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Nama :Windi Rizki Kusuma

Kelas : KA3B

NIM : 09020581923032

A. Identifying time

1. You were here this morning, where are you?

B. No, I had a meeting at the hotel

2.When will you move your office

A. at the end of the month, I hope

3. Mark is always on time for dinner isn’t he

A. yes, he’s never late for anything

4. has everyone shown up for the meeting yet

C. we’re still waiting for Mr.Roberts

5. When is the new manager going to start work

A. next Monday will be his first day

6. How much longer should we wait for them to arrive?

C. let’s just wait another few minutes

7. How long is the movie?

A. about two and a half hours

8. Your meeting was shorter than expected wasn’t it

B. yes it was over in less than an hour

9. what time does the plane take off?

C. it leaves at 5:45

10. when is your appointment with dr. Kovacs?

A. tomorrow afternoon

B. Identifying people

1. is the new secretary’s name Bill or John

B. I think he’s called Bill

2. whose name is the reservation under

B. it’s under my name

3. Who didn’t go to the meeting yesterday

A. Martha wasn’t there

4. who’s helping you with that report?

B. eric’s working on it with me

5. what’s the director’s name?

C. it’s mrs. Sullivan

6. who did you invite to the picnic?

B. everybody in the office

7. is that man your new assistant?

A. yes, he started working for me yesterday

8. who’s computer needs repairs

B. john, hasn’t been working since yesterday

9. who has copies of the report

B. sam can make copies for us

10. who’s the new manager

A. her name is Samantha

C. Identifying an opinion

1. how is the new technician doing

A. he’s doing a great job

2. what’s your opinion of the plans for the new office

C. I think they’re wonderful

3. do you think Sarah will finish that report on time?

A. not unless she works faster

4. how does Bob like his new job?

B. I don’t think he’s very happy there

5. what do you think of this weather

C. I love a rainy day

6. do you think john will be at the party?

C. no he’s too busy this week

7. how was the conference?

B. I thought it was boring

8. what’s Nina’s opinion of the change in plans

A. she says it’s a good idea

9. what do you think of this color for my office?

C. I really don’t like it at all

10. what’s your opinion of Albert’s work?

B. he always does an excellent job

D. Identifying a choice

1. should I fax my replay or send it by email?

A. please fax it

2. should we take a taxi or the bus?

A. a taxi would be faster

3. would you rather see a movie or watch TV

C. let’s go to a movie

4. should we eat at home or go to a restaurant

A. I’d rather stay home

5. which do you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat

B. I always sit by the window

6. which is better the brown suit or the gray one

B. the gray suit looks more professional

7. you prefer coffee or a cup of hot tea

C. coffee with a little sugar would be nice

8. should I call you tonight or tomorrow

A. tomorrow would be better

9. rather take a plane or a train

C. I feel more comfortable on a train

10. which do you like better Italian food or Chinese

B. I almost never eat Chinese food

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