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La Comida en Inglés

► hamburger - hamburguesa
► pizza
► fish - pescado
► chicken - pollo
► shrimp - camarones
► ham - jamón
► spaghetti - espagueti
► french fries - papas fritas
► salad - ensalada
► corn - maíz
► broccoli - brócoli

pulsa para ver el video de la comida

Ejercicio 1
Selecciona la palabra correcta


Selecciona la palabra correcta.

1. pizza
fish hamburger
salad french
fries corn
cake soup


steak fish pizza hamburger soup

salad corn french fries soup

5. ice cream soda

orange juice pie cake

6. cake pie
orange juice soda ice cream

7. salad
cake soup french fries

8. salad french
fries corn cake
9. salad french fries
corn cake soup

cake steak
corn soup salad

► appetizer - aperitivo

► entree - platillo fuerte

► side order - comida que acompaña el platillo fuerte

► dessert - postre

► beverage ( ► drink) - bebida

Ejercicio 2

Selecciona la categoria correcta en el menu para cada comida.

1. ham dessert appetizer

side order entree beverage

2. steak
entree dessert side order
appetizer beverage
3. broccoli
appetiz dessert entree
side order beverage

4. spaghetti
side order entree dessert
appetizer beverage

5. corn
appetizer beverage side order
entree dessert

6. pie
beverage dessert side order entree
7. coffee
dessert appetizer side order
entree beverage

8. fish
dessert appetizer side order
entree beverage
9. ice cream
dessert appetizer side order
entree beverage

10. tea
dessert entree side order
beverage appetizer

11. shrimp
side order entree dessert
appetizer beverage

1 2. cake
beverage dessert side order
entree appetizer
13. chicken
dessert appetizer side order
entree beverage
14. orange juice
dessert appetizer side order
entree beverage

15. soda
beverage dessert side order
entree appetizer

Otro Vocabulario
► breakfast - desayuno

► lunch - almuerzo

► dinner - cena

► customer - cliente

► cup - taza

► order - orden, ordenar

► just - solo

► after - después

► meal - comida

► something - algo

► full - lleno

► check - cuenta

► bring - traer

► delicious - delicioso
► fun - divertido

► free - gratis

► whole - entero

Ejercicio 3

Selecciona la palabra correcta para completar la oración.

1. The meal that you eat in the morning is

lunch breakfast dinner .

2. The meal that you eat in the early afternoon is

lunch breakfast dinner

3. The meal that you eat in the evening is

lunch breakfast dinner .
4. The customer in the restaurant asked the waiter for the
fun bring cup delicious
full just check

5. I drink a delicious of coffee after my meal.

full check delicious fun
just cup bring

6. I my books to class every day.

full cup bring fun

just check delicious

7. The glass has a lot of milk in it. It's

check delicious fun just
full bring .
8. The food is very good. It's check
cup delicious just full
bring .

9. I have one pencil. I need more for the other students.

full just delicious fun cup check

10. Children like games because they are

check fun delicious cup
just full bring .

Selecciona la palabra correcta.

1. fish hamburger
steak pizza soup

2. salad french fries

corn cake soup
3. steak fish pizza
hamburger soup

4. salad corn french

fries soup cake

5. ice cream soda

orange juice pie cake

6. cake pie orange

juice soda ice cream

7. salad cake soup

french fries corn
8. cake pie orange
juice soda ice cream

9. salad french fries

corn cake soup

10. cake steak corn

soup salad
Restaurant Phrases (Frases que se usan en un restaurante)
► May I take your order? - ¿Puedo tomar su orden?

► Would you like ______? - ¿Le gustaría _____?

► I'd like _____. - Me gustaría _____.

► I'll take the _____. - Tomaré el _____.

► I'll have the _____. - Tendré el _____.

► Could we have the check, please? - ¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor?

► Come again. - Esperamos su regreso.

Ejercicio 7

Identifica el orden de las oraciones en esta conversación. Escribe el

número alado del texto para indicar el orden.

What would you like to drink? 3

I'd like milk, please. 4

May I take your order? 1

Yes, I'll have the chicken, please. 2

Gramática -

Aprender el verbo Would like

I would like" o su contracción "I'd like" quieren decir "Me gustaría." Generalmente
cuando se pide comida en un restaurante usamos esta forma.

"I'd like the fish, please."

Se usa la misma forma con otros sujetos.

I would like - I'd like

You would like - You'd like

He would like - He'd like

She would like - She'd like


Para formar una pregunta nada más cambiamos el orden.

Would you like ____?

Yes, I would.

No, I wouldn't.

Ejercicio 8
Escribe una oración con "I'd like" para seleccionar la comida que


Would you like tea or coffee?

I'd like tea please

1. Would you like orange juice for breakfast?

Yes, You’d like orange juice for breakfast.

2. Would you like chicken for lunch?

Yes, You would like chicken for lunch.

3. Would you like fish for dinner?

No, You wouldn’t

4. Would you like broccoli for a side order?

Yes, You’d
5. Would you like ice cream for dessert?

Yes, You’d
6. Would you like coffee?

No, You wouldn’t

7. Would you like spaghetti?

No, you wouldn’t

8. Would you like salad?

Yes, You would

Lección Escrita9
¿Qué te gustaría desayunar mañana? ¿Qué te gustaría almorzar?
¿Y cenar? Descríbelo usando "I'd like . . ."

I would like to have patacones for breakfast with stewed


I would like to have lasagna for lunch.

I would like to have roasted chicken with mashed potatoes

for dinner.
"At the Restaurant"
Comprensión Oral
Escuche el dialogo


Identifica lo que los clientes piden del menú.

Ejercicio 10
 Chicken and a side
order of corn.
 Cup of coffee.
 Spaghetti and a
 Water.
 Cake.


Appetizers Desserts
shrimp cocktail ice cream

Entrees Beverages
steak coffee
orange juice




Side Orders



french fries



Ejerccio 11

Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones


1. take May your order I ?

May I take your order?

2. coffee, cup a like I'd of please.

I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

3. would you What drink to like ?

What would you like to drink?

4. check, the Could have we please ?

Could we have the check, please?

5. cake, I'll please have the .

I’ll have the cake, please.

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