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INTERLANGUAGE AMERICAN ESPERANTIST Language Trouble at Meetings of the U.N. Security Council Lady Baden-Powell and Esperanto Scouts Need Interlanguage Japan Esperanto Movement Makes Significant PostWar Gains West Point Cadet Says Esperanto Aids in Uniting Nations AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO Ofc Orgeno dele ESPERANTO ASOCIO de NORD-AMERIKO MAY—JUN, 1946 Twontyive Conte Address communicanons (0: AMERICAN ESPERANTIST Vol. 61 G. ALAN CONNOR, Editor Nos. 5-6 114 West 16th Street "New York 11, N.Y. Asiociate Editors: Dr, W. Solzbacher, Doris Tappan Connor, Dr. ‘Nosman McQuowa, Dr. 5, Zamenhof, Viktoro Murajo, V. Rev. Gabriel N, Pausback, Cape. William M. Doran (Kanada Fako), George J. Falgier (Skolta Fako). China: V. Rev. J. B.Se-Tsien Kao, fire: Lorean CONTENTS — ENHAVO Language Trouble at The Security Council WS. 49 Lady Baden-Powell Commends Esperanto ce 1 ‘The Scouts Need Esperanto oe The Bditors of AB 52 Commander and Mrs. Lambert Scout Awards 2 5e Inteslanguage—In Action—Around the World + 5557 Esperanio’s Place in the “Son” tee W. 8. 58 Thumb-Nail Skecch Ineph Leaby 59 ‘The Editor's Desk coe © G. Alan Connor 60 Presidere’s Letee Robert Karlion 61 Lecero de Japana Esperanto-Insituto . . 62 La Japena Esperanto-Movado Vivas "Retno Orienta” 63 Esperanco Ekfloras en Germanlando Se 64 Nisj Mortiavoj—« . Fi ‘Anonco — Esperantistoj de Kanado Fs 66 ‘The Esperanto Student. . DTC. OF ‘Argumento por Mia Spegulo — Poevo Raymond Sebwartz 68 “én esas eble, ke ni envenu .. . ? Wanda Zamenbof 68 Esperanto Vivas, Kreskas, Floras Pe es OT Deviras Korespondi . . s+ . . 7? Letter from West Point - +s Cadet Daniel O. Grabam iv Anerican Esperantie published bi-monthly for the Esperanto Associ ‘on of North America, by the Esperanco Interlanguige Insticut. Simbooo liu led, $1.50. Membeco, $2, Hl landoj ke es ooehle send oto AB akepiod boanla Expoiboja, ks} cents Ta sbenoo IaGvalre Make Checks Payable to Order of the Editor — G. allan Connor. Subscription and. Membership — $2.00 pee Year Subscription to “AE” (without Mershership), S10 AMERICAN ESPERANTIST Vol. 61 MAY-JUNE, 1946 Nos. 5-6 LANGUAGE TROUBLE AT THE SECURITY COUNCIL The fins item of fan mail received by che principal English interpreter of the United Nations Security Coun. fil came (om a layin Los Angele ‘Abeer “congratulating. the- interpreter on his excllene work which millions have beet able to follow over the radio, she suggested that he urge the iemlers of the Councll co save time aod. dificuies by using. Esperance. This is bur one exumple of the many comments which sacsmen, joutoal fee, eadio commentators linguist, and thousands of ordinary’ ciagens, have ‘made'on the language problem, ever Since the United "Natons Secuty Council opened is meetings in New York, " e ‘At a Forum of Hunter College stv dears, for instance, the linguistic a8 tangemeats atthe Security Count mettngs came up for a great deal of criticism. The opinion was expressed that the Headphone stem (Filene- Finlay’ Speech Transator), which 5 being uree ac the Nurenberg, War Crime “eis, would be the best way of speeding the proceedings. Untor tunately, however, dhe ime fator 15 fet the anyone iar hao be aken io. consiceration. ‘The United. Ne- tions Secreariae took is decision on the way ia. which che tearlaions Should be Tanled not through ‘ate lessness or ignorance of the. head phone system, but after consideration Of all dhe questions of accuracy, eff ciency, and polities that ae involved. Tes extremely doubtful, for insance, hac a man a6 distustfal of transla tions as the Soviet Delegate, Andel ‘A Gromyko, would be satisfied with English taaditions of his. speeches given. though an earphone ystem » vile he himielf i thing in Rus Sian. He Tikes 0 watch the English transition ato challsoge aay’ word shich he considers inaccurate OF une Biistictory, "When the eaian problem was dis- cose, Mr Gromyin.decnred that there wat "splasiesbormeen Rusia tnd Iran When the Fieach tans intr, who spoke immetiately after im eransiated his word as "acon he id noe object (peshaps becuse he does ‘noe understand French). Dut sthen the English trandaor rendered the same word ay “astgement” he protested ant insisted on “understand Tuer inthe. diction Mt Gromyizo used the werd dopovor" which ip muuch Stoager than “Sop Sie™ and. fiwed in one dictionary Poblied“ip "Moscow "as" mening pace" or “eae” The inerpetes, who. ad lesmned bis lesson, “ans! Tne this, 100. 38. inderstendigg In this case, obviously the baste di fio was or lingusie bur pli cal. Te is however, cay (0 sce how language’ diffices cn ‘complieace and aggeavate political “disputes tn many inssnces "At the Landon United Nations Coa- ference the Russian dekgate, Depry Peoples Commissit A. Visio, seas even more stspicins hat ME, Gromyko isn New You He seemed to find fe difficult believe ae an Englishmen would sransiteunchany hiner ei of ih pies He insisted ae first on enslaion sem, tence by sentence (which i extetmes Iy srenvous for taslar and Isen. cts), ler he agieed 0 warslation paragraph by paregrapn (sil ad enough) 50 ‘Why then, someone may ask, does Mr. Gromyko talk Russian at all? His English is quite. good, a. grea {eal beter than the Engh or French Of some oder members of the Conne Si, “There ae apparenly evo censons for his talking ‘Rossin. One is the question of prestige: If the represen- thtves of he, United Stats Gr Britain and ‘France tlk thele own Innaunge the Russian delegate wishes to show thay be haw the sume Tighe (i ses, however dae Resta is fe his mother tone ether he ths somewhat of Byelorussian 2c ent) "he other eaton i paycho topical: The Rossion delegce could fot talk Engi with the same. po Cision and ‘eloquence a. he spoils Busine and at the. Ammefien’ and Brivis rcpresenatives speak English Using English in his speeches wonld Place hin ince an inkesor, potion Ine dcasion with his colleagues “The question of prestige Is aso te- sponsible for the fact har the, Se My Conc fas 90 “official” lane ges bur only what ie cals “work: Tengunges, knglish and) Frenh “This means that everything hat 10 be Ceased and ill documents have to fe "prepare in these wo languages Thief complicated enough bat Bot as bat 99 Hf Russian, Spanish and Ghines tad also to be uss for thee os ‘A delegates excepe Mr. Gromyko have male praseworthy efforeto sive he mecting tine ad effore by Speaking ether English of rench Frere were, however a numberof whword obstacies. One of the UN, Inerprtis told an Associate Editor of the “American” Esperancst” tha Some legates are so hard fo under: Sand thee the rangaions. become Ihove of less guesswork. The Mesias delegate, Dr. Francisco Castillo. Ne ferns unobeedly a great octor in Shani, is very hard follow when AMERICAN ESPERANTIST hhe speaks French. Fortunately he is fot parcicular about «rifles, and the translators) guesses are usually lose 9 the mark, my ‘The French eranshtors were caused some real headaches by che English Of the Australian Delegite, Lieutenant. Colonel William Rey Hodgson. They ‘were very grateful to cheis wide travelled English colleague who whi ered into their ears while ehe Colo rel was speaking, Ke did his best 10 econvert the “down under” English into the Oxford accent t0 which they are accustomed. “The language problem which has been teoubling. che Security Council is likely to be fele even more acutely when the United Nations Assembly gathers at New York in September. Fortunately there is = growing num bet of men and women who believe thar something should be done about this One of them is Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. She discussed this wopic again when she spoke before the New York Herald Tribune High School Forum on April 13, 1946, She declared: “Now T happen’ to. believe ‘hat the best thing we could do for peace is «0 find a language — and 1 know all che poliezal difficulties ar- tached to choosing a language — bue if we could’ overcome them through the United Nations and find a language which sll over the world all of us will Ieatn, besides our own, ie would mean a gtear deal for better understanding in the future. ‘That language barrier was ove of the things that struck me over and over "No interpreter can interpret fase enough to ell yeu what a lot of people are talking about all around So, you young penple, uy to come to. some agreement. that all of you everywhere will gradually be learning fone language in which you can alk to exch other withcue incerpreters... ‘The time is ripe for presenting « LANGUAGE TROUBLE AT SECURITY CouNCH. 31 the United Nations and to the peo- ‘The Esperanto Assciaion of North ples of the world all the pertinent America has set up a. Committee facts and arguments concerning the headed by Mr. Glean P Tuener (PO. neutral, precise, easy-to-learn Incer- Box 1, Madison 1, Wisoasin) 0 of. Tanguoge: Esperanto, To this effecc ganize’ the gathering of signacures ia the Internicional Esperanto League is the United Staces and Canada, Here organizing a campaign, collecting sig- is a way in which all of us as well natures fos 2 Declaration to be pre- as our friends and neighbors can DO sented (© the United Nations, urging something to help the United Nations this world organization to give seri- and the cause of international under fous, consideration co the language standing. Let us make suce that the problem. It expresses the hope that people of the United States, host to the United Nations will help to spread the United Nations. become thorough. the use of this language in every pos- ly acquainted with the a ms and claims sible way, for example by encourag- of the Interlanguage and that many ing ics teaching in schools where thousands of them sign the Declata- teachers are available, and by devel- tion of the International Esperanto oping its use in travel, international League, ‘commerce, and correspondence. ws LADY BADEN-POWELL COMMENDS ESPERANTO. Lady Baden-Powell, World Chief Guide of the Girl Scouts, repeats the approval of Esperanto which both she and Lord Baden-Powell have expressed throughout the years of their leadership in the Scout movement, In a lewer to Dr. Lydia Allen DeVilbiss of Miami, Florida, Lady Baden-2owell writes about Esperanto as follows: Dear Dr. DeVilbiss, I much appreciate your thought in sending me news of your society for “Esperanto.” T have of course come across it VERY often, and it would be a grand thing if Mrs. Roosevelt can persuacle U.N. to introduce it all over the world, and get it taken up com. pletely in all schools and communities. If and when THAT comes about, it should indeed be of the utmost benefit to the world for the greater under- standing between peoples, who are — as you say — so di vided by languages. OLAVE BADEN-PoweLt, World Chief Guide Lady Baden-Powell, in her approval of Esperanto, lends encouragement to the only solution which can fully realize the world-wide objectives of the Girl Scouts for common action, as expressed in their slogan for the year 1946: “Citizenship in Action — Around the World.” THE SCOUTS NEED ESPERANTO "Scouts of the World — Brothers Together” is the splendid slogan which ‘was launched on the occasion of the thirey-fifth anniversary of the Scoue movement. In the course of four dec- ades the Scoot movement has become a world movement, recognized around the gldbe as an effective means of building youthful characeer. Today the American Scout has brother Scouts in 73 hnds which have adopted the Scout progeam for their youth — brocher Stouts who speak many dif- ferent languages and live in accord- ance with the varied customs of their ‘own regions, but who hold in com- mon the ideals of Scouting. Millions of Scouts ate brothers in one world: ‘wide family, bue when it comes, to talking to one another and under- standing one another they are often like a family of deaf-muces, They need 1 common tongue as a world- wide link of brotherhood: the inter- language Esperanto, Lord Robert Baden-Powell empha- ifcance and the tremen is of the incerlanguage for the rapidly-expanding Scout move- mene, of which he was che founder, by urging Scouts co learn Esperanto, Ii his famons handbook, Scouting for Boys, on page 234 (edition of 1910), hhe’ suggested “Instruction classes in Experatto, bookskeeping, mechanics ~” placing Esperanto at the very iegnnitg of the ise Te founder, of the Scour movement always did things ina practical way, so he sec- ‘ommended, on page 239, among the “Books «0 Read.” "Esperanto for the Millions. Lord Baden-Powell’s advice has or remained unheeded. Esperanto classes ave been organized by Scout tr00ps in may lands. A large number of Secaits have gained the Inserpreter's Badge by their swdy of Esperanto When in 1933 the World Jarboree of the Boy Scours was held at Go- dollo, nese Budapest, Hungary, Es- pperanco. interpreters were posted at the bank, ticket office, pose office, and other places; and "Esperantist {uides ‘were available. Among. some ontingonts, for instance those from France, Cuechoslovakia, Norway, Spain,” Poreugal, Japan,” and Trini. dad, the proportion of Esperanto- Speaking members was 10 percent or more. On various occasions large fgroups of scouss gathered around Eimpeties for Fsperanro community Sing:songs. ‘Tne next World Jamboree of Scouting, to be held in France dur- ing August, 1947, with an expected attendance of 35.000 Scouts, provides fn occasion for stimulating’ increased interest among Scouts in the useful hess of Esperanco a5 a means of hur- dling language barriers. French Espe- ruintists have already gone into action with publication of a. textbook for French Scouts. They have received assurances from the Jamboree Organ- taation on three points: 1) Esperanto will be one of che languages of the Jamboree; 2) all announcements 0 be sent to foreign countries wil be translated aso into Esperanto; 3) a special dace, che first Wednesday after the opening of che Jamboree, will be reserved for a getogether of all Experancospeaking Scouts, "The lucky Scouts who attend the World Jamboree will find a eremen- dows thrill in communicating with Seours of many different nationali- ties on a plane of language equality through the use of Esperanto, The Interchange of ides: is bound 0 be ore congenial when neither partic pune is ina postion of language Inferioricy. painélly striving (0 use 1 foreign idiom which the other speaks with fluency and ease because itis his native tongue. An American Scout docs or have sime co earn even sonll nember of the many THE SCOUTS NEED ESPERANTO 53 languages spoken by Scous of hee Inns "On the othet nd iis nor democratic ‘of hie co exper all of ‘hem to learn his Tangtage Peper is the fairest solution since in using ie bord paris come haleway Scouts who will not atead the Jamboree may derive much susie Sion and salue from ‘Esperanto by utilizing ie 0 cto the merit badge ia oterpeeioa ‘The offical. est begs pp on Inept, lished bythe Boy Scns of Ate, contains» tenpage setion om Bape fanto."A Scout who qualifies for ths Baise is ended t Weir a poche Sip with the name of the lahgange Embroidered pon ie Among Gish Scans Esperanc hes been usa almost se much a among Boy Scous! When at the 1930" Co ference of the World Association of Gint Guides and Gil Scone the que tion of the Work lmerpretrs Tes vas discussed, twas agieed tha os Order to pss dhis test girls muse able ktow how to speak, fend ad rite ether Pnatish, or French, or German. ce Spanish o¢ Fipuraty ob dion 1 shit own langoase” For the Sous, the knowledge of Esperanto is real key to the work Ievenables him to ovsepond wih Scouts and oer youn people eve where, to earn dtecty abou forcion Gourties) aod people and to. hhoge sans, Sear magarines, snap Shots, picture postu foreign Sener insignia, cine xe. Scouts Who hive enough’ ine my even be ables beac the cued of Dr Teed JW Hams, of the Fé ans, whe a one time ad peo pals in move has hundred canes and colonics coe responding with ll of them The a League of Esperantist Scoues (Stolta Biperatsta Lago) has boon in ‘exisenee sine 1518, Te ‘wos Ieunched by the English Scoutmtes A, W. Thompson who had he iden of forming such an orvnzaton when he was serving ab a steher bearer in Northern trance ding the fist World War. By 1958 thee were aa ional agents of che Séolte Esperan {sta Ligo in owery-nine.countien Every year, insertional! Scout comps, at which daly Experamo wa spoke, ‘rere organized by the League fa df Fetenr countries fe hope he the Skolt Bulteno," offic ocean ‘of the League of Esperanse Scot, soon fe poblished agate a i old primed foram Ip the Uoited Src beore the wir, George J Pal sie ksued a Scour iaasine ened Eira Prose (Be Prepared). There ate many other uses foe the lncelangdage and Sctus ay well as hers may benefit frm ahem The Seuly and” practice of peramo ee iteges the Horizon of ce ale sa opess he mind to. gobal hiking Sinema sdénanding Bek the Scout movement aa the Feperane {© movement can, make ‘important Conebcions 1 the ens the United Nations. Sulvador Fernandes Internacional "Commissioner of the Boy Scour of Cuba aed now Asie ane Executive Secteary of he Tote American Commitee if Boy Scouts, pointed this out when he wrose ab the’ American Espero Guy A ust 1945): “Those ho ave called to carey out the dcsony of the Son Franco Conference «to take a active pars, in any ober wis, in building irematonalorgantatons om a solid busi, should Keepin mind chese two importint fons foe the Sstblishment of + sable sd lasing Petce: the intesatiom, couperation OF the youth ofthe worl in the Scot movement, and the tremendous poss Boies and achievement of the fcr langusge Espero as an instrument of warldevide undestnfing nl COMMANDER RICHARD E. LAMBERT BOY SCOUT AWARD ‘MURIEL COLLINS LAMBERT GIRL SCOUT AWARD Commander Richard B. Lambert, Girl Scouts. Send for particulars. USNR, and his wife Mariel Collins” The Esperanto Asscciation of North Lanbern, wo tied and tue friends America will sponsor this project for Gf ine’ Sout Moverene and of Ts; American Scouts In addon a cor fperanto, are offering a number of respondence course, especially | de- Fr cise te Boy and Girl sgued to ase Seow in acquiing Scouts who lean Esperanto. They be- their Interpreters Merit Badge — as Tieve that the Scout Movement can well as the above Awards — is. co doa gieat deal 10 bring the youth be conducted by George J. Falgier, Of the ‘world closer together, and Director of che Scout Department, thar the simple, neutral, easy-o-Jearn EANA, Individeal Esperaatists can Jnterlanguage Esperanto is a valuable help by calling the attention of theie means of promoting international local Scout circles to these opportu- friendship and cooperation, All mem- nities, and by volurteering (0, serve bers of recognized Scout Associations 28 counsellors for Scouts working, to will be eligible for these Awards — qualify for these Awards. For infor the Commander R. E. Lambert tation regarding al phases of this wards for Boy Scour, snd the offer write wo: Scot Deparrmens, ‘Mariel Collin; Lambert Awards for EANA, P.O. Box 663, St. Louis, Mo. FONETIK ETHIX How rich the English language is Fonetik inglis Soe ju had “With three and forey sounds or moze; Eksidin kiuie alr lenge Tks: Dac vir snd tavengy levers must Tw mend ic form iz hoplis mai, {The tik perform to spell chem ofr! Lee std Esperanto bul Phonesic mes are acer observed; Je, sudo Bsperanon run The orly lewer in dhe list, far lterumipovos 7 Tae tates not is % and yet Post unahora bela sk, From ‘af’ one finds he v is missed, Prononci ankati Kiel ni Tour hundred different ways are wsed Giles. Briggs A half a million words c spell, MMch has ba wrtta abe cfrmd_ spllag So buckle down and sey fong Stun Yatra wr adhe 40" tf Of coun youl leaen them alltel well. spe il based. TE Bor) Fiom a philosophical point of view there is not a single artificial thing — everything in nature is natural, eg., compare the fruits growing wild in the jungle with the same kind of fruies in a well-kepe orchard . . . After cate: fal comparison (between the linguistic elements of English and Esperanto), we conclude that the Pnglish language is Tike the fruits of the jungle, and That Esperanco is Like the fruits of well-planned and well-kepe orchard, Both kinds of fruits ate natural, — B. SPECTOR, Specior Engineering Service Co. Donate library gift subscriptions — $1 each, if ordered in lots of 5 or more. M4 INTERLANGUAGE PROGRESS In Uruguay, the teaching profes. sion is showing considerable interest in Esperanto. In the past winter two Esperanto classes were taught at Mon: tevideo for members of the “Asocia Sion de Profesores” (Association of Professors and Teachers), one. class for members of the Teachers’ Union, These tree classes were conducted by Prof. Fernandez Menendez. There was also a class at the Institute of Stenography (Instituto de Estudios sguigraticos) New shortwave broadcasts in Es. peranto were seared recently fzom Bera, Switzerland (every Sunday, 1.10 PM. EST, auspices International Red Gross, speaker Dz, Edmond Privat), and from Stockholm, Sweden (on the 16th of exch month, from 10:10 to 10:30 AM. and from 8:10 co 8:30 P.M. EST, auspices Swedish Esperanto Instituce): Our previous information about broadcasts from Prague, Czecho- slovakia, should be corrected to the effece that Esperanto news bulletins are broadcast every day, including Sundays. The weekly broadcasts from ‘Warsaw, Poland, and Belo Horizonee, Brazil, continue. The number of long. wave ‘stations broadcasting in Espe: ramto is constantly inceeasing. Latest additions ate Rio de Janeiro PRA > (auspices Brazilian Ministry of Educ gation and Health), and Hilversum, Netherlands (auspices Workers’ Espe. ranto Federation) * The Austrian seachers journal, “De mokratische Pacdagogik” ( Democratic Education), now ‘contains a regular Esperanto section edited by Dy. Lense J. Goctlich, Professor at the Teachers College. ‘The Austrian. Secretary of State for Tucition, Dr. Karl Luge mayer, was one of the speakers at a public Esperanto meeting in. Vienna There are at present 21 Esperanto clubs ia. Vienna 35 When the famous Dutch Univer. sity of Leyden was reopened, Espe- fanto was mentioned in the Inaugueal Speech of Dr. C. de Boet, Dean of the Faculty of Arts snd’ Philosophy. Dr. de Boer, who is Professor of Ro ‘mance Languages, declared: “There are now some dispates about the new spelling (of the Dutch language) and about Esperanto. Aa amazing number of ignorant opinions ave expressed on both these questions. They are, how. fever, not as simple as they appear some people. For both of them, some understanding of che essence of language is not superfluous ale though linguists should noe necessarily hhave the last word in such mawers, In view of a recent publication, T wish «© point out simply that the language of pacticular nation cannot ever have a chunce of being generally accepted as a world lane nage, regardless of how many mil. lions ‘speak the languge and. how far it is spread over the globe. Inter. rational relations are not yet 80 friendly. Only an actifcial language ‘can be an international language, aad in this respect Esperanio his already proved that ic possesses many of the ualities needed for the purpose.” * In the Wall Street Josrval and oth- er American newspapers Esperanto. was used by the Trans World Airline (TWA) for 2 large erate en Japanuj Bone crvivis Er tmion ka ket ongenias ln 32-00 japanan Esperanto-Kongreson en To: Tet Toca de Decembro 1945. Ame. Fite Espero jan ces name: fojn de i seypersoea guseo Ls Revno Ontenta kan interes cava, Las. fermbra, numero ce publiigs seal Lingvan trdukon de arkolo"Necso a} eblo de lingvo intenacia” eltata ls Kona Unelbrosio: de De Zamentot Presa kon, parila tek fro en eran, la arikolo ests Ua tr por prepagando iter sons) sds {jen Juma Jen Is una arkolo (loon malongigia) ot in eeuvigia “Rewuo Creata te eb de apc pu Esperanisay nova plezton sg Ir'eksterland) samidesno}, ke jan oa unas tno. ve po suas prey, spe ks}matrir por Sigvolwo de vig movado por nia eomina enrepreno "La Tan de “Adgusto, a tagon post la japana Kae fhtaaco, membre aia sacl 6 rims an firman Hovin, Ke pana) Espero havss devon, kil oj de_vekita nacio kaj samvempe He! dona) mero de haat Ieee oubut al’ strigo de kon stanta cicodpeco sj al plaigo de ia falta ts} plivastigo de la bono de Ta oma 10 “Nian novan elpaton faciligis la fortune, Le ain cea domo ress tute seadiekea kun valors Bbloreko En) coe soko. de eldomsoj. Ne nur tng fojon Bi kvazsi pro. providenco Sivis sin de plovo da Saceadiaj bom Ba} kaj ction} do fj, ki formor Gis ln ple] gramdan parton de Is urbo; in konstrsjo kin fs emblemo de ls terda stelo en sia fromono saras ed 6 angulo de Ia senborda ruino de cin- to el simbolo de I" nova ‘sper. “Nia afero, mara snfoka} citcon- seanco}, aenlam riporit dom la mic inte. Nia monata orgaso aperis als fate fis Maro dels ists aro (1944), iam la registro "konalis" alt pere de la Japana Hidono Socio Eesigh Bi 4 goat, 1a Honea oi pose toliis pro ia Klsrgy pei ia grava Signifo de nia movado de la kalara Cidponkto, ‘Tiam oni Komaki al ni ls derroa, ke ‘al interrompa la Cldoaadon por Unv joo, fat la re: fistaro opin, ke Esperamo-gero pro gia Harktero ne exas urge be- Zona, kia iu} petilsjoj devas ext toobilizaa) por stimuli in popolon al fralemo. kaj malamikemo. Ni suke cesiseldoni smpleksin stadon de K. Osaka, “Malgranda Monografo de Es: eran) Preporicioi” (e300 pafo}) Ena fino de 1943, Kurs) ess org nists) Konstane, is fine Ta ikon. Sanco} malcbligis’ vepersjn. El AGstnujo_venis_ Sila aporto, Prof. W. Cabell Greet de Ko. Jombio-Universiaro, kiv gin sendis al ni, skribi: “La numtempo cere ne es- fas periodo en a historip de la mondo, dum kiam interesigo pri a ineernacia Tingvo esta malhelpac H Mocnchen, Gemma, slvr raporto per M. Lipper" -' mi ob- fehras operator movado en le Usona Zono, kia estas denove perme: sata depost 17 septembro 1945, Gi ek: flors kaj bonege.Kreskas” En Mun. keno estis 15 karsoj kn 300 perso. tj, kaj Ta grupo "Laboro” haves pli 1 300 membroja. La ple} granda stk- eso estas Ia enkonduko de Esperanto en la Universitaron de Munkeno. An {ead Ta popobaltternejo kaj all} publi fn len) alcepes Soperanon| Do jegler Inatuis Ia. geistrascojn ja nova casko. we Gin Membro de EANA attomate farigas Arocio-Membro de TEL. Sed por ices la Jaribron aj gazeton de TEL ome devas aparte farigs Individua Membro delEL. Cef-Delegito: D. E. Parish, 328 W. 46 St, Los Angele:, Cal. NIAJ MORTINTOJS A, COUTO FERNANDES, estro de Ia Esperanto-movado en Beazilo, rmortis pro kormalsano en ls 22 de April. Tie malfeliéa _novajo venis al'ni de 1 Gomes Braga, La morco de Injeniero Alberto Couto” Fernandes persone kormsss nin, Ing. Couto Fer- hhandes niskigis en S, Luiz do. Marae thao, 23an de Okzobro. 1871, espe- rantiseigis en 1906, escis Presidanto de BLE. de 1908' gis 1946, verkis In ple} bonaja.gramavikoja kaj voe- tarojn de Esperanco por la portugala Tingvo, exis membro de [a Lingva Komitaro kaj Amerika Esperanto ‘Akademi, EI lx aiatia} voreoj de S-r0 Brapa, Ge Ia emwombigo de A. Couto Fer- nandes, ri elprenas signifan frazon "Se la’ Esperanco-movado en nia. Pa- trolando estas nun fervora kaj respek- tinda ideal, Kian éiu serioza homo Satis kaj atentas, tion ni Suldas al via pacienca penado” Granda verds standard envolvis In Gerkon, kaj S-ano Cour Fernandes. estis_entombigita co la Verda Standardo, kiun i ROGER GOODLAND, kies mor- to ests raporcita en AE, Sep -Oke 1945, provzis monsumon por EANA, en sin esamento, Jos. Leahy, antata Sckretario kia petsone Konis_ S.ron Goodland, ticevis gin por EANA. Kia grandanima Esperantisto esis Roget Goodhind! Dum la vivo li konsaane propagandis por Esperanto, kaj je more lass al organizoj mon sumojn por dairigi la servadon. Ni devas meriti Han fidon PASTRO F. X. O'RIORDAN, ks- tolika pastro kaj fervora nova Fspe- rancisto, mortis en la 13a de Junio, 1945. Ti logis en Birmingham, Mich Li mirinle lernis Esperanton dum ‘nur kelksj semajnoj. Okazis longa Teneo, Sertante la katizon, ni jus ler- ais pri morco 6 WILLIAM H. DONALDSON, ongrempa kaj lojala Esperantisto, membro de EANA, mortis je la 7-2 de Februaro. Li logis en Nov-Jorko, kkic Hi éiam sekvis. kaj subsenis. a progreson de Esperanto. Al lia edzi- fo, kiu sendis informon pri la morto, fai esprimas kondolencon. D-RO WIM. S. BENSON ies moro ni raporis en Nov-Dec AB, mericas agravan lokoa en Is historio de ES eranco. ‘Tea la tuea mondo, ont gus profite leeaadon de Esperanto per lin Erands Universla Esperanto-Mesodo, je la fina horo de lin moet, Ii to: Wigis verkance sovan libron simian ky nun neniam estos presi, éar fur Ta majstronio de Dro Beason mem povus finverld gio. Dato Benson esis Esperantsto pose du unua) jaro, de la nas Ue Esperanto. Lt leenis in en. Pole lando, Dum li ests ankorait juna I migeis al Usono, ie li aris kurae cisto, En Tia fako de kurieado, ie pensis diversaja sciencain kureciojn. Ti searigis Esperanco-crnejon, kie li Kondukis korespond-katsoj Li ests grave kunredakeisco de la gazcro Es pperanto Junalaro, La Bensona Lernejo de Esperanco ne. pla skstas, sed lia sumata filino, Pore. Benion, snkorat prizorgas la diversaja libro} Estinteereege modesta homo, D-0 Benson etiam ricevis a ladon kiun liv merits Ni esperas ke iam la Es- peramorhisworiiso eleréos la wan foreresan sakonton pe ia vivo. kaj Inboro. Dumtempe_ rests nur libro} mule}, divert), boohumors), mule itgstta) libro. Kaj vera, monumento al Dero Beagon ests lia grandivza vetko, Bensona Esperanto Mevodo, 500 pagoj, 10.145 bildoj, 40 lingvo}, 200 verkeioj kaj pleoa ‘eacesperanta ilusrita vortuo. Ni aonorw lan lie oregon. Ni funebeu ls prdon de dum- vive fojala. pionico de la incerlingvo Esperanto ONE MORE $100, AND... we will have won the $100 wich’. Flos Wyman offered wo the $1000 Working Punt, on conde ton tat five thes would give $100 tech, Four have area. conibuted $100 — Jones Ht. Furey, Anonyon, Experamo Chub of Wabington, DC, and Fl! Even Hal wrote cannot be conteg unl Tam sure every ef fore has Been made wo provide, AL wth adequate rerve, Sohne 1 have Tiredy cmtibueed $25 — i pledge tovconbute $20 per month (or the heat four mons fo make a coal of $100, and co help meet the quota of five coro at $100 eth Tis is saeing my resources mote than T ought, bur T consider i's, worth while sein. Hal wants Bip ranio in Amsrice — NOW? ana tho” kaow "his cumstances now thie he is mking » tremendous per sonal financial sfc for Esperanto, Semideanoj like Hal Eweo, aad a ‘growing lise of others (with the same idea of adequate support for Espe- ranto §n America), brighten and light- fen our labors at the Central Office Our own sacrifices — foregoing one $2500 a year salary, and foregoing all nights, weekends and holidays, «© build an enduring Esperanto fortress for Esperanto — become joys in the light and warmth of such support. Who will respond with the needed $100? One more $100, and... we will have reached the sum of $961 Two more $1005, and we will be dollars beyond the $1000 which we set as our goal. We are positive that this need be our final appeal for the $1000 Fund, and chae not only $100, bur many sums of $25, $10, and $5, will be contributed t) assure the suc. cess of this effort. Complete list of all contributions in later’ AE, ANONCO — ESPERANTISTO] DE KANADO La Bsperanto-Asocio de Nord-Ame rilo. anon. novan. Kuncedakiston por Kanado, et la Subo de Amertha Erporantivo. Ui exas Kapitano el ls Kanada Armco, nome Capoain Wil liam Mt Doran 399 Pall Mall Set, London, Ontario, Canada. Kapitang Doran hse parolas france, angle. ka} Esperane, Li responds pri a0" aj io Koncemis Ir Tnveliogvon. Senda alli nonjon por AE. Kuslabors kun Ii por waht grndan nombron da Ke nuda) en Is kminan Wopodoa por ks Nond-Amera, mova, Provinsa Innate of Teebolngy Calgary, bert, havas grupon da sa dento} kj dezias stl Esperanto G. sart Brown, dea Institut, an Keomencls organi in Trane-Kanalano, Josoph B. Girard tun ising de Usono.lngante en NNov-Jork, tmlte helps en ts labora Ge x Cents Ofiecjo, Lis familio de. wenis de’ Kebeko 68 R. baj M. Kelly, Seridano, Ontario, sendas gratulon al Prezidanto Robert Karlson, pro lia estrado de la Nord Amerika movado el Kanado, Siro H. M. Raynor, Itana, Sask, Canada, deziras korespondi suemonde. Li estas nova fervora ano de EANA. Skribu_multnombre, Andrew O'Reilly, Toronto, Kanado, seadas gratulon al AZ, pro la plibo- nigo de la enhavo, Li raportas novan stud-rondon en Torono, R.A. Flavell, Oyama, BC, sendas rnovaja abonojn kaj aligojn al EANA. Li sendis abonon por samideano en Francujo ankai, JH, Hartley, sendis tutan aron da abonoj kaj_membreco} el Hamilton, Ontario. Hamiltono monteas bonan kereskigon en Esperanso, Toronto-Esperanto-Klubo rapottas rnovajn sukcesoja pri membroj kaj dliversaj leteroj pri Fsperanto en la loksj jurnaloj. Ni greculas THE ESPERANTO STUDENT Here are some expressions which you will find useful when going on an excursion in Esperanto land. Notice the formation of the word vid-ind-ajoj (chings worth seeing, the sights). Learn especially the use of interesigas pri is interested in), and when we speak of traveling by bus, tram or other vehicle the word teruri is the word 10 use. La Blskurso The Excursion Bonan tagon,fraillino! Cu vi esas Good day, Mist Are you ready peta por la elskurso? for the excursion? Jes, sigjoro. Mie fojas pri la Yes, Sie. T-am very happy about ekskurso. Kien ni its? the excursion, Where are we going? sas muta} belaj vidindsfoj en ‘There are many beautiful sights nia urbo. Fkzemple, Ia nacia mzeo, in our eiy. For example, the national Ja malnowe palaco de la rejo..- C0) museum, the old palace of the King bio. intereias vin? Does that inerest you? Mi tee interesigas pei historia) lo- "Tam much interested in historical ko}, Cui veruros per eamo all per places. Do we travel by tam or by atitabuso? surobus? Une per aicobuso, poste per trae Fitstly by bus, afterwards by eram, smo, kaj fine, bedatrinde, per tis) and finally, unforcunataly, by our own Propraj_piedoj! fee Ho, ne gravas! Mi Saas la mari Ob, that does not matter! I ike adon. walking Tone, frailino, Mi proponas, ke" That’ fine, Miss. { suggest that poste ni verura al la bela kamparo, later we go out co the beautiful coun- Bie ni povas multe promeni teyside, where we can walk a lot “Tee bene, sed en tin okazo mi Very well, but in that case Twill devos Koaportimantelon, @u ne? have to take a coat along, won't 2 jes, Gar vespere estos sufiée mal- Yes, because in the evening it is ‘varme . . . Kaj fine, frailino, ni vie quite cold... And finaly, Miss, we zitos la Fsperanto-klubon, Tie oni shall visit the Esperanto cub. ‘There povas kant, danci, mangi a nur one can sing, dance, eit or just talk, Babili. Gu vi Sars’ danei? Do_you like’ to. dance? Ho, jes, sinjoro -.. mi tre Sats Oh, yes, Sit, I like to dance very dnc such Na... en Biiropo ankad, Ia ge Well... in Burope also, the junuloj.istas danci kaj atskulti al young people like ro dance and lis tiv. seingmaziko de Usono. fea to that swing-music of the US. ‘Tre inwrese! Mi vidas, ke muziko Very interesting! I see that music ankai pacolas imternacian lingvon! also speaks an interaaconal language! Proposed Amendment to the Constitution . Section 2, Article VI: “The annual does for full, active membership in the Association will be at the rate of $5.00. Associate, subscribing member hip (non-voting) will be retained ae the annual rate of $2.00. All membe of EANA shall be entiled to all rights and privileges of the Association, in- cluding the receipe of its official organ, except that only active members will have the tight © vote, and eligibility to the elective and appointive offices of the Association, 6 ARGUMENTO POR MIA SPEGULO RAYMOND SCHWARTZ, Responde al nia abdaca peto, Raymond Scbusrtz bonkoteskribis: “Mi vovonte sidonss di kuae poesion, ankorail nepublikigita, esperante, ke Ei Pecos all legsavo) de devin fsperaniur (pei kis bonega prsrento kay ce foveresa eahavo mi tre varme.arsiae vin!) Mi farigis kvindekjara, Sed pro kio mi rezonas bela ago por junulo! pri similaj. bagateloj Por junulo kvindek ... bh: kun spegulo, kia konas kkiel mokas la spegulo ... nur fa lingvon de I'marteloj? Sed spegulatestoj pravas Se vi volas argumenton, nur lait fuga perspektivo in mi tiel ¢i formulas: kaj malofte ili havas “Ofte negas sur tegmenton stampon de I'definitivo dum incerne fajro brulas!” Kvindekjara-kvindekhara, Sekve sciu, mia knabo, hodinia ekvilibro ke mi havas gis nunhoro estos jam bilanc’ erara kvindek jarojn sur la kapo, en morgatia kontolibro! sed ... nur dudek en la koro! “Cu estas eble, ke ni envenu . . .?” Lowicka 39s, (Mokorow), Warsaw Extimata ramideano, Koran dankon pro via letero, Estas granda koasolo por ni, ke la soni ddeanoj el la vasta mondo pensas pri ni, Sendube vi scias, ke mia edzo estis fn Ja komenco de tx milito malliberigics kaj elverorigita ea eekonata dirckeo; {is nun mi ne havas sciigon de li, sed mine éesas esperi, ke li revenos. tua farilio mi restas nur kun mia filo Ludoviko kaj una sole fracino, Ni vivo estes malfacila, Car Ln milito fakee ruinigis nin. Mi labcras en mia fa kel kuricisto-optalmologo (okul-malsanoj). Ludoviko studas dian jaron en Js policeknikejo (konscrufako). Ni Ciam ankorad estas sub lt impreso de la kkeuelaj wravivajoj, kaj tiuj teruraj, rememoroj paralizas nin je ci paso. Vi skribis, ke vi intencas helpi nin. Cu estas eble, Ke ni enveru en vian landon, ke mia filo povu kontinui pri sisj studoj, ke mi pov trovi Isboron? Aen: dante senpacience vian respondon, mi sendas al vi kaj al éiuj emevikanaj sami- deanoj fle} bonajn bondezirojn. WAnpa ZAMENHOY (Adresu: Dr. Wanda Zalerka) ‘Tia lerero estis sendita al J, H, Holding, Chicago. Kune kunt Dr, Stefam Zamenbof, nian loganea en Nov-Jorko, Ameria Eiperantisto klopodas trowi hhelpon ei la envenigo en Usonon de Wanda kaj Ludoviko. Cu ne estas sami- dleanoj Kuj ai povas plenumi dokumenton (affidavit?) ai povas donsci mo: non por faciligi la envenigon? 6s

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