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Wy Westminster Hidden Lake High Schoo! 7 7300 Lowell Bvd., Westminster, CO 80030 Pu b li Cc S Cc h OO | Ss P: 303.428.2600 | Where Education is Personal “You must be the change you wish to see in the world...” -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi This letter of recommendation is about a person who embodies those words by Gandhi. It is, about a person who is the essence of change and selflessness. It is about a person who is seeking to be at home in her own classroom and to be a part of presenting the world toa group of students who will be blessed to be in her presence. It is about a person who is everything that is to be found in an educator. It is about Nicole Goll...Here we go... Ihave been fortunate enough to know Nicole over the past three years here at Hidden Lake High School and | will not pigeon hole her into one title. She is a jack of all trades and someone who wears more hats that one would find at a millinery. Nicole has been someone who makes Hidden Lake High School go and who, at times, seems as indispensable as the air we breathe. She has boundless energy and is always wearing a smile on her face even if itis after helping countless teachers or students deal with some sort of technological issue that would make NASA sweat. ! have been teaching for twenty eight years and have seen all kinds of people in the classroom. There have been those that should never have entered a classroom in the first place and embarrassed those of us who take our teaching as an art form and then there are those who represent the essence of what it means to be an educator in the best possible way. Nicole falls into the latter category and stands near the top of the ‘mountain of individuals | would say this about. This letter is to represent her ina manner that will help her get a position in another school and for that ! am both saddened and proud. Saddened because it means our school will be a lesser place for her leaving on a new journey, but proud because | know that the school and students she will be calling home will be that much better for it. She is one of those people who makes those around her better simply by being who she is. There is no pretentiousness to her and what you see is what you get. It is rare to find someone as genuine and | truly mean that about her. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves due to the pandemic, poor treatment and simply being treated with little respect for the hard work and time they put into their art. To see that is a shame, but to know that someone like Niki is seeking a classroom of her own shows that there are still people who understand the importance of the role that teachers play in our lives. Those of you reading this letter should leap at the opportunity to add her to your school and staff. | equate it to having the first pick in the NBA Draft and not picking Michael Jordan, She makes everyone around her better and is constantly learning from what she sees in the course of her day. A task given to her is a challenge and it is never completed * Westminster Hidden Lake High School 7300 Lowell Bivd., Westminster, CO 80030, Public Schools 303.428.2600 | Where Education is Personal without her brow being covered in sweat and an excellence rare to be found. Trust and believe in me when I say that this is a young lady that should be given every opportunity to find a home in a classroom of her choice. She is one of those people that will make the world a better place by touching the lives of the students fortunate enough to find their names on her attendance sheet at the beginning of a school year. Nicole is a special human being that represents everything we would want in a teacher at this time. If | were to have children | would count myself lucky to have her as their teacher. ‘Any school would be insane to not put this letter down and simply offer her a job. t believe that the best way to actually understand the words that | have tried to use as a palette for my description of her is to sit down with her and have a cup of coffee and talk to her about her views of what it means to be a teacher. That will be the most rewarding cup of coffee you ever have and in the end you will be scrambling to give her a contract and a classroom where she can hang a sign on the wall that says “Welcome to Ms. Goll’s Room”. ‘August 28, 20211

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