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Name: Josue Teran Curso: 3a


2. 3 products that are not exported in Ecuador but should be exported

Lidimento olimpico bi-Farma ca For the relief of pain in all its forms, in cases of: Arthralgia,
lumbago, dislocations, sciatica, strains

Minerva Café Café High quality Ecuadorian that has been in the market for 55 years

Circus galletas Ecuadorian cookies of different flavors, ready to eat, a simple but effective
3. requirements

In accordance with current laws and regulations, the customs system allows goods in free
circulation to eventually leave the customs territory or the special economic zone of

1. Step 1 Acquire the Digital Certificate for electronic signature and authentication
granted by the following entities: Central Bank of Ecuador: Security Data: http: // www.
2. Register in the ECUAPASS portal: ( Here you
can: 1. Update database 2. Create username and password 3. Accept the usage
policies 4. Register electronic signature

3. When the DAE has an Automatic Gauging channel, the exit authorization, meaning
the authorization for the merchandise to be shipped, will be automatic when the
cargo enters the temporary warehouses or primary areas. When the DAE has an
Intrusive Physical Gauging channel, proceed as described in the previous point and
additionally, a physical inspection of the cargo is carried out, corroborating it with
the electronic and digitized documentation sent to the DAE.

How can you overcome a business crisis when doing foreign trade ?

To overcome a business crisis in all cases you have to analyze where it comes from and

why, more specifically, finding the cause for which the crisis began and identifying the

problem is crucial, whether it is an internal or external problem to survive the crisis You

have to analyze the financial management that you have so you find the best way to

overcome this if your company is going to continue or is going to sink in the crisis.

If this happens in foreign trade, it is essential to have the knowledge that something can

always happen, so using financial reserves to pay expenses is not enough, so making cuts in

non-essential parts is mandatory, to have less expenses in a company in Red will help you

not to suffocate your finances and as time passes, it will lead to a better port in a few

At the end of the day, controlling the cash flow of your companies will make the difference

in keeping expenses to a minimum until the crisis is over so that the end of the crisis does

not come with an unpayable debt and to be able to move forward and recover in the

following months, and to be able to keep past clients and gain new clients in that time of

crisis and not let time pass without assets but with expenses.

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