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NAMA : Eko Noviantoro

NIM : 050118A053

1. What and how TOEFL is ?

 TOEFL is test of English as a Foreign Language. It is a test designed to
measure the English language ability of people who do not speak English as
their first language.

2. Types of tests in TOEFL !

 Listening Comprehension (50 Items/30 minutes)
 Part A : Dialogs (30 items)
 Part B : Extended Conversations (2 Conversations/7-8 Items)
 Part C : Mini Talks (3 Talks/12-13 Items)
 Structure and Written Expression (40 items/25 minutes)
 Sentence Completion (Structure) 15 items
 Error Identification (Written Expression) 25 items
 Reading Comprehension (50 items/55 minutes)
 This part of the exam tests your ability to read and answer questions
abot passages written in formal written English.
 It usually contains 5 passages. After each passage there are usually
from 8-12 questions reffering to that passage for a total of 50
 The passages vary in length from about 7 lines to about 35

3. How to calculate TOEFL score ?

 There is a table Score conversion for practice tests, Look the number correct
and then conversion into number part of test. Next calculate all item the
conversion results and multiply by 10 then divide by 3

{(Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3) x 10 } / 3 = …

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