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1. Abruptly = suddenly = unexpectedly

2. Admonish = to warn about
3. Agile= lively = having/showing a lot of energy and enthusiasm = showing
interesting and exciting thought
4. Agitate = to disturb
5. Ajar = slightly open
6. Aglow = shining brightly
7. Alert = perceptive = quick
8. Amateur = not professional = untrained
9. Ambiguous = doubtful = uncertain
10. Amicable = friendly
11. Ample = adequate = enough
12. Anguish = great sorrow = pain
13. Annual = yearly
14. Appraisal = an estimate of the value
15. Astound = to astonish = to surprise greatly
16. Audible = able to be heard
17. Baffle = to confuse
18. Bald = without hair
19. Ban = to declare that something must not be done=prohibit= forbid
20. Bewilder = to confuse
21. Boundary = border = limit
22. Brutal = savage = cruel
23. Chaos = confusion = without organization
24. Chilly = cool
25. Clap = to applaud
26. Compulsory = required
27. Conceal = to hide
28. Concord = an agreement
29. Congenial = pleasing in nature or character = agreeable
30. Constantly = all the time
31. Contamined = polluted
32. Contract = reduce
33. Conventional = usual = ordinary
34. Core = center
35. Coward = one who lacks courage = a person who is not brave
36. Crude = not finished = rough
37. Dangle = to hang loosely = to swing
38. Debtor = one who owes
39. Decade = a period of ten years
40. Deliberately = in a planned way
41. Demolish = to tear down completely
42. Depict = to describe
43. Deterioration = lower value = depreciation
44. Dilate = to become wider,larger
45. Dingy = dirty = shabby
46. Disband = to dissolve = to continue
47. Discard = to throw out
48. Discern =to recognize = to perceive
49. Dispatch = to send
50. Disseminate = to spread = to distribute= to give out
51. Divert = to entertain = to amuse
52. Divulge = to make known = to reveal
53. Doze = to sleep for a short time = to take a nap
54. Drench = to make very wet
55. Drought = a long period of dry weather
56. Drowsy = very sleepy
57. Dubious = doubtful
58. Dungeon = a dark cell = prison
59. Durable = sturdy = lasting
60. Duration = the length of time from beginning to end
61. Dusk = evening = just before dark
62. Eccentric = strange = odd
63. Emit = to give out
64. Emphasis = special attention = importance
65. Endeavor = to make effort = to try very hard
66. Energy = vigor = strength
67. Enhance = to make greater,better
68. Entice = to attract = to lure
69. Erudite = learned
70. Essential = important = necessary
71. Evolve = to develop gradually
72. Exceed = to be greater than
73. Exhausted = very tired = enervated
74. Exorbitant = extravagant = excessive
75. Expand = to make larger
76. Facile = easy
77. Famine = starvation
78. Fascinate = to attract powerfully = to charm
79. Flatter = to praise too much
80. Flee = to escape swiftly
81. Flicker = to shine unsteadly
82. Flip = to overturn
83. Fluffy = soft = airy
84. Foolish = silly
85. Furtive = secret
86. Futile = useless
87. Garb = clothing
88. Garrulous = talkative
89. Gauche = impolite = clumsy
90. Germinate = to begin to grow
91. Glamorous = fascinating = alluring
92. Glitter = to shine with a sparking light
93. Glow = to shine
94. Grumble = to complain
95. Hamlet = a small village
96. Harsh = cruel
97. Hazy = not clear = vague
98. Hectic = very busy = active
99. Heed = to pay attention
100. Hoax = trick
101. Hubbub = noise = confusion
102. Imply = to suggest
103. Impromptu = without preparation= unrehearsed= extempore
104. Incredible = hard to believe
105. Jerk = sudden movement
106. Keen = eager
107. Lament = to express sorrow
108. Loathe= to hate = to detest
109. Lullaby = a song to lull a baby to sleep
110. Luminous = bright
111. Mansion = a large,imposing house = residence
112. Mare = a female horse
113. Massive = huge = heavy
114. Mend = to repair
115. Mingle = to mix = to combine
116. Molest = to annoy = to bother
117. Monstrous = horrible = shocking = outrageous
118. Mumble = to speak indistinctly
119. Munch = to chew
120. Nasty = mean
121. Obscure = not easily seen
122. Ominous = threatening
123. Omit = to leave out
124. Persuade = to convince
125. Prank = a trick = a joke
126. Precede = to go before
127. Precisely = exactly
128. Protrude = to push outward = to project
129. Provoke = to cause = to incite
130. Prudent = careful = wise = complete
131. Purify = to cleanse
132. Quell = to make quiet = to subdue
133. Quest = a search
134. Raze = to destroy
135. Recite = to repeat from memory
136. Reckless = not cautious = not careful
137. Reiterate = to say again = to repeat
138. Reluctant = unwilling = hesitant
139. Resemble = to have a similar appearance = to be like
140. Restrain = to check = to limit
141. Retain = to keep one’s possession = to hold
142. revenue = money earned = income
143. risky = dangerous
144. roam = to wander
145. scrutiny = close = careful examination
146. seize = to grab
147. shrug = to raise the shoulders in a gesture of doubt or indifference.
148. Skeptical = not easily convinced= doubting
149. Slay = to kill
150. Smolder = to burn with little smoke and no flame
151. Snatch = to grab abruptly or hastily
152. Squash = to flatten = to crush
153. Stale = not fresh = old
154. Strive = to make great effort = to struggle
155. Tally = an account = a score
156. Tentative = uncertain = probable
157. Terminate = to bring an end
158. Tranquill = peaceful = quiet
159. Transcend = to rise about = to surpass
160. Trivial = of little important
161. Tug = to pull something with effort
162. Tutor = to teach
163. Ultimate = final
164. Vendor = one who sell something
165. Vanish = disappear
166. Get rid off = to discard
167. Hand out = distribute
168. Put off = postpone
169. Round up = to capture
170. Turn down = to decline = to refuse

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