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Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express my Interest to Apply for a long term student visa at Germany.

In the beginning, I would like to introduce myself. My name is %%%%%%, I was born
in 15/01/1995 at Damascus/Arab Republic of Syria.

I graduated from secondary school in 2012 with a percentage of 95.75% in the science
section. I got the highest mark at my class. When I studied at Syria in the Second
Secondary school year which equivalent Realschule in German grading System I got the
second highest mark at my school even that I was new at studying in Syria. I’m very
ambitious and hard student. Due to the war in my country I couldn’t complete my
education. I worked as sales man at FAWASEL Auto Doors. I have interest to study
chemistry at Germany, after reading about the education at Germany; I believe studying
at German university will ensure a high quality of education with good future career.

I developed an interest in the German language and culture, and I have been studying
German online due that the only school that taught German is very far from my home

My professional goal is to be specialist at pharmaceutical chemistry. I want to benefit my

home country with this important branch, especially because there is a shortage of who
are specialists in this branch of chemistry in my country. I believe that technical
University of Berlin good history exceeds 136 years is desirable place to graduate from.
It would also be my desire to join a recognized educational institution which will provide
me high quality of education.

In principle my interested to complete the language to obtain B2 level, preparatory course

and then study continue to study chemistry.

Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to study at Germany to reach my goal in

pharmaceutical chemistry. And I hope to get the Visa to help me in achieving my dream.

With Best regards,


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