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5/27/2015 Cancer 

Center For Healing The Anti­Cancer Diet ­ Cancer Center For Healing

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The Anti-Cancer Diet Cancer Center For Healing

Make #2015 #cancerfree by eating an #orga
Like 1,845
#anticancerdiet. Most importantly, NO #SUGAR O
#Cucumbers are full of nutrients. Check out 10
KIND. This includes all fruits (fruits have sugar in
health benefits:
and will feed your cancer). #Lemons, #limes, 
#avocados are ok to eat. Eat as many #vegetable…
The majority of cancer is caused by what we eat and drink. The evidence is irrefutable . Most people
#juice as much as possible. Avoid #blackpepp
Cancer Center For Healing
#tablesalt, and #iodizedsalt, use #himalayansa
have an acidic body as a result of toxicity and primarily what they put in their mouths. They eat acidic
May 17 at 1:15pm
#seasalt instead. Do not eat commercial
foods and as a result, our inner terrain is disturbed so that every kind of disease that carries fungus,
#saladdressings. Only use #oliveoil, #coconut
Using light­emitting electronic devices
#nutoil, #oreganooil, #lemonjuice, #limejuice
virus, and parasite can survive. All cancer patients are acidic, which means theybefore bedtime can negatively impact
have pH readings in the
We hope to see you at the The Integrated
sleep and overall health.
4s and 5s and a result also because of this acidity is that they have low bloodHealth
oxygen levels from
Conference thatMarch
20‐22.Get your
Learn more:
with the diagnosis of cancer. Remember cancer hates and cannot live in an alkaline environment. It also
expires when confronted with oxygen, so we must oxygenate and alkalinize ourht­emitting_devices_sl…
body .  So how do we
do this?

Throw away the microwave.  It kills the enzymes in food.

Eat 80% of food raw (if possible).  This includes juicing.   The best greens to juice would be kale,
spinach, celery, cucumber, parsley, and cilantro. Health Benefits from Kale
17 2
Pinned: 20 Jan 2015
See that  30%  of  your  calories  are  proteins,  20%  fats  and  50%  are unrefined carbohydrates.
The majority of #cancer is caused by what we ea
drink. The evidence is irrefutable . Most people h
Throw    away    aluminum    cookware   and   other   coated    cookware  Tweet
and   cook
to exclusively in
Using light­emitting
#acidicbody as a result of #toxicity and primarily
Facebook social plugin
they put in their mouths. All #cancerpatients are #
glass, ceramic, or stainless steel.
Eat  certified  organic  grown  fruit  and  vegetables.  Obtain  good  fresh  produce  in season and
freeze for later use.
Do not wash foods and vegetables in chlorinated water.
No black pepper.  It is one of the most acidic foods in the planet.
No table salt or iodized salt. Use Himalayan or sea salt.
Use only extra ·virgin olive oil, or coconut oil. Don’t use those oils for deep frying as fatty acids break
down at high temperature.
Avoid rancid seeds, nuts, grains and foods cooked in rancid fats as they contain carcinogens.
No commercial salad dressings, only use olive oil , coconut oil, nut oil,oregano oil, lemons , lime,
and apple cider vinegar.   The company Braggs makes wonderful organic salad dressings and has­treatments/cancer­care/the­anti­cancer­diet/ 1/5
5/27/2015 Cancer Center For Healing The Anti­Cancer Diet ­ Cancer Center For Healing

the premier organic cider vinegar.

Eat virtually nothing that comes in package, box, or cans in the local supermarket (eat fresh foods).
Eat no meat or very little if you absolutely must to survive. For meat choose fresh wild salmon, free-
range chicken, or turkey and wild game may also be used in small amounts. No milk or milk
products, cheese, yogurt except organic low-fat cottage cheese as used in the Budwig protocol.
No margarine.
No coffee or alcohol.
Eat organic eggs only.
No artificial sweeteners at all accept Stevia.
Drink  spring water  and natural  unsweetened  juices  in place  of  other beverages.
Use a juicer. Drink only herb teas.
Absolutely no soda pop, sport drinks, vitamin or mineral waters, all very acidic.
No  refined  flowers  or breads  with  yeast  (fungus). Eat  whole  grains. Make  your own bakery
products. Buy a flour mill and make your own flour.
Eat no white potatoes or white rice
No peanuts, cashews, or com because of molds and fungus and possible source of aflatoxin.
No fruits  except  for lemons,  limes,  or avocados,  eat lots  of  these.    Other  fruits have sugar in
them and will feed your cancer.
No soy products.
Shop in health food store and wisely in a supermarket. Be a label detective.

While you think that there is no food to eat, but actually there is lots of food you can eat. Lots of
vegetables are alkaline and full of nutrients that we all need to support and build up our immune
system. Great options for vegetables are spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, cabbage, celery,
red, yellow, and green peppers, kale, asparagus, green beans and peas, eggplant, yellow squash,
mustard greens, collard, okra, parsley, lettuce, carrots, and water cress. Eat them raw and juice them.
Try to have at least 10 ounces of juice, green juice combined with carrotjuice daily. In addition don’t
forget the importance of taking supplements,  minimizing stress, having positive thoughts and getting
plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light (full spectrum)!

Basic Cooking Instructions

Cook  only  in  stainless  steel,  commg-  or  enamel-  ware  or  glass.  Do  not  use aluminum.
Use a natural sea salt sparingly and watch labels for hidden salts in foods .
Use a variety of herbs and spices in cooking – thyme, rosemary, sage, nutmeg,
cinnamon, etc. – for food interest and for stimulating the appetite and the gastric juices.
The use of apple cider vinegar aids in maintaining good gastric acidity.­treatments/cancer­care/the­anti­cancer­diet/ 2/5
5/27/2015 Cancer Center For Healing The Anti­Cancer Diet ­ Cancer Center For Healing

The Importance of an Alkaline Diet

The internal environment of our bodies is maintained at a pH of just about 7.00. This means our internal
environment is alkaline. Maintenance of this state is dynamic, not static process mediated moment to
moment by numerous reactions that produce acid products. Our internal chemical equilibrium is
primarily controlled by our lungs, kidneys, intestines and skin. For necessary reactions and functions to
occur, our body must maintain a proper pH adjustment. The body needs oxygen, water and acid-
buffering minerals to accomplish the pH buffering, while also briskly eliminating waste products.

When an alkaline environment is maintained in the body, metabolic, enzymatic, immunologic and repair
mechanism function at their best. The acid-forming metabolics of stress and inflammation and of high
fat and high protein foods are adequately and effectively neutralized only when sufficient mineral-
buffering reserves are present. Mineral- buffering reserves are the gift that alkaline- forming foods give
to our body. A diet that is predominantly alkaline forming is essential to the maintenance of sustained

Most vegetables and fruits contain higher proportions of alkaline- forming elements than other foods.
These foods promote a more alkaline environment in the body. For example, commercial corn, barley,
soybeans and legumes are acid forming. This may reflect breeding selection in the last fifty years that
favored higher carbohydrate and fat content. Traditional organically or biodynamicaly grown forms of
these grains and grasses may well be much less acid forming. Surprisingly, despite their pronounced
acid flavor, citrus fruit and rhubarb form alkaline residues. This is because their distinctive organic acids
like citric, succinic, furmaric and malic (Krebs’ DCA or dicarboxylic acid) metabolize to water and
alkalinizing bicarbonate, while producing energy (ATP) inside the cell.

Body balance, in terms of acid- alkaline state, is a pH of 7.450 for blood in the arteries and 7.350 for
blood in the veins. Acid- alkaline equivalence is a pH of 7.000. Thus, a healthy body means a pH that is
slightly alkaline . This means there are more buffering mineral receptors for electrons that acid- forming
electron donors.

In foods containing large amounts of protein and fat, the acid- forming elements predominate over the
alkaline- forming elements. Thus, cow milk and related products are acid forming, although goat and
milk I cheeses (with less fat and protein) produce less acid. The one dairy product exception is clarified
(known as “ghee” in Indian cookery), which has alkalinizing short chain fats known as butyrates and
caprylates. The butyrates and caprylates present in ghee are also thought to promote healthy bacterial
growth in the intestines, promote repair of the intestine wall and suppress pathogen growth of some
yeasts and parasites if they are present.

Whole grains give an acid reaction disproportionate to their protein content due to the extra
phosphorus present in the phytates. The phosphate content of commercial grains may be higher than­treatments/cancer­care/the­anti­cancer­diet/ 3/5
5/27/2015 Cancer Center For Healing The Anti­Cancer Diet ­ Cancer Center For Healing

traditional, organic or biodynamic sources in part because of fertilizer differences and plant strain
selection. Although most fruits have an alkaline effect, some such as prunes, plumes and cranberries
make a net contribution of acid to the body. Nuts, such as coconuts, almonds, and chestnuts are
alkaline forming, while others like peanuts (a legume) and walnuts yield net acid. Highly refined and
processed foods mnsisting chiefly of fats, sugars, and simple starches, along with protein- rich foods are
metabolically  acidifying.

The charts on this handout titled Food and Chemical Effects on Acid I Alkaline Body Chemical Balance,
present the message that, in .general, fruits, vegetable, lentils, seeds, sprouts, roots and tubers are
healthfully alkalinizing, while grains, grasses, fowl, fish, seafood, dairy products, meats and most beans
are acidifying.  Here is a way to simplify this and make it memorable. If it comes from under or near the
ground, it is likely to be alkalinizing. If it comes from on or high above the ground, it is likely to be acid

The charts on this handout titled Food and Chemical Effects on Acid I Alkaline Body Chemical Balance,
present the message that, in general, fruits, vegetable, lentils, seeds, sprouts, roots and tubers are
healthfully alkalinizing, while grains, grasses, fowl, fish, seafood, dairy products, meats and most beans
are acidifying. Here is a way to simplify this and make it memorable. If it comes from under or near the
ground, it is likely to be alkalinizing. If it comes from on or high above the ground, it is likely to be acid

The specifics of how each food was categorized on the chart are based on a formula wherein protein,
fat, carbohydrates, mineral and other specific factors were taken into account. More specifically, the
basic neutral and acidic end- products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion were calculated, and
the content of minerals and special factors were also accounted. A computation was used to determine
the relative degree of acid- or alkaline- forming effect of the food on body chemistry. Based on this
determination, the items were placed in the appropriate acid or alkaline group on the chart.

(Reference: JaffeR. and Donovan P. Your Health: A Professional  User’s Guide. Sterling, VA: Health
Studies Collegium, 1993.)

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