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B1 English Achievement 1 Identity Code:

Time duration: 90 minutes Invigilator’s signature 1:

Full name : …………………………….. Invigilator’s signature 2:

Date of birth: …………………

Class: …………………..

English dictionary is prohibited Detachable head:

Detachable head:

Points: (in numbers) (In words):

Full name and signature of Examiner 1:

Full name and signature of Examiner 2:


I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence :

1. ……….the firefighters got to the fire, most of the building had burnt down.

A. Until B. By the time  C. By D. When the time

2. I’m sorry, but you ……….sit there. That table’s reserved.

A. wouldn’t B. can’t  C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t

3. A: Excuse me! Do you sell ……….?

B: Yes, we do. What kind do you want?

A. Batteries  B. the some batteries C. the batteries D. battery

4. A: Did you enjoy ……….last night?

B: Yes, it was great.

A. The party B. a dinner C. concert D. TV

5. A: Would you like to be a film star?

B: I’d rather ……….a pop star.

A. To be B. be C. being D. am

6. Philip liked ……….that Angela made for his birthday.

A. A cake B. the cake C. cake D. one cake

7. It had been a ……….day so I was glad to get home.

A. Tiring B. tired C. very tired D. such tiring

8. It’s time ………the winner of the award for best actress. The winner is Laura

A. I announce B. I should announce C. announcing D. to announce

9. The delivery charge ……….in the price. That is £5.95 extra.

A. Doesn’t included C. don’t include

B. .didn’t include D. isn’t included

10.A: I’m very sorry.

B: You don’t need ……….. You haven’t done anything wrong.

A. Apologizing B. apologize C. to apologize D. to be


11.Is it true that James ate ……….box of chocolate?

A. The whole B. all the C. his all D all his

12.……….bring my camera, or are you taking yours?

A. Won’t I B. Shall I C. Am I going to D. Do I need

13.If you go walking in the mountains, take something to protect you ……….the wind
and rain.
A. For B. of C. about D. from

14.A: The chocolate cake or ice cream. Which do you want?

B: I don’t mind……….is fine.

A. Some B. all C. either D. both

15.This bag, ……….to me for my birthday, is five years old.

A. Jane gave B. which Jane gave C. that Jane gave D. Jane giving

16.I’m buying too many things at the moment. I’m spending money as if ……….a

A. I’m B. I will be C. I was  D. I were

17.Hello Charles. I didn’t hear you ………..

A. Drop in B. come in C. move in D. live in

18.My brother ……….me a really good CD for my last birthday.

A. Was giving B. gives C. gave D. had given

19.When Sam arrived at his parents’ house, he was surprised to find no-one……….

A at home B. in home C. in the home D. in the house

20.Ben ……….very cooperative at the moment. I don’t know why. Usually he’s very
easy to work with.

A. Wasn’t B. isn’t C. not being D. isn’t being

II. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with only one suitable word:

An old porter had been (1)……working……………for the railway station a very long time.
He was standing in one of the big railway (2) ……stations……………in London one morning,
waiting for travelers to ask him to carry them with their luggage, when he (3) ……saw……………a
small man running towards the trains, with a bag.

The porter watched the man for (4) ……few……………seconds, and then the man saw the
porter. At (5) ……once……………he ran up to him and said “Can I catch the 10.35 train to New
Castle, porter?” He was breathing very (6) ………hard/fast…………and he sounded worried.
The old porter (7) ……looked……………at him for a moment and then said politely “Well,
sir, I’d like to help you, but I can’t (8) ……answer……………your question, because I don’t know
how fast you can run (9) ……along……………the rails. “You see”, he explained, “the 10.35 train
to New Castle (10) ………left…………five minutes ago.

III. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it:

1. “Is it still raining?” Susan asked

Susan wanted to know if it was still raining.

2. John said he wouldn’t pay the bill.

John refused to pay the bill.

3. George and Alan haven’t finished University yet.

George and Alan are undergraduates now.

4. It is better for you to stay at home.

You’d better stay at home.

5. The prisoner managed to escape.

The prisoner succeeded in escaping.

6. I don’t know him well enough to ask for his help

I wish I knew him well enough to ask for his help.

7. A German student came to a post office in London. The man did know English very well.

The German student who came to a post office in London did know English very well.

8. It isn’t necessary to shout.

You don’t need to shout.

9. She didn’t let her daughter go to the dance.

She didn’t allow her daughter to go to the dance.

10. I don’t like him, but I can’t help admiring him.

Although I don’t like him, I admire him.

IV. Translation:

A. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese:

1. The president, with his wife and daughter, is returning from a brief vacation at Sun
Valley in order to attend to press conference this afternoon.

Ngài Tổng thống cùng với vợ và con gái đang trở về sau kỳ nghỉ ngắn ngày tại Sun Valley
để tham dự một cuộc họp báo chiều nay.

2. Columbus Day is celebrated on the twelfth of October because on that day of 1492,
Christopher first landed in the Americas.

Ngày Colombo tìm ra Châu Mỹ được kỷ niệm vào ngày 12 tháng 10 vì vào ngày này năm
1492, Christopher lần đầu tiên đặt chân lên Châu Mỹ.

3. It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely
determine his character and later personality.

Nhìn chung người ta cho rằng trãi nghiệm của một cháu bé vào những năm đầu đời
đóng vai trò to lớn trong việc quyết định tính cách và nhân cách sau này của các cháu.

4. After I completed the task assigned for the whole week, I decided to have a leave.

Sauk khi đã hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của cả tuần, tôi quyết định nghỉ phép.

5. To supply customers with international banking services, a United States commercial

bank must first establish an international department at its head office.

Nhằm cung cấp cho khách hàng các dịch vụ ngân hàng quốc tế, trước hết ngân hàng
Thương mại Hoa kỳ phải thành lập văn phòng quốc tế tại trụ sở chính của mình.

B. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Máy tính đang đóng vai trò quan trọng trong đời sống con người.

Computers are playing an important role in human life.

2. Hôm nay giá vàng và đô la đều giảm mạnh trên khắp thị trường Việt Nam.

The price of gold and dollars decreases sharply on the Vietnamese market.

3. Vài năm gần đây phong trào học ngoại ngữ đã trở nên rộng khắp, đặc biệt tại các thành
phố lớn.
For the past few years, language learning has become wide-spread, especially in big

4. Tôi không chắc lắm nhưng theo tôi hình như điểm đã được công bố rồi.

I’m not quite sure but it seems to me that the results has already been made

Ngày càng có nhiều người đăng ký theo học các khóa học cao học.
More and more people enroll/have enrolled for Master’s courses.

V. Writing:

Imagine you received an email from a friend of yours asking about describing one of
your roommates, partners or even your bosses. Write an email to answer it.


1. Paragraph 1: age, family, work/study

2. Paragraph 2: personality (good inside)

3. Paragraph 3: hobbies and interests

4. Paragraph 4: any negative things

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