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A pleasant morning to everyone. Like our PM said, THW abolish inheritance.

So inheritance, Inheritance is the practice of passing on property, titles, debts, rights and
obligations upon the death of an individual. Is this inheritance thing really helpful to us people as
a whole.
I would like to back up our Prime Minister about “the wealthy would become wealthier.” Like
what’s the point of passing something to a person who is already wealthy? What would he/she do
with that wealth? Will the world be better if he/she receives more money, properties, etc. If
he/she will be happy, good for her/him. But is he really contributing to the community? There
are far more people in this world who is really in need of wealth. For example the skwaters,
people keep on saying that they are not living in their own land, they are dirty, they are poor. But
who are you to judge them for they have nothing and you have wealth. What if you’re the one
that is a skwater. Will you survive? No! Because you’re used to live a simple life. I really praise
those who are poor, but still smiles everyday because they are alive even though they have no
regular jobs. We, we are lucky because our parents are successful and has enough money to
support us. But them, they even don’t have money for themselves, because they spend all their
money to their children just so that their child can go to school. I don't mind someone who is a
millionaire but I do mind someone who is rich because his father or mother were rich. If you’re
so proud that you’re rich, because you just received the wealth of you’re parents, then I’ll raise
my middle finger on you. That’s not something to be proud of. You must work hard to achieve
something big. Not by just receiving it from a dead person. Success is not given, It is earned.
This poor people just don’t have the chance, because they lack of money. But if we pass these
inherited wealth to them, at least there chances would rise. They will have money to support
themselves for school and to buy their daily needs. We must not underestimate the poor, because
they work harder than anyone else.
If we abolish this inheritance, we could make a move on these people who are homeless, poor,
skwaters, and sick. Instead of allowing inheritance. the 'clean government' can use the wealth to
increase social mobility among their citizens.
I just could not see any 'right' to claim my parents wealth even under their permission through
their will. If someone would give up the parents wealth for himself and better society, it is
encouraged to do so. Equality is what we are trying to accomplish here. If the wealth of a person
who is deceased is to be passed to a clean government and if this government will make use of
the money the right way, there will be equality, the poor people will be reduced, because the
government are giving them what they need. We are not saying that stopping inherited wealth
would stop inequality, but it would reduce it. There are many things that can be built or made by
the wealth of a wealthy person. Money, money can be shared to the poor, you can use it to buy
food for them, build houses or give free education for the children. And education, education is a
big thing. It is the key to the problem of the poor. Poor people are mostly uneducated people. If
only they are educated they would look on life in a different way. Properties can be given to
families who are homeless.
The problem nowadays is that people, are more focused on materials, fame and money, other
than virtue. They only focus on their appearance to become famous, they are blinded by the
reality, that they are only making themselves social climber.
Of course every parent loves their child. But it is not worthy that their child just receives their
wealth in a blink of an eye. Their children must also experience the hard times that their parents
fought just to be successful, they must learn how to work hard, they must learn how valuable it is
to be successful. What about if your parents has a company. Is it still fair if you would take their
position in the company. Of course not. It is so unfair if the children will receive the power of the
company. Because they haven’t contributed a thing for the company. There are many workers
who are worthy to take that position for they worked hard for the company, facing and solving
many problems just to keep the company running.
By abolishing inheritance we believe that this would make a better and equal society. But wealth
must be in good hands and it must be used at the right way. I think I have nothing more to add,
now I’ll start summarizing our motion. First, this motion affects the rich people, because of their
children receiving wealth, without striving for it, and didn’t even experience what it feels to
work hard. The second would be, the wealthy would become wealthier, why not share their
wealth to the unfortunate ones. The ones who are really in need. Let the government take control
of the wealth, and use it to improve the society. They can make programs for the poor. Third
would be family conflicts, this is a common problem here in Philippines, a family fighting for the
properties of their parents. And we want all these problems to be minimized, we do not mean to
stop them. Because that won’t be possible, there will always be problems in our life, but at least
with these proposal we could minimize it. The wealthy ones, would use their property or money
to help the needy. Or we could split the wealth, it could be 80-20 or 60-40, they could give a
portion for their children and the society. I think that would be a lot of help. We want to build
equality in this world, give chance to those who are poor, not buy giving them the money to
make them rich, but to support them in their daily needs, and especially in their education.
Remember, virtue is far more precious than wealth. For virtue will continue throughout our lives,
while wealth will slowly perish away, as time goes.

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