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Theatre logs

In week 2 we saw Not I, Footfalls, Rockaby, which was three short plays all by
Samuel Beckett directed by Walter Asmus. The audience was in complete
darkness for most of the audience, which caused me to feel particularly sleepy.
The darkness could signify the deepness of the text and its deary nature.

In week 6 we went to see A Midsummer Nights Dream. It is written by William

Shakespeare and was directed by Tom Morris. This particular version of the
story was told through puppetry. I was not very fond of Shakespeare but I
enjoyed this version and it was well told and the message got across to the
audience nicely. The puppets could signify the magic that takes place during the
play. I think using puppets to represent magic is a good idea as people
sometimes get surprised as to what could be achieved with them.

In week 7 we went to see Red Velvet written by Lolita Charkrabarti and directed
by Indhu Rubasingham. It is set in 1833 and is an account of the actor Ira
Aldridge who was asked to play the role of Othello when the original actor
collapsed on stage. At the end of the play Ira turns away from the audience while
he is getting ready, as he turns back around he has painted his face white. This
signifies that he believes that ‘turning white’ will make him more successful and
more loved.

In week 9 we went to see the play Our Big Land by Dan Allum directed by Amy
Hodge. This play was based on a gypsy family, which were being evacuated from
their land. The stage was covered by grit and it was used when the characters
Roman and Sophie were play fighting. The grit could be used to signify that it
does not matter how close they may get they will always have something to come
in between them even if it is as small as a piece of dirt or grit.

In week 10 we saw the play Nirbhaya at the Southbank Centre. It was directed
and written by Yael Farber. This was a verbatim piece all about sexual violence/
attacks on women. Most of the events happened in India and it is about women
coming forward after the gang rape of a woman on a bus. The hand gesture they
use throughout the performance signifies strength to come forward and not hide
away from any violent attacks you’ve had done to you and to make a difference
to other peoples life’s by helping each other and not being afraid anymore.

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