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The next morning, Martha comes back from a visit with her family.

leaves and returns with a present for Mary, courtesy of Mother: a jump rope.
Having never seen one, Mary wants to know what it's for. Incredulously,
Martha picks up the rope and starts to skip in the middle of the room. Mary is
transfixed, and when Martha stops, Mary feels excited. Martha hands over the
rope and assures Mary that if she practices, she'll get better. She also says that
Mother believes a jump rope is the best thing for Mary. As Mary heads outside,
she stiffly thanks Martha for the jump rope and holds out her hand. Martha
shakes it, laughs, and says that if Mary were one of her sisters, she'd kiss her in
thanks. In an even stiffer voice, Mary asks if Martha wants a kiss, but Martha
just laughs and shoos Mary out. Mary wanders through the gardens, skipping
and counting. As Mary is skipping about, she sees the robin again, and a gust of
wind exposes the hidden knob of a door in the ivy-covered wall. Mary puts the
key in the door and turns the knob. She opens the door to the secret garden.

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