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The COVID Pandemic

What’s the pandemic summarised in a sentence? A jumbled

mess filled with nonsense. And thanks to this world wide cataclysmic
event we are also a mess. However that does not mean that there
wasn’t any good in this. And today I’m going to tell you what I think
those goods are.
First, this pandemic made us appreciate our loved ones more.
Whether that would be family or friends. It also ironically brought us
closer together. This is a good thing for only in unity we are stronger.
It also brought people to God or back to God. And depending on
your religious views this is either a good thing or a bad thing. But
since this is my essay I’ll say it’s a good thing. Why? Because it boils
down to my previous point about unity. And not just unity between
men but also unity between God, the angels, Virgin Mary, Jesus Chris
and so on.
And this also served as a gateway in our minds, showing us what
our strengths and weaknesses are and mabye reveal stuff about us that
we didn’t even know about.
So the bottom line is there is always good in bad.

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