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Arthur, Marcia and Richard work together for a well-known business company and they need to
give a presentation to a group of supervisors. Richard was unable to finish his report beforehand
because his son got sick. What would you do if you were him?

Vocabulary: are the underlined words and phrases

LAURA: Writing text

-Marjorie (Marcia): Good afternoon Laura, I’m calling you because I'm worried about the tough
time Richard is going through and how I'm feeling about it.

-Laura: Good afternoon Marcia, tell me, who is he? what is happening to him?

-Marcia: Ok, I'll tell you, I am working with Richard and Arthur in a well-known business company,
and we need to give a presentation to a group of supervisors, but Richard's son got sick, so he was
unable to finish the report and I want to help him because I know he is stress, and his job security
is at risk, but I think it is not fair to the other employees, so I don't know what to do.

-Laura: Ok, first of all, maybe I should give you counseling don't let this take your toll, and you can
tell this to your co-worker too. What you are telling me, are the consequences of stress, Arthur
and you feel that they are doing the job that does not correspond to them, but I think that you are
in one unusual situation, Richard`s son is sick, it is something that he can't avoid, so if you can help
him, do it, maybe you think it is not fair, but this is the how to relieve stress.

-Marcia: Yes, you're right, and if we don't do this report, we would all get in trouble because is
about the public sector, and the supervisors trust us a lot, they know that we are the only ones in
charge of this presentation, But I'm still thinking that it is not fair, so I'll do what you said, although
I will feel uncomfortable.

-Laura: That's not what I mean, you don't have to do what I said only because you think is right,
you have to do it because you want and this situation of stress you might end up.

-Marcia: And what will happen if we don't do it right?

-Laura: You should be self-confident, that's the key to do all that you wish.

-Marcia: Thanks so much Laura for your help in this moment, the stress that I’m feeling has calmed
down a bit.

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