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The robot clicked disapprovingly, gurgled briefly inside its cubical interior and

extruded a pony glass of brownish liquid. "Sir, you will undoubtedly end up in a
drunkard's grave, dead of hepatic cirrhosis," it informed me virtuously as it
returned my ID card. I glared as I pushed the glass across the table.
There was something beautiful in his hate. It wasn't the hate itself as it was a
disgusting display of racism and intolerance. It was what propelled the hate and
the fact that although he had this hate, he didn't understand where it came from.
It was at that moment that she realized that there was hope in changing him.
It was a weird concept. Why would I really need to generate a random paragraph?
Could I actually learn something from doing so? All these questions were running
through her head as she pressed the generate button. To her surprise, she found
what she least expected to see.
Eating raw fish didn't sound like a good idea. "It's a delicacy in Japan," didn't
seem to make it any more appetizing. Raw fish is raw fish, delicacy or not.
There once lived an old man and an old woman who were peasants and had to work hard
to earn their daily bread. The old man used to go to fix fences and do other odd
jobs for the farmers around, and while he was gone the old woman, his wife, did the
work of the house and worked in their own little plot of land.
She looked at her student wondering if she could ever get through. "You need to
learn to think for yourself," she wanted to tell him. "Your friends are holding you
back and bringing you down." But she didn't because she knew his friends were all
that he had and even if that meant a life of misery, he would never give them up.
Was it enough? That was the question he kept asking himself. Was being satisfied
enough? He looked around him at everyone yearning to just be satisfied in their
daily life and he had reached that goal. He knew that he was satisfied and he also
knew it wasn't going to be enough.

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