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I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences.

Write A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet. (3.0 points)
1. You gave me precious help ______ I am extremely grateful.
A. to which B. for which C. to that D. for whom
2. These days ______ everyone is aware of the danger of smoking.
A. most B. all C. the whole D. almost
3. Either Angela or her sisters ______ the tickets to the performance.
A. has bought B. has been bought C. have bought D. have been bought
4. She was wearing a ______ skirt.
A. Japanese cotton flowered B. cotton Japanese flowered
C. flowered cotton Japanese D. flowered Japanese cotton
5. ______ the government fall, the stock market will crash.
A. Provided B. In case C. Should D. Had
6. The doctor insists ______ for a few days.
A that he is resting B. his resting C. him to rest D. that he rest
7. The plumber came to ______ the burst pipes three days ago.
A. see to B. turn off C. look up D. get over
8. He found himself so exhausted by this ______ job.
A. demanding B. soft C. tender D. rough
9. The Times is a newspaper with a ______ of over three million.
A. distribution B. circulation C. coverage D. sales
10. In the distance they heard the church clock ______ midnight.
A. hit B. sound C. strike D. ring
11. After so many years, it is great to see him ______ his ambitions.
A. realize B. get C. deserve D. possess
12. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept ______ all night.
A. noisily B. sensitively C. soundly D. quickly
13. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong end of the ______.
A. line B. stick C. leg D. pot
14. – John: “Let me pay for the drinks.” – Mark: “______.”
A. They are on me B. No. It’s mineC. I’ll make it D. Never remind me
15. Peter: "The test result will be released at 9 a.m tomorrow!" David: "Will it? ______”
A. Can I wait for it? B. Could it wait? C. Yes, please. D. I can't wait!
1. I am afraid that these regulations have to be __________ with.
A. complied B. provided C. faced D. met
2. His business is growing so fast that he must take __________ more workers.
A. up B. on C. in D. over
3. The police must now __________ the escaped convict in the surrounding countries.
A. search B. be in search C. look after D. look for
4. You are late again, please try to be __________ in the future.
A. accurate B. punctural C. efficient D. reliable
5. Edward has found a bigger flat and is __________ move into it.
A. near to B. ready for C. on the way D. about to
6. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly __________ for their suitability.
A. searched B. investigated C. vetted D. scrutinized
7. __________ every part of the world has experienced an earthquake in recent years.
A. Most B. Almost C. Each D. Nearby
8. He didn’t know anyone at the wedding __________ than the bridge and groom.
A. other B. expect C. rather D. apart
9. When Bill saw my new car, he was __________ with envy.
A. blue B. green C. yellow D. white
10. He was holding a tiny bird in the __________ of his hand.
A. thumb B. hole C. shin D. palm

II. Supply the appropriate form of the words in CAPITAL to complete each sentence. Write them on
your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
1. The gas from the chemical factory was extremely ______. (HARM)
2. The young man could give the police no ______ of why he had stolen the car. (EXPLAIN)
3. Some children are very rude. They just don’t speak to adults ______. (RESPECT)
4. For some children, every new school year causes ______. (ANXIOUS)
5. I have always admired her great ______ and skill in handling the most intricate problems.
6. Peter felt very ______ when he failed the driving test the third time. (COURAGE)
7. Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to ______ her career. (FAR)
8. Young children should be well aware of their ______ manner.  (BEHAVE)
9. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don’t ______ any of them. (PLACE)
10. The boy watched the performance of the tigers, ______ with amazement.  (BREATHE

III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. “If you don’t apologize immediately, I’m leaving,” she told him.
 She threatened................................................................................................................................................
2. You won’t find more reasonable prices anywhere than in our shop.
 Nowhere........................................................................................................................................................
3. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
 Despite my ....................................................................................................................................................
4. It's impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.
 The traffic makes ..........................................................................................................................................
5. I’m sure that they didn’t attend the conference on Wildlife Protection yesterday.
 They can’t .....................................................................................................................................................
1. He won’t let anyone else touch his records. (OBJECTS)
 He ...............................................................................................................................................his records.
2. He failed his exam because he missed classes so often. (CONSEQUENCE)
 As ...................................................................................................................... so often, he failed his exam.
3. Don't pay any attention when she complains. (NOTICE)
 Don't ........................................................................................................................................... complaints.
4. The head teacher is well-known for his reliability and dedication. (REPUTED)
 The head teacher ................................................................................................................................ person.
5. We couldn’t choose from the three main courses for dinner. (CHOICE)
 We were ................................................................................................... the three main courses for dinner.
1. If I met the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book.
Were I ......................................................................................
2. He always has his nose in a book and never pays attention to what I say.
If he didn't .................................................................................................
3. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child.
Only when .............................
4. You are under no obligation to accept their offer.
You can please .....................................................
5. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin's poor ................................................................................
6. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
The average ................................................................
7. I don't really like her , even though I admire her achievements.
Much .........................................................................
8. There were not nearly as many people there as I had expected.
here were far ...................................................................
9. There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.
You ...............................................................................
10. This is the best essay I have ever written.
Never .................................................................................

IV> Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Use the words given and do not change their form

1. Carol finds it very easy to make friends. (difficulty)

2. Thanks for your help and encouragement, I have my life as today. (But for)
3. I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not. (mind)
4. They’re telling me that I must make a decision soon. (pressure)
5. His smooth manner didn’t deceive us. (taken)
6. I really must answer all these letters. (get down)
7. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. (against)
8. She will probably be elected. (stands)
9. I don't read newspapers any more. (given)
10. He suggested that I should give him a ring in advance. (why)
11. Harry doesn't have enough money to buy the laptop. (afford)
12. Although the internet has developed quickly, many people can't get access to it.

13. I was just about to remember her name, but I couldn't get it. ( tongue)
14. How did you persuade Thomas to lend you the money? ( talk)
15. They couldn't decide where to go on holiday. ( reach)
16. I can't wait to go to England. (forward)
17. I suppose you are very tired after your long walk. (must)
18. It would have been better if she had called the police earlier. (should)
19. They continued to look for the girl till it got dark. (search )
20. The weather forecast predicts a drop in temperature tomorrow. (will)
21. The departure time for the flight to Rio is six o’clock. (takes off)
22. “You damaged my bicycle, John,” said Jane. (accused)
-> Jane ....................................................................... his bicycle.

23. Without tourism, this area wouldn’t have much income. (depends)
-> This area ................................................. its income.

24. He regretted not saying goodbye to her at the airport. (wished)

-> He…………………………………………goodbye to her at the airport.

25. I’d prefer you not to drink tea at night. (rather)

-> I…………………………………………………………..tea at night.
IV.Error Identification

1. Reading can be a way to escape from a bad day, a way to self- entertain,and a tool
which students can use to succeed for many other subjects.
2. Although to some people reading is a favored way to spend time, but another just do
not like reading.
3. One of the best ways to encourage your children to read are to provide interesting
titles for them to enjoy.
4. Many people are afraid that in the future there will be no space leaving for human
beings and they express the idea of robots replacing human beings.
5. Human beings enjoy their life with more and more progress of science and
technological, but it is also very necessary to think more about the problems that
modern machines and devices may cause.
6. Although men may know more about diapering babies and vacuuming floors than his
father did, but women are still doing most of housework and child rearing.
7. When men and women are asked who is spending long hours cleaning and tidy up,
women are still far ahead of men.
8. The proportion of women spend 30 hours a week or more on unpaid housework fell
to 19.8 per cent in 2006 from 24.6 per cent in 1996.

9. According to a 2005 report from Statistics Canada, men spent 2.5 hours a day on
unpaid work around the house, as soon as women averaged 4.3 hours.
10. Meal time is a great time for family members to talk about that is going on in their
11. He was unable to attend his niece’s wedding though he was ill .
12. You will have to call off your holiday if you are too ill to be travelled.
13. Leave it in the oven until it is turning brown.
14. I can’t possible lend you any more money, it is quite out of the question.
15. I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday, and it wouldn’t be Maria because she was out all day.
16. I will show you around the city when you are coming to visit me.
17. I am waiting for Mary for the last two hours, but she still hasn’t arrived.
18. I’m absolutely no good at all with any kind of sports.
19. He refused to give up work despite he had won a million dollars.
20. There was nothing specially about his clothes apart from his flowery tie.
21. He missed the lecture since I lent him my notes afterwards.
22. Peter cautious opened the door of the cellar, wondering what he might find.

V. Read and complete.

great themes avoided happy civil works win influenced
movement wealthy dressed helped

Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer of the nineteenth century. He lived between 1828 and
1910. He wrote many novels. Two of his famous (1) _________ are “ War and Peace” and “Anna
Karenina”. Tolstoy was born into a (2) _________ family. However, he was not (3) ___________ that
others were poor. He did not like living in the rich life when others did not have food or money. In fact,
Tolstoy often (4) ________ like a peasant. He wanted the simple life.
In his novels, Tolstoy wrote about many things, but one of his most important (5) __________
was nonviolence. His ideas about nonviolence (6) _____________ two other famoys leaders: Mahatma
Gandhi and Martin Luther King. In fact, Tolstoy and Gandhi wrote letters to each other when Gandhi was
in South Africa. Tolstoy’s ideas (7) ___________ Gandhi to use nonviolence.
Martin luther Jing , the American (8)____________ right leader, also believed in nonviolence. In
his demontrations during 1960s, he always (9) ________ violence. He helped to (10) __________ more
right for Blacks.
Thus, Leo Tolstoy, the (11) _______ Russian writer of the nineteenth centery, greadly influenced
two other great leaders of peace (12) ______________ .

available consequently disturbing eliminated even explains

For example in marine poisons refers scattering too with
Environmental pollution is a item that (1) ___________ to all the ways by which man pollutes his
surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (2) _____________ the water with chemicals and
other substances, and damages the soil with (3) ___________ many fertilizers and peticides. Man also
pollutes his surroundings (4) _________ various other ways. (5) _________ , people ruins natural beauty
by (6) ___________ junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor
vehicles that fill the air with (7) ___________ noise.
Environmental pollution is on of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and
soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (8)
____________ death. Polluted water kill fish and other (9) _______ life. Pollution of soil polluted
reduces the amount of land that is (10) __________ for growing food. Enviromental pollution also brings
ugliness to man’s natural beauty world.


live space signals poor events radio until transmitted

expensive landing one use
All early television was broadcast in black and white. Color television was possible, but it was too
(1) ___________ and of very (2) _________ quality (3) __________ the middle of the 1950s.Color
television broadcasts began in the United States in 1954, in Japan in 1960 and in Europe in 1967.
The first (4) ____________ on the moon was broadcast (5) ______________ on television in
1969, and now television programs are (6) ____________ all over the world immmediately through the
(7) ______________ of satellites that transmit the (8) from the earth, through the(9)___________, and
back to the earth.
More people now get their news and information through television than through newspapers and
(10) ___________ . the development of television is (11)__________ of the most rapid and exciting(12)
____________ of our century.

Drugs are one of the (56) ________ profession’s most valuable tools. Doctors prescribe drugs to
(57) ________ or prevent many diseases. Every year, penicillin and other (58) ________ drugs save the
lives of countless victims of pneumonia and other dangerous infectious diseases. Vaccines prevent attacks
by such diseases as (59) ________, polio, and smallpox. The use of these and many other drugs (60)
________ helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives than would (61) ________ have been
Almost all our most important drugs, however, were unknown before the 1900’s. For example, the
sulfa drugs and antibiotics did not come into use (62) ________ the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. Before
that time, about 25 percent of all pneumonia victims in the United States died of the disease. The new
drugs quickly reduced the (63) ________ rate from pneumonia to less than 5 percent. Polio vaccine was
introduced in 1955. At that time, polio struck about 30,000 to 50,000 Americans each year. (64)________
1960, the use of the vaccine has reduced the number of new polio cases to about 3,000 a year. In 1900,
most Americans did not live (65) ________ the age of 47. Today, Americans live an average of more than
70 years, in great part because of the use of modern drugs.
56. A. medical B. medicine C. health D. medic
57. A. solve B. settle C. ruin D. treat
58. A. germ-killing B. helping C. saving D. rescuing
59. A. AIDS B. measles C. influenza D. hiccups
60. A. would have B. have C. has D. did
61. A. only B. even C. also D. otherwise
62. A. until B. to C. onto D. upon
63. A. end B. ruin C. death D. termination
64. A. About B. By C. To D. Prior
65. A. past B. passing C. well D. through

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