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San Francsico 49ers Dick Nolan Flex 43 WW Ww vin 5 VII A VIIL & vitt € xr ISIVE_INDEX TITLE RAL INFORMATION ...seeeeeesereeees PHILOSOPHY & PRINCLPLES OF DEFENSE ana NUMBERING & TERMINOLOGY ...eceeeeeees ve d= a9 CALLING DEFENSIVE SIGNALS «4... 1-2 FORMATION RECOGNITION . : 1-3 SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITIES | 1-3 END RUN RULES ceo 1-12 JET, FLY, BULLET, AND TAG TECHNIQUES «2.4.4 1-6 INDIVIDUAL PASS TECENTQUES Defensive Backs +... sessereee 1-5 Linebackers ... 1-7 STANDARD PASS DEFENSIVE Han Yo Han eeeeeeeee ee 20 Pa pre nercecoee panacea 32 Spectal s.sssssssssesscccccesccees 43 UNUSUAL FORMATIONS COVERAGE ....eeeeeee wee 18 TARE & TAILOR PASS DEFENSE we 6 FLOW PASS DEFENSE cs csccsceeeeeebeeees 1-5 DEFENSIVE LINE & LINEBACKERS RESPONSIBILITIES Defensive Line Fundanentals + 1-20 Defensive End's Techniques . 21-5 Defensive iackle's Teclniques .... 15-9 Combination Haneuvers ......4+ F10-11 Linebackers: eg's Tecliniques «6... 2-15 Sara's Techniques - +16 = 20 Wanda's Techniques teegese 2b = 22 COORDINATED DEFENSES Outside 4-3 = strtesteeeeteseesersennee 17> 2 Inside 4-3 + : BeEIND 3-4 Flex Strong 4-3 ves... eee SG (continued) AFLNSLVE ‘Oo : a1¥ AVL as (constat pacing cot inucd) ED DEFENSES Tex Meak 4-3 Angle Strong 4-3 ngle Weak 4-3 v.02. 5-1 Meg 51 Under Brown | BLITZING DEFENSES . coon 1-14 (COMLUINE {CHORE TARDCE See t st 1-6 INO-NINUTE 44. cee ay KICKING Gave , Importance of Kicking Gane Punt Coverage -. Punt Returns & Blocks Kick-Off Coverage . Mek-Off Return ...-..... F.G. & B.A.T. Blocks Joss F.G. 6 P-A.T. Protection . GAME WARY UP PROCLOUKE seco SEQUENCE OF SEoTTONS Philosophy of Defense Numbering and Terminology Calling Defensive Signals Formation Recognition Secondary Responsibility Theory End Run Play Jet and Fly Individual Pass Techniques Standard Pass Defenses Unustal Formations ‘Tare and Tailor Flow Pass. Defensive Line Responsibilities Linetacker Responsibilities Coordinated Defenses Blitzing Defenses Goal Line and Short Yardage Defenses ‘™o Minute Defenses Kicking Gane qn. WwW. Teaching - Dummy ~ Live - Scrimmage ~ PRACTICE TENPO GUIDE Anything from standing still during the coaches Presentation to a full speed reaction for timing purposes. ‘The emphasis is on learning rather than movement. Working against dummies at a full speed pace for timing and polish purposes. The defense will give the necessary pressure to make the blocking realistic. The back-will run through for 20 yards, “but will not be tackled. Sane procedure as that used for the “dunny” tempo; without bags. Actual game-like conditions. The whistle will be the controlling factor for protective measures. We can also designate a non-live player such as the quarterback. O Pat PEILOSORIY BND PRIUCTELES oF DERENSE Page 2 meRY OF ELITZING Our theory of Biitzing is a penetrating type of defense that vill destroy ‘the pattern of the pley whether a run or pass, vith linemen penetrating and line~ ‘backers hitting Gaps. We vant to hide the blitz to get the element of surprise and create confusion with the offense. If it is a run, we want to destroy the interference; if the blitzing men cannot make the teckle, the ball carrier is an easy mark for our defensive back. If it is a pess, we want to elther trap the QB or destroy the timing so thet it is a bad throv. Our defensive backs should be able to cover receivers close because of the pressure by the front seven on plitzes. We must remember if a long gainer develops on a blitz our pursuit will not be as effective because of Our penetrating linenen and linebackers. There- fore, 2 tresendous second effort is needed and out secondary men have to’be sure tacklers in the open field. E io matter what defense we are using, the success vill depend a great dead on the effectiveness of our tackling. We may play our defence close to perfection, Yut Af we nics the tackle or allow the ball carrier to gain three or four yards after we hit, our defensive perfection will be of no use. Our primary consider~ etion when meeting @ ball carrier on the L.0.S. is to stop his forvard progress immediately. To do this a tackler must have good balance and body position. Proper use of the ams will prevent missed tackles. Gang tackling is elso a big factor in instantly stopping the forward progress of a ball carrier. jen a bell carrier gets into the open field, ve are not concerned with a Jolting tackle to prevent e few extra yards, ve are concerned vith only bringing him don the best vay possible, An effective defensive tean is a good tackling tean. CONCEALING, CHARGING Dy Another principle of car defensive philosophy 4s to conceal our intentions fron ¢ 1-3 alignment, by taking the sane alignment each tine and performing dif- ferent stunts or maneuvers. By doing this ve create the doubt in the offensive Player's mind as to the type of defense to expect, thus reducing the mmber of plays the quarterback has confidence to call. Fron the ln3 alignuent we have three series, namely, the Coordinated Series, using the hold technique, the Penetrating Series, and the Hlitsing Serie THE LWDIVIDVAL PLAYER On the field With the exception of the individual defensive signal caller, we do not want our defensive tean overly concerned vith defensive strategy. Each individual player must concentrate 100% on his own assignments and responsibilities. If a player-lines up on defense thinking he would be better off in another defense, the chences ere he will not execute his assignment to the best of his ability. We realize-that we will make some mistakes in calling defenses, but ve expect to meke @ minimun of errors. We expect our defensive players to meke all calls look good through their efforts. The playing field is no place for second guessers — ‘the stadium is Tull of then. TEAM SUCCESS, ‘There are many things thet build to e successful team, but the most important, one is that each player must be fundamentally sound in his individual techniques. io matter vhat our assignnent, our defense and offense will be only as strong as the individuals that make it up. Each player mist strive to improve himself. As a general vay, "a tean plays the way it practices". Ench practice should be @ challenge for individual improvements in some area of offence, defense, or kicking ‘technique. We want our team to be knowledgeable and to recognize areas where ‘they need vork. We want them willing to spend extra time on their weaknesses. TEAM success ‘There are many things that build to a successful team, but the most important one 4s that each player must be fundamentally sound in his individual techniques. Ho matter what our assignment, our defense and offense will be only as strong as the individuals that make 4t up. to play your best you must have confidence in the other members of the team, and they must feel like you are a vinner, certainly a player that makes’ the error, : either mental or physical because of the lack of concentration, and allows the team defense to break down, cannot be considered a winner. Getting blocked is one thing, but getting the other 20 men beat simply because you don't know what to do is inexcusable Pootball has always been a test of a man's mental and physical toughness. Ability alone | will not be enough. The surest way to win is to physically and mentally whip the i individual you are playing against. Each player must strive to improve himself. Ag a general way, "a team plays the way it practices". Each practice should be a challenge for individual improvenents in some area of offense, defense, or kicking technique. We want our tean to be knowled able and to recognize areas where they need work. We want then willing to spend extra time on their weaknei Making the team is not sufficient. Making @ winning team has to be our objective. PART ITI NUMBERING AND TERMINOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS . OFFENSIVE NOMENCLATURE « OFFENSIVE RIN SERIES « OFFENSIVE PASS SERIES. « OFFENSIVE TECHNIQUE TERMINOLOGY. OFFENSIVE POSITIONAL TERMINOLOGY INDIVIDUAL PASS ROUTES. DEFENSIVE NOMENCLATURE . « DEFENSIVE TERMINOLOGY. « AUDIBLE NAMES AND NUMBERS. S thru 7 8 9 thru 12 2B 14 thru 17 18 19 ee Oren / TENT | ge atone THM ) sz wai THRE : [Tp : Oren . : Kran Te 7 Fe 4B ©66 | @M@ @ 9 2 2 106 ay 6 8 Roles Ww _ ££ OOOSCOK & ® x oFen rake Tage WING = Designates pack set out as a flacker. a rti‘CO™OC—OS—OSOSSOCSCSs—s—C—C—C—C—C—CSs«SC"Esststse seen from the Defensive position. The and position on strong side may be designated as "x" Tight, "Xx" Open ex, when 4a combination with wing on inside, may be Gescribea as "slot". ry ve = Designates end on the weakside of the formation as seen fron the Defensive position. Or the weakeide the End position may be designated’as *Y" tare, “Y" Tailor, or "Y" Spread, . "2" Back Designates Offensive back on the right. "4" Back Designates Offensive back on the left. ack ~ Designates Mellback. (Behind QB in Brown, Blue & I Sets) iy ‘| OFVENSIVE BUX SERIES Page 2 mor (aL) REFERS TO BOTR BACKS GOING PRIMARILY TO THE Q\ SAME SIDE OUT OF BROMW OR BLUE WITH TRE E e CARRYING THE BALL TO THE SIDE OF TP EE M Wom 2, CRASS eS (cr) REFERS TO A FLAY DESIGRED TO INFLUENCE TE DEFENSE WITH A BACK MOVING WITE A FAKE Di EN = THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION FROM THE BALL CARRIER M Wo cx25 reap _ = sans mag eo ygthS) swesneraes POSE), au r ® FULLBACK RITS OVER 0 GUARD AS BLOCKER, PACER OR BALL CARRIER WITH THE HALPBAGK BOD °O COMING ONSIDE SE ‘T eY 2298 REFERS 70 A PLAY WITH THE FULLBACK OW A LATERAL SWING MOVEMENT AS A BALL CARRIER OR PAKER FL 49 £7 PULL REFERS TO A PLAY WITH THE VULLBACK WITTING. OVER THE ONSIDE GUARD, WITH THE BB COMIEG BEHIND FUL 29 6 REFERS 70 THE ONSIDE BACK RUNNING A STRAIGAT AWEAD ROUTE PRIMARILY FROM SPLIT BACKS WITH THE OFFSIDE BACK COMING TO THE SAME SIDE 22 REFERS TO A PLAY WITH BOTH BACKS ON A STRAIGHT AHEAD ROUTE iz Page 3 PITCH eD REFERS 10 HALFBACK OW LATERAL SWING MOVE- MENT AS A BALL CARRIER OR PAKER sree 2 10. POWER aa ee eg6 POG ae eam oe ee Ww PO 23 FBLD a, sLanr : (st) oO REFERS TOA PLAY IN BROW, OR BLUE, WITH THE FULLBACK HITTING ONSIDE WITH HALFBACK g QP r 2 g 7 BLOCKING OFFSIDE sus 12, sucep i) SIMILAR To POWER SERIES WITH BOTH MACKS GOING TO SAKE SIDE, BUT WITH AN INSIDE. HAND & Q OPE By Ta QU.” THE ONSIDE BACK 18 NBVER THE BALL CARRIER SET Ey suze Ca. muy (BEL) ‘BOTH BACKS GOING IN THE SAME DIRECTION WITR A merbe" ON THE Fe Ss SF am BEL 33 OFFENSIVE SUB-SERIES COUNTER ® (oo) ‘A PLAY DESIGNED TO HAVE THE BALL CARRIER START IN THE DIRECTION OF Tie FLOW AND THEN g Oo? PR? COME IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION T M. ew BLO _33 2. sue @ = (STAT) FAKE PASS AND REVERSE HANDOFF TO REMAINING Bick FONT E ” srenue as Ww 3. REVERSE (REV) PLAY ACTION TO ONE SIDE WITH A HANDOFF TO ‘A BALL CARRIER COMING TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE WITH LINEMAN PULLING FAPO 48 WREV QFHRISLVE PASS SERIES Page 4 2. noomze © ™ eon ae ‘A RUN OR PASS PLAY WITH THE QUARTEURACK — GoING aay FRow THE FLOW OF THE DAGES SOESO at Ew ‘ “eet T EY Hors Fae cra) ‘A PASS PLAY, OTHER THAN FIRE, THAT INVOLVES fi FAKING PLAY ACTION—PAKE DRAWS, FAKE BLUNTS, | PAE POWER (W/S), ETC. EERIE mal @D Win A PASS FLAY WITE BOTH BACKS FLOWING STRONG BegeRe | ms 27 A PASS WITH BOTH BACKS RELEASING 70 THE WEAKSIDE OF PASS ROUTES ED 00 ‘A PASS OR RUN WITH THE QUARTERBACK ROLLING IN BEHIND THE FLOW OF ONE OR BOTH OF THE BACKS : FLPO 27 ROLL A PASS IN WHICH THE BACK OR END DELAY BLOCKS AND SET UP BEHIND ONE OR MORE LINEMAN FROM FAKE PASS ACTION ERZ YB SCLT A QUICK SCREEN PASS TO SWING BACK, WOR ¥ ‘FROM POCKET OR FAKE DRAW ACTION WITH LINE~ MAN LEADING AFTER BLOCKING ON THE L.O.S+ ELD ® gsxr Cc d8SS ‘A PASS ROUTE WEAKSIDE WITH THE FULLBACK ( SET TE, moo -- —— OO Fage 5 2 4 5S. a» 8 20. nL 2. QEFENSIVE TECHNIQUE TERMINOLOGY ‘ avai shock bo oe BLOCK BY AN OFFENSIVE HAN ON A DEFENSIVE € TAN To HIS IHSTDE (OM ON OFF THE LeOsS'3 sust sock «= BHO BLOCK BY TACKLE OR IND OY HEC EA ” aumoy suck = © & ® ADIUSTYENT BLOGK BY TWO OFFENSTVE BLOCKERS } 5 eYT, Ow THO DEFENSIVE PLAYERS CRACKBACK BLOCK BLOCK BY WOR Y ON A LIREBACKER OR SAFETY @0 : | S DRIVE BLock BLOCK BY A BACK ON A DERENSIVE ED i e-Ree ‘s EXT E p1ock ‘ {A STAND-UP TYPE BLOCK USED BY X OR ¥ @ Pooe (OR TARE POSITION) OW A LINEBACKER SET 6 GUARD + TNDICATZS THE ONSIDE GUAKD IS FLING (@) SOoeo TOWARD SHE POINT OF ATTACK Sere nw RIP + ANGLE BLOCK BY THE CENTER ON THE OF¥SIDE OPO Tae cu cy SH o HOOK MAN BLOGS USED TO HOOK DEFENDER AND KEEP HIN Qoe AWAY FR, THE POINT OF ATTACK HOT RECEIVER ‘A RECEIVER WHO BECOMES A PRIMARY RECEIVER coe WHEN A BLITZ OCCURS ON RIS SIDE + DESTROYING THE KEY OF A DEFENDER BY AN e066 OFFENSIVE OVE ———__4__. ISOLATION BALL CARKA2.. «ITTING AN AREA VACATED BY (180) INFLUENCING PULLING LINEMAN PEPER LEAD BLOGE ‘BLOCK BY A BACK OR O GUARD PRECEDING THE , cm) Bait chanten snout ie Bote ‘ re? - Page 6 + Saw P2B]O er mere ormere evn moat a A ‘OVER HIM MAN ON MAN . 35. NAME BLOCKIIG ‘TERM DESCRIBING THE KEY BLOCKING ASSIGNENT OF LINEYEN OR BACK “16. BEAR BLOCK BLOCK BY A BACK ON AN OUTSIDE LINEBACKER 10 P.0.A. Cy o°0e S7—§ T 37. 0 cuaiD y INDICATES THE OFFSINE GUARD IS PULLING > 0) TOWARD THE POINT OF ATTACK : ©2008 Se THT as, Piva? F BLOCK BY TWO BLOCKERS ON ONE DEFENDER @) &s © wuz SOF "A BLOCK THAT ORIGINATES AS A PINCH, BUT WITH THE OUTSIDE MAN RELEASES ON A LINEBACKER 20. RAY BLOCK WITH THE GUARD AND CENTER EXCHANGING oo és + 2 MEN, GUARD PULLS BEHIND CENTER AND BLOCKS ©EG, CENTER HIP BLOCKS oN x 21. REAGH T BLOCK BY CENTER CUTTING OFF A DEFENDER WHO &@Q0e 15 TOWARDS THE POINT OF ATTAGK TES 22, REVERSE SHOULDER A TYPE OF BLOCK HERE YOU POSITION YOUR eo READ IN FRONT OP A PENETRATING LINEMAN \ {AND USE YOUR OPPOSITE SHOULDER 23. SCISSORS + “A CROSS BLOCK BETWEEN GUARD AND TACKLE. — «scIs) TACKLE ANGLE BLOCKS, GUARD DROP STEPS AND ee GOES BEAIND THE TAGKLE TO BLOCK OUT ON THE s T n“ ‘FIRST MAN 2. SEA. + GUARD PULLING 10 P.0.Aey TURNING AND BLOCK Gt ING BACK TO BIS INSIDE @06e | Eee 25. SIFT BLOGK USED BY OFFSIDE TACKLE IN GHECKING eos) Bios Punsurr ADD SHEPPING WHIELD 70 MLO ° € WANDA OB SARA Ww 26. SLIDE ia ‘A TYPE OF PLAY PASS PROTECTION USING OF/SET ° PASS PROTECTION TO THE OFISIDE ¢ TE wom 8h LING TEGINIQUE WITH THE CERTER BLOGK- 51) 4 ING THE ONSIDE TACKLE AND THE GUARD RELEASING &Be, OUTSIDE OF THE ONSIDE TACKLE & BLOCKING MEG Page 7 4 ; (28. SLOW S00 BS ‘A BLOCK BY X OR Y (IN TARE POSITION) USING . 1D) seT ‘A PASS PROTECTION TECHNIQUE 29. SWITCH 4 ‘A CROSS BLOCK BETWEEN THE END AND THE TACKLE, (sk) Coe END ANGLE BLOCKS, TACKLE DROP STEPS BEHIND > s% 7 END AND BLOCKS OUT ON FIRST MAN 30. THE + ‘THE TACKLE PULLS BEHIND THE X END'S ANGLE (™) ZOOS BLOCK AND HOOKS THE LINEBAGER IN eT -f 3. PUL ‘ TACKLE PULLING OUTSIDE AND LEADING A WIDE (r PULL) PLAY eog € | ‘A CROSS BLOCK BETWEEN GUARD AND TACKLE. t GUARD ANGLE BLOGKS OUT ON END WITH TACKLE ® ® DROP STEPPING & BLOCKING DOWN ON TACKLE Ss EMT 33. TRAP ae ‘AN OFFENSIVE LINEMAN BLOCKING A DEFENDER INSIDE-OUT FROM THE POINT OF ATTACK C + LONG TRAP iB © GUARD TRAPPING DEFENSIVE END INSIDE~OUT ( B. EVEN TRAP AA SHORT TRAP WITH AG GUARD INFLUENCING AND (TRP C) et ‘THE TACKLE BLAST BLOCKING MEG opp TRAP ‘A SHORT TRAP WITH THE POINT OF ATTAGK GUARD (TRP) AND CENTER BLOCKING DOWN WITH THE OPF GUARD dee TRAPPING e + = TAGRLE TRAP TACKLE PULLING INSIDE TO TRAP rT) Qed T eee Wnad CRACKBACK BLOCK BY W ON AN OUTSIDE LINEBACKER “a oo SE 35. WEDGE aa ORE LEMAN AREA DLOGKS AT THE POIRT OF ATTACK dbdhd ‘AND ALL OTUER LINEMEN BLOCK TOWARDS ‘TIS POINT. eT TE 36, WHA BLOGE GK BY A BACK ON A DEFENSIVE TACKLE, (oni) USUALLY AFTER AN INFLUENCE 37. X BLOCK THIS 15 INITIALLY THE SAME AS AN E BLOCK BUT © THEN THE X END RELEASES OUTSIDE AND THE LINE@ ( BACKER TS BLOCKED BY PULLING LINEMAN (AN : Boxee BRE NS Rent \. Divine (pry) wortox (vor) 3. onsIDE Te PAR OK C 8. MRAR BACK. 9. OPE - 008 a) 8-29 ao. TIGR $p02° ; SO" ya game (sa) 7 tw 4 wna 600-6 ® Ge nam e996 ws a one ® co@cod ‘eu e008 Page 8 15AT i Dees meee MOTION BY A BACK PRIOR TO THE BAP TOWARDS THE WEAXBIDE. MopION BY A BACK PRIOR 70, THE SNAP TO ‘OUR STRONGSIDE 4 SIDE TOWARDS THE POINT OF ATTACK GIDE AWAY FROM The POINT OP ATTACK REFERS TO THE SIDE OF W REFERS 70 THE SIDE OF ¥ (OR T.E, IW SLOT FORM.). OFFENSIVE BACK SET I! THE BACKFIELD FURTHEREST FROM YOUR POSITION OFFENSIVE BACK SET IN TUE BACKPIELD NEAREST 70 YOUR POSITION a POSITION OP X EMD WHEN HZ IS THREE OR WORE YARDS FROM HIS OPPENSIVE TACKLE UNABLE TO MAKE ANGLE ‘BLOCK ON DEFENSIVE END. POSITION OF X EXD WEN HE 18 ONE OR TWO YARDS FROM HIS OPPENSIVE TACKLE POSITION OF ¥ KXD WHEW HE I6 ONE OR TWO YARDS FROM HIS WEAXSIDE TACKLE OR T.E. DN SLOT. POSITION OF Y EXD Wunw KE 18 THREE TO FIVE YARDS FROM HIS WEAKBIDE TACKLE OR T.E. IN SLOT. POSITION WITH Y OR W SPREAD OUT BIX OR . WORE YARDS X OFF THE LOS, W ON THE LOS. "OVER" = THE TTOHT END NOVES TO I TARE, ¥ & W ALIGN STRONGSIDE i POSITION OF W inna ME 18 IM TroNr I 4 4. comm GOO § DEEP ROUTE METH AN THSIDE FARE. : 5 a ow cata PATTERS. ee 2, Post | £ (post) 22. our & uP couruP) as. taxe-orr ~©00 (TKOFF) a4, strenx @OO (stk) oa 3 HOOK «ne (SEAH) 5. CORNER (om) Page 10... DEEP INSIDE ROUTE WITH AN OUTSIDE FAKE. -.7 DEEP ROUTE WHERE ‘THE WR FAKES A QOx (OR OUT) TO DRAM ‘THE DEFENDER UP, AND THEN SPRINTS DEEP. DEEP ROUTE WHERE THE WR SPRINTS STRAIGHT UP ‘THz FIELD. ~ SWASTE" ROUTE WHEN MRIS WOT A PRIVARY DEEP OUTSIDE ROUTE WITH THSIDE FAKE. Page 12, 6. Loor-m (1X) 7, DELAY=IH (DEEN) (cro) o. mm an) 20, TURN (rR) Ll. Fost ost) > or DEEP INSIDE ROUTE WITH AN OUTSIDE FAKE, OUTSIDE ROUTE WHERE BACK ROS HIS ROUTE BEHIND THE LIME OF SCROOUGE, OUTSIDE ROUTE WHERE THE BACK BREAKS ALMOST IMMEDIATELY TO THE OUTSIDE. OUTSIDR ROUTE WHERE TE BACK SPRIVTS UPPIEID SEVERAL YARDS BEFORE BREAKING TO THE OUTSIDE. ‘SHOOT OR YAN ROUTE WHERE THE BACK STOPS ‘SODOENLY BETWEEN THE LINEBACKERS AND TURES AWAY FROM COVERAGE, DEEP OUTSIDE ROUTE WHERE THR BACK RPRINTS ‘UPFIELD THEN BREAKS DEEP, Poe iz BACK STARTS A SHOOT ROUTE, STOPS, AND BREAKS INSIDE SHARPLY. INSIDE ROUTE WHERE THE BACK BREAKS QUICKLY ‘To TH msrDE, DEEP ROUTE WHERE THE BACK SPRINTS OUTSIDE ‘THE LINEBACKER AND CONTINGES UPPIEID. 10. QUICK-FLARE (ora) 21. cumer-erncis BACK DUTIALLY BETS TO BLOCK, THEN ROME A (exer) Bod CIRCLE (SWING PICK UP), 22. scmem x (sc) STRONGSIDE MALEBACK VOR wes A, Strongside Pod Stronguise Tackle Defensive and on atrongetde, Defensive tackle on strongside Defanaive ond cn weskeide Defensive tackle on weaksie Serongeide Linebacker Waakside Linebacker Niddie Leabesner Defensive H.B. on strongside Dafensive ty oa atrongaide Defensive 1.3, on weakside Defensive, safaty on weskelde Anlpe —isse Page 16 DEFENSIVE TERMINOLOGY area A pass coverage technique where defender has a particular ares to cover. Astre Call between Wanda, WHE and Weak Safety vs. Tailor End. Attack Footwork used in the Physical Movenent in meeting a block. ‘of moving backward in MoM coverage. Designates in and out pass coverage between two or three defenders, responsible for one OF more receivers. Belt Force Coordinated end run force where defensive safety is force man, Box Force defers crn? Of WBer or End containment of the End run, primarily in a blitzing ‘en-andats_pasitioned betweendefense—entami-tackle with-teg- SEIT aymiddle. Bullet c Shooting defense stunt between end and LB, end outside. Gharee Original move by lineman on snap of ball. WR method by linebacker in obstructing receiver's movenent downfield. Close “An aggressive movement by defensive man in chutting off an inside Hole. Combination Coverage ‘A pass coverage that involves both man for man and area coverage. Combo call ‘An adjustment made in Oscar Coverage between Wanda, WHB and W. Safety vs. a ‘tailer end. Concentration ‘Ability of a player to pin-point his thoughts unobstructed. Containnen Defensive player holding position to inure against reverses and statues. Control Authority over a blocker after block has been neutralized. Deep Middle Is the deep middle area. Weak Safety in deep middle. a Page 15 sey of a player to react correctly to an offensive maneuver. ® Bor Pass coverage used to cover receivers exceptionally tight. Double Blitz Weg and Wanda shoot with no pass responsibility Movement by defensive back on final break of receiver. Drop e A technique of moving into your pass coverage. ‘ised by Mnebacker defensive backs. ee 2 ckers end Yethod of shedding a blocker in order to get into pursuit. A Maneuyer used by a Def. Back or LB‘er in closing an Inside Hole. Gay tine the outside Linebackers have outside responsibility on run towards then. Spy Ends pass coverage in blitzing defense. Foream Shiver Tpethos of neutralizing a block by delivering a blow with the forearm. oO ique used in Dog Coverage to harass receiver. fiacd Grab Be nethod of escaping @ pace blocker in rushing the passer, and also controlling a blocker on a running play. tiethod used by lineman and linebacker to reutralize a block. Hit Pores Coordinated end ren force whe 2 defensive H.B. is force man. Hoie Protect your given area, when at point of attack. set call Soy tine the Wanda Linebacker has inside responsibility on run towards hin. get Position Bry tine @ player lines up on the outside hip of defensive end. Kegs offensive movenents which enable a defensive nan to carry out his assignment more effectively. 2 Laverane ‘R nethod of controlling a blocker after using a hand shiver and hand control. Replace Wyen,cgntain man is ‘blocked and looses containnent on end run, A Back “Replaces” Hin"ang contains. Page 16 Defensive left end head on offensive tackle, four point stance, feet parallel. cand ‘Stunt between Left Tackle and Meg. to Man ‘pass coverage where defender covers receiver anywhere in field of play. Neutralize Method used to equalize blocker's advantage. Break his force. oad Bald : = ‘Stunt by Meg and defensive line in Gap 6-1 defense. Penetrate Crossing the line of scrimmage. Bick Technique used by weak safety and weak half to cover ¥ end. (20 coverage) Plug Defensive H.B. or Safety filling hole inside linebacker or end Position Defensive man's relationship to an offensive man's movenent. Pursuit Rn aggressive procedure by defensive player in going to the ball and stopping forward progress of a ball carrier. Red Dog Outside linebacker shoots, but covers back if on route. BSp Call Stunt between right tackle and Meg. Defensive right end head on offensive tackle, four point stance, feet parallel. Pre-set ~ coverage - strong H.B. is in Fly position on wing. Sara Double Blitz ‘Sara Wanda Meg shoot ~ no pass responsibility. Sara Meg Blitz Middle and strong linebacker shoot with no pass responsibility. Search The ability of a linebacker to move laterally along the line of scrinmage from hole to hole. Shoulder Shiver Method weed by lineman and Linchacker’in neutralizing a block. skin When Meg moves to weakside between defensive end and tackle. “A method by defensive man in moving laterally vhile controlling offensive blocker. Spin A method of escape fron an offensive blocker to point of attack. Stance ‘A defensive man's alignment in relation to his feet and body position. 5 Storm Blite : , ‘Sara and Wanda shoot with no pass responsibility. Ysa Method used in forcing receiver to drop the ball. Tag Call Shooting defense stunt between end and LBer, LBer outelde. Bango “A stunt between end and Linebacker on strongside. Tarow Method of escape. Tom Call ‘Stunt between strong end and Meg or veak end and vesk safety used in Gap 6-1. Tom Position Waen Meg moves to strongside between defensive end and tackle. Walkavay ~ ‘Anytine LBer takes a loose position between tackle and the spread end or the X end and the Wing. Page 18 AUDIBLE RAMES_AND_ NUMBERS PASS AUDIBLES: © *' = Oscar Coverage (Banjo Y) = Special 40 Coverage from 22 Alignnent =, Special Defense for Inside the 20 “vith Sare and Meg in Pre-Set 25° "WRAP-TT" Zone vith Weakside Roll 30 "COMBINATTON"- Combination Coverage 33 "SLIDE-TT" = Banjo Coverage on X 39 "SMACK-TD" ~ Zone with Strongside Roll ilo "RAINBOR" © -- Rainbow Coverage Uy "SLAM-IT" = Special Defense vith Strongside Zone _ and Keakeide MAM (for Slot Sets) My "DUBAI = Five-Man Dog Coverage (NM-M) with a. ‘Two-Deep Zone by Safeties 45 "ZORRO" = Five Under, Two-Deep Zone 7 "WATL-TP"’-. = Roll (Dog) Weakside, Rainbow Strongside BLITZ AUDI 88 - Single Linebacker Blitz (Sera-Wanda) g1- ke3 Stora : 92 = 4-3 Double Blitz 93 = 4-3 Brovn Double Blitz gh - 4-3 Sera-Meg 95 - Weak Safety Blitz 96 - Strong Safety Blite : 28- Page 19 + "ABBREVIATIONS Oe ———T— HESS otbiae wot ot ena. Linebacker takes’a‘positien-directly heed up with the offensive end. —,rr———r——C—C—C—C—=CC—t—_C Tpuige fect in Linevath inside foot of Ends St. Refers to strong side. sang Technique’ pase cbverige technidus weed by Linebacker. refers to weak sid! an for Man pass coverage. van for Han Outeide, pass coverage for outside Linebacker. Man for Man Inside, pags coverage for outside Linebacker Area Inside, pass coverage for outside Linebacker. Area Outside, pass coverage for outside Linebacker. Area strong, pass coverage for middle linebacker. Area Weak, pass coverage for niddle linebacker. Man for Man Strong, pats coverage for middle Linebacker. MNcik, Man for Man Weak, pass coverage for middle Linebacker. Con. Combination pass coverage for deep backs. Line of Scrimmage. coaching Point Refers to the alignnent ofcthe weak safety, head up with the remaining back eight yards deep, or alvays inside hash marks. Point of attack. 0:5 Refers to the alignnent of the defensive back in relation to the receiver, head up and five yards deep. Refers to the alignnent of the defensive back in relation to the receiver, fone yard on the outside shoulder, four or five yards deep. clig Refers to the alignment of the defensive back in relation to the receiver, one yard on the inside shoulder of the receiver, four yards Gaep. Refers to the alignnent of the weak safety in relation to the X end, two yards on the inside and six yards deep. Head On Center. BIRD 17 CALLING DEFENSIVE SEGRALS ory Page 1 1, 3 a A. RORAING THE HUDDLE The huddle will be formed as soon as possible after the completion of a play. The huddle will be located and circularly formed around Meg 04) (Illustrated above) Everyone will face imerd with hands on knees and listen intently for the defensive signal. MEG (M) will call defensive signals. Huddle will be broken by clapping hands in unison. B. CALLING DEFENSTVE STONALS Defensive atgnals are divided into three separate parts: : a @ oy (1) First part... gives position and responsibility for linesen end Linebackers (nside, outside, etc.). + gives overall defensive alignment (4-3, Brom 4-3, ete.). @) Second part, (3) Third part... gives pass coverage (Rainbow, Oscer, ete). he Page 2 EXAMPLES OF A STANDARD CALL a) @) @ a. (inside) (4-3) (oscar) This means that the line will play "Inside" in a "4-3" alignment and the secondary will have "Oscar" pass coverage. a) @ ® b. (Outside) (4-3) (Rainbow) Whenever a defensive signal has the first part missing, the defense called will be a pene- trating defense with linebackers blitzing, "Brown" designation will indicate a position alignment of Wanda in a blitzing defense. EXAMPLE: @ @) a ( 4-3) (storm) ~ ‘This will mean that both outside linebackers are shooting and the line and remaining secondary will have special assignnents. 2) @) by (453) @ouble Blitz Safety) This will mean that Wanda, Meg and weak safety are shooting, and the line and remaining secondary will have special assignnents, @) @) Ge (Grown 4-3) @ouble Blitz) This will mean that Meg and Wanda are shooting with Wanda shooting from a Brown 4-3 alignment, the line and remaining secondary will have special assignnents. Whenever a standard defense is combined with a blitzing defense, the linebacker will penetrate and the linenan will use standard technique. EXAMPLES: @ @) a (Flex Strong) @ouble Blitz) SPECIAL CALL In game preparation @ defensive plan will be pre-determined whereby Meg's (4) call will often just be "Brouns Special", "Colt Special", ete. ran y FORSAIIOL RECOGRETEON C FORMATION RECOGN: OFFENSIVE FORMATIONS ere called in three parte order: a (2) Color or "I" Direction of Wing 2. Page TION, and are called in the following (3) Position of Ends A color (or I) is assigned to each of the possible backfield combinations, Aleregard- ing whether or not the Wing is set Left or Right (Examples shown in Pofnt’h), / 5 The Direction the Wing Sets will determine whether the formation vill be called O20 BS yos 42 vos COGO0OS 2. “LEP?” or "RIGHT". 5 3. If the X END ie 1 to 2 yards from the Strongside Tackle and the ¥ HID is 5 or more yerds from the Weakside Tackle, this is considered normal and no third (3) formation call is necessary if any of the following exceptions occur: A. XEND three yards or nore By0s on Mose Loreietee nae = © call X "OPEN", B. YEND 3 to 5 yards trom the Weakside Tackle 2 cela Y nation", SOO- © C. ¥ END ts 1 to 2 yards from ‘the Weakside Tackle cela Yin BOO®@ oo D. If ¥ goes strongside in ® exchange for X coming ® Weekside (Pictured) call it "SLOMY TARE . 4, The following FORMATIONS ere grouped by color: ‘A, BROW FORMATION - FB aligns behind QB with the HB aligning behind the veakside tackle, (e 6 BROWN LEFT (BL) © oe 00800 @ BROWN UP RIGHT (BPR) &% BROWN UP LEFT UNDER (BPLU) Onty Brovn Fora, FB not behind. RED RIGHT (RR) ® co800e ® RED LEFT SLOT (RLS) © © co800 & - C. GREEN FORMATION - GREEN LEFT (*RL) \o ® ® 00800 © RED UP LEFT (RPL) - ® isin © 00800 o- o0800e ‘RED RIGHT Y TAILOR (ARTA[Y]) e@ @ BROWN RIGHT SLOT SWITCH (srs{s}) @® ® oco800 ® B. RED FORMATION - Both backs align behind the tackles with the FB on the Strongside ‘and the HB on the Weakside, RED TRIP RIGHT, X OPEN (RIR[x 9 00800% @ | @ RL (x)(3) © © 9-00800 ‘ Bae Same as Red except FB aligns behind veuk tuckle and HB behind strong tackle. GREEN TRIP RIGHT Y TARE © 00800 (entRTA) oe © GREEN LEFD SLOT Y TARE (*RLSTA) OP On. ® 008006 D, BLACK FORMATION BLACK RIGIIT X OPEN Y TAILOR a (axrra(x) (¥)) @ © é ©. ®@ O0GOO@ Plo © 008008 ©-00800-® gS £ S Pago 3 x, BWE E PORMATION- FB aligns behind the QB with the HB alignnent bebind the strongside tackle. ‘BLUE TRIP RIGHT X OPEN ‘BLUE LEFT SLOT Y TARE (BLLSTA) (BUTR(X)) ® _ 0®@ elo o0800®@ Yo © co8008 Tne backs align in a stack behind the QB. - QB, FB and then the HB es the "Tailback", ae en a tee Sur TRE (ELST) LT Rout, x ON, STMCoe Gan ( @ i oe ® 8 . 8 “@ 00800e je © co800$ | ©-co8co-@ © G. FOUR MAN BACKPIELDS- Any formetion where all 4 backs align in the backfield ( . (usually motion or Divide is used), Ae ¥ ° T LET (TL) ‘T SPREAD (ts) ‘T TARE (ra) s ©@ © @2o@ @22@ * e008 8 8 ®00800 @|1® coéco oo @®00800@ TRIPLE 1 on (arta) TRIPLE 1 SPREAD (TIS) on ® ; . 6008000 ®@ 00800 © PONER LEFT (PIL) STRONG T RIGHT (SiR) RULE: ANY by MON BACKFIELD SETS WE DECLARE tHE GTRENORH 10 THE 8 ® g TIGHT END (x). IF BOTH ENDS ® ARE TIGHT (LIke TRIPLE T TARE) WE DECLARE THE OFFENSIVE (200800 elo oco8c0ce oRENGR LEFR. & PART VL SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITIES vage 2 ‘THEORY OF DEFENSTY VE SECONDARY PLAY 2. General Comments The importance of good defensive secondary pley cannot be overemphasized - » fa clocely-knitted, hard-hitting secondary that strives to destroy the effective- ness of an offensive attack is indispensible to success. You must be offensive- rinded--alert for interceptions, fumbles that will give your ovn offensive team good field position. : ‘The goal of the defensive secondary is to prevent a long touchdown run or pass and to combine with the defensive line in stopping @ long, sustained drive by the offense. A good defensive secondary should never allow a long touchdown run, since only two ingredients are necessary to stop a long run--good tackling and'"hustle", We recognize that the opposing teams in the National Football League have excellent passing ganes, and occasionally they will be successful fon the long touchdown pass; therefore, we do not fear the long pass. We take fhe position that every one the opponent catches is one less that, we have to worry about for the rest of the year -- play the "lav of averages". The personnel of a defensive secondary is divided into two categories; namely, Linebackers end deep backs. There are two outside Linebackers and one middle line- backer which ere designated by girle' nanes. “Sara” ic the strongside linebacker and "Wanda" ts the weakelde linebackers. "Meg" refers to the middle linebacker. The success of the b-3 defense will depend largely on the effectiveness of the Linebackers in performing their responsibilities. The linebacker must be able to rake ® split-second decision to determine whether a play is a run or pass. On a Funning play, the Linebacker must be as rugged, strong, and immovable as « defensive Tinenan while controlling his area, Ona pase play, he must be ac agile, quick and fast ae a deep back while preventing a short pass or a deceptive play. This respon~ sibility means that the Linebacker must drill long and hard in perfecting his spec~ Salty both with the defensive line ané the defensive backs--he is the “Link” that, connects the tvo together. ‘me deep back category consists of two halfbacks and two safeties, These will be ‘a halfback and safety on the "strongside” and a halfback and safety on the weakside, ‘and will be referred to as “strong” and "weak", respectively. Where the linebacker hes @ tremendous burden of imediate support for either the defensive line or the deep backs, no position has more responsibility from preventing the touchdown than ‘the deep backs. A defensive back is the last line of defense, and a failure in execution can mean an opponent's touchdown. Defensive backs who are skilled in their individual pase coverages and are good tacklers can be the finest asset of @ good football tean. has tvo primary function: and 'a) A defense against the End Run, ~ (>) A defense against the Passing Gane. 2. Defense Against The End fun The quickest way to be defeated by an offensive team is to allow then to succes fully run outside. An end run de not difficult to stop when the three players under attack are coordinated; namely, the halfback, safety and outside linebacker. Good. fundamentals of end run play require a contain man, a cutback man, and a man to C check for @ play pass. 2@ ( C Page 2 Wo will use three types of end run forecs) namcly, tho Hit Force, the Belt Force, and the Box Fo ‘The post important thing to remember is that the end run force has nothing to do with the défense that is called in the huddle. Any of the three forces may be uscd wath an “audible” call from the safety or halfback; however, wa will suggect an automatic end run force for different defenses in the event an” "audible call" is not made. ‘The Hit and Belt Forces designate the back making the force and containing the play. Whenever "Hit" is called, the halfback will make the force; whenever "pelt" is called, the safety will make the force. The Box Force designates the end man on the line of scrimmage to make the force-- this will usually be the line- backer and will be an automatic Tag Call. Whenevor the lincbacker wants the defen- sive end to "Box" the end run, he will call "Bullet". A “BuTlet call" will mean that the Linebacker has inside responsibility. Play-acticn passes that develop from end runs will be dealt with in the section on "Rules and Techniques for Playing End Run". For a play-action pass to be included in the end run section, the play-action must have made our secondary commit to an end run force, either Hit, Belt, or Box. Then, upon recognition of pass, the secon- dary will move to pre-determined areas and will be in a position to nale a coordinated effort to prevent a completion. ‘The final ingredaent to successful end run play is good pursuit and gang tackling by the remaining eight defensive players. LET'S DEMOLISH EVERY END RUN! 3. Base Defensive Theory In the National Football League, the pass offense can be divided into categories according to Quarterback technique or flow of backs. The foilowing breakdown will show the type of passes that will be included under these broad categories (a) Pocket Passes (Y Spread) : (1) Individual and Pattern Passes (2) Divide Passes (3) Deceptive Passes (>) Flow Strong (Pire Coverage) ase (2) Play-action passes that do’ not require end run forco. (2) Play-action passes causing end run forces (3) Quarterback rollouts Strong and Bootlegs, with or without motion. (c) Flow Weak (liang, Man For Man, or Banjo) (2) Floo’s (2) Fire Blunt (3) QB. rollout weak Our approach to pass defense is to give the linebackers and deep backs @ certain nurber of individual pass coverage techniques to become skilled in their coverage. Our pass defenses are designed by conbining 4 group of these individual techniques nto one coordinated defense, The following outline shows the techniques to be mastered by each position: Page 3 w Qutside Linebackers* Individual Pass Coverages a ‘Area Outside ~ Outside hook (Or turn) zone. @) Area Inside ~ Inside Hook zone @ MeH Outside ~ Covers near back Man-to-Han on an outside pass route, only @ MoM Inside ~ Covers near back Man-to-Man on an inside pass route only 5) MeN = Covers near back Man-to-Man en any pass route, including deceptive plays e) Dog = Cover designated received with a "Glue" technique. o Area Inside Hang Technique ~ Hook zone inside, helping on wide turn-in patterns @) Midgie Linebacker's Individual Pase Coverages a ‘Area Strong - Hook zone towards flanker @ Area Weak ~ Hook zone towards eplit end @ M-H Strong ~ Covers back tovards flanker Man-to-Man on inside routes only a MeH Weak ~ Covers back towards split end Mancto-Man on all inside pass routes only 6) MoM ~ Cover a designated back Man-to-Man on all pass routes including deceptive plays 6) bog = Cover designated receiver with a "Glue" technique a Area - Zone over center «) Deep Backs' Individual Pass Coverages a eH - Covers @ designated receiver Man-to-Man on all pass routes . @ Area - Covers a designated area of the field a) Combination ~ M-M coverage with the responsibility to switch off to another receiver, or area with certain situations «@ Banjo ~ Two or three defenders are responsible for one or 6) Dog ~ Cover designated received with a "Glue" technique ‘The success of a defensive back or Linebacker will depend on his ability to become skilled with the "tools" of his trade. Once a player has mastered the art of pass coverage, every play becones an exciting challense. 4. Defenses Against the Passing Gane The defense called by the defensive quarterback will conbine a line defense with a pass defense, such as Inside 4-3 Oscar, Outside 4-3 Rainbow, ete. The part that follows the alignment will be the pass defense; in the above example, the pass, defenses were "Oscar" and "Rainbow". ‘The important thing to remember is that the pass defenses called by the defensive quarterback are to be used only against. “Pocket Passes". Whenever there is a “play-action pass", the seconfary will move into an automatic defense for the particular type of play pass. our “Pocket Pass Defenses" are designed to accomplish three objective: (a) Concentrated coverage on the flanker aide ¥ (b) Concentrated coverage on the weak side, Orsee > (c) Balanced coverage throughout the offensive formation “You will find that even though we have a nunber of pass defenses, there are _ similarities between many of the defenses. The most important part of the Pass [> Defense is to become skilled in the individual coverages. ‘A. RULES AND TECHNIQUES FOR PLAYING’ END RUN 1 Three types of end run forces will be used, nanely, ‘Hit Force Belt Force, and Box Force. Regardless of what type of force being used, there are three essentials to good end run play - a contain man, a cutback man and a man to "check" for a play pass. Before a player can become skilled im end run play, he must master his alignment, key, technique and responsibility for each of the six possible formations situations. The three situations on the flanker side are the Tight End, Open End, and the Slot. The three situations on the weakside are the Tare End, Tailor End, and Spread End. ‘The Hit and Belt Forces determine vhich of the backs will make the force and contain the play. The end man on the line of scrimmage will make the Box Force and will usually be the linebacker. Whenever the linebacker wants the defensive end to "box" the play, he will call “Bullet” and take inside responsibility, refer to Jet & Fly Section. The Safeties will call all forces except when the force is automatic, example: Box or Blitzes. REACTION TO PLAY-ACTION PASS There will be occasfone where the end run force will start and a play-action pass will develop. In the examples that follow the "Rules and and Techniques” of playing an end run for each situation, several play- action passes are shown. The reaction of the secondary is diagramed with “notes” covering each position, For more detail on Fire Pass With Pull refer to the Flow Pass section. Page 1 RULES & TECHNIQUES FOR PLAYING THE END RUN HIT FORCE - STRONGSIDE “= a o [om — z oR E N, Use only with close flanker (6 yds. or less ~ or, when S/S cannot beat wing crackback) or Audible 39-44-44Z. Strong Halfback . Alignnent ~ Take position no more than 5 yds. from wing on outside shoulder (at Teast one yd.) C.P. alignment may vary according to pass coverage called. Key - Near tackle & guard (basic key). Key may change according to opponent. (Also key flov.) Close flanker ~ key flow. c. Technique - Force at angle keeping good outeide position (Leverage). Use inside Foot shoulder forearm shiver. Force BC to make sharp cut inside, Be able to play off blocker to outeide. If BC has taken definite inside route, spin off of block to inside. D. Responsibility - Turn end run inside. Strong Safety A, Alignment - Take position on outaide of X end 5-7 yds. deep and 1-2 yds. outside. C.P, Alignment may change on different pass coverage called, also X Open & Slot. Key ~ Flow and near tackle and guard (basic key). C.?. May change according to ‘opponents. Cc. Technique - Flow and lineman pulls, cover wing ~ let wing give secondary run’ reaction. D. Responsibility ~ Cover wing on flow and pulling lineman, Secondary run reaction. Strong LB Sara A. Alignaent - X Tight: (H) position. X Open: (Hi) position - Flex weak or Lil or Rita: (H) position. Slot: Jet position. B, Key: XK end. X open: X end and flow. Slot: GT and flow. C! Technique - Neutralize end, 4f end hooks fight to outside. End blocks down, use Teverage on near back or guard, Allow ball carrier to get even then play cut back. Slot: Beat elot back, force end run deep and play for cut back. If G or T pulls - grab. Trips, X Tight! Be ready to neutralize the FB's angle block. Strong Side End AK, Alignment - Three point stance, inside foot forvard on outside foot of tackle -- Flex-four point stance head on tackle. Key - Tight X: Read X and T, or crash. Open: read guard, crash or key tackle. Slot: read tackle or crash, -(Key for defense called.) ©, Technique - Hand shiver or outside forearm shiver tackle's hook block - forearm ‘shiver or throw angle block: Open and slot: may crash or key tackle. 5 8,

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