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Cults Explained Documentary

Background Knowledge: Before the video, write anything you already know about this topic.
Cults are radical groups of people largy they are uninformed
Has a leader who guides the followers
Lots of pear pressure
Often based around religion

Main Points In This Video: Record key points and details you learned from this video.

1) Cults play on people desire for a community

2) A community becomes a cult when the followers are told to do destructive and are
pressured into it by the other members of the cult

3) The leader of the cult is often a narcissistic, and desires power and conformity from
his/her followers.

4) Members who start feeling distrust of the cult often do not have a way to escape.

5) Cults have exploded in america because america was founded on religious and personal
freedom away from the more institutionalized governments and societies of europe.

Vocabulary: Jot down any vocabulary terms you heard in this video.
Cultus -- latin for to cultivate
Synonym: cultivation

Questions You Have: Write any questions you still have about this topic.

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