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Name: Korina A.

Rabadon BSN 3-A1 SAS 3


1. The immunity theory proposes that cellular errors in the immune system have been found to
lead to an auto-aggressive phenomenon in which normal cells are misidentified as alien and are
destroyed by the body’s own immune system. This phenomenon is used to explain the increase
of autoimmune disorders as we age
2. The free radical theory posits that aging is a result of random damage from free radicals.
Research is ongoing on the ability of substances with antioxidant effects to counter the actions
of free radicals. For many years it was thought that consumption of supplemental antioxidants,
such as vitamin C, could delay or minimize the effects of aging. However, it is now known that
the intake of supplemental antioxidants can be deleterious to one’s health.
3. The activity theory states that successful aging equals active aging, which is related to the
person’s need to maintain a productive life for it to be a happy life. Curtailing increases in
physical activity is diametrically opposite to continuing a daily walking routine and contrary to
the tenets of the activity theory. End-of-life decisions and avoiding exposure to crowds are not
related to the activity theory since they do not directly affect the productiveness of a client’s
4. Carl Jung's theory of development proposes that an individual progresses through life searching
and setting goals for him or herself in an ongoing search for one's "true self." The "mid-life
crisis" is the time in which the individual reevaluates his or her life and progresses toward his or
her true self. The theories of Erikson, Newman, and Havighurst do not include a mid-life crisis.
5. The programmed theory proposes that, at conception, a "biologic clock" begins ticking that
determines the number of cell divisions that occur before death. The rate of living theory
postulates each person has a finite number of heart beats. The gene theory discusses aging from
the perspective of one or more harmful genes that are activated over time and bring about age-
related changes. The somatic mutation proposes that aging is caused by environmental damage
to DNA.
6. The free radical theory of aging attributes damage to the accumulation of free radicals that may
be countered by the intake of antioxidants. This is not an explicit component of the disposable
soma or cross-linking theory of aging. Biogerontology is the study of the relationship between
aging and disease.
7. Jung describes a successful adjustment to aging as being accepting and valuing of self regardless
of the view of others.
8. The developmental stage for the older adult is integrity versus despair, where the individual
looks back on his or her life with pride that he or she had a positive impact or despair that his or
her impact was negative. Trust versus mistrust, integrity versus despair, and industry versus
inferiority are stages for younger individuals.
9. The disengagement theory of aging claims that it is natural and acceptable for older adults to
withdraw from society and personal relationships as they age.
10. People who exercise tend to have improved immune and digestive functioning, better blood
pressure and bone density, and a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, obesity, heart
disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. Enhance your mobility, flexibility, and balance.

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