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Anaplasmosis carrier cattle may be cured of the infection by treatment with certain

tetracycline antibiotics. Carrier-state elimination programs must include post-medication

serologic testing. The animal may test positive for several months after treatment ends,
but the positive reactor’s blood may not be infectious to susceptible animals. When
testing 6 months after treatment ceases, all test-positive reactors should be considered as
“treatment failure.” Failures should be retreated or separated from the rest of the herd.
Animals cleared of the carrier state are susceptible to reinfection, but these animals will
exhibit resistance to clinical anaplasmosis for as long as 30 months.
Possible antibiotic treatment protocols for eliminating the carrier state are
described below:
Oxytetracycline (50 to 100 mg/ ml): 5 or 10 day treatment. 10 mg per pound of
body weight (BW) daily for 5 days or 5 mg per pound of BW for 10 days.
Intramuscular: To ensure adequate absorption of the medication and prevent excessive
muscle inflammation, do not inject more than 10 ml per injection site. or
Intravenous : Oxytetracycline should be diluted with physiological saline or
administered by a veterinarian.
Oxytetracycline (LA-200 ): 4 treatments at 3- day intervals. Each animal receives 4
treatments of LA- 200 at 3-day intervals at a dosage of 9 mg per pound of BW. The total
dose should be divided between two injection sites and given by deep intramuscular
Chlortetracycline: 60-day treatment.
Chlortetracycline fed at a level of 5 mg per pound of BW daily for 60 days will eliminate
the carrier state of anaplasmosis. Oral administration permits treatment on a herd basis
and the use of economical antibiotic premixes.
Chlortetracycline: 120-day treatment.
Chlortetracycline fed at the rate of 0.5 mg per pound of BW per day for 120 days will
eliminate the carrier state of anaplasmosis. 
Attempts to eliminate the carrier state of anaplasmosis by feeding chlortetracycline at the
rate of 1 mg per pound of BW every other day for 60 feedings (120 days) did not
consistently rid animals of the A. marginale infections.
Note: Programs for the elimination of the carrier state should be conducted after the
vector season has ended.

Sapi pembawa anaplasmosis dapat disembuhkan dari infeksi dengan pengobatan dengan
antibiotik tetrasiklin tertentu. Program eliminasi carrier-state harus mencakup pengujian
serologis pasca-obat. Hewan itu mungkin dites positif selama beberapa bulan setelah
perawatan berakhir, tetapi darah reaktor positif mungkin tidak menular ke hewan yang
rentan. Ketika pengujian 6 bulan setelah perawatan berhenti, semua reaktor tes positif
harus dianggap sebagai "kegagalan pengobatan." Kegagalan harus mundur atau
dipisahkan dari kawanan lainnya. Hewan yang dibersihkan dari keadaan pembawa rentan
terhadap infeksi ulang, tetapi hewan-hewan ini akan menunjukkan resistensi terhadap
anaplasmosis klinis selama 30 bulan.
Kemungkinan protokol pengobatan antibiotik untuk menghilangkan keadaan pembawa
dijelaskan di bawah ini:
Oxytetracycline (50 sampai 100 mg / ml): 5 atau 10 hari pengobatan. 10 mg per pon
berat badan (BW) setiap hari selama 5 hari atau 5 mg per pon BW selama 10 hari.
Intramuskular: Untuk memastikan penyerapan obat yang memadai dan mencegah
peradangan otot yang berlebihan, jangan menyuntikkan lebih dari 10 ml per tempat
Intravena: Oxytetracycline harus diencerkan dengan garam fisiologis atau diberikan oleh
dokter hewan.
Oxytetracycline (LA-200):4 perawatan pada interval 3 hari. Setiap hewan menerima 4
perawatan LA-200 pada interval 3 hari dengan dosis 9 mg per pon BW. Dosis total harus
dibagi antara dua tempat suntikan dan diberikan oleh injeksi intramuskular yang dalam.
Chlortetracycline: Perawatan 60 hari.
Chlortetracycline yang diberi makan pada tingkat 5 mg per pon BW setiap hari selama 60
hari akan menghilangkan keadaan pembawa anaplasmosis. Pemberian oral
memungkinkan pengobatan atas dasar kawanan dan penggunaan premiks antibiotik
Chlortetracycline: Perawatan 120 hari.
Chlortetracycline yang diberi makan pada tingkat 0,5 mg per pon BW per hari selama 120
hari akan menghilangkan keadaan pembawa anaplasmosis.
Upaya untuk menghilangkan keadaan pembawa anaplasmosis dengan memberi makan
chlortetracycline pada tingkat 1 mg per pon BW setiap hari selama 60 menyusui (120
hari) tidak secara konsisten menyingkirkan hewan dari infeksi A. marginale.
Catatan: Program untuk penghapusan negara pembawa harus dilakukan setelah musim
vektor berakhir.

tetracycline antibiotics and imidocarb are currently used for treatment. Cattle may be
sterilized by treatment with these drugs and remain immune to severe anaplasmosis
subsequently for at least 8 mo.
Prompt administration of tetracycline drugs (tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline,
rolitetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline) in the early stages of acute disease (eg, PCV
>15%) usually ensures survival. A commonly used treatment consists of a single IM injection
of long-acting oxytetracycline at a dosage of 20 mg/kg. Blood transfusion to partially restore
the PCV greatly improves the survival rate of more severely affected cattle. The carrier state
may be eliminated by administration of a long-acting oxytetracycline preparation (20 mg/kg,
IM, at least two injections with a 1-wk interval). Withholding periods for tetracyclines apply in
most countries. Injection into the neck muscle rather than the rump is preferred.

The antimicrobial activity of tetracyclines reflects reversible binding to the bacterial 30S
ribosomal subunit, and specifically at the aminoacyl-tRNA acceptor ("A") site on the mRNA
ribosomal complex, thus preventing ribosomal translation. This effect also is evident in
mammalian cells, although microbial cells are selectively more susceptible because of the
greater concentrations seen. Tetracyclines enter microorganisms in part by diffusion and in
part by an energy-dependent, carrier-mediated system responsible for the high concentrations
achieved in susceptible bacteria. The tetracyclines are generally bacteriostatic, and a
responsive host-defense system is essential for their successful use. At high concentrations,
as may be attained in urine, they become bactericidal because the organisms seem to lose the
functional integrity of the cytoplasmic membrane. Tetracyclines are more effective against
multiplying microorganisms and tend to be more active at a pH of 6–6.5. Antibacterial efficacy
is described as time dependent.

Aktivitas tetrasiklin mencerminkan pengikatan reversibel pada subunit ribosom bakteri 30S, dan
khususnya di situs akseptor aminoacyl-tRNA ("A") di kompleks ribosom mRNA, sehingga mencegah
translasi ribosom. Efek ini juga terlihat pada sel mamalia. Tetrasiklin memasuki mikroorganisme
sebagian dengan difusi dan sebagian oleh sistem yang bergantung pada energi, carrier-dimediasi yang
bertanggung jawab atas konsentrasi tinggi yang dicapai pada bakteri yang rentan. Tetrasiklin umumnya
bakteriostatik, dan sistem pertahanan inang responsif sangat penting untuk penggunaannya yang
sukses. Pada konsentrasi tinggi, seperti yang dapat dicapai dalam urin, mereka menjadi bakterisida
karena organisme tampaknya kehilangan integritas fungsional membran sitoplasma. Tetrasiklin lebih
efektif terhadap mikroorganisme perbanyak dan cenderung lebih aktif pada pH 6-6,5. Kemanjuran
antibakteri digambarkan sebagai tergantung waktu

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