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my name is Ryan Dunne and I'm a senior

transportation engineer for Tonkin and



so a transport engineer essentially

takes the transport planning side of

things where we investigate where people

go to and from and applies the design

aspect to design the infrastructure that

those people will use to travel on

whether it's intersection design the

design of a length of road traffic

signals walkways cycle ways all of those

sorts of things

transport projects are all about moving

people between places as safely and

efficiently as possible it's about

understanding how the people want to get

around where they're trying to get to

and then trying to design that

infrastructure within that corridor the

inspiration that I see every day is is

trying to get people to get to where

they want to go and I see the

difficulties people have I travelled by

train and so I can see a long line of

cars people are sitting in their cars

and not moving very fast to seeing the

other side of it how efficient transport

networks can be public safety is one of

the cornerstones of design for us as

engineers so any facility or piece of

infrastructure that we design has a very

strong focus on people safety we have

process is built into the into the

design by which we take a step back and

look at safety and how that's built into

the infrastructure the transport

engineering at Tonkin and Taylor spends

the whole project lifecycle so we we go

from the planning side of things

understanding how communities want to

travel through to consenting and then

through the design process to

construction so we we apply our skills

of investigation analysis to designs of

the infrastructure in the corridor in

all of those modes of transport in

provide design management skills in the

detailed design through to help the

contractor build them


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