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What are the concepts/skills that you have learned in the course Qualitative Methods of

Research to transform yourself

The concepts/ skills that I learned in the course Qualitative Methods of Research to transform
myself is a way to learn about a particular group of people, known as a sample population.
Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured to
examine questions about the sample population and how effective the methods of data generation
and analysis are in answering the research questions.

It is very important to choose the right research methodology and methods for your thesis, as your
research is the base that your entire thesis will rest on. It will be difficult for me to choose a research
method for you. You will be the best judge of the kind of methods that work for your research.
However, I can guide you on how you can choose an appropriate study design and research
methodology for your topic.

Once you have your research objectives clearly framed, you need to think of an appropriate study design
and methodology to conduct your research. You will first have to choose whether you wish to use
quantitative or qualitative research methods.

I have faith in that both qualitative and quantitative methods are not only useful, but essential. The
reason is that the two approaches respond to different needs. Quantitative methods help answer the
question of if a procedure as effective or not? Qualitative methods help determine why or why not a
procedure works plus is useful in developing research questions and hypotheses. In a sense, qualitative
hangs the meat on the quantitative bones. But for now because of the situation, I think I use in my
dissertation is qualitative method because it is easier to gather the data that I need in my research

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