
● Are you good at singing?
● They are teachers of English online class.
● John is in the park with his best friend.
● My mother was busy last night.
● We were in her home yesterday.
● Willy was the owner of this factory.
● Are they students at UIN Maliki Malang?
● Are you dentist?

B. Read the following text and find the examples of nominal sentences from the text

The Pros and Cons of Online Shopping

These days, it seems like everything is going digital. From news articles and recipes to yoga
tutorials, you can find almost everything on the internet.

Unit 10

Many people find this way of life more convenient, because they can complete their daily chores
from the comfort of their own home. I think that is why some people like to shop for their clothes
online. With the click of a button, you can order anything you want, and have it delivered directly
to your front door. For someone with a busy lifestyle, this seems ideal.
Firstly, online shopping can be far less stressful than hitting the high-street shops. There are no
huge crowds of people or tediously long queues. With online shopping, it is just you and your
computer. It is like you have the whole shop to yourself. Secondly, online stores don't have
opening and closing times. This is perfect for anyone with a busy schedule – like office workers
who work long hours, or teenagers with several hobbies to squeeze into the weekend. If you want
to, you can even place an online shopping order at three o'clock in the morning.
In the bustling modern world, there are clearly many advantages to online shopping. However,
in my experience, there are also several cons. With online shopping, you can not try before you
buy, and that is a definite disadvantage for me. Often, when my new clothes arrive, I find they
don't fit very well. It is always annoying when a dress is a little too big, or when sleeves are
awkwardly short. Sometimes, the clothes are not what I was expecting. A piece of clothing might
look great in photos online, but quite different in real life. A blue jumper might turn out to be
green, whilst other times the material of a blouse will feel cheap and scratchy.
In these scenarios, you want to return the item, but here lies the biggest problem with online
shopping. You have to pay for your order's delivery, and for an item to be returned to the
warehouse! These charges are often very expensive, which suddenly makes online shopping
seem a little less convenient. That's why I don't choose to shop online very frequently. For now, I
will continue to find the time for a trip to a real shop, where I know exactly what I'm buying!

C. Do the following sentences belong to nominal sentences?

1. An apple has sweet taste.

2. Exercises are not always easy for beginner.
3. Has anyone already been bored to wait the announcement?
4. The present members were the past Scott.
5. A mother is kind to a little child.
6. Who is not really busy today?
7. Big men eat more than small boys.
8. The victims will be better soon.
9. He is sleeping right now.

Unit 10

10. A good pupil is never late for a lesson.

11. What do you want to be?
12. Australian sheep give us very good wool.
13. A garden usually has flowers in it.
14. The man who lives near my house is very friendly.
15. Donita is wearing a beautiful dress.
16. It must be yours.
17. He sells good cakes.
18. An airport is a busy place.
19. They are really interesting guys.
20. Did Emily and Cathy come to your house last night?
21. The children who joined the speech contest were really smart.
22. Why was she absent yesterday?
23. A dog hates a cat.
24. Oranges are good to eat.
25. What are you looking for in my room?
26. My brother Timmy has been in New York for two years.
27. Sue will have been a doctor next year.
28. A fly is an insect that flies with its wings.
29. Are you ready to get the final test now?
30. She has read lots of novels this month.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

D. Write 10 nominal sentences using your own words.

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. __________________________________________
Practical English


Q Facts are true and opinions tell what you think about something.
Q “It is Tuesday” may be a fact. However, if you think Tuesday is the best day of the
week—that is your opinion.
Q Opinions are statements of someone's belief. When you say, "I believe (that) ... ", "I
think (that)... ", “In my opinion, ….”, or “in my view, …….”, you are expressing
your opinion.
Q People can disagree with opinions, but facts are true statements that no one can
disagree with. Example: “That film was three hours long”.
Q Writers use facts to support their opinions and to show why they hold their beliefs.

Before going through the text, have a look at the table below to get deep understanding of both
fact and opinion.

Facts Opinion

Can be proven Can't be proven

True for everyone Matter of personal judgement

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. ~ Fact

The movie was really interesting. ~ Opinion

Task 1. Write “fact” or “opinion” on the space following each statement.

__________1. Dinosaurs are the most interesting animals to ever walk the Earth.
__________2. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth over a million years ago.
__________3. Venus is a planet in our solar system.
__________4. I think cats are better pets than dogs.
__________5. Watermelon is the best fruit to eat on a hot day.
__________6. George Washington was the first president of the United States.
__________7. Saturday comes after Friday.
__________8. Sprinkles make ice cream taste better.
__________9. If you chew a piece of gum for too long, it loses its flavor.

Unit 11

__________10. My sister's socks smell worse than any other socks in the world.
__________11. June is the sixth month of the year.
__________12. Oranges grow on trees.
__________13. Elephants are the coolest animals at the zoo.
__________14. If you mix blue and red, you get purple.
__________15. Two quarters, two dimes and a nickel equal 75¢.

Task 2. Now try to determine whether these sentences are fact or opinion!
1. Koalas sleep most of the day. …………….
2. The homework the teacher set was really hard. …………….
3. Sam's favorite color is red. …………….
4. The fastest land animal is the cheetah. …………….
5. A really scary book has just been released. ……………. and …………….

Find 3 Facts and Opinion from this picture!

1. …………………………………………………… 1. ……………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………… 3. ……………………………………………………

Unit 11

Reading text: An airport departures board

Time Flight Destination Gate Remarks
10:45 XZ 3265 Chennai 17 Departed
10:50 SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed

11:00 SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed

11:05 RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
11:10 XZ 6005 Los Angeles 05 Final call
11:20 QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
11:25 TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
11:25 ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding
11:30 XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding
11:35 XZ 0569 Kuala Lumpur 27 Gate change

Task 4
Match the phrases with the sentences.

Final call Departed Delayed

Boarding Cancelled Gate change

1. The plane isn't here now. ………………………………

2. The plane is late. ………………………………
3. The plane is not going to leave. ………………………………
4. You can get on the plane now. ………………………………
5. The plane is leaving very soon. ………………………………
6. You need to go to a different place to get on the plane. ………………………………

Unit 11

Task 5
Circle the best answer.

1. Can you get on the flight to Chennai?

a. Yes b. No c. If you're quick
2. Can you get on the flight to LA?
a. Yes b. No c. If you're quick
3. When is the flight to Beijing?
a. eleven twelve b. eleven twenty c. twenty to twelve
4. Where is the flight to Seoul?
a. Gate twelve b. Gate twenty-four c. Gate twenty-five
5. When is the flight to Kuala Lumpur?
a. eleven twenty-five b. eleven forty-five c. twenty-five to twelve
6. Which flight left from Gate 34?
a. a flight to Buenos Aires b. a flight to Mexico City c. no flight
7. When is the flight to Moscow?
a. eleven twenty b. half past eleven c. half past twelve
8. Where is the flight to Los Angeles?
a. Gate five b. Gate fifteen c. Gate fifty

How often do you travel by plane? Which countries would you like to visit?

Listen to some transport announcements to practice and improve your listening skills.

Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (1–8) with the words in bold letters in the sentences (a–h).

Unit 11

Definitions Sentences

1. …… train a. Move to the front of the carriage.

2. …… a section of a train b. Approximately five minutes.

3. …… to leave c. Your plane is boarding at Gate 1.

4. …… to get on a plane, train or boat d. Your plane will depart soon.

5. …… to end e. Some rail services are delayed.

6. …… to be careful about f. Mind where you walk.

7. …… more or less g. There is a gap between the platform and the train.

8. …… space h. This train terminates here.

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?

1. The Bristol train is at 20.12. True False
2. First class is at the back of the train. True False
3. Passengers for Oxford are delayed by 8 minutes. True False
4. The Paris flight is EV318. True False
5. People in the front of the train carriage can get out easily at True False
Liverpool Street.
6. The back doors won't open. True False
7. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines. True False
8. Red Bridge is the last stop. True False

Task 2
Write the numbers next to the information.

13 9 8 3

Unit 11

1. ……………………………… The number of stops before Bristol Temple Meads.

2. ……………………………… The number of minutes' delay to the Bristol train.
3. ……………………………… The new platform for the Bristol train.
4. ……………………………… The gate for the Paris flight.


Work in group of 4 to 5 people. Interview each of your friends. When your friend answers 'Yes',
you should write your friend's name and ask for and record additional information.
For example:

A: Do you come to school by bus?

B: Yes, I do.
A: (writes your friend's name in the box) Do you enjoy taking a bus?
B: No, I don't. Sometimes it's too crowded.
A: (writes this information in the box)

When your friend answers with 'No', you should the leave box empty. Another friend may later
answer 'Yes' for this question.

Unit 11

Unit 11


Read some transport announcements at an airport, a flight before and after take-off to practise
and improve your writing skills.

Before writing
Do the preparation task first. Then read the announcements and do the exercises.

Preparation task

Your attention please. This is the final call for passengers of Qatar Airways on flight number QR
959 to Doha. Please board the aircraft immediately through gate 8. Thank you.

Task 1
Identify nominal sentences (NS) in the announcement below. Write your answer on the
available blank space of each statement, either a nominal sentence (NS) or not nominal sentence
1. This is the final call for passengers of Qatar Airways on flight number QR 959 to Doha.
2. Please board the aircraft immediately through gate 8. (____)

Task 2
Underline a word of these statements to prove the statement, either a nominal sentence or
verbal sentence.
1. This is the final call for passengers of Qatar Airways on flight number QR 959 to Doha.
2. Please board the aircraft immediately through gate 8.

Task 3
After take-off, all passengers are notified by a cabin crew about flight safety and comfort.
Rearrange these statements (1-4) to create a good order of sentences in a paragraph.
Unit 11

1. Smoking in the lavatories will activate the smoke detectors.

2. Once again, this is a non-smoking flight.
3. The fasten seatbelt sign has been switched off, but for your safety, please keep your
seatbelt fastened while seated.
4. For your comfort, this aircraft is equipped with one lavatory in the forward cabin for
business class only, and two lavatories in the rear cabin for economy class.

Reading to writing
In your flight travel, the cabin crew will inform you during your flight safety step by step.
Please read it carefully.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome on board Garuda Indonesia. Before take-off, let us enlighten you
with these safety aspects of this aircraft. Please ensure that your seat is upright, your personal
video screen, tray table and footrest are folded away, and window blind is raised. Your seat belt is
fastened by inserting the metal loop into the buckle. To remove the belt, simply lift the metal
catch and remove the metal loop. Your seat belt should be fastened when the seat belt sign is lit
and whenever you are seated or asleep. Do not leave any cabin baggage at the emergency exits or
in the aisle. All cabin baggage should be securely kept in the compartment above you or under
the seat in front of you. Do take a moment to identify the emergency exits closest to you. There
are path lights along the aisle that will lead you to an emergency exit. For a water landing, there is
a life vest located beside or beneath your seat. Place it over your head and bring the two straps
together. Now tighten by pulling these straps. Only inflate your life vest just before leaving the
aircraft or inflate your life vest by blowing into the tubes. Pull away the plugs to enable the
emergency light. The light will automatically turn on when in water. To attract attention, blow
into the whistle. Should oxygen masks drop from the compartment, pull the mask towards you
to enable the flow of oxygen. Then cover your nose and mouth. Breath normally and secure your
own mask first, before assisting others. In your seat pocket there is a safety instruction card.
Please read carefully. Please ensure your mobile phone and all its features are fully turned off
while you are in this aircraft. Electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, games, and music
players are allowed after take-off. Thank you for attention. We wish you an enjoyable flight with
Garuda Indonesia.
Unit 11


To enlighten (v): menyampaikan upright (adj): tegak

To ensure (v): memastikan metal loop (NP): ujung logam
To fold away (v): melipat ke tempat semula buckle (n): gesper
To raise (v): membuka an emergency exit (NP): pintu darurat
To fasten (v): mengencangkan aisle (n): lorong kabin
To insert (v): memasang a life vest (NP): baju pelampung
To remove (v): melepas the plugs (NP): penyumbat baterai
To leave (v): meletakkan beneath (prep.): di bawah
To lit (v): menyalakan a strap (n): tali
To inflate (v): mengembungkan take-off (n): terbang (tinggal landas)
To blow (v): meniup a water landing (NP): mendarat di air
To pull away (v): mencabut a safety instruction card (NP): kartu
petunjuk keselamatan
To lift (v): mengangkat
To lead (v): mengarahkan
To tighten (v): mengencangkan
To pull (v): menarik (sesuatu benda dengan kuat)
To attract (v): menarik (perhatian)

Writing Exercise
There are pictures about flight safety below. Please match each picture with a correct meaningful
sentence of the text (flight safety) above and write your answer beneath the corresponding



Unit 11






Unit 11






Unit 11







Unit 11







Unit 11







Unit 11







Unit 11

GRAMMAR FOCUS: The Structure of Contextualised Language

In learning sentences above, we need 'verbal processes' which deliver our powerful impression
of experience. Verbs as processes are taken from the perspective of functional grammar by
Michael Halliday in the 1960s. Functional grammar is designed to explain how the language is
used in a variety of context. Language is understood in different uses of context of two distinctive
meanings (ideational and interpersonal).

Ideational is meant 'to understand the environment' and interpersonal is intended 'to act on the
others in it'. Combined with these two different types of meaning above is the third component,
so-called 'the textual'. Thus, there are three ways to understand language (ideational,
interpersonal, and textual). The three components of functional grammar are called
'metafunctions'. Therefore, the metafunctions of functional grammar will firstly lead us to
identify language experiences, including our minds, event descriptions, mental states, and
entities involved in them. Secondly, when interacting with others, we establish and maintain
relation with them, affect their behaviour, deliver our points of view on things, and adapt their
viewpoints. Thirdly, in a way of using language, we accommodate meaningful messages by
qualifying the message for other messages around them and with the broader context in which
we are speaking with others or writing sentences to other people.

This part begins with verbal processes which are divided into three strands:

The three strands will be partly focused on 'doing' verbs as 'material' and 'behavioural'
processes. Materials processes use 'verbs' to start with doing things with what happen in the
external, material world of our experience. Then, behavioural processes use 'verbs' to refer to
psychological and physical behaviour.

Unit 11

This focus is suited to the language use of travel announcements at an airport because the
announcements at an airport both before and after flight take-offs use language as 'imperative'.
Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning or instructions, and (if
you use "please") to make a request. It is one of the three moods of an English verb (indicative,
imperative and subjunctive).
For example:
1. Smoking in the lavatories will activate the smoke detectors

Verb as material

Smoking in the lavatories will activate the smoke detectors

2. Do not leave any cabin baggage at the emergency exits or in the aisle.

Verb as behavioural

Do not leave any cabin baggage at the emergency exits or in the aisle

Language Description

Example 1 shows the verb is as material process. It is when cigarette is burned and smoke is sent
into the air in lavatories and detected by smoke detectors, the detectors will be activated.

Example 2 describes the verb is as behavioural process. There is a sign not to leave any cabin
baggage at the emergency exits or in the aisle due to disturbance. The disturbance is a situation
that creates physical interruption and people may be prevented from continuing or working in
the normal way.

Grammar Exercise

Do this exercise for your grammar work to:

1. create the table for one to three sentences of 'verb as material' and 'verb as behavioural';
2. find a verb in the announcements above that describe either 'verb as material' or 'verb as
behavioural', and
3. describe the sentence (either 'verb as material' or 'verb as behavioural') in the similar
way of being described in Language Description.
Practical English

Read the study skills tips to practice and improve your reading skills. You'll
learn some great study tips at the same time!

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Write the words in the correct box!

progress extra practice group activities

mistakes your homework

Notes a list


Reading text: Study skills tips

• Many studies about language learning ask the
question: What makes a good language learner?
There are some things that good language
learners do and some things they don't do. Here
are some of the most useful suggestions from
• Don't be afraid of making mistakes. People often
get things wrong. Good language learners notice their mistakes and learn from them.

Unit 12

• Do group activities. People use language to communicate with other people. A good
language learner always looks for opportunities to talk with other students.
• Make notes during every class. Notes help you to remember new language. Look at your
notes when you do your homework.
• Use a dictionary. Good language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning of
words they don't know. They also make their own vocabulary lists.
• Think in the language you're learning outside the classroom. When you're shopping or
walking down the street, remember useful words and phrases. Sometimes, when you're at
home, say new words to practice your pronunciation.
• Do extra practice. Test and improve your language, reading and listening skills with self-
study material. You can find a lot of this online.
• Imagine yourself speaking in the language. Many good language learners can see and hear
themselves speaking in the language. This helps their motivation.
• Enjoy the process. Good language learners have fun with the language. Watch a TV series
or film, listen to songs, play video games or read a book. It's never too late to become a
good language learner.

Task 1

According to the text, are the sentences true or false?

1. Good language learners don't make mistakes. True False
2. It's a good idea to talk with other students. True False
3. Take notes only before an exam. True False
4. Good language learners write down the words and expressions they learn. True False
5. Think of language you know when you are outside the classroom. True False
6. Don't take tests outside of class – it's very stressful. True False

Task 2

Write the noun forms of the verbs. For example, 'imagination' is the noun
form of the verb 'imagine'.

Unit 12

learn …………………………
suggest …………………………
communicate …………………………
mean …………………………
pronounce …………………………
motivate …………………………

What other tips do you have for learning a new language?


In formal academic English, paragraphs have three main parts.

Every good paragraph has ONE topic sentence, which gives the general topic of the whole
paragraph. The topic sentence in a paragraph states the main idea of the paragraph. While it is
usually at the beginning of the paragraph, it also can be in the middle or end of it.

Example 1:
Forest Gump is a very touching movie. It shows that it is possible to enjoy life without
being stingy, materialistic or ruthless. It helps us to realize that there are many people among us
that were born with various defects. That fact makes me think how fortunate I am to be totally
healthy. The movie also contains a love story between Forrest Gump and a girl who does not
think of him as a serious partner because of his defect; however, they eventually get married.
Moreover, we see love between mother and son where Forest's mom even slept with the school
principal in order to give the son a chance of going to a normal school. All those things make me
think of this movie as a very moving story.
Unit 12

• work in groups in 10 minutes
• read the following paragraphs
• underline the best topic sentence for the paragraphs

1. The best trip my family ever took was to Papuma, Jember. We drove along the roads for 6
hours. I didn't think it would be very interesting, but I was wrong. We saw the beautiful
beach with the crystal clear waters and white sand combinations that people dream of on
vacations. The scenery and atmosphere can be enjoyed more completely at a restaurant
which provides Indonesian and Papuma food, a variety of baked fish.

2. No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. To be successful at university,
students need to learn good time-management skills. The first skill is not taking on more
than you can handle. If you are a working part-time, have a family and are involved in a
community organisation, then taking a full course-load at university will be too much.
Another time management skill is reasonably estimating the time required to perform
each of the tasks at hand. For example, deeply reading a chapter from a course text cannot
be completed in between television programmes. Finally, actuallydoingwhat needs to
be done seems obvious, but is a very difficult skill. You may find that cleaning out your
wardrobe becomes vital when you are avoiding study. Procrastination is a time
manager's enemy. By learning time management skills your university study will be
successful and most importantly enjoyable.

3. The heart weighs about 11 ounces and is the size of a clenched fist. The heart of a man
performs at about 60 to 80 beats a minute. In a year it beats some 40 million times. At
each beat it takes in nearly a quarter of a pint of blood; in a single day it pumps 2,200
gallons of blood, and in the course of a single lifetime about 56 million gallons. Is there
any other engine capable of carrying on such heavy work over such a long period of time
without needing to be repaired? Obviously the human heart is a small yet highly efficient
piece of equipment.

4. Many people think poetry is old-fashioned and uninteresting. They don't realize that
every time they hear a song sung, they are hearing poetry in the form of song lyrics. Just
like many written poems, many song lyrics use rhythm, rhyme, and literary imagery. It
turns out that poetry isn't old-fashioned; it's as modern as the latest hit song!
Unit 12

5. Sometimes it is hard to fall asleep. Maybe you are not sleepy, or maybe you are thinking
about what happened during the day. You can also lie awake if a big event, like a test or a
party, is happening the next day. There are several things you can do to try and fall asleep.
You can try counting sheep, or just counting, which will keep your mind busy with a
repetitious activity. Sometimes listening to soft music or gentle sounds, like rain, helps.
You can even try telling yourself a story, which may distract your mind enough that you
will be asleep in no time

Read the paragraph and choose the best topic sentence

1. ______________________________________________. Firstly, living in a

foreign country helps you learn another language faster than studying it at school.
Secondly, you can learn directly about the history, geography, and culture of a country.
Thirdly, you become a more tolerant person because you experience different ways of
living. The last, living in a foreign country makes you appreciate your own country better.
A. You can learn by living in a foreign country.
B. We should live in a foreign country for a while.
C. Some benefits you can get by living in a foreign country.
D. You can get many benefits in a foreign

2. ________________________________________________ . There are some

private colleges and universities in the United States. Private colleges and universities are
usually more expensive because they do not get money from taxes. Meanwhile, some other
colleges and universities are public. It means the citizens of each state pay some of the costs
through their taxes so that public colleges are cheaper for students to attend. However, you
can get a good education no matter which type of college you attend – public or private.

A. Two main types of colleges and universities in the United States are private and public.
B. Private colleges and universities get money from taxes.
C. There are only some colleges and universities in the United States.
D. Private colleges are more enjoyable for students.

Unit 12

3. ______________________________________________ . First, the classes in

small college are small. There are approximately twenty students in average class in a small
college. Second, it is easy to meet with professors. Almost all professors in small colleges
have time to help students and are usually happy to do so. Third, small colleges are
friendly, so new students make friends quickly. Thus, small colleges are better than large
universities for many students.

A. Small colleges are friendlier than large universities.

B. Some reasons are stated for attending a small college instead of a large university.
C. An excellent education you can get at a small college.
D. A small college is an excellent educations for students

4. _______________________________________________ . One reason is that

employers want workers to be dependable. They certainly want workers who come to work
every day. The other reason is employers want workers who are responsible. The
employers would like to give the worker a project to do and know that it will be done well. In
addition, employers look for workers who can work well with others. The ability to get
along with co-workers is important to the success of business. In short, employers look for
dependable and responsible team players.

A. It is difficult to find good employers these days.

B. Employers read job applications very carefully.
C. The three main qualities the employers look for in their employees.
D. Employers are difficult to find qualified employees

5. _______________________________________________. Green curry is the

hottest Thai curry. People who will enjoy green curry are those who like very spicy food.
Red curry is medium hot. It doesn't burn your mouth and is flavorful. Yellow curry is the
mildest of all. This curry is usually the choice of people who eat Thai food for the first time.
To summarize, you have three delicious choices when you order Thai curry.
A. Thai curry has three different colors.
B. The meaning of different colors in Thai curry.
C. Different colors have different meaning in Thai food.
D. Thai curry colors have different meaning

Unit 12

6. _______________________________________________. To illustrate, last

semester I was taking an organic chemistry class. About four weeks into the class, I began
preparing for our scheduled midterm exam which was worth 35% of our overall grade. The
midterm exam covered a lot of important concepts, but I was not 100% confident that I
would score well. Therefore, I joined a group to prepare for the exam. During our three
hour study session, we prepared a specific study guide with sample test questions plus
answers. Then we verbally tested each other all the mock test questions that we had
prepared. Participating in this group study definitely helped me understand the organic
chemistry content because I scored a 97% on the test which was higher than the 81% I
received on the previous test for which I had studied alone.
A. Chemistry class was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
B. I prepare for tests by making mock questions to see if I can accurately recall the
C. Group study is more beneficial than individual study because students can understand
the course better.
D. I usually score well on most of my tests in college.

7. _____________________________________________________Last year,
for instance, I had a friend who started bicycling. To get started, he bought a mountain bike
for 2.500.000. After that he purchased bicycle pants, shoes, shirts, and a helmet, all of
which totaled more than 1.000.000. However, as I runner, I purchased some necessary
equipment and running apparel such as watch 250.000, shorts 100.000, shoes 200.000,
and socks 50.000 which is a lot less expensive than the bicycling gear that my friend had to
A. Bicycles can be more expensive that most people think.
B. Running shoes cost around 200.000 a pair.
C. Running is a better form of exercise than bicycling because it is much cheaper.
D. Bicycle helmets should be worn at all times.

8. ________________________________________________________. I
work in a marketing agency, to illustrate, and the first thing in the morning after we show
up for work, my team and I collaborate to figure out what projects we need to begin for our
many clients. At that early meeting, our team delegated specific tasks to each group
member. On that day, Tomas did not arrive to work until 9:30 AM, but he was supposed to

Unit 12

show up at 8:00 AM. Thus, he missed the first 90 minutes of our team meeting, and, after
he showed up, we had to spend a lot of time catching him up on his assigned tasks.
Workers, like Tomas, who consistently show up late should be fired because they cannot be
depended on.
A. An important quality of a good co-worker is punctuality, and showing up to work in a
timely fashion is a must.
B. Teams often delegate tasks to each participant in order for the group to function well.
C. Some workers may show up late from time to time when they are going to their jobs.
D. An important attribute of a good co-coworker is that he or she gets along well with
9. ________________________________________________. On the one hand,
group study is beneficial because students can consult with each other to have a deeper
knowledge of the class content. For example, a couple of years ago, I was preparing for a
biology exam. To get ready for the exam, I decided to study with four other students.
Because I was able to study with my classmates, I was able to get a deep understanding of
cell division in plants. On the other hand, group study can create some problems. To
illustrate, during my group study for my biology exam, sometimes we talked about
personal and unrelated matters instead of focusing on our discussion of cell division. As a
result, we spent about three hours preparing for our exam on cell division. I am sure that
we could have finished our study within a 90 minute time frame had we not spent so much
time chit chatting.
A. Group study is the most beneficial method of study in that I stay more alert since I have
others to keep me focused.
B. A disadvantage to group study is distractions as members may digress from the purpose
of the study session by talking about trivial matters.
C. I do not prefer group study because it causes too many distractions which cause me to
lose focus from my studies.
D. Group study has advantages and disadvantages for students who choose this method of
exam preparation.

10.____________________________________________. First of all, the woman

believes that shortening the final exam week would place unnecessary stress on students.
Right now, students have 5 days for final exams, and only 1 exam occurs on each day.
However, according to her, changing that schedule would force students to have to take 2-3

Unit 12

exams on each day of finals which is too much. Second of all, changing the final exam week
to only two days, the woman asserts, would make it harder for professors to get all their
grading done before having to submit their grades at the end of the semester. Currently,
like students, professors only have to administer 1 final exam during each day of finals, so
they have plenty of time to grade their exams and papers, concludes the woman.
A. Students would have to take too many exams on each day of final exam week if it were
compressed to two days.
B. In the listening passage, the woman believes that shortening final week has two
negative consequences.
C. According to the woman, shortening final exam week would put too much pressure on
D. Final week will undergo some changes in order to make it better for both students and


Please take a look at this picture. Jot down some words related to the
picture. Number one has been done for you.

Unit 12

1. studying 4. … 7. …
2. … 5. … 8. …
3. … 6. … 9. …

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practice and improve

your listening skills.

Task 1. Fill the gaps with the word from the box.

body marks good quiet legs three

1. You always have good … at school!

2. I always do … things. Do you want to know them?
3. I usually study in my bedroom. It's very …
4. I move my arms and … and drink some water.
5. It's important to get up and move your …
6. Next time I think I can get … marks!

Task 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Ben …
A. Doesn't study.
B. Studies and does well.
C. Studies but doesn't do well.
2. Ben usually studies …
A. In the library
B. At home
C. In his friend's house
3. On Ben's desk there are …
A. Papers, books and pens
B. Pencils, books and pens
C. A pencil case and pens
4. Katty …
A. Has a break for thirty minutes.
B. Exercises for thirty minutes.
C. Studies for thirty minutes.
Unit 12

5. When Ben studies …

A. He doesn't take a break.
B. He has a break for two or three hours.
C. He has two or three breaks each hour.

Task 3. Put the ideas in the correct groups.

· Have a clear desk.
· Play loud music while you study.
· Study in a quiet place.
· Take lots of break.
· Get up and move your body.
· Have lots of papers and books on your desk.
· Study for two or three hours without a break.
· Stay in your chair when you take a break.

Good Ideas Bed Ideas

Task 4. Please write down 3 (three) study tips from Katy.

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________

After listening to conversation between Katy and Ben, please share your three study tips.


Here are my study tips:

1. Make break every 30 minutes.
2. Do not play computer games and don't sit while you break.
Unit 12

3. Use your break time for:

· going to toilet
· drinking some water or tea
· doing some gymnastics
· keeping your room and table clear
· going to sleep earlier


GRAMMAR FOCUS: Verbal sentences and Nominal Sentences

In the previous meetings, you have learnt about noun, noun phrase, and pronoun which
are utilized as subject in a sentence. Besides, verb or verb phrases have been discussed in detail.
Subject and verb are words required to form a sentence. In other words, a group of words is
called a sentence if they consist of minimally subject and verb.
Sentences containing only 'be' as the main verb and usually followed with adjective,
noun (phrase), and adverb are called nominal sentences, while verbal sentences do not use 'be'
as the main verb or 'be' is used followed by the other main verbs. Study the sentences below:
(1) Mr. M. Zainuddin is the rector of UIN MALIKI Malang.
(2) Mr. M. Zainuddin is speaking in Arabic
(3) Mr. M. Zainuddin is interesting.
(4) Mr. M. Zainuddin speaks in three languages: Arabic, English, and Mandarin.

If you have a closer look at the examples, you can recognize that sentence 1 and sentence 3 belong
to nominal sentences. The verb 'is' as 'be' in sentence 1 is not followed by the other main verb, but
it is followed with the rector of UIN MALIKI Malang as the noun phrase. Similarly, the verb 'is' in
sentence 3 is not followed with verb and it is not Present Continuous Tense. It is Simple Present
Tense, for the word “interesting” is adjective not verb. Meanwhile, sentence 2 and sentence 4
belong to verbal sentences. The verb 'is' in sentence 2 is followed with the main verb 'speaking'
which belong to main verb in Present Continuous Tense. The word 'speaks' in sentence 3 is the
main verb. This sentence belongs Simple Present Tense.
To understand more about verbal sentences and nominal sentences, the following table
will show you which verbs belong to verbal sentences or nominal sentences.

Unit 12

A.Verbs for Nominal Sentences*) B.Verb for Verbal Sentences

1. Be 1. Do
E.g.: She will be here. E.g.: I do my homework by myself.
2. Have
2. Is, am, are
E.g.: They have much money to
E.g.: You are very strong. share.
3. Was, were 3. Eat
E.g.: My sister and I eat avocado.
E.g.: The women were sick yesterday.
4. Drink
4. Been E.g.: The boy and the girl drink ice
E.g.: They have been here. tea.
5. Being 5. Etc.
E.g.: The cat has been being sick

Note: *) Verb for Nominal Sentences are not followed by the other main verbs.

Task 1
Circle N if the following sentences belong to Nominal sentences and V if
they are Verbal Sentences. Number one has been done for you.

1. The man was eating meat ball. N/V

2. The sky is going to dark. N/V
3. Aisyah's face is glowing. N/V
4. There must be people over there. N/V
5. The bird has been flying for an hour. N/V
6. They had been here. N/V
7. The cat is like my cat. N/V
8. Drinking enough water keeps you from dehydration. N/V
9. It is a great idea to help them learning autonomously. N/V
10. If she were you, she would never be here. N/V

Task 2
Choose the correct verb to complete the missing words of the following
1. The government … to lower its deficit substantially in 2022.
A. is C. are
B. has decided D. is decided
Unit 12

2. Working at a human rights organization … like a lifelong career in fighting for the
common good of all people, but the reality is far from the ideal,
A. may have been seem C. may seem
B. may have seem D. may be seem
3. Australian regional town … 'Kampung Indonesia'
A. is become C. has became
B. have become D. becomes
4. People … mastering Chinese … them understand norms, culture, and policies.
A. believe, will help C. believe will be helpful
B. have believe, will be helped D. are believed, will help
5. Some people … listening to music than watching TV.
A. like C. are like
B. were like D. is like
6. The travel might … picked up again, but the hotel still … only half of its usual cleaning
A. have, has been C. has, has
B. has, have D. have, had
7. The next day, their shoulder was in so much agony, and the 29-year-old had to ask their
colleague to follow them and change the bedding in each room.
A. is become C. has became
B. have become D. becomes

Task 3
Look at the pictures below. There are six pictures. Write one verbal
sentence and one nominal sentence for each picture.

Unit 12

Picture 1
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
Picture 2
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
Picture 3
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
Picture 4
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
Picture 5
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
Picture 6
a. [Nominal] : …….………………………………………………………………………
b. [Verbal] : …….………………………………………………………………………

Task 4
Write your own experiences. It may about unforgettable experience or something
else about you. Don't write your sentences into a paragraph, yet make them in
numbers. After you finish writing, count the verbal sentences and nominal
sentences that you have written.
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. …
7. …
8. …
9. …

Nominal Sentence: … sentence(s) Verbal Sentence: … Sentence(s)
Practical English

Before Reading
Look at the picture, then answer the following questions.
1. What do you think about it?
2. Have you ever got this kind of thing before?
3. Share your experience.

Match the words in CAPITALS with the words or phrases that can replace

is tell each other news about our lives tell me

I'm excited about came to live here don't stop moving

1. That SOUNDS LIKE a good answer.

2. We MOVED IN two days ago.

3. We should CATCH UP soon.

4. KEEP GOING past the cinema.

5. LET ME KNOW if you like this dish.


Unit 13

An email from a friend
Read the following text briefly and then do the tasks given.

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Anita and Sarah are going to meet on Sunday.
2. Sarah is going to make lunch.
3. They haven't seen each other for a long time.
4. Anita's life hasn't changed since they last met.
5. The house is easy to find.
6. Sarah doesn't know the name of the side street his flat is on.
Unit 13

Task 2
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. idea – sounds – a great – That – like
2. Saturday – for – better – is – me
3. Why – here? – you – come – don't
4. I want – all about – your – to hear – new job
5. if – Call – you – me – get – lost
6. seeing – looking – you! – forward to – Really

How do you make plans with your friends? Think about it then speak up to
share it to others. Just take a look at the example below.

Yes, I think that anyone use the email to make plans

with friends. I make plans with friends by calls or
message text on WhatsApp. If I need to find friend's
address we use the GPS, it's really useful.

I usually use WhatsApp for planning meetings

with my friends.

I make phone calls if I want to meeting with

friends. Usually email is for just for apply job. And
email for professional work.

No, we really make our plans by telegram.

But as you well know since pandemic
everything has been complicated we prefer to
do it by video call.

Unit 13

Reading Strategy
Finding the Main Idea

The main idea of a passage or reading text is the central

thought or message. The term main idea refers to the point or
thought being expressed. It tells what the passage is about. It
tells you more about the topic and the writer's idea about the
topic. The other sentences are details that support the main
Tips in finding the main idea in a reading activity:
1. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often
explains the subject being discussed in the passage.
2. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentence of a paragraph. The main idea can
be expressed as a summation of the information in the paragraph as well as a link to the
information in the next paragraph.

Task 3
Read the following paragraph and underline the stated main idea.
1. The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books, calculators or papers are
allowed in the test room. Proctors will not allow anyone with such items to take the test.
Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken.
The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test period, all
materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a
failing grade for this test.
2. History is anything that happened in the past. One hundred years ago is in the past. One
minute ago is in the past. Both times are a part of history. We cannot remember everything
that happened in the past, but we do remember important events, or things that
happened. Some history is hard to find out about. Many things occurred, or happened
long before man was even around. Other things occurred before man knew how to write.
As man developed a system of writing, it became easier to know what happened because
he often recorded, or wrote down, the event. People could read about the event if they were
not there to see it happen. By studying history we can learn about what happened in the
past and think about how to do things in the future!

Unit 13

3. Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own
languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear
about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken
language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.
4. Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By reading, one knows the
world. He or she will understand what he doesn't see by himself or herself. The lines of the
paragraphs in an article contain pieces of knowledge. The knowledge is needed to improve
the quality of human's life. Technology transformation from other country can only be
done by reading a lot various sources of literature. Valuable books in libraries and
bookstores mean nothing if they are not read.


Leaving a Message
Before listening
Put the sentences below in the provided table.
Ø Would you like to leave a message?
Ø Could you take a message, please?
Ø I'll give her your message when she comes back to the office.
Ø Thank you for calling.
Ø I will call back later.
Ø Could you give me your number, please?
Ø Here's my email address.
Ø Please ask her to call me back.

Taking a message Leaving a message

Unit 13

Task 1
Listen to the following audio and do the exercises.
1. Maria's in a meeting. True/False
2. Peter's number is 07460 990128. True/False
3. Peter needs to give Maria the new project figures. True/False
4. Peter might be in a meeting later that afternoon. True/False
5. Peter prefers Maria to email him back instead of calling back. True/False
6. Peter's email address is True/False

Task 2
Put the sentences below in order, so it reflects a taking and leaving a
o It's OK. She already has my nunber.
o Sure. Would you like to leave a number?
o I am sorry. She is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
o Thank you. Goodbye.
o That's fine. I'll tell her you called. Goodbye.

How often do you make phone calls in English? Think about it then speak up
to share it to others. Just take a look at the example below.

I almost never make calls in English because I have difficulty

speaking and understanding English.

I seldom make a phone call in English these days. When I was

in other country I had to make phone calls. it was difficult and
bothered me a lot.

Taking Note
Before listening
Put the words in the correct order to make
Unit 13

1. briliant – You – are – history – at

2. today – are – my – these – form – notes
3. everything – You – to – don't – copy – have
4. have - the – words – to – important – write – You
5. draw – too – pictures – can – little – You
6. memories – Let's – test – your

Task 3
Listen to the following audio and do the exercises.
1. Clare is good at history. True/False
2. Clare's notes are too long. True/False
3. Mark thinks you need to write everything. True/False
4. Mark draws a crown and an 'H' instead of 'King Henry'. True/False
5. Clare doesn't think Mark's idea is very good. True/False
6. Mark's way of taking notes doesn't work for Clare. True/False

Task 4
Fill the gaps with the correct word from the box.
Clare has got a history _______ on Friday. Mark is helping her. He looks at her________
from today. He explains that she doesn't need to____ everything, just the__________words.
She can_________ pictures too. Pictures help you__________facts.

remember important write note draw exam

How do you prepare for an exam?
Think about it then speak up to share it to others. Just take a look at the
example below.
I always try to practice so that I don't have problems with the
exam and I also do an activity

First I prepare myself in a place in complete silence, telling

my relatives not to interrupt me. Then I make myself a
snack. In my case I play music, but calm to be able to
concentrate. At night before going to sleep I give it a review
and go to sleep early. It is also important to give yourself
breaks so as not to overexploit your mind.

Unit 13

Writing an e-mail
Below is an example of e-mail sent by a student to a language school consisting of some
questions about courses. Have a practice by analyzing some sentences there which is
corresponding with simple present progressive.

Subject: Questions about language course

Dear Mr. Jones,

(1)I (am/is) (write/writing) enquire about your language courses in the summer. I am a
university student, now (2) I (are/am) (studied/studying) to become a translator.
I would like to know whether (3) your school (were/is) (offer/offering) courses specifically for
university level students as I would like to study techniques for essay writing in English. Could
you also tell me how many hours of lessons there are per week?
With regards to accommodation, do you only provide homestay-style lodgings or are there any
other possible alternatives? I feel I would prefer to stay in shared accommodation with self-
catering facilities.
Finally (4) I (am/been) (wondering/wondered) if any extra-curricular activities such as lectures
or excursions are offered at your school. If so, are there included in the price, or at an additional
(5) I (am/was) (hope/hoping) to come over in June, so if you can get back to me as soon as
possible, it would be great. Thanks for your help.

Best Regards
Jennifer Lawrence

Unit 13

Grammar Focus
Simple Present Progressive/Continuous Tense
1. John is The present progressive expresses an
sleeping right activity that is in progress at the
now. moment of speaking. It is a temporary
2. I need an activity that began in the past, is
umbrella because continuing at present, and will probably
it is raining. end at some point in the future.
3. The students are
sitting at their
desks right now.

4. I am taking five Often the activity is of a general nature:

courses this something generally in progress this week,
semester. this month, this year
5. John is trying
to improve his Note (number 6): The sentence means
work habits. that writing a book is a general activity
6. Susan is Susan is engaged in at present, but it does
writing another not mean that at the moment of speaking
book this year. she is sitting at her desk with pen in hand.

Sentence Formula
Positive Subject + be (am/is/are) + V1-ing / present participle
Negative Subject + be (am/is/are) + not + V1-ing / present participle
Interrogative be (am/is/are) + Subject + V1-ing/ present participle?
Question Word Question Word + be (am/is/are) + Subject + V1-ing/ present participle?

Sentence Example of Sentence

I am playing basketball next Friday.
Positive Fajar is reading a book.
They are watching TV.
I am not playing basketball next Friday.
Negative Fajar isn't reading a book.
They are not watching TV.
Are you playing basketball next Friday?
Interrogative Is Fajar reading a book?
Are they watching TV?
What time are you playing basketball?
Question Word What book is Fajar reading this afternoon?
Where are they watching?

Unit 13

Exercise A
1. Describe activities that are in progress in this classroom right now.
2. Describe activities that are in progress in the world right now.

Exercise B
Please use either the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs
in parentheses.
1. Diane can't come to the phone because she (wash) her hair.
2. Diane (wash) her hair every other day or so.
3. Kathy (sit, usually) in the front row during class, but today she (sit) in the last row.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) to concentrate.
5. (you, lock, always) the door to your apartment when you leave?
6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn't answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) for a
7. After six days of rain, I'm glad that the sun (shine) again today.
8. Every morning, the sun (shine) in my bedroom window and (wake) me up.
9. A: Look! It (snow)
B: It's beautiful! This is the first time I've ever seen snow. It (snow, not) in my country.
10. A: Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What (I, do)?
B: You (rub) the top of your desk with your hand.
A: Close, but not exactly right. Try again.
B: Aha! You (rub) your hands together.
A: Right!

Exercise C
Writing Task
Please, write an e-mail to a language center offering TOEFL Preparation
course to ask some questions and use present progressive tense in some

Practical English

Before reading
Match the words with the definitions and write a-h next to the number 1-8
1…….. an actress a. a famous person
2…….. a celebrity b. a woman who plays the part of a character in a film or play
a person whose job is to wear clothes, shoes,
3…….. an award c. hairstyles, etc. for fashions shows and photographs
4…….. a model d. a poster, picture, short film or song, etc. that helps to sell
a product
5…….. an advertisement e. to suggest someone for an award
6…….. to star f. a prize given to someone for something they have done
one of the awards given every year for the best film,
7…….. to nominate g. best actress, best actor, etc. in the film industry
8…….. an Oscar h. to be the most important actor in a film, play, etc.

Look at the magazine article and do the exercises to improve your reading

Unit 14

Task 1
Write a number (1–7) to put these sentences about Jennifer Lawrence's life
in the correct order.

………….…… She moved to Los Angeles.

………….…… She moved to New York.
………….…… She appeared on TV for the first time.
………….…… At school she played basketball for a boys' team.
………….…… She was nominated for an Oscar.
………….…… Jennifer was born in Kentucky.
………….…… She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.

Task 2
Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Jennifer is American. True False

2. Jennifer was born in July. True False
3. She has two brothers. True False
4. Jennifer took acting classes at school. True False
5. Jennifer has done some modelling. True False
6. Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010. True False
7. She likes playing the piano. True False
8. Jennifer's family supported her dreams to be an actress. True False

Task 3
Circle all the answers to these questions.
What sports did Jennifer play at school? basketball / surfing / hockey /
Titanic / Transformers / Winter's
What films has Jennifer Lawrence starred in? Bone /
The Hunger Games
London / Los Angeles / Miami /
What cities has she lived in? New York
What jobs has she done? actress / model / fashion
designer / waitress
Unit 14

What does Jennifer do in her free time? play hockey / painting / surfing /
play the guitar
What are her two brothers called? Karen / Ben / Gary / Blaine

Who is your favorite film star?
Are you a fan of The Hunger Games?

Reading Text: The Magic of Potter

Unit 14

A. Read the article then number these sentences from 1 (first event) to 10
(last event).

……….. a. She completed her first book.

……….. b. She finished school.
……….. c. She worked as a secretary.
……….. d. Her second child was born.
……….. e. She got married for the first time.
……….. f. She moved to Portugal.
……….. g. She had no money.
……….. h. She made up her first story.
……….. i. The First Harry Potter was published.
……….. j. She got the idea for Harry Potter.

Reading Strategy: Mind Mapping

Mapping is a great way to organize and remember information. Plus, it is not only useful. it's fun

Directions: Mapping is simply showing information in a visual way. Read

the story below. Then write short sentences or phrases to complete the
story elements map.

Unit 14

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once a little mouse who lived in the country invited a little Mouse from the city to visit him.
When the little City Mouse sat down to dinner, he was surprised to find that the Country Mouse
had nothing to eat except barley and grain.

“Really,” he said, “you do not live well at all; you should see
how I live! I have all sorts of fine things to eat every day. You
must come to visit me and see how nice it is to live in the city.”

The little Country Mouse was glad to do this, and after a while
he went to the city to visit his friend.

The very first place that the City Mouse took the Country
Mouse to see was the kitchen cupboard of the house where he
lived. There, on the lowest shelf, behind some stone jars, stood
a big paper bag of brown sugar. The little City Mouse gnawed a
hole in the bag and invited his friend to nibble for himself. The
two little mice nibbled and nibbled, and the Country Mouse thought he had never tasted
anything so delicious in his life. He was just thinking how lucky the City Mouse was, when
suddenly the door opened with a bang, and in came the cook to get some flour.

“Run!” whispered the City Mouse. And they ran as fast as they could to the little hole where they
had come in. The little Country Mouse was shaking all over when
they got safely away, but the little City Mouse said, “That is nothing;
she will soon go away and then we can go back.”

After the cook had gone away and shut the door they stole softly
back, and this time the City Mouse had
something new to show: he took the little
Country Mouse into a corner on the top
shelf, where a big jar of dried prunes stood
open. After much tugging and pulling they
got a large, dried prune out of the jar on to the shelf and began to nibble
at it. This was even better than the brown sugar. The little Country
Mouse liked the taste

Unit 14

so much that he could hardly nibble fast enough. But all at once, in the midst of their eating, there
came a scratching at the door and a sharp, loud MIAOUW!

“What is that?” said the Country Mouse. The City Mouse just whispered, “Sh!” and ran as fast as
he could to the hole.

The Country Mouse ran after, you may be sure, as fast as HE could. As soon as they were out of
danger the City Mouse said, “That was the old Cat; she is the best mouser in town, –if she once
gets you, you are lost.”

“This is very terrible,” said the little Country Mouse; “let us not go back to the cupboard again.”

“No,” said the City Mouse, “I will take you to the cellar; there is something especial there.”

So, the City Mouse took his little friend down the cellar stairs and into a big cupboard where
there were many shelves. On the shelves were jars of butter, and cheeses in bags and out of bags.
Overhead hung bunches of sausages, and there were spicy apples
in barrels standing about. It smelled so good that it went to the
little Country Mouse's head. He ran along the shelf and nibbled at
a cheese here, and a bit of butter there, until he saw an especially
rich, very delicious-smelling piece of cheese on a queer little stand
in a corner. He was just on the point of putting his teeth into the
cheese when the City Mouse saw him.
“Stop! stop!” cried the City Mouse. “That is a trap!”

The little Country Mouse stopped and said, “What is a trap?”

“That thing is a trap,” said the little City Mouse. “The minute you touch the cheese with your
teeth something comes down on your head hard, and you're dead.”

The little Country Mouse looked at the trap, and he looked at the cheese, and he looked at the
little City Mouse. “If you'll excuse me,” he said, “I think I will go home. I'd rather have barley and
grain to eat and eat it in peace and comfort, than have brown sugar and dried prunes and cheese,
–and be frightened to death all the time!”

So, the little Country Mouse went back to his home, and there he stayed all the rest of his life.

Unit 14


Before listening
Draw a line to match the pictures with the words below.

historical drama cartoon romantic comedy

science fiction horror action

Listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see and do
the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.

Unit 14

Listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see. Circle
the correct answers.

1. Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?

Mr and Mrs War Robot

King Robert V
Jones Games 2075

12.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m.

12.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m.

Listen again. Complete the gaps with the correct word.
1. Tamara : Hi, Mario. Do you want to go and watch a ?
Mario : Hi, Tamara. Sure, what's ?
2. Tamara : Well there are two action films, Mr and Mrs Jones and War Games, and they're
both in .
3. Mario : I've already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven't seen War but I
don't really want to see an film. What else is ?
4. Tamara : There's that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I've already it.
Mario : Is it ?
5. Tamara : Yes, it is, but I don't want to see it . There's a comedy
called Forever.
6. Mario : Mmm, I'm not sure. Are there any films on?
Tamara : Yes, there's Midnight Moon. It's got in it.

Unit 14

7. Mario : OK, sounds good. Let's go and watch Midnight Moon. What is it on?
Tamara : It's on at 12 o'clock or at half past .
Mario : Is it on this ?
Tamara :Yes, at 7.30.
Mario : Perfect. Let at 7.30.
8. Tamara : OK, shall we at the cinema at 7.00?
Mario : Great! See you .
Tamara : Bye.

Task 1
Practice the dialogue below with your partner!
Making Plans
Ann : Hi, Ben. How are you?
Ben : I'm fine. How are you?
Ann : Good, thanks. What are your plans for this weekend?
Ben : Not much. What about you?
Ann : Well, I'd like to see a movie. Would you like to go to the movie theater with me
on Saturday night?
Ben : Sure, that sounds great. What film would you like to see?
Ann : We could see the new X-Men movie
Ben : I'm sorry, I don't really like superhero films. What about the Angry Birds film? It should
be fun.
Ann : Okay. That's a great idea.
Ben : What time shall we meet? The film starts at 6:30pm
Ann : Let's meet at 6:00 in front of the movie theater. Does that sound good?
Ben : Perfect. I'll see you at the cinema

Unit 14

1. How to ask somebody about his / her Free time
a. Are you free on …….?
b. What are your plans for this weekend?
c. What are you doing on……..?
2. Suggesting an activity
a. Why don't we go to the cinema/ the theatre/ for a hike? ---- Why don't we+verb?
b. Let's go shopping/watch a film/ go swimming ----------------- Let's + Verb
c. We could watch a comedy/horror film --------------------------- We could +verb
d. Shall we go out to eat ------------------------------------------------ Shall we + verb?
e. Would you like to see a movie ------------------------------------- Would you like+to+verb?
f. What do you think about going out for a walk ------------------ What do you think
3. Saying yes (responding on Someone's asking about his/her free time and
suggesting an activity)
a. That sounds good/fine
b. That's a brilliant idea
c. Wonderful/Great
d. Yes, I'd love to
e. Sure/Ok
4. Saying no (responding on Someone's asking about his/her free time and
suggesting an activity)
a. Well, I don't really like …
b. I'm not sure ….
c. Could we do something else instead?
d. What about …../How about…….
e. I would love to, but…..
f. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm busy then

Unit 14

Task 2

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Make role-play a dialogue with your partner. Use the photos above. Choose
a film/activity/time and place to meet
A : When is student B free? Suggest watching a film at home
B : Say no to the suggestion and suggest going to the cinema
A : Suggest a fil from the pictures (7-9) on the card.
B : Say no to the suggestion, suggest a different film
A : Agree and suggest a place and time to meet
B : Agree
A : Agree

Unit 14

Task 3
Describe pictures above no. 3 and 4. Where were the pictures taken? What
are the people doing?

Passage: Exploring The Ghibli Studio Museum

The Studio Ghibli Museum in Mitaka of

West Tokyo was designed by none other than
Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki is the famed director
behind the films My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited
Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess
Mononoke, and more. This museum is not a
typical museum filled with glass display
cases—it is a “portal to the storybook world”
where you can immerse yourself in the world
Miyazaki himself created.
Today I am so excited because I am going to visit the studio Ghibli Museum in Mitaka with
my friend. I am wearing a t-shirt from my favourite film “My Neighbor Totoro”. At the moment,
the studio is crowded. Visiting this museum takes some planning because purchasing Ghibli
Museum tickets is not easy. Tickets are perennially in high demand and visitors can only enter
the museum via making an advanced booking at an allotted time, but the trouble is worth the
My friend and I are approaching the entrance and
looking the Totoro at the "box office." It is a charming place
for a photo-op, but it is not a place to buy ticket for the Studio
Ghibli Museum. We are taking a picture before getting in to
the museum. Inside the Museum, we are exploring freely any
path around the facility. There are three floors of exhibits,
including a theatre, cafe, gift shop, and a rooftop garden.
Before reaching the rooftop garden, we are passing a room
with a life-size plush cat bus from the movie My Neighbor
Totoro, but only children aged 12 and under can play and climb there.
Right now, we are going around to the garden where a giant robot from Laputa: Castle in
the Sky is looming over us. Laputa is also my favourite film. I am so delighted to see it and feel
Unit 14

like being in Laputa's movie at the moment. We cannot believe that

we have spent five hours walking around this museum. Once you go
inside the museum, you can stay until the Ghibli Museum closes.
The Ghibli Museum's hours are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm every
day except Tuesdays.
Our last stop is the Ghibli Museum's shop and the Straw Hat
Café. We are buying some desserts and drinks. Then we are
spending time in the Saturn
Theatre to shop some souvenirs for an hour. I am buying
some pop-up postcards and Ghibli chopstick and my friend
is buying the Ghibli Museum Shop tote bag and ornamental
stand in Silhouette design. It is a tiring day but we really
enjoyed the trip.

Exercise 1: From the passage above, please

indicate the sentences containing present
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Grammar focus: Simple Present VS Present Progressive

Unit 14

Grammar focus: Present Progressive: Affirmative, Negative, Question



Actions happening now He is swimming now

Definite plan for We are going to climb
near future the mountain at
Temporary actions that I am living in London
are happening now this winter.

For expressing time at I am drinking tea at

the moment of the moment

Exercise 2: Simple Present VS Present Progressive: Use either the simple

present or present progressive of the verbs in parentheses!

1. After six days of rain, I am glad that the sun (shine) ___________again today.
2. Please be quite. I (try)_______________ to concentarte.
3. Diane can't answer to the phone because she (wash) _______________ her hair.
4. Diane (wash) ___________ her hair every other day or so.
5. I wrote a letter to my friend last week. She hasn't answered my letter yet. I (wait,still)
____________________ for a reply.
6. Every morning, the sun (shine) _______________ in my bedroom window and (wake)
___________me up.

Unit 14

Exercise 3: Present Progressive: With your partner, take turn making a few
sentences using present progressive about each picture!


Practical English

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

A Travel Guide to Bangkok

Whether you're traveling to the islands or the mountains of Thailand, you're likely to spend at
least one night in its capital city on the way. Bangkok might be noisy and polluted but it's also an
exciting city with plenty of things to see and do. Why not make it a longer stay

Where to stay
The Khao San Road was
a famous traveller spot
even before Leonardo di
Caprio's character in the
film The Beach stayed
there. But it's noisy, not very pretty and not very Thai. For
something more authentic, Phra Kanong offers an alternative
place to stay, with its fantastic street markets where every day Bangkok people eat, work and live.
It's not as convenient as the main tourist sites, but it has a Skytrain station so you can be at the
Grand Palace in 20 minutes.

Unit 15

How to get around

Bangkok's traffic can be a nightmare. Sure, you
can easily take a taxi – if you want to spend
hours stuck in traffic jams – but there are two
much better ways to get around the city. To
explore the temples and historical sites, catch
an express boat river taxi or a longtail boat
along the Chao Phraya River and the canals.
For the modern part of the city, the Skytrain is
a fast, cheap way to travel from the river to the shopping malls and nightlife of Sukhumvit, and
the famous Chatuchak street market.

Where to eat
The simple answer is everywhere! Thai
street food is among the best in the world,
and for around $5 you can eat a filling and
delicious meal. Some food stands have
little plastic seats where you can sit and
eat and they cook the same dish over and
over, like fried chicken on rice or Pad Thai
noodles. Head for Chinatown – Yaowarat
Street – and choose whatever looks most interesting from the many excellent Chinese and Thai
restaurants and food stands.

What to do
After you've seen the main sites like the Giant
Buddha at the temple of Wat Pho and the
spectacular Grand Palace, and shopped at
Chatuchak market, check out the snake farm and
watch the live snake show. You can even touch a
snake yourself if you want to!

Unit 15

Task 1
Match the Bangkok landmarks and places with the descriptions.

1. ……………………………… a place that you might see in the film The Beach
2. ……………………………… a place where local Thai people go
3. ……………………………… an alternative route through the city
4. ……………………………… a place to go for shopping and bars
5. ……………………………… a place to go for food
6. ……………………………… an important sightseeing spots

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false?

Task 3
Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.

On Women's Rights to Vote (1873)

"Fellow people in this here world": I stand before you tonight
under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last
presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It
shall be my work this evening to prove to you that me thus voting,
I not only committed no crime, but instead, simply exercised my
citizen's rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by
the National Constitution, beyond the power of any state to deny.

Unit 15

The preamble of the Federal Constitution says: "We, the people of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for
the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens;
nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who
formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the
blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of
ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole
people - women as well as men. And it is a downright
mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the
use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government -
the ballot.

For any state to make sex a qualification that

must ever result in the disfranchisement of one entire
half of the people, is to pass a bill of attainder, or, an ex
post facto law, and is therefore a violation of the
supreme law of the land. By it the blessings of liberty
are forever withheld from women and their female

To them this government has no just powers derived from the consent of the governed. To
them this government is not a democracy. It is not a republic. It is an odious aristocracy; a
hateful oligarchy of sex; the most hateful aristocracy ever established on the face of the globe; an
oligarchy of wealth, where the rich govern the poor. An
oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the
ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon
rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy
of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the
oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and
daughters, of every household - which ordains all men
sovereigns, all women subjects, carries dissension, discord, and rebellion into every home of the
Unit 15

Webster, Worcester, and Bouvier all define a citizen to be a person in the United States,
entitled to vote and hold office. The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons?
And I hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. Being
persons, then, women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old
law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. Hence, every discrimination against
women in the constitutions and laws of the several states is today null and void."

1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of what the speaker is wanting
to communicate in the first paragraph?
A. She is wanting to explain that she was under indictment for the alleged crime of having
voted in the election as she had no lawful right to vote as a women
B. She is wanting to prove that by voting she had simply exercised her citizen's rights and had
not committed a crime.
C. She wanted to outline the rights that she was entitled to as a citizen which were guaranteed
by the National Constitution.

2. The phrase "exercised my citizen's rights" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to:
A. to have done research to establish what her rights were as a citizen
B. to have brought attention to her citizen's rights
C. to put to use her personal rights which belonged to her by virtue of citizenship

3. The word 'preamble' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:

A. an introduction
B. an explanation
C. a preliminary or preparatory statement

4. All of the following are true about the speaker's interpretation of the Federal Constitution
A. the Constitution was formed to secure liberty to half of the citizens of the U.S.A
B. the Constitution was designed to protect the rights and liberty of all the citizens of the
U.S.A and not just men
C. It is unfair to suggest that women can enjoy their liberty when they don't even have the
right to vote.

Unit 15

5. In paragraph 5 the speaker is implying which of the following?

A. These women may have strong views about racism, sexism and the aristocratic oligarchy
that governs. They may also resent that men are treated as sovereigns and women as
B. The government has not been elected taking into account the viewpoints of the female
citizens of the U.S.A.
C. The population of the U.S.A has no trust in the government and the manner in which it uses
its powers.

6. The word 'oligarchy' in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to:

A. a superpower
B. a small group of people having control over a country or organisation
C. a group of aristocrats who abuse their power

7. In the last sentence of the passage what does the writer mean by 'null and void'?
A. having no validity or legal force; unenforceable
B. of no interest or importance; not relevant
C. not compatible with modern thinking or ideas

Unit 15

Explore your imagination to have an itenary going to abroad. Share your
idea with your friends how you will have an itenary traveling to abroad.



Picture taken from: h ps://

Before Listening
Task 1: Do this exercise before you listen. Write a number (1-6) to put these
sentences in order.

Board the plane.

Wait at the boarding gate.

Arrive at the airport.

Go to the checking-in desk.

The plane takes off.

Go through immigration.

Unit 15

Task 2: Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the

New York Rome Tokyo

Athens Amsterdam

1. Speaker A: The plane is going to _______________.

2. Speaker B: The plane is going to _______________.
3. Speaker C: The plane is going to _______________.
4. Speaker D: The plane is going to _______________.
5. Speaker E: The plane is going to _______________.

Task 3: Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps.

1. The 9.25 flight to Rome is delayed by _______________ hours.
2. Passengers going to Tokyo should go to the boarding gate _______________.
3. Passengers going to Athens should go to the boarding gate _______________.
4. The flight number of the plane going to Amsterdam is _______________. It will leave from
the gate _______________.
5. The time in _______________ is 18.30.
6. The temperature in New York is _______________ ºF.

Task 4: Retell the content of the audio you have listened to. You may choose
two of five airport announcements.

Unit 15

Task 5: Tell your partner/ group about the last time you took a flight

Where did you go?

Did you have a

good journey?
Why/Why not?

How long was the


Picture taken from:

A. Place the correct word in the blank space and indicate its part of

Noun  Verb  Pronoun Adjective Adverb  Preposition  Conjunction

1. Modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb _________

2. A person, place, thing, or idea _________
3. Shows action or classification _________
4. Modifies person, place, thing, or idea _________
5. Connects or joins two phrases or clauses in a sentence_________
6. Replaces a noun; may be a subject, an object, a possessive, or a relative ______
7. This word indicates position or direction; it is often used in a phrase _______

Unit 15

B. Identify the underlined words as noun (n), pronoun (pn), verb (v),
adjective (adj), adverb (adv), preposition (p), or conjunction (conj)

1. Our cousins wanted a fast car since they are always in a hurry.
2. The telephone rang and rang, but the manager did not hear it.
3. Dreams are enjoyable, and the achievement of dreams is even better
4. The panther raced very quickly across the endless savannah.
5. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?
6. A shower of tumbling stars greeted us as we arrived at the fireworks.
7. The cat jumped on the sofa.
8. The teacher went to Australia for a visit.
9. Mrs. Smith gave us bananas and apples
10. They thought she was on the train

C. Insert a word in the blank, and indicate its part of speech

For example:
The snow_(Noun)____was so heavy that school __was__(verb)_____ cancelled.
1. The _____________ student walked _____________ out of the classroom.
2. The happy _____________ yelled at the _____________ soccer player.
3. The banker wore a _____________ suit.
4. In _____________ morning, my friends _____________ around the block
four times.
5. It was raining, _____________ we didn't go to the _____________ .
6. _____________ black cat ____________ with his owner.
7. Jenny was ____________ late, so she ___________ all the way from the bus
stop ___________ the office.
8. Maya loves _____________ eat pizza, _____________ , _____________
9. My _____________ brother _____________ two _____________ every
10. Carol loves Carl, but _____________ doesn't love _____________ .

Unit 15

D. Write your own sentences using the following words

1. analyze (V)
2. describe (V)
3. tallest (Adj)
4. comparison (N)
5. report (V)
6. mine (Pn)
7. after (conj)
8. date (N)
9. extremely (adv)
10. to (prep)

E. Read the text below and find nominal, verbal, present progressive

Right now I am looking at a picture of Barbara. She is not at home in the picture. She is at
the park. She is sitting on a bench. She is eating her lunch. Some boys and girls are running on a
patch in the park. A squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara. The squirrel is eating a
nut. Barbara is watching the squirrel. She always watches squirrels when she eats her lunch in
the park. Some ducks are swimming in the pond in the picture, and some birds are flying in the
sky. A policeman is riding a horse. He rides a horse in the park every day. Near Barbara, a family
is having a picnic. They go on a picnic every week.

F. Circle the correct answer:

1. Look! Thomas is bringing / brings his little sister to class.

2. My older sister is often listening / often listens to pop music.
3. We are writing / write an exercise now.
4. Mmmm! Mum is making / makes a cake.
5. Our teacher is giving / gives us a test every month.
6. Listen! Dad is reading / reads a story to Ricky.
7. Mr. Michael usually is growing / grows roses in his garden.
8. They are building / build a new house on the hill now.
9. Maria is drinking / drinks milk every morning.
10. Look! Nick is running / runs down the hill.

Unit 15

G. Supply PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in the blanks:

1. He ………………………… (teach) his son to ride a bike.

2. A: Why …………….. Ann ………………… (wear) her new dress?
B: Because she ……………………………… (have) a party tonight.
3. Cindy usually does the shopping, but I ……………………………… (do) it today because she is
4. She ………………………….. (not / work), she ……………………………… (swim)
in the river.
5. A: ……………………. Tom ……………………… (clean) his shoes now?
B: No, he …………………… . He ………………………………….. (tidy) his room.
A: Where is his brother?
B: He is in the garden, he …………………………………… (water) the flowers.

H. What are they doing? Look at the picture and write a short paragraph
describing what they are doing at the moment.

Unit 15

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