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the Christian Woman


I. The Christian Woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

II. The Joyful Wife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

III. The Joyful Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

IV. The Pastor's Wife ......................................................... 24


1. Read all the material and the verses as you go along.

2. Write out goals for your life (1-2 paragraphs, not sentences)
a) Immediate goal for the next 2 years.
b) Intermediate goal for the next 5 years.
c) Long range goal for 10 - 20 years.

3. Read an assigned magazine article and report on it ( 1/2 page) Nos. 2 and 3 are to be
written out ahead of time and turned in at the end of the last class period. Please write neatly.

4. T-H-I-N-K as you read this material. It will be a blessing to you.

It will also change your life.
the Christian Woman
I. THE CHRISTIAN WOMAN reveals His will through His will through His
Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
4. Seek godly counsel. A wise person listens to
God's will for you today is clearly taught in
advice. Don't overlook the value of getting
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: "Rejoice evermore. Pray
counsel from your parents, your pastor, a
without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is
Christian teacher, etc. (not your peers).
the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
5. Use sanctified common sense A tool to help
"Rejoicing: Sometimes this word is translated
you be objectively is to divide a piece of paper
"leaping for joy," "bubbling over." Practicing the
in half. On one side list the advantages and on
presence of God Enjoy the presence of God.
the other the disadvantage of a particular
Many times we try to pull our lives with our
feelings. Don't live on the level of your feelings, but on
6. Consider the circumstances. Has God opened
the level of obedience to God's Word. When we make
the door to you?
the right choices God fixes our feelings.
7. Set out to be obedient in every area that you
Physical and Psychological Problems that may
know of ("in all thy ways acknowledge him"),
affect our "joy"
and then you can claim His direction for your
path. (Proverbs 3:5,6).
1. hypo-glycemia - low-blood sugar may
8. Let the peace of God rule. Don't move in a
produce these symptoms: nervous and shaky,
direction if you have strong doubts, wait till
depressed and weepy, unable to concentrate.
God removes the question marks.
Cure is to eat meals high in protein and
avoid sugars.
2. underactive thyroid
3. menopause THE JOYFUL WOMAN
4. anemia by Mrs. Joy Martin
5. postpartum blues--new mothers, low Introduction: God intends that we be joyful; at least
hormone level 183 times the Bible speaks of joy as the normal
6. pre-menstrual tension reaction for the one who knows the Lord. Over 220
7. diabetes times the Bible speaks of "rejoicing." If we are not
Psychological joyful women, something is wrong. Psalm 16:11 --
1. poor self image "Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is
2. lack of acceptance by one or both parents. fullness of JOY."
Isaiah 12:3--"Therefore with joy shall ye I. THE JOY OF SALVATION:
draw water out of the wells of salvation."
In order to be the Christian Woman God wants you Luke 10:17-20, Isaiah 12:3
to be, you need to know God's Specific will for your Assurance of your salvation is a necessity for joy
life. Does God want you single, in a career, married, in and usefulness. Factors which may lead to doubt and
Christian service, full-time or part-time? How do you depression:
know? 1. Comparing experiences--concern if your
experience is not the same as another person's.
FINDING GOD'S WILL (did I cry enough? did I say the right words?)
1. Completely surrender your will to the Lord 2. Going by feeling instead of by the promises of
(John 7:17). "The key to knowing God's will is God. (I don't feel saved.)
willingness to do it." 3. Lack of knowledge and follow up--not shown
2. Pray earnestly and expectantly (James 1:5). the clear Scripture on assurance.
3. Study the Scriptures for Biblical principles that 4. Physical Problems:
would apply to this situation. God usually a. hypo-glycemia,
the Christian Woman
b. anemia, 6. It gives God's teaching about baptism,
c. premenstrual tension, soul-winning, prayer, giving, separation,
d. menopause, power of the Holy Spirit, etc.
e. postpartum depression, C. When to read it?
f. diabetes, 1. Set a definite time each day--an
g. underactive thyroid. appointment you keep with God.
5. No real faith in God--may have doubts 2. Put verses in various places where you can
because never really saved. learn them.
6. Psychological problems D. How to read it?
7. Unconfessed sin 1. Ask the Lord to teach you and help you
Depend upon the Word of God, not your feelings. understand it (Psalm 119:18).
The following Scriptures can be claimed for assurance: 2. Read it carefully and consecutively--don't
Romans 10:13; John 6:37; John 5:24; 1 John 5:11-13. jump around (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16, 17).
II. THE JOY OF SURRENDER: 3. Note commands and promises; underline
these in your Bible or keep in a notebook.
There must be a joyful acceptance of God's will for Keep a record of your reading.
your life (Romans 12:1,2). Daily confess your sins and 4. Use some time for actual study. Read
present your body to Christ. Let the Holy Spirit control through short books several times at a sitting
every part of your life. (Ephesians 5:18) and larger ones by sections. Learn major
Make God's Word your daily guide. "Thy word IV. THE JOY OF SUPPLICATION:
was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart." Fellowship with God and answered prayer brings
(Jeremiah 15:16) joy: "Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be
A. Rules about the Bible. full." (John 16:24)
1. Read it--it is everyday food, not medicine A. Live so as to get your prayers answered
for emergencies. (1 John 3:22; John 15:17).
2. Know it--you ought to be an authority on the B. Pray always--at definite times, but
Bible for others. throughout the day also
3. Enjoy it--it is a love letter; meditate on it, (Ephesians 6:18; 2 Thessalonians 5:17)
pray it in. C. Pray about everything
4. Memorize it--set goals for yourself (Philippians 4:6,7; Mark 11:24).
(Psalm 1:2). D. Pray about specific, definite things
5. Tell it--share your blessings and witness to (James 4:2).
others. E. Pray persistently
6. Practice it--let God speak to you about your (Luke 18:1-8; Luke 11:9,10).
life; be a "doer" of the Word. F. Expect great things
B. Why read it? (Psalm 81:10; Jeremiah 33:3).
1. It is the way to grow spiritually G. Keep records of your prayers and the
(1 Peter 2:2; Matthew 4:4) answers.
2. It is the way to get faith (Romans 10:17) H. Check up on hindrances to prayer:
3. It is the way to victory over sin unconfessed sin (Isaiah 59:1-2; Psalm 66:18),
(Psalm 119:11; Matthew 4--"It is written...") wrong home life (1 Peter 3:1,7), unforgiving
4. It is the " seed" for your witnessing. spirit (Mark 11:25,26), wrong motives
(Luke 8:11; 1 Peter 1:23; Psalm 126:5,6) (James 4:2,3).
5. It is the source of wisdom and guidance
(Psalm 119:105) 2
the Christian Woman
V. THE JOY OF SOUL-WINNING: reflect our joyful acceptance of our relationship
to Him. He is our Creator and we are
There is special joy for the soul-winner
"wonderfully and fearfully made"
(Psalm 126:6)
(Ps. 139:14-16).
A. Have a time set aside for soul-winning.
2. Toward Yourself--If you don't like yourself or
B. Have a plan - learn the Scripture to use and
a good opening and closing. you feel guilty about your life, this is reflected
1. Opening - "Let me ask a question that is in the way you dress and care for your body.
more important than what church you attend 3. Toward Your Authority--If you dress
- `If were to die today, do you know for sure sloppily, it says something bad about your
that you would go to Heaven?' .....Well, in husband or father. If a woman who is pregnant
1 John 5:13 it says, `.....and here is how you dresses attractively it says something positive
can know.' about her attitude toward her husband and their
2. Romans Road - Romans 3:23; marriage. Your authority should be proud of
Romans 5:12; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:13; your appearance.
Rev. 3:20. 4. Toward Other People--Comfort is not
3. Prayer and decision time necessarily the main thing. We have an
4. Closing - assurance and follow up obligation to other people in our appearance.
C. Remember that everyone you meet is going On your bad days, do more to fix yourself up.
to Heaven or Hell. Determine to speak to Your outside appearance should always be
everyone that the Lord gives an opportunity to. good. People shouldn't feel sorry for you.
Children are especially expressive about pretty
VI. THE JOY OF SACRIFICE AND clothes, perfume, hairdos.
SUFFERING AND SHAME. Your outer appearance can be an encouragement to
A. 2 Corinthians 8:2-5, "How that in a great others, or it can be a temptation. That is why a woman
trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and must be especially careful to be modest in dress, lest
their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of she cause a man to sin in his heart.
their liberality ... but first gave their own selves Five principles about women's clothing from
to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God." the Bible
This involves the sacrifice both of ourselves and 1. It ought to be distinctively
our substance. feminine--Deuteronomy 22:5
B. James 1:2-4 teaches the joy of testing and 2. It ought to be modest--1 Timothy 2:8,9 Not
trouble. tight, cut too low; what might be modest on
C. Acts 5:41 teaches joy in the midst of one person, might not be on another.
persecution and shame. Interesting equation: 3. It ought to be clean--Exodus 19:10;
Joy + Poverty = riches trial of affliction Leviticus 11:25 Body is the Temple of the
Holy Spirit.
4. It ought to be appropriate--1 Timothy 2:9
1 Samuel 16:7 God knows your heart but man's 5. It ought to beautiful--Proverbs 31:22
first impression is based on your appearance. Therefore Dressing for Speaking Engagements
we must make sure our appearance matches our inner 1. Watch about wearing jewelry that is
spiritual beauty. distracting--dangling earrings, glittery stones,
Your Attitude Toward the Following Is etc.
Revealed by Your Appearance: 2. Don't wear a large patterned or distractingly
1. Toward the Lord--Our bodies are the Temple printed dress; a solid color or small print in a
of the Holy Spirit. Our appearance should flattering shade is good.
the Christian Woman
3. Make sure the dress is long enough when How to improve your complexion:
sitting and standing. Diet--avoid oils, fried foods, candy.
4. Don't wear a brand new dress for the first time. Concentrate on low fat milk, fruit,
You want to make sure it is comfortable and vegetables. Drink plenty of water it is
suitable. Can you sit comfortably in it on a the skin's internal fluid; it promotes
platform? regularity.
5. Make sure there are no runs in your hose and Cosmetics and Purpose:
that the slip is not showing. A. To enhance your best features
6. Wear a hair style that is becoming and off the B. To protect your skin
face. C. To cleanse
Why a preacher's wife should look her best: D. To moisturize or lubricate
1. People often look at you more frequently E. To freshen or tone
because of your position. F. To conceal or camouflage
2. Be an example for others. Pastor's wives are Be moderate and appropriate. The younger you are
standard-setters and models for the way others the less likely you are to need makeup, the older you
should dress, especially young people. are the more you'll need it.
3. Your church people want to be proud of you. 3. Appearance of hair.
4. Your husband will be proud of you. It should be feminine, worn appropriately for
5. You are a daughter of the King. age and occupation. Hair frames the face. 1
6. You will feel more confident when you know Corinthians 11:3-5. Hair is the external sign
you are attractively dressed and well-groomed. of femininity and submission.
Basic Factors in Appearance 4. Dieting.
1. Posture and Carriage How to correct Proper weight for your body type: One
posture: hundred pounds for the first 5 feet, 5 pounds
a. "Think tall"--mental awareness for each inch taller.
b. Practice difficult procedures until you can Seven Reasons why you shouldn't be overweight
do them correctly. 1. Indicates lack of self-control,
c. Do a planned program for Galatians 5:22,23.
exercise--jumping rope, sit-ups, walking 2. Shows disrespect for the Temple,
etc. Before coming into a room take a 1 Corinthians 6:19,20.
minute to collect yourself. People notice 3. Shortens life and lays the foundation for many
husbands opening doors for wives. It gives illnesses--heart attacks, high blood pressure,
the impression that "this is someone I toxemia, diabetes, hardening of arteries.
treasure." 4. Lessens energy.
2. Grooming 5. Makes it difficult to find clothes that fit.
Daily: 6. Gives poor testimony.
make-up, hair care, teeth brushed, 7. Leads to poor self-image.
bathing, clean clothes, deodorant, If a mother regularly tries to quiet her child by
perfume, hand lotion, facial, laying out over-feeding, it is laying the foundation for overweight.
clothes, etc. Sweets seem to be a reward. Don't let it become too
Weekly : much of a problem. Give small pictures for a reward.
nails, facial, shaving, pedicure,
manicure, ward-robe repair, eyebrows,

the Christian Woman
PROTECTING YOUR HEALTH the heart" is not only something that you've heard from
childhood, but it is true. Man does look at the outside.
1. Observe good hygiene habits - daily bathing,
We are open to double scrutiny from people and from
mouth and teeth care, clean clothing, fresh
the Lord. "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
linens, washing hands frequently, clean utensils
and in favor with God and man". Luke 2:52. In her
and kitchen surfaces.
2. Eat a well-balanced diet - avoid "junk foods. book entitled Charming You, Marjoram Frost says,
The Lord made a tremendously wide variety of "The fact that social favor is important in God's sight
foods for our nourishment and delight. Be would seem to make it all the more imperative that we
willing to try new foods. Be sure to include cherish and nourish this side of our lives also". We
crunchy raw vegetables for bulk and vitamin. need the kind of attraction that tells the world that we
3. See your doctor and dentist regularly. care enough about our physical appearance to make
Abscessed teeth or infected gums can affect the the necessary improvements. Let's deal with specifics.
whole body. Have medical checkups regularly Let's begin at the beginning.
and follow doctor's advice. I. CLEANLINESS
4. Develop a good exercise program for yourself - We've all heard that "Cleanliness is next to
jumping rope, bike riding, swimming, jogging, Godliness". Being meticulously clean is absolutely
exercise program on TV, gardening, basic to femininity. Be "squeaky" clean. This will
housework, tennis, ball games, etc. This improve our mental attitude.
exercise must be done consistently at least 3 BODY - knowing that we are clean and
times a week to tone and firm muscles and well-groomed from the inside out makes us feel
strengthen the heart. Always begin a program finished. We have a wonderful feeling--we "feel good
gradually. all under".
5. Include adequate rest. The average adult needs Use a pumice stone on elbows, knees, heels, or any
7-8 hours of sleep a night. Most of us can get rough area that needs smoothing.
away with less on only special occasions. When Rinse well--don't leave any trace of soap on you--it
we are fatigued, we are more prone to clogs the pores. Dry well and then apply body lotion or
irritability and susceptible to infection, in baby oil all over. You'll see how fresh and good you
addition to being more vulnerable to feel. Now apply underarm deodorant. Also girls, there
depression. "Sometimes the most spiritual thing is a special powder for your sanitary napkins--let's be
you can do is to take a nap." (Warren Wiersbe) clean at all times.
6. Plan special "recreational" times to refresh and Remember the elbows we spoke of a moment
relax yourself. Do not feel guilty about your ago?--they need to be bleached. Half a lemon
need for a few minutes to prop your feet up, (kalamanse) is excellent for this--never throw a lemon
take a cat nap, or read an exciting story. A away before cupping it over your elbows and rubbing a
variety of activities is essential for emotional bit. (You may leave the lemon juice on while you finish
and physical health. your recipe.) Rinse and apply lotion.
HANDS - Our hands tell so much about our
STYLE AND YOUR PERSONALITY grooming. Keep them relaxed, soft and
HOW TO BE A CHRISTIAN LADY IN AN well-manicured. Form the habit of pushing cuticles
UNCHRISTIAN WORLD back with the towel as you dry. We should wear rubber
Alice Bell wrote in the Charm Encyclopedia, gloves for protection from hot water and harsh
"There is no such thing as a homely woman; there are detergents.
only those women who do not know how to be pretty. HAIR - Our hair is our halo, girls! When it's clean
The reference in 1 Samuel 16:7b"...for man looketh and shiny, it draws attention. Be proud of the
on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on appearance of your hair. First of all, you need a
5 good cut! You need a professional for this. The rest
the Christian Woman
you can do for yourself. Brushing and Shampooing as B. STANDING GRACEFULLY
often as needed. You be the judge. Make a point of Standing beautifully is a daily, routine
keeping it clean. requirement and one of your greatest assets in
II. GRACEFUL MOVEMENTS acquiring self-confidence. Standing gracefully
begins with good posture and portrays
(Betty Kennedy) femininity. Point your left foot straight ahead
Movements that are graceful are coordinated and and place your right foot at a forty-five degree
smooth and accomplished with ease. angle with approximately four inches of space
A. POSTURE between both legs. Most of the weight of your
Nothing will add more to the distinction of your body will be on the back foot. Your front knee
appearance than good posture and erect is slightly relaxed--not rigid--your front hip is
carriage. Many people still believe that correct turned toward the foot in front. Now change
posture is military posture--stiff and tense. That your standing position by placing your left foot
simply is not true. Good posture is relaxed and to the back at a forty-five degree angle, pointing
gives us more flexibility. Good posture gives an your right foot straight ahead and shifting your
appearance of confidence and youthfulness. You weight again to the back knee, front knee
do know, don't you, that good posture will slightly bent and front hip turned toward the
make you appear ten pounds thinner? That, in other front foot. The back foot is always
itself, should make us we want to improve our pointed outward, the front foot is always
posture. Good posture allows the inner organs pointed straight ahead and the hip of the foot in
room to function and permits us to breathe front is always turned toward the front foot.
properly. Stand with your back against the wall Your weight may be equally distributed on both
with your heels two to four inches from the feet so it will never be necessary for you to lean
wall. Your shoulder blade should form a flat on objects as display counters in department
surface against the wall and your buttocks (seat) stores, etc. There is no secret of standing
should be touching the wall. Now, feel to see if gracefully--just practice, practice. Learn to
there is a space between the wall and the small stand so beautifully in private that you will never
of your back. If there is more space than the have to think about it in public.
thickness of your hand, lift the chest which in
turn pulls in the stomach muscles. Tuck the C. WALKING GRACEFULLY
A woman who walks beautifully is a delight to
buttocks down and under. Remember, learn to
behold; her clothes will look more becoming
relax with good posture. Check yourself several
and she is telling others that she is prepared to
times daily and eventually you will feel only the
face the world confidently. Walking incorrectly
thickness of your hand between the small of
will detract from your appearance, make your
your back and the wall.
body tired and make your feet ache. With
Posture check... practice every woman can attain the ability to
1. Hold head high but level. glide smoothly and elegantly across the floor.
2. Tilt the chin slightly so that earlobes are over
1. A beautiful walk is well-balanced.
the shoulders where they belong--back, down,
Short, mincing steps are unsightly and steps
that are too long will make us look
3. Lift your chest high; do not let the bosom
masculine. Steps should be no longer than
the length of your foot.
4. Pull stomach in; do not let it protrude.
2. A beautiful walk should appear effortless
Remember over an inch of pinch is fat.
and smooth.
5. Tuck your buttocks (seat) in and under.
The direction of the walk is forward, not up
6. Relax, do not stiffen your body.
6 and down, or from side to side. The legs
the Christian Woman
swing forward from the hip joint which will with the legs turned at an angle toward the legs
give you a more graceful movement. of the chair.
3. Do not sink onto your heels. To gracefully rise from a chair, place both feet
Think tall and light. Pretend that you are a straight ahead and slide one foot slightly
puppet being pulled up and up by strings backward, with the ball of the back foot close to
attached to the crown of your head and to the chair. Push on the back foot, straighten your
your ears. legs, lift yourself up while keeping your back
4. Keep your chest high, shoulders relaxed, straight and ahead erect. Do not push with
chin up, eyes forward, not down. your hands. The only exception to this is when
Palms of the hands face the body. Elbows are you are sitting on a low chair necessitating
relaxed. Hands may swing slightly from the physical effort in arising. Avoid such chairs. So
shoulders but not from the elbows. to maintain this lady--like gracious look,
5. There should be no perceptible change of practice, practice, and in front of a full-length
weight from one foot to the other. mirror.
Develop the elegant feeling of walking on a
cloud. Beginning from the basic standing
The self-centered woman has a tendency to
position, step forward with your left foot,
"sneak" into a room as though she has no right
shift the entire weight to your left foot, keep
to be there. When you are inside a room,
toes pointed straight ahead, and keep the
hesitate a moment and focus your attention on
motions of the feet as parallel as possible.
others, this automatically takes your mind off
The heel of your foot will actually touch the
floor first, but quickly shift your weight
forward to the entire foot and this will give Look around for an empty chair so that you will
you a gliding effect. know where you are going and this will give
D. SITTING GRACEFULLY you confidence. Walk to your chair and seat
The way you sit is an important factor in our yourself gracefully.
picture of poise. Walk up to the chair, turn on F. GRACEFUL HAND POSITIONS
the balls of your feet so that your back is to the Many women lose all semblance of serenity by
chair. Feel the chair with the back of your legs. uncontrolled positions and movements of the
Slide your back foot slightly under the chair to hands. Keep your hands quiet, and the fingers
maintain your balance. relaxed.
Place your hand on the side of your skirt, 1. Positions of the hands while standing.
adjusting it as you sit, not after you're seated. a. The hands may be held gracefully to your
Try not to use both hands. Keep your head back and this position will encourage good
erect, your back straight, DO NOT SLUMP posture.
...THIS WILL ONLY ADD YEARS AND b. The hands may be placed at the side of the
POUNDS TO YOUR APPEARANCE. Gently body with palms turned in.
lower yourself into the chair. If necessary, slide c. The hands may be held gently in front of
backwards into the chair. Please, do not squirm you at the hipline or at the waistline but do
or wiggle into it. not allow your shoulders to slump.
Only those women with small thighs may cross d. The arms may be folded at the waistline
their legs above the knees, not on the knees, but the fingers must be out.
with legs touching at a straight angle all the way 2. Positions of the hands while in a sitting
to the ankle. position.
All women will appear lovely and graceful
with knees together, crossed at the ankles 7
the Christian Woman
a. The hands may be clasped gently and toward body. Handbags should not be
placed to one side of the lap in the same allowed to flap against your side.
b. Turn your hands with palms up, place
thumb of one hand into the palm of the Your gloves should be large enough for your
other. fingers to slip into them smoothly.
c. Encircle fingers in a palms up position. Do not pull or tug gloves on hurriedly. Hold your
G. HOW TO PUT ON AND TAKE OFF A arm up and pull your gloves down on your hand. Do
COAT not extend your hand and dig into the fingers of the
Hold the back of the coat collar with the right glove.
hand, slide the left arm through the left sleeve. Do not remove your gloves by tugging at one
Then slide the right arm through the right finger at a time, rather catch two fingers and slide your
sleeve, adjust the coat over the shoulder and hand out. Remove them discreetly rather than
button or hold together. appearing obvious. Be sure to remove both gloves, not
just one.
To remove the coat, merely let it slide off the After removing your gloves, place them together,
shoulders, reach back with both arms, catch thumbs together, palms together so they will appear
both sleeves with the left hand, then hold both neat. Carry the gloves with the cuff over the back of
sleeves with the left hand as you bring both arms the hand and the fingers of the glove toward the body
to the front. Now catch both sleeves with the over the palm. If the gloves are long, fold the arm of
right hand, slide left arm from left sleeve, release the glove over the palm of the glove, in half and then
sleeve, and casually place coat, neatly folded, place them together as instructed.
over the arm. Never, no, never have the gloves look like a wilted
H. HOW TO CARRY HANDBAGS bouquet of flowers with the fingers of the gloves
You should never refer to a handbag as a drooping up, out and down.
1. An envelop handbag should rest in the palm DOING AND HOW YOU ARE DOING IT.
of the hand with the index finger curved at IV. WARDROBE PLANNING AND
the end of the bag.
2. A clutch handbag is carried with four
fingers to the front, thumb to the back. A. Selecting a Basic Color (Betty Kennedy)
Never tuck the handbag under your arm with B. Planning Your Wardrobe
your elbow pressing it to the side. The secret of good grooming is coordination of
3. A handbag with a handle is carried to the the correct accessories with the correct clothes.
side of your body. Before you can successfully plan a wardrobe,
Merely slip your hand through the handle you must become familiar with five steps:
from the inside so that the handle will rest on 1. Simplicity is the key--
your wrist palm turned toward the body, have you ever noticed that when a store
fingers relaxed. specializes in expensive clothing, the
4. Shoulder handbags windows are never crowded with
are worn over the shoulder and the strap merchandise? On the other hand, a store
should be held between the thumb and index specializing in inexpensive clothing is
finger to keep the bag from swinging around. crowded with many colors, many "things."
5. A square, boxy type or oversize handbag 2. A costume may have only one focal point.
is carried to your side, arm down, grasping A focal point is anything that is two-toned,
handle with hand, fingers cupped under such as a printed dress, or multi-colored
8 necklace or scarf. Therefore, one focal point
the Christian Woman
becomes the object of interest. There is only because your shoes and skirt would be the
one exception to this and that is in the use of same color, and only two colors would be
matching trim. This means exactly alike, such used. Experiment with different colors
as plaid skirt and identical plaid trim on the against your skin. Find your most flattering
sweater or blouse or scarf. colors. And remember, they may all be used
3. Three items of clothing are never used as with your basic background color. You will
focal points: be tempted sometimes to depart from your
shoes, gloves, and handbags. Your hands and background color, but remember what the
feet are not to be focal points. consequences will be--a closet full of clothes
4. More mistakes are made in color and nothing to wear! If your budget is
coordination than in any other facet of limited, select neutral colors for suits and
grooming. dresses. You will not tire of these yourself
You may combine two separate colors but and they will not be so easily remembered by
when you do it, it must be done in this your friends!
manner: You may wear a printed dress of CONCLUSION
many colors, but one of them must be your Now that we've gotten ourselves coordinated and
basic background color of your accessories. self-assured, we need to get out and circulate with
The ideal coordination calls for every print, people, making ourselves available to serve God to the
stripe, plaid, and dot to contain the best of our ability. Try hard to develop a sincere
background color of your accessories, interest in others. This, along with reading and being
whether dark or light. Here is a safe rule in up on current events will help us become good
color coordination. If your dress or suit conversationalists. If we are busy losing ourselves in
contains two colors, one must be your others, we will be natural and relaxed. This will take
accessory color. For example, a yellow and away our self-consciousness and cause us to correct
white dress will be lovely when it is set off by our attitude toward other people's opinion of us.
white accessories, but certainly not black. Charm develops self-confidence. It causes us to be
5. All good design must have a base, and in at ease with people. When we feel that we look proper,
fashion, this means the darker color lower in we can concentrate on the more vital interest of
the costume. serving the Lord. This frees us from concern about our
For example, black shoes may be worn with personal appearance. As we become more charming,
a white dress but never white shoes with a we develop a positive attitude toward ourselves and
black dress! In three-piece dresses, it is good toward our relationships at home, at church and in our
to have all three the same color, but if the community.
blouse is a print or stripe, it must contain the
color taken from the suit. If you cannot find a GOD'S WILL IN YOUR DATING LIFE
blouse that matches or if the print or stripe
does not match the color of the suit, then the By Joy Martin
color of the blouse reverts to your BASIC PRINCIPLES
background color. For example, if you are
I. Commit yourself totally to the Lord; accept
wearing all-black accessories with a red suit,
His perfect will in your date life and future
and you cannot find a red blouse, then you
would wear a black blouse.
A. "God saves His best for those who leave the
A white blouse would ruin
choice to Him".
your color coordination and detract from the
B. Believe that God cares even about your date
simplicity of the ensemble. A white blouse is
life; you can safely trust Him.
correct with a black, brown, or navy suit
the Christian Woman
C. Pray earnestly definitely for wisdom and SPECIFIC PRINCIPLES REGARDING
direction in relationship to your friendship and DATING
II. Set out to develop into the kind of person I. Be available. Put yourself in a position for
God wants you to be. "Fundamentally, fellows to meet and know you in a relaxed
Christian marriage is more than finding the right but wholesome atmosphere.
person, it is being the right person." II. If you are interested in a particular
A. Develop spiritual maturity. fellow, be very wary about revealing it to
B. Maintain emotional balance; learn how to any one else.
face life honestly and yet joyfully.
III. Be friendly to all-fellows and girls alike.
C. Develop intellectually; stretch your mind
through reading, conversation, study, IV. Look for ways to help others.
observation. V. Avoid getting too serious with any one
D. Take care of yourself physically. friend early.
1. Healthy body VI. Use discretion in accepting or refusing a
2. Cleanliness - personal daintiness date.
3. Good grooming A. A dating partner does not necessarily have to
4. Clothing: modest, feminine, attractive, be thought of as a future marriage prospect.
appropriate B. Have legitimate reasons for rejecting a date.
E. Learn homemaking skills: cooking, cleaning, C. Do not refuse a date for unworthy reasons.
sewing, etc. D. If you do refuse a date, be tactful.
F. Cultivate your God-given talents: music,
speech, art, etc.
VII. Plan your dates wisely.
A. Don't accept a date without knowing exactly
III. Have high ideals regarding marriage; what the plans are.
wait for the man God has for you. B. Don't overlook "simple" possibilities for
A. He must be saved. dating.
B. He must share your dedication to Christ. C. Try to include group activities.
C. He must be worthy of your complete respect D. Avoid questionable activities on dates.
and confidence.
D. There must be a mutual freedom to
communicate with each other, to be sincere and A. Don't be possessive or aggressive.
open with each other. B. Be yourself; don't try to conform to some
E. There should be many common interests. preconceived notion of what you think he
F. There should be more than physical wants.
attraction. C. Don't talk too much but ask about things he
G. There should be a clear agreement on the is interested in.
meaning of marriage, its sacredness and D. Don't overspend if he takes you out to eat.
permanence, the purpose of sex in marriage, the E. Let him be a man - allow him to open doors,
view of children, etc. etc. (be a lady)
H. There should be the blessing of both families F. Let him know you enjoyed being with him.
regarding the relationship. IX. DO NOT MAKE PHYSICAL DISPLAY OF
A. Physical arousement can be misleading
10 about "love".
the Christian Woman
B. A kiss is not "payment" for a nice time--your 2. Is he considered reliable by others?
caresses are a choice possession, to be saved to 3. Does he treat me with courtesy and respect?
express a God-given love and commitment. 4. What makes him angry?
C. Avoid meaningless "familiarity" with each How does he react to frustration?
other. 5. Is he often depressed?
D. Do not offend others. Do I continually have to work at building
E. Beware of the sins of sex. him up?
1. Misuse of God's gift 6. Does he have a good reputation about
2. Disregard for God's plain command financial matters, paying debts, using money
3. Distortion of spiritual values wisely, saving for long-term projects?
4. Watch about petting 7. Do we enjoy many of the same things?
5. Keep your thought life pure 8. Are our educational and intellectual
X. ASK FORGIVENESS OF THE LORD IF backgrounds similar?
D. Other aspects
THERE HAS BEEN SIN IN THE PAST 1. What do I know of his family background?
REGARDING YOUR DATE LIFE. (spiritual, emotional, economic, cultural,
2. Can I picture him as the father of my
A. Spiritual aspects 3. What kind of relationship does he have with
1. Do we have the same spiritual ideals and his parents?
habits? 4. Do I enjoy being with him, no matter what
2. If I feel called to a particular ministry, does we are doing?
he share this? 5. Does my family respond favorably to him?
3. Are we comfortable in talking about Does our relationship have the blessing of
spiritual matters and praying together? our parents?
4. Do I sense that I have been strengthened 6. Does he like my family? Do I like his?
spiritually by being with him? 7. What kind of friends does he have?
5. Do I have peace in my heart when I pray 8. Can I recognize certain weaknesses and
about God's will regarding him? differences without attempting to change
6. Does our love meet the standards set in him?
1 Cor. 13? E. Bill Gothard gives these guidelines for a
B. Physical aspects potential husband. Does he have...
1. Am I proud of the way he looks? 1. Acceptance of self?
(Not just natural good looks, but grooming, 2. Proper response to authority?
posture, etc.) 3. Clear conscience (sins of past confessed and
2. Is there a desire to be close to him? forsaken)?
3. Does he respect me enough to wait for the 4. Willingness to yield personal rights?
proper time for showing affection or does he 5. Moral freedom?
demand immediate gratification? 6. Personal, growing relationship with Christ?
Can we both exercise self control in this 7. Purpose in life?
regard? 8. Financial freedom?
4. Do we both have the same outlook on purity
and the purpose of marriage?
C. Emotional and Mental aspects
1. What kind of impression does he make on
his employer? 11
the Christian Woman
GOALS AND PRIORITIES 21. Learn to say "NO!" Guidelines:
A. To anything that will make you resentful
Four things to remember. Every person needs:
B. To inappropriate demands
1. Time for the Lord - devotions, Bible study and
C. To violation of your own standards and
2. Time for family - special times for husband and
D. When you know it would not be good for
another person
3. Time for others - soulwinning, counseling,
E. To things that conflict with your own
4. Time for yourself - rest, recreation, learning.
Scheduling: COUNSELING
1. Analyse your obligations. General Suggestions:
2. Set some plans. 1. Study and learn all you can.
3. Practice intelligent neglect of less important 2. Learn to set up a counseling file.
things. Things to be sure to do: Bedroom - bed 3. Counsel in a definite place--preferably in an
made. Kitchen - dishes washed. Bathroom - office.
clean fixtures. Living Room - uncluttered. 4. Make appointments. Set a time limit.
4. Don't do anything better than it ought to be 5. Screen out real problems ahead of time.
done. 6. Always pray with the person.
5. Reward yourself as you check things off the 7. Try to give a Scriptural prescription.
list. 8. Remember that some people do not make good
6. Be reasonable. counselors.
7. Do harder and more unpleasant jobs first. 9. Keep your own life in balance.
8. Get a vigorous start in the morning. 10. Watch about unhealthy emotional attachments.
9. Have a place for everything. 11. Always seek the Holy Spirit's wisdom.
10. Practice preventative maintenance. Specific Suggestions:
11. Have house rules. 1. Watch about your own attitudes and
12. Prepare for the morning rush the night before prejudices.
as much as possible. 2. Don't ever show shock.
13. Find your own work rhythm. 3. Don't over-identify with their problems:
14. Never handle anything twice when you can a. You can't be objective.
handle it only once. b. You will become emotionally exhausted.
15. Keep a calendar. 4. Three problems to face in counselling:
16. Make a record of phone calls. a. Know yourself.
17. Make use of time that would otherwise be b. Know the person you are counseling.
wasted. c. Have a plan to help them.
18. Concentrate on one thing at a time. 5. Recognize the difference between physical,
19. Make busy work enjoyable or profitable. spiritual, emotional problems. All problems are
A. Memorize scripture not spiritual.
B. Pray 6. Never give a private opinion on spiritual
C. Sing or listen to music matters.
D. Exercise 7. Be sure to recognize when to get professional
E. While watching TV--sew, knit, iron, cook, help.
etc. 8. Be careful about giving advice without a
20. Avoid thinking of the responsibilities that you Biblical basis.
will need to do tomorrow. 9. Don't take sides in a family dispute.
the Christian Woman
10. Study personality--Recognize that there are I. PURPOSES OF MARRIAGE
two levels: conscious and subconscious.
A. To provide mutual comfort and
11. If you come to a long pause, ask the person to strength--emotionally, physically, spiritually
rephrase what he has just said. (Ecc. 4:8-12)
12. Ask leading questions to get to the problem.
B. To provide mutual delight--a satisfying
13. Don't be afraid of pauses. Sometimes they are physical relationship (Proverbs 5:18,19; Song of
revealing the true problem. Solomon 7:10)
14. Let the person set the pace of the counseling.
C. To produce children and train them for God.
15. Don't argue a person out of a problem. (Psalm 127:3-5)
16. Don't condemn and never ridicule.
D. To picture Christ and the Church
17. Don't probe into questions that are not related (Eph. 5:22-33)
to the problem just out of curiosity.
18. If the person is unsaved, a goal must be to lead II. JOYFUL ACCEPTANCE OF THE RIGHT
19. If the person is a Christian, try to lead the A. Take your God-ordained place as a "helper
Christian to commit himself to do the will of suited for him," not a boss; Ephesians 5:22
God. (Amplified version) reads, "Let the wife see that
20. Don't commiserate and tell your own problems. she respects and reverences her husband--that
21. Avoid using "pat" Christian phrases. she notices him, regards him, honors him,
22. Be aware of the 2-fold purpose of counseling: prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that
a. To help the person find a solution to his she defers to him, praises him, and loves and
immediate problem. admires him exceedingly."
b. To give the person the skill to solve B. Put your husband first, not your children.
problems in the future. You will be a wife longer than you will be a
23. Identify the real problem; sometimes it is mother.
different from what the person himself says. C. Take your feminine role gladly; there can be
24. Some of the simplest problems can be solved a leader only if there is a follower. Help your
by listening to the person talk out his problem. husband take the place of leadership by being his
25. Never argue in counseling. If they won't follow best booster, his supporter, his cheerleader.
what the Bible says, then you are wasting your Brag on him; never publicly criticize.
time. D. Understanding the true meaning of
II. THE JOYFUL WIFE 1. It is voluntary, intelligent obedience to any
God given authority in your life.
By Mrs. Joy Martin 2. It is freedom to be creative under the
Texts: Proverbs 31:10-31; Ephesians 5:22-24; protection of divinely appointed authority
1 Peter 3:1-9; Titus 2:4,5 3. It does not make you a doormat, a
Introduction: The marriage relationship is to be one non-entity with no personality or will.
of joy; God gave Adam Eve to be 4. It does not mean you cannot offer counsel.
suitable for him, a companion, 5. It does not mean you have to obey all men.
sweetheart, friend--to bring him joy and 6. It must be unconditional.
delight. Ecclesiastes 9:9--"live joyfully
with the wife whom thou hast taken"; III. JOYFUL PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP
Proverbs 5:18--"Let thy fountain be A. Make yourself attractive to him
blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy 1. Be gentle and peaceful in spirit
youth..." (1 Peter 3:4)
the Christian Woman
2. Have the law of kindness in your lips C. Make the home clean and attractive but
(Proverbs 31:26) comfortable.
3. Always be clean, sweet-smelling, D. Be diligent about financial matters; be
well-groomed; dress to please him. economical--watch for sales, don't waste, pay
(Proverbs 31:22; Song of Solomon 7:6-9). bills on time, shop carefully, be careful about
4. Be feminine in dress, hair, talk, and action installment buying..."A prudent wife is from the
(Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Corinthians 7:1-5) Lord" (Proverbs 19:14)
B. Be his sweetheart--love him and show it. E. Rub his back or do other acts of love and
1. Remember that sex is a natural, sweet, tenderness.
God-ordained part of married life, pleasing V. JOYFUL SHARING
to God and important for a happy married
life. (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 7:2-5; "the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her"
Proverbs 5:18,19; Song of Solomon) (Proverbs 31:1)
2. God created both of you with needs and A. Cultivate his interests--learn to enjoy what
desires; learn to tell him freely of your needs he enjoys.
and desires. You will find happiness as you B. Share his burdens; be sensitive to his needs.
learn to make him happy. C. Listen to him talk.
3. God puts no limitations on the love between D. Spend time together--definite time to be
husband and wife. together alone.
C. Pray and plan together about the number of IV. JOYFUL SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE.
children, spacing, etc. Remember that you are (Proverbs 18:22--"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a
"heirs together of the grace of life" good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord.")
(1 Peter 3:7). Study Bible principles regarding A. Stay in fellowship with the Lord; then you
family planning. will be easier to live with!
1. Children are the special gift of God for our B. Pray for him privately.
blessing. C. Become prayer partners--"If two of you shall
2. Pray and seek God's will about how many agree..." (Matthew 18:19)
children you should have. D. Don't ever discourage any spiritual desires
3. Learn the possible methods of family or his dreams. You can squelch his love.
planning. E. Support him--MAKE IT EASIER FOR HIM
4. Husband and wife alone must make this TO DO RIGHT THAN TO DO WRONG!
decision. (Family altar, going to church, etc.)
5. There must be a mutual agreement. F. Do not neglect your husband to fulfill what
6. Consider financial, educational, and you feel are spiritual duties.
medical questions. G. Influence him through love and life; if he is
7. Do what you do by faith. not saved, win him by your godly life
8. Accept a "surprise baby" as God's plan. (see 1 Peter 3:1-9)
IV. JOYFUL SERVICE- H. do not try to change him. "You do the
Make your home a pleasant place for your husband possible and trust God to do the impossible."
(Proverbs 31:13,27)--be a "keeper" of the home.
A. Take care of his clothing. Assist in picking DON'T EMBARRASS YOUR HUSBAND
out and coordinating his wardrobe if he desires BEFORE COMPANY
1. Don't say, "I've heard that one before, dear". Of
B. Have meals on time and served attractively;
all the sad words, those take the prize. A
try to regularly include his favorites.
husband's highest pride is always as a
the Christian Woman
raconteur, a teller of tales. To be stopped in full 5. Love thine husband and children more than the
flight in the midst of a masterpiece is an house.
embarrassing deflation. Edwin Booth played 6. Know how to prepare good, nutritious food
Hamlet a thousand times. Why shouldn't your and keep it on the table.
husband recount as often as that the drama of 7. Know the limitation of thy husband's income
when he put a traffic policeman in his place? and do not try to keep up with the Joneses or
2. Don't interrupt your master to correct him others.
before company. Don't strike a sour note by 8. Do not buy a hat or hairdo or wig that makes
exclaiming, "You are wrong, sweetheart! That thy husband unhappy.
didn't happen at Santa Monica, California, but 9. Remember that at times silence is golden.
at Caribou, Maine. Remember?" 10. Do not drive the automobile from back or side
3. Don't reveal publicly that your husband is a liar. seat.
Remember that imagination is a divine gift. 11.
Don't wither it. Don't break in on a tense climax WHAT A WOMAN OWES HER HUSBAND
by exclaiming, "But we were never in Moscow,
darling! How could Stalin have been talking to Mrs. Walter Handford
4. Don't seize the moment when all eyes are on It is a promise, a commitment to be fulfilled.
your husband to brush off imaginary lint from Ez. 16:8; Job 31:1; Prov. 2:16,17; Hosea 3:1-3;
his coat, as though you were a Pullman porter Mal. 2:14-16; Rom. 1:31 A covenant regardless of the
or the mother of a retarded child. vows said, or understanding of what was involved.
5. Don't apologize for your husband's limitations.
When the roast chicken comes onto the dinner II. THE WOMAN'S PART OF THE
table don't say, with a cheerful giggle, "Poor COVENANT.
dear Anthropos never learned to carve. The A. Absolute commitment: "Trust the captain."
chicken will be off on the floor in a minute, or 1. Absolute obedience to his authority.
in your lap. Watch out!" That may add to the Eph. 5:22, 24, 33; Col. 3:18; 1 Cor. 11:3;
gaiety of the party, but it is now grounds for 1 Tim. 2:11-15; Titus 2:4,5; 1 Peter 3:1-6.
divorce. Disobedience is actually despising.
6. When your husband goes to sleep in the midst Esther 1:17,18. Do it without "gainsaying"
of the lecture, or in the living room while the (Acts 10:29; Jude 11; Num. 16:6 ff)
guest of honor is giving her autobiography in especially don't do it for a "spiritual" reason
extenso, don't wake him up abruptly and (Num. 12:1 ff)
ostentatiously, so that his bewilderment 2. Trust his judgment.
becomes a public merriment. Be subtle. Easy 3. Have absolute faith in God that He'll protect
does it. you and your family.
4. Absolute commitment to principles of
TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR WIVES Scripture in your own life.
5. Strong commitment to home responsibilities:
1. Carefully guard thine health so thou canst
good food on time; clothing clean; house
always greet thy husband with a smile.
pretty and clean.
2. Never nag or complain.
B. Constancy: faithfulness
3. Do not worry about things which thou canst
1. Faithful in body. Hos. 2:19,20; Prov. 31:11;
not change.
Eccl. 7:26-28.
4. Do not spend all thy time scrubbing, cleaning,
2. Faithful in mind. Matt. 5:28. No lustful TV
and dusting the house.
shows or books or imaginations.
the Christian Woman
3. But also positive, joyful, enthusiastic launder than they are today. Women had to do much
emotion of deep affection as well. more ironing. So, it fell my lot to make sure Bob's
Prov. 5:18; Song 2:3-5. work clothes were pressed just right. Every morning
C. Charity: old-fashioned love when he left for school, I felt he was so handsome! I
1. 1 Cor. 13 kind of love. was extremely proud of my ironing efforts. The
2. Courtesy, Eph. 4:2. surprise of my life came three weeks after school had
D. Companionship: begun. Bob came home one day, lovingly put his arms
The life of the mind. Song of Solomon 5:16. around me and said, "Honey, let me show you how to
E. Contentment: iron men's pants. The crease goes in front, not along
What he owes you: "food, raiment, and duty of the side!"
marriage" Ex. 21:10; 1 Tim. 6:8. One day we asked the Dean of Students at Temple
(Ingratitude - Hos. 2:5) Great need to express and his wife to be our first guests for dinner. I think
contentment and gratitude. we had roast beef, green beans, and mashed potatoes.
F. Compassion: Gal. 6:1 As I recall, it turned out that I had prepared barely
His "faults" may actually be his strengths. He enough food for each of us to have one small helping.
may be very well aware of his faults, and trying Ignorance is not always bliss - it's sometimes
to fix them. We expect his compassion for our embarrassing! There are numerous ways a wife can
failings. help her husband. Keeping a clean, neat house is a
G. Children: good start. Always being on time with the meals is
A man has a right to have children, and a wife another sign of an industrious wife. Helping relieve
who will gladly share the burden of children. her husband from unnecessary burdens is always
She must convey to the children her glad commendable. But above everything else the Lord has
surrender and obedience. 1 Peter 3:7; Gen. 5:29 laid on my heart that the wife can do all of these things
and much, much more if she will earnestly pray for her
YOU CAN BE YOUR HUSBAND'S BEST husband. Second Corinthians 1:11 says, "Ye also
helping together by prayer for us." I am convinced that
HELPER the most helpful wife is the most prayerful wife. How
by April Kelley often we have made the statement, "I will pray for
God's way is always the best way, and that includes you," but do we really realize what we are saying? Do
His marvelous blueprint for marriage. Some of the we truly know how to intercede for others and
happiest people on earth are Christian husband and especially for our husbands? To be the very best wife
wife who follow the Bible plan for living together and we can possibly be we should dedicate ourselves to
are constantly looking for ways to show their love for "Pray without ceasing" for that wonderful man God
each other. Nearly eighteen years ago I had the thrilling has given us.
experience of becoming "Mrs." to a newly-called Perhaps some of you are married to an unsaved
preacher of the Gospel, Bob Kelley. Of course, I felt I man. He may be good to you in many ways, and yet,
had married the most wonderful man in the world (I he doesn't know the Lord as his personal Saviour.
still feel that way!), and bent over backwards to please Don't despair! I once had an aunt who prayed for her
him. husband's salvation for fifty years, and a few years
I recall my first days of "wifely" ironing, and I before his death, he was gloriously saved. Learn to
always chuckle at how "green" I was. Here's how it agonize before God and pour out your heart to Him as
happened. Bob was a senior at Tennessee, and he you claim your husband's salvation. Never, never give
attended classes five days a week. Each morning he up! Be faithful to call, and God will show Himself
went to school, and each afternoon he worked for faithful to answer. God's Word says, "Call unto me,
Tom's Peanut Company. He had to wear work clothes and I will answer thee" (Jeremiah 33:3)
to school, because of his vending machine route.
Back in the 1960's, clothes were more difficult to 16
the Christian Woman
If your husband is saved, you, too, have a grave 5. To see the child grow into a fine Christian
responsibility to keep him before the throne of God in person, serving God--"he that begetteth a wise
prayer. It's true that we all lead busy lives today. child shall have joy." (Proverbs 23:24)
However, the first and foremost task of the Christian
wife should be to pray diligently for her family and Motherhood brings hard work, pain, and tears, but
especially for her husband. He had many decisions to never forget it--God intended for women to have joy
make, so pray that God will give him special wisdom and satisfaction through children. Here are suggestions
each day. He may travel extensively so pray that God on how to find this joy. Texts: Proverbs 22:6,
will grant him divine protection. He may face some Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:6-9.
difficult problem or trying temptation that particular I. LOVE YOUR CHILDREN AND SHOW
day, so plead the blood of Jesus against the devil in YOUR AFFECTION (Titus 2:4). Cuddle
your husband's behalf. Pray, and as you wait before
but don't coddle!
God, allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate your hearts as
to how you can best help your husband that day. II. SPEND TIME WITH THEM--play with
What should you pray? Not, Lord help my husband them, read to them, take them places.
to see what a dumb mistake he's making by buying the Family night, work together, ministry for
car." Not, "Please, Lord, help him to see how he's all, meal times, games, etc.
neglecting me." Not, "Lord, make him stop even III. STUDY THEM--"Train up a child in the
thinking about moving to Colorado."
Rather ask God to show you how you can meet
way he should go" - You must know your
your husband's needs. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict child - "the way he should go" in
you of your failures in meeting his lacks. Ask God to keeping with his individual gifts--his
give him the wisdom and discernment he needs to appointments, Proverbs 22:6.
make the right decisions, and to help you to be patient IV. DISCIPLINE THEM; Proverbs 13:24;
while He deals with his life. Proverbs 29:15,17. The rod and reproof
Oh, yes, you can be your husband's best helper as
you daily intercede for him, and for yourself, to be
give wisdom.
what he needs in a wife. A. They must learn to obey you if you want
them to obey God. Chasten them while there is
hope--Proverbs 19:18. Break the will, not the
III. THE JOYFUL MOTHER spirit. See: Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20;
by Mrs. Joy Martin Hebrews 12:5-11.
"He maketh the barren woman to keep house and B. Be firm and consistent--make your
to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord" commands of supreme importance; don't lie!
(Psalm 113:9 See also Psalm 127:3-5; Psalm 128:3; C. Make the discipline fit the misdemeanor; if
John 16:21) they need spanking, then do a good job; don't
A Mother's Joys just "spat".
1. To participate with God in the miracle of D. Be reasonable; don't provoke your children
birth--"as heirs together of the grace of life." to wrath. Colossians 3:21; Ephesians 6:4. Watch
(1 Peter 3:7) about venting your irritations on children. It will
2. To have the daily joys of a child's love--pats create bitterness.
and kisses and hugs. E. Supervise your children; do not give a
3. To have the supreme joy of seeing the child command if it is not important enough for you
trust Christ as Saviour. to see that it is carried out. Do not teach the
4. To have the fellowship and fun of playing child to disobey by failure to check on him.
together and working together.
the Christian Woman
F. Spank as soon after the offense as possible. G. To care about others--unselfishness.
Keep clear the connection between the sin and Philippians 2:4, "Look not every man on his
the punishment. own things, but every man on the things of
V. SET THE EXAMPLE--many things are others."
"caught" rather than "taught"--make their earliest H. To be honest and truthful, no matter what
impressions of you right. the cost.
ATMOSPHERE IN YOUR HOME. A. Set goals--have a purpose.
Hebrew 13:1, "Let brotherly love continue." B. Don't nag about unimportant details; don't
A. Have a family altar--daily Bible reading, make issues of unimportant things.
prayer, without fail. C. Help the child establish good habits by use of
B. Provide good reading matter. charts, time limits, etc.
C. Play good music--classical and Christian; D. Don't be overly critical--supervise and
supervise TV viewing. direct; praise good work and reprove; don't
D. Don't allow fighting and quarreling. degrade. Help give them confidence.
Colossians 3:15, "Let the peace of God rule in E. Be patient; don't get discouraged; remember
your hearts." Ephesians 4:31,32 "...Be ye kind." God's mercy to you.
E. Attend church services as a whole family. Don'ts in Discipline:
F. Encourage your children to invite their 1. Don't call a child names.
friends to your home; make it a center of happy 2. Don't make a federal case out of
activity--singspirations, popcorn parties, youth everything--Ex. spilled milk.
groups, etc. 3. Don't make wrong threats--"I'll get the
police." "You'll get a shot". "Daddy will
while they are small; this is your privilege and
4. Don't promise what you won't or can't do.
responsibility; then pray much for them.
5. Don't punish just because you are angry and
Luke 18:16; Mark 9:36.
need an outlet.
VIII. DEVELOP THEIR CHARACTER-- 6. Don't slap around--spank where God
teach them the following: intended.
A. To be contented and thankful--no griping. 7. Don't interfere with mate's discipline.
Philippians 2:14, "Do all things without 8. Don't compare child unfavorably with
murmuring and disputing." another.
B. To work--assign regular jobs at an early age
to fit their ability. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12.
C. To be dependable. Romans 12:11, "...not HOW DO CHILDREN BRING JOY?
slothful in business; fervent in spirit, serving the (Dr. Rice, The Home)
Lord." 1. Children satisfy the inborn craving of a girl to
D. To obey those in authority--no sassing. be a mother and of a boy to be a father. There
Ephesians 6:1. is a great sense of well being, a sense of the
E. To be courteous--good manners are fulfillment of destiny, a sense of having what
important. 1 Peter 3:8 one's heart has always desired.
F. To be pure in mind and body--prepare them 2. Parents experience a growth in character that is
for marriage (sex education). impossible without having children; There is a
1 Thessalonians 4:3-7--called to "holiness." certain development of character, a certain
1 Corinthians 6:19,20--Glorify God in your appreciation of holy values, a certain
body and spirit. understanding of deepest spiritual truth that
18 comes with being a father or in being a mother.
the Christian Woman
3. God gives someone to love when he gives a 7. It promotes growth of good bacteria in
little child. When the second child comes along, system.
strangely enough, the father can feel no 8. It provides a complete well-balanced diet for
diminution of his love for the first-born. But he baby.
simply enlarges his capacity to love, and with it 9. Baby has fewer skin eruptions, allergies, etc.
his capacity for enjoyment and happiness. 10. Baby has fewer respiratory problems.
4. Children bind husband and wife together, make 11. Breast milk contains hormones and enzymes
more sure the marriage tie. that cannot be reproduced in
a. A husband and wife who have a mutual formula--resistance to disease through mother's
object of their love in a child have good reason immunity, etc.
to forgive and overlook the failures that are 12. It provides close physical and emotional
certain to come. One naturally has a more contact with mother; builds security.
active conscience if he feels accountable for the 13. Baby generally gets more time with mother in a
little ones he has brought into this world. totally satisfying experience.
b. Married love grows much through the birth 14. It is safer in primitive conditions or emergency
and training of little children; they plan situations.
together; they sacrifice together. Each is willing Miscellaneous Considerations
to give up his own way, partly, for the 1. Breast-feeding is natural and normal, designed
well-being of the little one. by a wise God!
2. It can be a blessing to your older children as
you remind them of your care for them as
Advantages to Mother babies.
1. Nursing promotes quicker recovery. 3. Most women are able to nurse; size has nothing
2. It is more economical. to do with ability.
3. It is generally more convenient and less 4. Be modest; avoid offending others.
time-consuming. 5. Invest in a good bra and suitable clothes for
4. It usually gives mother more time with baby in nursing.
hospital. 6. Check with doctor early in pregnancy for his
5. It aids in spacing babies to some degree. suggestions about any preparation.
6. Nursing builds love and intimacy between 7. Working mothers can give 1 supplement and
mother and baby. still nurse.
7. Nursing encourages mother to take time to Choosing Your Doctor for Delivery Ask his
relax and enjoy mothering. views regarding...
8. Nursing can provide excellent occasion for 1. Prepared childbirth; will he insist on using
praying and meditating. medication whether you need it or not?
9. Nursing is excellent for long trips. 2. Allowing husband in the delivery room.
Advantages to Baby 3. Breast-feeding your baby (make sure he's for
1. Breast milk is the right temperature. it).
2. It is immediately available--no waiting. Prerequisites to Successful Nursing
3. It is fresh and pure; nothing is destroyed by 1. Adequate rest, including short rest periods
heating or storing. during the day.
4. It prevents constipation. 2. A well-balanced diet (sit down!)
5. It promotes good formation of mouth and facial 3. Adequate fluids, including milk, fruit juices,
structure through sucking. etc.
6. Breast milk is more easily digested. Baby is 4. A contented mind--resting in the Lord and
never allergic to it. enjoying the role God has given you.
the Christian Woman
5. Persistence--work at it despite obstacles; get SIX PRINCIPLES FOR DISCIPLINE
good advice. Dr. Gerry Benn
Have a plan--discuss and work it out ahead of
SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR CHILDREN time. Decide what will be a "Spanking matter"--
Mrs. Joy Martin sassing, deliberate disobedience. Overdiscipline and
1. Meal times underdiscipline have the same effect--rebellious
Make meals happy occasions. All should be children.
present for every meal as much as possible. No 1. Establish guilt--child must understand what he
discipline given at the table. Discuss pleasant has done (If you have already established rules,
subjects; involve the whole family. Use candles, it helps.) Don't ask "Why did you do it?" but
etc. to create atmosphere. Set a pretty "What did you do?"
table--family dishes. Have an attractive 2. Establish your authority--God requires parents
centerpiece--let children help. Have to discipline children or He will hold them
"banquets"--try foods from different counties. responsible.
Teach them to eat a little of everything. Don't 3. Establish your love--"I love you so much that I
allow them to say "I don't like." can't let you do wrong and not correct."
"Whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth..."
2. Family devotions
4. Exercise discipline:
3. Bedtime with small children.
a. In private place
Routine is very important. Have prayer for
b. With neutral objects--not with hand
confession and forgiveness.
c. Where God intended (on his "buttocks")--no
4. Family nights slapping, jerking, etc.
5. Play times--indoor and outdoor- (caroms, d. Long enough and hard enough to do the job
memory, Chinese checkers, rook, monopoly, 5. Encourage fellowship:
sorry, touring; volleyball, badmitton, basketball, a. Pray together
towel fastball, croquet, frizbee, catch, etc. b. Hug the child
6. Work time--cooking, dusting, cleaning floors, c. Let him know he is forgiven (Don't send to
clothes, yard-work. room--double punishment--might make him
7. Craft projects--work together on home-made feel rejected.)
birthday and Christmas gifts, decors for the 6. Expect the right response--Child should be
home, etc. loving and eager to please. If there is pouting,
8. Singing--go through hymnbook, fun songs, rebellion, etc., then your job was not effective.
9. Trips--vacation; Give everyone a notebook.
Make a scrapbook. Keep a folder of ideas. THE FAMILY ALTAR
10. Take one child with you when you run Mrs. Joy Martin
errands--Spend time individually. 1. Find the best time for your family and keep it as
11. Church services--revival, Bible conferences; an appointment for God.
Family "pew" (allow them to have a friend sit 2. Have it in a regular place--keep Bibles there.
with them) 3. Involve each member of the family in some
12. Ministry--visitation, soulwinning, cut outs way--quoting verses, answering questions.
for promotion, hand out tracts together, etc. 4. Always give the Bible a prominent place--even
13. Reading aloud--favorite books, poems, if you use a story book or devotional
nursery rhymes book--older children can read aloud--advantage
14. Naps with little ones. of reading through Scripture.
the Christian Woman
5. Don't make devotional too long--probably 20 4. Poor Attitude of Parents toward Ministerial
minutes (It should not be like a preaching Problems. If either the mother or father or both
service.) display bad attitudes toward people in the
6. Always include prayer for all of family church, or are resentful about certain problems,
needs--exams, physical needs, temptation, sins, this can have a very detrimental effect on the
missionaries, church. children.
7. Sometime include singing and Scripture 5. Lack of Discretion in Discussing Problems of
memory. the Ministry. Parents will need to exercise care
8. Audio-visual aids are valuable with children. and discernment about how much they discuss
Use flannelgraph, a tape, hand puppet, pictures, of church problems in front of their children.
etc. Younger children may not have the emotional
9. Occasionally allow one of the children to give and spiritual maturity to handle talk about
the story. distresses within the church.
10. Make Bible truths practical and interesting. 6. Assuming Spiritual Growth in Children is a
Natural Result of Being in a Preacher's Home.
PROBLEMS OF PREACHER'S KIDS. Sometimes parents wrongly assume that their
children will become strong Christians just
What do you do when church people criticize your because they attend church regularly, have
children? family altar, etc. Preacher's children, just like
1. Thank them for coming to you any others, need definite instruction in
2. "I will look into that" salvation, personal devotions, character
3. Discuss it with the child and find out the truth development.
of matter. 7. Failure to Provide A Well-Balanced Life. Even
4. Take appropriate action--If the child did preacher's children need a happy social life. If
wrong, be careful to discipline. If he did not do certain social activities are denied because of
wrong, try to make it so the child does not have worldliness, parents must make sure that other
to be in that situation regularly. proper social activities and recreation are
What factors may be involved when the preacher's developed so that the children have a
children have serious problems? well-balanced life. Life in the pastor's home
1. Lack of Attention from Parents. The preacher ought to include wonderful times of fun and
and his wife must be careful not to give their fellowship, with opportunities for socializing
children the idea that the work of the ministry is with friends.
more important than the family. Although the 8. Lack of Proper Discipline. Howard Hendrich's
preacher's time may be limited, he must plan speaks of the "peril of the pendulum" in the
definite time to spend individually with his matter of discipline. Overly severe and
children. unreasonable discipline produces the same
2. Unreasonable Expectations of Others. effect as no discipline--rebellious children. The
Occasionally church people or even the pastor husband must take Biblical leadership in the
himself may make unreasonable demands upon matter of giving "the rod".
preacher's children. They may expect
3. Insisting on Rigid Standards without Giving
Biblical Basis. Children ought to be taught to
do or not to do certain things because the Bible
teaches it, not simply because Deacon Jones
"will criticize Daddy if you do that".
the Christian Woman
HOW TO DEVELOP GREATNESS IN YOUR learn that prayer is the answer to all life's
CHILDREN problems.
1. Surround your children with good books and HAPPY, SPIRITUAL TIME
good music. Encourage a love for reading. by Joy Martin
2. Help your children to learn to recognize the 1. Pray and plan about a special " birthday gift"
consequences of sin. for Jesus beyond your regular tithe to your
3. Make your home a happy place to be. church. This might be a donation for a special
4. Encourage Scripture memorization at an early project in your church, or for another sound
age. Establish a family altar. Christian organization. It might be purchasing
5. Teach your children to enjoy work. toys for a needy family, buying and preparing
6. Encourage your children to learn something Christmas dinner for some lonely people, etc. If
that will help him develop confidence in you are married, include the children.
himself. Provide lessons and give support and 2. Help your children make gifts for teachers and
encouragement. others-candy wreathes, paper mache, etc. Many
7. Be generous with praise. Take time to listen to ideas in magazines.
your children. Discuss family needs and other 3. Plan a special Christmas "program" for your
problems freely with your children. Allow your own family before you open presents. Have a
children to express their feelings and to part for every member of the family. Include
question. Scriptures, songs, special music, testimonies
8. Make a big thing of family celebrations and of God's goodness during the year, readings,
traditions. Give your children links to their etc. But don't make it too long (In some homes
past. Help them develop family pride. this might be done immediately after Christmas
9. Teach independence and self-reliance. Help dinner).
your children to learn to make decisions. 4. Let children help stuff and stamp Christmas
10. Welcome your children's friends into the home. cards; include them as much as possible.
Make your house a gathering place for friends 5. Have a cookie baking party; if you have
and neighbors. children, even little ones can help decorate
11. Help your children learn how to handle cookies with nuts, sprinkles, red hots, etc. If
disappointment. you are not married, have a cookie baking party
12. Let your marriage be a model that your (or taffy-pull) with several friends (fellows or
children will be happy to copy. Show that you girls) and prepare some trays of cookies for
like each other as well as love each other. invalids, etc.
13. Do all you can do to help your child build 6. Visit a rest home; plan to sing carols, bring
happy memories. homemade Christmas cookies, and hand out
14. Show your child that privilege brings with it special Christmas tracts.
responsibility. 7. Plan a Christmas open house; serve simple but
15. Teach your children to have respect for festive refreshments-punch and coffee, banana
themselves and for other people. Help them to bread, cookies. If you want to be more
see that respect is a prerequisite for love; that elaborate, make a large ball of cheese (cream
respect for other people is an important aspect cheese blended with shredded cheddar cheese,
of leadership. chopped onion, a dash of Worchester sauce or
16. Win your children to the Lord at an early age other seasoning) rolled in chopped nuts, little
and help them day by day to learn to have a crackers, pinwheel sandwiches, ribbon
strong reliance upon the Word of God and to sandwiches, or other canapes. For inexpensive
22 decorations for tables, piano, etc. use lots of
the Christian Woman
fresh greenery, green, red, or white candles, be a good marriage partner, a good parent and
and lots of pretty balls. Try surrounding the an effective soulwinner.
punch bowl with fresh greenery and filling in 2. Creativity is an attribute not related to
with a small string of Christmas lights, taping intellectual genius. It cannot be measured by
the lights in place around the sides of the bowl standard I.Q. tests.
(but don't get them where they will be wet!) 3. Creative people are not easily bored.
Take a pretty jello mold, put red and green 4. Creative people learn to make the most of the
cherries in the bottom and fill with your punch present; they do not wait for better
in advance. Freeze it, and then when you are opportunities, for more leisure time.
ready to serve your punch, run hot water over 5. Creative people do not need other people's
the back of the mold till it slips out to cool your attention to be happy.
punch, not dilute it. It looks pretty in the bowl. 6. Creative people learn how to use "wasted" time
8. If there is a really good Christmas T.V. special, - minutes spent waiting in lines sitting in
plan to watch it as a whole family. Afterwards doctor's offices, etc.
pop corn and make popcorn balls-red and green 7. Creative people are more fun to be around.
balls are fun. 8. Creative people always have a project they are
9. Get several good Christmas books to read working on. They keep notes of ideas they
aloud to the family several nights during the hope to work out in the future.
season. Establish a tradition that children can 9. Creative people learn to work around the
look forward to--For example, The Bird's obstacle of limited money.
Christmas Carol by K.D. Wiggins, Dicken's 10. Creative people are not frustrated with
Christmas Carol and others. experiments that fail. They learn what they can
10. Memorize the Christmas story in Luke and and try again.
Matthew for several weeks preceding 11. Creative people tend to promote creativity in
Christmas. Practice in the car when traveling, others.
etc. Even little ones learn this way. 12. Creative children are not apt to fall into
11. Sing "Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus" on temptations related to idleness.
Christmas Day. Little ones as well as big enjoy 13. Creative people tend to be fulfilled, satisfied
this and it is a reminder of the meaning of individuals.
Christmas. 14. Creative people look at changes in life and new
12. Don't get so busy that you lose the joy of experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.
Christmas. Try to make routine tasks happy 15. Creative people are curious people. They are
because of your purpose: pray for people as not afraid to ask questions.
you address their Christmas cards, etc. 16. Creative people are readers. They want to
13. Plan a budget of what you can spend. Make know how other people react to life and solve
lists and keep careful records. Do not problems.
overspend, and be very careful about buying
Christmas gifts on charge accounts. Remember CREATIVITY IN THE HOME
to put the Lord first.
Mrs. Jesse Sandberg
1. Make your relationship with your husband
PRINCIPLES OF CREATIVITY something interesting and changing. DON'T
Creativity is a gift of God and carries with it the YOUR ATTITUDES AND TASTES.
responsibility for development and use. a. Plan special treats for your husband at
1. Awareness is a major element of creativity. It bedtime.
is also essential to the Christian who wants to 23 b. Put "love note" in his pockets: sometimes a
the Christian Woman
verse of Scripture 21. Learn to grow cheap plants: avocado, potato,
c. Bake a surprise once in awhile. orange seeds.
d. Occasionally put candles in your bedroom: 22. Experiment with cake decorating.
wear a new perfume when you go to bed. 23. Learn to make yeast bread.
e. Mentally check the things you know are 24. Always set a pretty table even when only the
most important to him and work at having family is home-always a place mat and paper
them done one whole week - putting the napkin and often a nice tablecloth.
paper where he can find it, turning down 25. Look for weeds and wild flowers that will fill a
covers, having his shirts clean, etc. pretty pot in summer: learn how to dry flowers
2. Start looking, smelling, seeing. Learn to enjoy for pretty winter bouquets.
the things you have around you all the time that
you take for granted.
3. Start a file - recipes, poems, etc.
4. Learn to sew. By Mrs. Lee Roberson
5. Try a new hairdo once in a while. The wife is not the pastor, nor assistant pastor--she
6. Start keeping a journal. is his wife, his helpmate. She must learn that only by
7. Try writing a poem. dying to self can she be the pastor's wife used of God.
8. Make your own birthday cards. I. THE PASTOR'S WIFE WILL NEED TO
9. Make your own Christmas gifts.
10. Try some new exercises; a new diet.
11. Provide materials and tools for children's A. Love for all people--lovely and unlovely;
projects. Be generous with Scotch tape, paper, young and old; rich and poor.
glue. B. Good appearance--not extreme hair styles,
12. Give your children a corner where they can dress, etc.
work on projects for an extended time. C. Faithfulness to all services of the Church.
13. Let your children cook -- encourage learning D. Letting others take places of
special recipes. Teach them the responsibility leadership--leading them.
for cleaning up their own mess. E. A personal relationship with the Lord;
14. Make a big thing of birthdays and traditions. devotional life--time alone. Bible reading prayer
15. Learn when and how to break routine. When (even if it means losing those extra few minutes
children get restless try a backyard or a of sleep).
"fireplace" picnic. Why not serve ice cream or F. Kindness and concern for those with whom
hot dogs for breakfast just for the fun of it. she comes in contact.
16. Keep a box of old clothes and costumes for II. THE PASTOR'S WIFE CAN EITHER HELP
play and pretending. OR HURT HIM.
17. Invest in books, records, music, inexpensive
A. By keeping things in order at home so that
he can have privacy in the preparation he needs
18. Find a way to provide special lessons in art,
for services, etc.
music, etc. (if you can't afford to pay, exchange
B. She must not be a slave to the house, but
services -- laundry, baking, baby sitting, etc.)
neither should she neglect the important things
19. Learn to use fabric remnants, contact paper and
of having dishes washed, beds made, and
paint to make a house fresh and pretty.
bathrooms cleaned daily. These very important
20. Learn to refinish furniture, upholster furniture,
things take only minutes a day, but they are
mat pictures, make bookcases, improvise
necessary as basic household chores. The other
cleaning, washing, ironing, sewing, etc. can be
24 done at a planned time, not every day.
the Christian Woman
C. Meals should be ready to serve when the TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR THE
pastor comes in, having arranged ahead of time PASTOR'S WIFE
the exact hour he wishes them. Then arrange for
1. Thou shalt not tear down thy husband in public,
him to let you know if something comes up to
keep him away. remembering that one of the cardinal principles
of a successful marriage is respect for thy
D. Doing all she can to keep a happy, cheerful
atmosphere in the home--and not saving all the mate's ego.
unhappy happenings of the day to greet him. 2. Thou shalt not look disinterested during a
Punish the children on the spot--don't make service of worship, even though thou hast
heard this powerful sermon of thy husband's for
Daddy do it when he arrives home.
the 9th time.
III. THE PASTOR'S WIFE WILL NEED TO BE 3. Thou shalt not accept the presidency of the
AS EFFICIENT AS POSSIBLE IN ORDER missionary society, for she who invests herself
TO HELP HIM. with office openeth the door to much criticism
and robs others of leadership opportunities.
A. This doesn't mean that she runs the church;
4. Thou shalt not sing in the choir, even if thy
but rather that she should not try to!
voice of operatic quality, unless thou hast the
B. Never try to run the pastor, nor criticize him.
hearty consent of the choir director, the church
He is the pastor!
officers, the staff, thy husband and the janitor.
C. Don't be guilty of listening to gossip--you can
5. Thou shalt not extol thy husband's virtues in
always be very busy when someone wants to
public, for his deeds are his best press agent;
besides, thou wilt offend other women who
IV. THE PASTOR'S WIFE HAS A PLACE NO also have perfect husbands.
OTHER WOMAN IN THE CHURCH CAN 6. Thou shalt not take unto thyself a confidante
HOLD. (a close friend to share secrets with), because
today's confidante may be tomorrow's
A. She can pray for her husband with more
adversary. Moreover, confidantes always have
understanding than all the others put together.
good memories.
B. She can make life easier for him by doing all
7. Thou shalt not entertain lavishly, dress
the "little things" he doesn't have time for-suits
conspicuously, talk boisterously or lead
to cleaners, laundry checked, clothes ready
aggressively. Two leaders in a minister's
when needed, etc.
household often wreck the family and disturb
C. Watch for the lonely ones who need a
an otherwise peaceful flock.
friendly greeting at church. Try to speak to as
8. Thou shalt not show impatience when the
many as possible (new members especially).
former minister's wife is extolled, and thy
D. Never miss a service unless you are
talents seem small by comparison.
absolutely unable to go--should I say "move"!
9. Let thy children be restrained by the ideal of
E. Tell the Lord your own problems, and He
being good for goodness' sake and not because
will never betray your confidence!
of public opinion. "They are just p.k.s
F. Know where your children are in the
(preacher's kids)" can be a compliment rather
services. Make them sit where you can see
than a joke.
them. This is after agreed age of around 15 or
10. Thou shalt not fail to pray and to fill thy days
16; otherwise, keep them with you.
with good works, for the quiet demonstration
G. Don't expect to be patted on the back for
of God's presence and power in thy daily life
anything; you'll get your crown later!
may turn more to righteousness than the mighty
preaching of thy honored husband. (Above all,
25 let not thy spouse suspect this.)
the Christian Woman
Because the pastor's wife frequently knows
1. Thou shalt love all your members at all times
intimate details of many lives, she needs to be
and under all circumstances.
very discreet and never betray confidences.
2. Thou shalt learn to live as the most observed
6. Perfectionism -
woman in the church.
unrealistic in one's expectations of
3. Thou shalt always remember your family
oneself--trying to be "perfect" in
obligations first of all.
everything--result? the "totaled woman."
4. Thou shalt learn to develop a remedy for
loneliness for the many nights your husband is PRIORITIES
away from home. How involved should you be in the church work?
5. Thou shalt learn to live on a limited income and 1. Seek the will of God for you. Remember "the
a strict budget. need does not necessarily constitute the call."
6. Thou shalt learn how to meet discouragement. 2. Discern your husband's wishes--Make it a rule
7. Thou shalt learn how to be adaptable and of life before accepting any position to say:
willing to learn. (1) Let me pray about it;
8. Thou shalt develop your natural talents and (2) Let me ask my husband about it.
abilities. 3. Consider your family needs and the time
9. Thou shalt have a definite interest in the daily available. Remember your children and home
work and program of your preacher husband. are your first responsibility before God
10. Thou shalt often renew your personal (Titus 2:4). When your children are young, they
consecration to the task of the church. will require more of your time and attention.
Consider priorities when your child is sick.
TEMPTATIONS (1) Do you have a reliable baby-sitter?
To the Pastor (Dr. Cravens) (2) How serious is the illness?
1. Whine - self-pity (3) Does the child have a special "need" for
2. Dine - gluttony--overeating his mother?
3. Recline - laziness and lack of discipline (4) Who could fulfill your responsibilities at
4. Shine - self glory and pride church?
5. Resign - to quit; to be defeated 4. Consider your abilities and your talents. Don't
6. Feline - females, women who greatly admire push people out, and God will open up a place
him for you. It is better to work in the church than
To the Pastor's Wife outside if possible. It tends to bring the
1. Spiritual pride - husband and wife closer.
attitude of being "holier than thou"--being 5. Evaluate your own health, stamina, and
pious. personality. Just because a previous pastor's
2. Professionalism - wife did a particular thing does not mean you
losing one's fervor and compassion--doing must do it too. Know yourself.
our ministry mechanically, out of duty, with 6. Consider the needs of the church. Ordinarily,
no love. the smaller the church, the more responsibilities
3. Discouragement and Depression. the pastor's wife will have. As new members
4. Busyness - come in, she should help them assume
not learning to differentiate between the leadership.
good and the best, between the important
and the urgent.

the Christian Woman
THE FIVE DEMANDS FOR A PASTOR'S 2. Attend conferences and seminars.
WIFE This could be combined with a vacation.
3. Set up a regular reading schedule.
1. Dedication to the Lord's work; Christian magazines and other worthwhile
Romans 12:1,2. If the Lord has called your magazines, Reader Digest, U.S. and World
husband, then He has called you. Personal Report, News, etc. Make a list of books you
surrender. God wants you to "volunteer" - plan to read. Add to your library.
"Here am I; send me." 4. Observe other pastor's wives.
2. Discipline of life; Offer to do something for a pastor's wife. Go
1 Timothy 4:12-16. For the sake of testimony, visiting with her, invite her to lunch with you.
live a disciplined life. A preacher's family should Keep a missionary in your home. Observe
try to follow the same schedule as other dress, walk and talk of a pastor's wife.
working families. Establish as much as you can 5. Carry a notebook, and jot down quotes,
by habit, and you will have more time to do devotions, prayer requests, sermon outlines,
creative things. Get on a schedule, but be ideas, sayings and illustrations.
flexible. Discipline makes you more effective. Try to be "one of those people on whom
Rules develop character. The larger the family, nothing is lost."
the more rules. 6. Set up a file so that you have material on
How to set a happy atmosphere in the morning many subjects.
1. You get up on time. Organize it so that you can find it both for
2. Dress attractively for the day. yourself and others.
3. Get something cooking which smells good. 7. Become a person of the Book--the Bible.
4. Give your husband orange juice or coffee if Make the Word of God the center of your
he is hard to wake up. life. Know how to find the Biblical answers.
5. Wake everyone up with a kiss--breakfast in 8. Get practical experience now.
10 or 15 minutes Engage in visitation, helping in the nursery,
6. Turn on cheerful music. working in a chapel, Children for Christ, rest
3. Denial of self: homes, choirs, detention homes, the
Galatians 2:20; Matt 16:24; 1 Cor 15:31. afternoon Sunday School, the bus ministry.
Dead to criticism and dead to praise. There are 9. Listen to your husband.
going to be criticisms. Great opportunities go Find out what is important to him for you to
hand in hand with adversaries. You can get a lot do, and make those things a priority.
done if you don't care who gets the credit. 5. Delight in services;
4. Diligence in Preparation; Psalm 84:10; Deuteronomy 28:47; Psalm 40:8
2 Timothy 2:15. Study--diligence. Being a good "I delight to do thy will." Keep your attitude
Pastor's Wife is not an accident, you must work right. God does not want our sacrifices or
at it. services given mechanically or merely out of a
Ways to prepare: sense of duty with no joy or delight.
1. Go to school and take courses, even if you
cannot complete a degree.
Courtship and Marriage, Counseling, BIBLICAL REQUIREMENTS
Evangelism, Flannel-graph, Music--piano and Qualities to Cultivate as a Pastor's Wife
voice, Art, Home Economics, Audio-Visuals,
Speech, English, Speed Reading, Bible
Doctrines, Adult and Youth Leadership, A. This is the foremost quality you will need.
Etiquette, Sign Language, First Aid, etc. 1 Peter 4:8; Proverbs 19:1. If people can tell
27 that you love them, they will be willing to
the Christian Woman
overlook many shortcomings. Love is the D. Practice areas in which you are deficient
correction fluid that covers flaws, and a cement until you begin to be comfortable.
that fills in all the chinks in a relationship. E. Have a good etiquette book on hand for
B. Show your love in positive way. Ways to reference regarding questionable things.
Touch is a very important part of loving. SPEAKING VOICE.
Many times a touch will say more than A. Learn to speak in pleasant tones. The voice is
words. Actions must be above reproach in the image of the soul. A pleasant voice is a low
regards to the opposite sex. Pastors need to well-modulated voice. It should convey not only
be very careful of this in counseling ladies of efficiency but warmth.
B. Don't show irritation. Don't be frustrated by
the church. constant phone calls or repeated questions, but
2. By smiling and looking directly at people. ask the Lord to keep "the law of kindness in
Listen --- give full attention to those who are your tongue".
speaking. Before and after service find C. Speak clearly when leading in prayer and
someone to watch the children. making announcements.
3. By saying something encouraging, whether D. Learn the proper use of your language.
by a note or in person. Grammatical errors can offend people.
Reach out to people. They want to talk, but IV. THE ART OF LISTENING.
they may be afraid to speak first. A. Learn to listen. Often the best counsel is
4. By standing at the church door at the close simply to listen sympathetically to someone's
of services. problem.
Shake hands at the door with everyone. Or B. Be discreet - never reveal confidences.
arrive early at services so that you may greet V. BE FLEXIBLE
people. A. Roll with the punches. Learn to look at
5. By giving small tokens of your love and interruptions as opportunities.
interest. B. Remember that "people are more important
1. Plants and flowers than things", the needs of people are more
2. Food - casserole, cake important than schedules.
3. Christian booklets The more you love VI. LOYALTY AND FAITHFULNESS
the more capacity for love you will A. Be faithful in attendance at services of the
have. church.
C. Cultivate a love for every age. Every age B. Be loyal in supporting your husband and his
group needs love. Notice something special. ministry.
"Prickly" people are not easily loved. Make it a
project to cultivate those people. Find out their
needs and "break" them down. Find the area BIBLICAL REQUIREMENTS
where their heart is tender. FOR PASTORS AND THEIR FAMILIES
II. COURTESY Titus 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Good manners is simply a matter of "Doing the A. Negative aspects
right things in the kindest way possible." 1. Not self-willed
A. Learn to make introductions properly. 2. Not soon angry
B. Exercise tact in handling "people" problems 3. Not given to wine
- don't put people on the defensive. 4. No striker--not a brawler (a pastor is not to
C. Cultivate proper table manners - you will set get his own way by physical force)
example at teas and banquets. 5. Not given to filthy lucre--be content with the
28 money God has given you.
the Christian Woman
Don't make a decision on the basis of money. spiritual leader in his home, how can he be a
Filthy lucre is money gained in an unlawful leader in the church?
way. 4. A lover of hospitality
B. Positive aspects 5. A lover of good men
1. Blameless 6. Sober, sensible, discreet
2. The husband of one wife 7. Just, fair-minded, reasonable
3. Having faithful children--not riotous or 8. Holy, pure, no tarnish on his life
unruly; Preacher's Kids are special; they 9. Temperate--one who keeps his life in hand;
should be examples. If a man is not a self-control

Counting The Cost Of Being A Pastor's Wife

Problems Solutions
I. LONELINESS 1. Be creative about your time
a. home improvements
A. Only limited friendships b. craft projects (cake decorating, in crocheting, sewing,
B. Frequently called to areas very different in c. decorating
climate and culture d. gardening
2. Learn that you don't have to depend on others
3. Learn to write letters--send cards. Cultivate friendships
C. Often far from family and friends. while in school--for later.
4. Group visitation-have a brunch and visit--you can visit
with different ladies each week. Have many friends.
5. Seek friendship with other pastor's wives. Be careful
about competition in attitude and doctrinal differences.
6. Develop friendship with staff members.

II. LIMITED TIME WITH HUSBAND AND 1. Plan your time wisely so you spend time with your
husband when he has it.
ERRATIC SCHEDULE 2. Adapt to husband's schedule because he is under a
A. Husband "on call" 24 hours a day. great deal of pressure. Be flexible.
3. Try to plan a day off together (may be an afternoon or a
morning). Encourage your husband to take care of
B. Many claims on his time - sermon physical and emotional needs of himself and of the
preparation, counseling, administrative family. His pressures carry over to family.
work, visitation. 4. Get children to bed at reasonable hour so you can spend
some time with your husband. Take snack to
C. Frequent interruptions in plans. husband--"Time to take a love break."
5. Plan a "date" once a week. This could be combined with
visitation. Even if you are financial pressed get pie and
coffee or something. YOU NEED THAT TIME OUT!!!
D. The average pastor puts in from 70-90 hours Don't go to a fast food place regularly--go someplace to
per week. relax and let someone else wait on you.

the Christian Woman
Counting The Cost Of Being A Pastor's Wife
Problems Solutions
III. LACK OF PRIVACY. ("fish bowl existence") 1. You may have to lock doors and build a privacy fence.
2. You must have the attitude that the house and rooms
A. People may be especially curious about you and are God's. Dedicate your house to the Lord for Him to
your family. use.
B. If your house is near to church, you will have 3. Have Open House at least once a year - this will satisfy
greater problems. the natural desire of your people to see how you live.

IV. EXTREMELY HIGH STANDARDS (even 1. To a certain degree, this is scriptural.

2. Convey to your family that we don't go by other
unreasonably high) SET FOR YOU AND people's standards; at our house we set the standards.
YOUR CHILDREN. Convey it in a way that it involves a sense of family
3. Never tell your children they must behave a certain way
just because they are Preacher's Kids or people will
4. Teach them to "adorn the ministry."
5. If you make a standard for your children, it should be
based on Scripture, NEVER what the Joneses say.
Make your children feel privileged.
6. Learn how to handle criticism of family by church

V. FINANCES 5. Recognize the blessings of financial pressure.

a. It motivates you to depend on God.
A. Income may not be proportionate to others b. It is exciting to see how the Lord will take care of
in the church, although your husband may you daily. (Phil. 4:9)
have the most education. c. It provides an opportunity for other people to get
B. In a young, struggling church, finances will a blessing by helping you. (Phil. 4:16,17)
d. It does good things for your character.
be limited. e. It inspires ingenuity and creativity.
C. Some churches are not as considerate as f. It should make you more diligent and careful about
others in evaluating the pastor's needs. using money - A faithful steward.
D. Much of your income may seem to be "hand 6. Resolve to be content - Heb. 13:5,6.
to mouth" - you may not be able to see in a. Sometimes you will suffer need--Are you willing to
continue inspite of the need?
advance how finances will work out. b. Sometimes you will abound--enjoy it!! There is
1. Remember that your husband is commissioned by the nothing wrong with that. (Phil. 4:11,12)
Lord, not hired by church.
2. Be willing to accept what God provides. REWARDS OF THE MINISTRY
3. Avoid resentment regarding money. 1 Cor. 9:7-18. 1. The privilege of being married to a man of God. You
a. vs. 11 - if you sow spiritual blessings, you will reap have been counted worthy.
physical blessings. 2. Special opportunities for soul winning - hospital, calls,
b. vs. 6 - Your husband has to preach whether he is counseling at the altar, etc.
paid for doing it or not.
3. More opportunity to use all of your talents and abilities.
4. Avoid feeling poor. "Poverty is often a state of mind
There is no ability a pastor's wife has which cannot be
rather than a reality." Reject self-pity.
fully developed and used for the Lord.
the Christian Woman
4. Opportunities for travel and living in different parts of GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR DECORATING ON A
the country. BUDGET
5. Getting to meet great people of God - pastors, 1. Start a file.
missionaries, evangelists. 2. Have along-range plan to implement gradually.
6. The love and prayers of the people you minister to. It is 3. Choose colors that set the desired atmosphere - plan
a precious privilege to have so many people who love color scheme carefully.
you and pray for you every day. 4. On the walls you may use paint, fabric, wall paper,
7. Gifts from those in the church. contact paper, paneling.
8. Financial benefits available from other sources. Doctors 5. Use plants and flowers for decorating.
may not charge as much, discount for phone bills, no 6. Use pictures in groupings - photos, children's drawings
service charge at many banks, cleaners, special tax (use mats or inexpensive frames).
breaks, (but do not expect everyone to give you 7. Use pillows, throw rugs, afghans, slipcovers, etc. to
discounts). There are many ways that God provides for cover flaws and make rooms homey.
you. 8. Use curtains and drapes effectively - can be made from
9. Special respect in community. The ministry is sheets, etc.
ordinarily counted among the most influential 9. Have attractive centerpieces on the table - candles,
professions in a community. flowers, fruit or vegetables, figurines, etc.
10. Opportunities for children--advantages far out-weigh 10. Use books & candles to decorate and set mood.
disadvantages. 11. Decorate with collections of any kind - dolls, baskets,
11. Participation in husband's ministry, which involves fans, etc.
great opportunities for sharing in work, praying, 12. Use mirrors to create illusion of depth - can expand
counseling. More than in most careers, the ministry is room.
ideal for developing a partnership between husband and 13. Use lamps effectively. Lighting is very important in
wife. creating mood.
12. 14. Learn how to give new life to old furniture by
GOD'S REQUIREMENTS FOR WOMEN (NOT refinishing it, covering with contact paper, changing
JUST PASTORS' WIVES) TITUS 2:4,5 knobs, etc.
Eight things older women should teach younger Advantages of the study in the church:
women: 1. It is more private for counseling ordinarily.
1. To be sober--sensible, serious minded 2. It might be quieter for study (particularly if there are
2. To love their husbands small children in the home).
3. To love their children 3. It may encourage the pastor to work better.
4. To be discreet--no immorality or impurity 4. He will have the Sunday School records, etc. on hand.
5. To be chaste--actions 5. It frees the wife from the need to answer the phone and
6. To be keepers at home (diligent) act like a secretary.
7. To be good--good works for glory of God Advantages of the study in the home:
8. To be obedient to their own husbands 1. It might be more convenient when the church is far
This is how the Word of God is reinforced--"that the Word away.
of God be not blasphemed." This is God's "job description" for 2. It might be more private in some cases.
every married woman. Remember that God does not give a 3. The office is available for use anytime of the day.
separate list of requirement for a minister's wife. She is to be and The Pastor's Study should include:
do what God requires of any other godly woman. Realizing this 1. A good big desk. 2. A comfortable desk chair.
should release a young pastor's wife from the mistaken motion 3. A good light. 4. File cabinets. 5. Bookcases.
that she is supposed to be some brand of "super-woman." 6. Either a couch or two good chairs for counseling.
7. Pin up board for messages. 8. Plants.
9. Lock on the door. 10. Attractive decor.
11. Waste basket; typewriter; phone; cabinet for supplies,

the Christian Woman
WHEN TO KEEP 7. If you want to appear wise. "Even a
YOUR MOUTH SHUT fool, when he holdeth his peace, is
by Jessie Rice Sandberg counted wise: and he that shutteth his
I am an inveterate list maker. I
lips is esteemed a man of
make list of things to do. I make understanding." Prov. 17:28
list of my dreams, of 8. If the matter is none of your business.
resolutions, of people who are "The heart knoweth his own bitterness;
important to me, of favorite
books, of things for which I and a stranger doth not intermeddle with
praise the Lord. his joy." Prov. 14:10
9. When you are tempted to tell an
Recently, as I read through the book of Proverbs, a
new list came to mind; and since it could be as
outright lie. "Put away from thee a
important to you as it was to me, I am sharing it with froward mouth, and perverse lips put far
you here. from thee." Prov. 4:24
10. If your words would destroy a
Don't open your mouth: friendship. "A froward man soweth
1. In the heat of anger. "He that is soon
strife: and a whisperer separateth chief
angry dealeth foolishly." Prov. 14:17
friends." Proverbs 16:28
2. When you don't have all the facts. "He
11. When your words will damage
that answereth a matter before he
someone's reputation. "An ungodly
heareth it, it is folly and shame unto
man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there
him." Prov. 18:13
is as a burning fire." Prov. 16:27
3. When you haven't verified the story.
12. If you may have to eat your words
"Seest thou a man that is hasty in his
later. "Death and life are in the power of
words? there is more hope of a fool than
the tongue: and they that love it shall eat
of him." Prov. 29:20
the fruit thereof." Prov. 18:21
4. When you are tempted to joke about
13. If you've already said it more than
sin. "Fools make a mock at sin: but
one time. Then it becomes nagging.
among the righteous there is favour."
"A foolish son is the calamity of his
Prov. 14:9
father: and the contentions of a wife are
5. If you would be ashamed of your
a continual dropping." Prov. 19:13
words later. "The words of a talebearer
14. When it is time to listen. "A wise son
are as wounds, and they go down into
heareth his father's instruction: but a
the innermost parts of the belly."
scorner heareth not rebuke." Prov. 13:1
Prov. 18:8
15. When you are supposed to be working
6. If your words would convey a wrong
instead. "In all labour there is profit: but
impression. "He that hath knowledge
the talk of the lips tendeth only to
spareth his words: and a man of
penury." Prov. 14:23
understanding is of an excellent spirit."
Prov. 17:27
Why You Shouldn't Marry I'm not exactly sure who came up with the term
"missionary dating," but I love it because it so
Or Date An Unbeliever appropriately paints the picture. Imagine this-a young
girl, full of zeal for God, goes to a remote tribe of
"Be Ye Not Unequally Yoked
natives somewhere to evangelize the lost. She ends up
Together With Unbelievers. . ."
having a special burden for the chief's handsome young
II Cor. 6:14
son. He seems interested in God, and so she starts
spending quite a bit of time with him in hopes of
winning him to the Lord. Then, before you know it,
her friends at the Missionary Society receive a
postcard saying that she is getting married and won't
be coming back. Was he converted? Well, not
really-but she has full confidence that he will be
shortly. Meanwhile, she's happily getting ready to set
up housekeeping in his hut full of idols (which, of
course, she wouldn't think of worshipping), and
dreaming of the wonderful future they will have
The "Fellowship" together. If you heard of a situation like this, what
Of Darkness and Light would you think about this girl's chances for real
By Melody Green happiness-or her professed love for the Lord? Her
actions certainly seem to contradict the very things she
Introduction says she believes in.
I think it's safe to say that every marriage starts out
At first glance, it may seem that an article such as with a simple date. Many Christians are deceived when
this is unnecessary - that anyone who loves God could it comes to this. They feel all right about dating an
not possibly consider spending their whole life married
to someone who doesn't. This, unfortunately, is not the case.
unbeliever, just as long as it doesn't "get too serious."
I receive letters daily from women who are desperately They may think, "Well, one or two dates can't hurt
trying to serve God in a full and complete way, but are anyone. Besides, maybe I can lead him to the Lord. I
unable to do so because their husband loves and serves the just want to have some fun right now, but when it
world. comes to settling down, I will definitely marry a
Christian." Then lo and behold, the next thing they
know they have "fallen in love," and are desperately
I am addressing this article to Christian women in trying to rationalize their relationship and their
particular, because in my counseling experience, they upcoming marriage-to themselves, to their friends, and
seem to make this mistake much more frequently than to God. I say this-any Christian foolish enough to date
men do. However, the problems and the principles I an unbeliever is foolish enough to marry one!
will be talking about can obviously be applied to any
Christian thinking of marrying (or for that matter IMPORTANT DECISIONS
even dating) someone who doesn't 1ove Jesus with all Marriage is the biggest and most important
of their heart. (This article is not for those of you who decision you will make after your decision to follow
were first married and then became a Christian at a Jesus. And as I said before, all marriages start out with
later date. Even though, as a result, you may now be
a "first date." One of the main problems is that too
married to someone who is not following Jesus, it was
not a choice you made since becoming a Christian. many Christians approach the idea of dating with far
This article is for single Christians who still have the too casual of an attitude. They have adopted the
"dating' and marriage question ahead of them.) world's view on this, instead of God's. There is no such
thing as "playing the field" when it comes to UNEQUALLY YOKED
Christianity. "Do not be bound together with unbeliers" 2 Cor. 6:14
Sure it gets lonesome sometimes, but remember, In the Bible, Jesus (and here, Paul) gave many
every date has the potential of becoming a lifelong illustrations using agriculture and animals as examples,
relationship. Spending time with the wrong person is since these were common things to everyone in that
opening yourself up to becoming emotionally involved day. So what does it mean to be unequally yoked?
to a point where it is not always so easy to turn and Picture if you will, two oxen tied together at the neck
walk away. Once you have given your heart and your by a wooden crosspiece so they can pull a plow. They
emotions to someone, you will be surprised at how are two animals of the same species who have been
difficult it is to have the desire to take them back-even joined together to do a specific job. They have been
if you know you should. Here is part of a typical letter carefully trained to respond to the same commands,
I have recently received from a young Christian girl. and once they are united, they are considered to be a
She has already been counseled and encouraged to do team. A wise farmer picks two animals of similar size,
the right thing, but I wanted to share her predicament strength, and temperament because he knows they will
with you: work the best together. If one of them needed to be
"I'm 16 and the daughter of missionaries here in the whipped before he would move, and the other one was
Middle East. I've had a really close walk with the Lord, terrified at even the sight of a whip, it would seem
and He has been good to me in so many ways. But I unwise to tie them together and expect them to work
met a guy at school. as a team. One "teammate" would frantically try to run
He's not a Christian, and we've been going out for away, while the other one would stubbornly refuse to
over three months. At the time, I believed it was fine, budge. In fact, if two like this were joined together, it
unless we married, which ofcourse I have no intention seems that disaster might be at hand-with possible
of doing because he isn't a Christian. But lately I've damage to the equipment, hurt and confusion to the
spoken with someone who told me it was wrong, and "teammates," and of course, the work would never get
that I should never have gone out with him in the done.
beginning. Our beloved Jesus is the wisest and most loving
"This evening he came over while I was listening to "Farmer" in all the universe. He knows that we would
the new tape of Keith's. Afterwards we were talking, never be happy if we were bound to someone who was
and he laughed at all the weird Jesus, and dumb pulling us in the opposite direction from where we
Christian songs' that I listen to. I let him know I was wanted to go. Our life would be one continual tug of
hurt by the way he laughed about the name of Jesus, war, and we would never be able to get on with the
and now I really feel bad inside because of it, and I feel work that we were called to do. That is why He
we should end our relationship. But it's very hard commanded us to marry "only in the Lord."
because we really like each other a lot, and I'm afraid (1 Cor. 7:39) If we are going to serve God in our
my witness will all go down the drain if we break up. marriage, then both partners must be in agreement
I'm really asking the Lord for wisdom now. If you have about the job that needs to get done, how it's going to
a few spare minutes you could remember me in be accomplished, and who they are going to be taking
prayer." -Kept Anonymous their orders from. It is really very simple. I guess that's
Don't wait until it's too late. The time to ask Jesus why it constantly amazes me that so many choose to
for wisdom is before you start a relationship-not after. ignore God's wisdom, thinking in vain that "it will all
It is much easier than you think for your heart to work out fine in the end."
overrule your conscience. Once your own desires are
demanding priority, your zeal to put God first starts to THE DATING GAME
quickly fade away. Your emotions are a powerful I think it should be becoming increasingly clear to
thing, and if you don't control them, they will control you that dating is not to be done lightly-nor without
you! (Jer. 17:9) God's approval! This doesn't mean that you have to
feel called to marriage with someone before you can aspect of my life. One of the first things I noticed was
spend any time together-but you must be able to see that my reasons for doing things had changed. I was
the qualities of a sincere lover of God in this person, motivated by a love for God and a desire to please
and the fruit of their faith should be evident for all to Him, instead of my own selfish desires. As I drew
see. If they pass this most crucial test, you still must closer to God, He revealed his heart to me, and I found
seek God to see if it's all right to take the time to get to that some of the things that had meant a lot to me were
know this person better. You should seek the Lord no longer important. And other things, on which I had
privately on this-that is, not with the person you are put little or no value, began to sparkle and shine like
interested That way, if God says "No," no one will be jewels. My eyes looked towards eternity, instead of
hurt. I am assuming you have already spent time with focusing on the temporary things of this world. I
this person in group situations-but a deeper truly think my heart would have been broken if I had
relationship should only be entered into if and when not been able to share my excitement, joy, and love of
the Lord gives you His express permission. If you are God with my most beloved here on earth-my husband.
afraid to hear a possible "No" from God, then you are LACK OF TRUE INTIMACY
not seeking His will, but your own. This should be an
immediate danger signal that something is wrong, and "...For what partnership have righteousness
you shouldn't make a move until you get your heart and lawlessness or what fellowship
right with the Lord. has light with darkness?" (II Cor. 6.14)
Does all that sound a little strict to you? Well, just When it comes right down to it, someone who
ask someone who has chosen the wrong mate due to a loves Jesus just doesn't have that much in common
lack of patience, counsel, and prayer. They will tell you with someone who doesn't. Sure, you may enjoy the
that they wish someone would have told them the same same hobbies, or be engaged in the same type of
things I am now telling you. So many are bound in work-but when it comes to the things that really
miserable, unhappy marriages because they ignored matter, you will be miles apart. In a marriage, when
Jesus and let their own desires drown out the voice of that first rush of excitement wears off, you will find
God. They have learned their lesson the hard way, and yourself yearning for the true intimacy and oneness
now it is too late for them to turn back and start over. that can only be experienced with someone of "like
Marriage is forever. Once a mistake is made, you can't mind." You will be unfulfilled and strangely lonesome
turn around and say, "We got married out of God's in this closest of all partnerships if, due to different
will, so now we'll just get a divorce!" It doesn't work beliefs, you cannot experience true intimacy. Neither of
that way. The Bible tells us that if our unbelieving you would be able to share the deepest longings of
mates consent to remain with us, then we must not your heart with each other, because your whole basis
send them away. (I Cor. 7:12-13) of looking at life-your very reasons for living-would be
Why even put yourself into the position of possibly totally different. Your hearts and lives could never be
making the wrong decision? Since God's Word truly united because there would be no common bond
commands us not to be "unequally yoked," it is foolish to draw you together and keep you together.
and openly rebellious to even consider it. You will be When I speak of marriage, I am speaking of a
headed towards almost certain disaster if you lean to lifelong commitment to love, honor, cherish, and
your own understanding instead of trusting God and obey-till death do you part! How could you even
taking Him at His word. consider making such a deep and binding commitment
to someone who doesn't love Jesus? As a Christian,
VALUES, GOALS, AND MOTIVATIONS you have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to
When I became a Christian, my whole life was govern your life. But the Bible tells us that those
turned upside-down. I could no longer deal with things without Jesus have the world, the flesh, and the devil
in the same way that I had before, because God's way to direct theirs. These are the very things we as
was different. Everything changed. I made an abrupt Christians are told to overcome. (I John 2:14-17) How
"about-face" and had to sit down and re-evaluate every
can you hope to overcome that which you have THE SECOND LAW OF
married, committed, and submitted your life to? THERMODYNAMICS
MARRY NOW-REFORM LATER In science, the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Many Christian girls seem to be pacified by the essentially states that as time passes, anything that's left
fact that their unbelieving boyfriend doesn't seem to on its own will deteriorate. Things left on their own
object to their Christianity. Even though he doesn't will not be built up, but they will eventually break
believe like she does, he seems extremely tolerant and down. In other words, as time goes by, things get
even goes to church with her sometimes. He really is a worse, not better-and a life, left on its own without
very nice guy, and his biggest vice is drinking a few God, will get worse. You never know what's around
beers with the boys while watching football. She the corner. People who have married "occasional
figures if she marries him, they will have a lot more drinkers" have later found themselves married to
time together, and then she can really "work on him" alcoholics a couple of years down the road. You can't
and get him saved. Sadly enough, she will find that it's judge the future by the present circumstances when
not as easy as she thought it would be. Eventually, her you are dealing with someone who has chosen to go
husband's acceptance of her Bible Studies and his own way in life. If you have the Lord, you should
Christian friends starts to wear thin, and the tension be able to expect growth and maturity. If you don't
between them begins to take its toll on their marriage. have the Lord, you won't know what to expect. This
Most girls don't realize that if they are not strong isn't the old " marijuana leads to heroin" story of a few
enough to resist the temptation of marrying an years back-but sin does lead to more sin-and a life that
unbeliever, they probably aren't strong enough to ever is not willingly yielded to Jesus and guided by His
win him to the Lord! loving hand could end up anywhere... doing anything!
Sometimes in order to marry a Christian girl, a I think one of the hardest aspects of a marriage
fellow will "make a commitment" to Jesus because he where the partners are unequally yoked is the feeling of
knows he has to. He'll start going to church just to competition between them. However subtle or
make her happy. In fact, he may even be sincerely unspoken it may be, the competition is felt. As a
trying to "get into it." But if it is not a decision arising believer, your values and ideals will constantly be
from seeing his own need for God, then it is challenged as you live out
meaningless and will be short-lived. His "commitment" your day-to-day life. The
usually starts to fade some time after they get unbeliever will always be
married-when it's no longer necessary for him to put trying to prove (consciously
his best foot forward. or unconsciously) that he is
I never trust a "conversion" of this type, and I just as happy as you are,
consistently tell all those I counsel to let this fellow without having any
prove his commitment on his own. That is, to follow so-called "religious experience". . . and you will, of
Jesus not by his girlfriend's side, but to get to church course, want to show him that actually you possess the
or Bible Study on his own steam, not on a date. If he greaterpeace and fulfillment through knowing God.
proves to be sincere, growing, and firmly planted in You will have no spiritual leadership or support during
Jesus, then after several months, she can start to pray times of trials, and your faith will be undermined, not
and seek the Lord about the possibility of entering into encouraged. And eventually, as the competition grows
a deeper relationship. The problem is, most girls don't stronger, your mate will probably get tired of
have the patience to test the fruit. As soon as "Mr. competing with your friends, your church, and your
Right" even looks like he's about to utter a sinner's God for your attention and your love.
prayer, she's off picking out towels, dishes, and
bridesmaid dresses.
A believer, when put in this postion, is many times Usually, those who want to hang onto their "right"
tempted to compromise her faith in order to maintain a to continue on in the same way with their old friends
peaceful marriage. She can no longer serve the Lord in and their old lifestyle say, "But, I'm not supposed to
an open and free way, because if she does, her isolate myself and associate only with Christians!" Well
marriage may fall apart. What a terrible spot to be in! of course you're not. We are the "salt of the earth,"
When you start to compromise, your walk with God seasoning the world with the love of Jesus.
becomes weak and undernourished. You will be guilty (Matt. 5:13,16) The world and the people in it need
for your lack of obedience to God, which will tend to Christians. How else will they ever find out about the
push you even further away from Him than you already only True Love that exists?
are. But you mustn't ever forget that although we are
After awhile, frustration sets in for both of you in the world, we are never to be a part of it. We must
because neither one is really free to do the things that always be careful to keep our eyes on the Lord and
make you happy. You don't have someone to love immediately flee any situation that may cause us to
Jesus with, and he doesn't have someone to love the stumble and fall away from our heavenly calling.
world with. He doesn't enjoy your friends and (II Tim. 2:22)
activities, and you don't really enjoy his. You are Too many Christians use the excuse of "winning
longing for someone to share your joy in Christ-and he their friends to the Lord" to keep one foot in the
is getting different types of longings. He may even world, and so themselves remain partakers of worldly
start to think that if you won't go out and have his kind pleasures. God knows our hearts. If your friends or
of fun, maybe he'll find someone else who will! As you associates are causing your love for God to "cool off,"
can imagine, in a situation like this, the pressure really it is far better to sacrifice that friendship, than to
starts to build. sacrifice your relationship with Jesus. No relationship
Because you are both being held back from the on earth is more important than your relationship with
things you want to do, bitterness and resentment enter your Father in heaven. If you are not strong enough to
into the picture, putting an even bigger distance resist temptation, then admit it and stay away from it.
between the two of you and causing more problems. In Don't worry about "your witness." If you fall away
many situations, once the resentment does set in, the after knowing and preaching the truth, your only
unbelieving mate just may have learned enough witness will be a bad one anyway!
Scripture from you to hurl it like tiny bullets of truth to CHILDREN
pierce your heart. After all, the Bible is true. And even
though he may not believe it, he knows that you One thing people don't usually think about when
do-and he may love to see you crumble under they first get married is having children. Usually it's the
conviction, condemnation, or confusion from his furthest thing from your mind as you're walking down
attacks upon you and your faith. The Word of God is a the aisle. But somewhere down the line, you will
powerful tool ... even in the hands of the unrighteous. probably want to start a family. But what is "a family"?
You may think I have painted an unrealistic Is it the mere presence of children that qualifies you as
picture of the ruin of a marriage, but I have read a family, or is it something else? A family unit as I see
hundreds of letters-all full of the "same story." It's it consists of a group of people bound together by
almost impossible for a marriage like this to survive love, a sense of loyalty, and a sincere desire to see each
(and they usually don't) unless the believer other reach their fullest possible potential and purpose
compromises his or her faith almost to the point of in God. Most traditionally, it consists of Mom, Dad,
having none. So it's not only the probable death of a and some kids, although it can be larger or smaller
marriage I am talking about, but a possible spiritual according to circumstance or the leading of the Lord.
death as well. I believe that's why the Bible gives us One thing for sure, where there is no unity, there
such a strong warning against a union of this kind. can be no "family." Sure you can all live under one
roof, but a common dwelling place does not a family CONCLUSION
make. In an unequally yoked marriage, there will only I hose Christians who enter into marriage with an
be confusion and chaos in the home. Without the unbeliever will never experience the fullness and richness of
common bond of love for Jesus, there can be no unity. marriage as God intended it to be. They will never enjoy
If the parents do not agree on how to raise their true intimacy or the blessing of a family united by the
children, the children will raise themselves. If the common bond of Jesus' love. In fact, instead of experiencing
parents have different standards for their children in that common bond (or "bonding") of love, they will
the areas of discipline, responsibility, and acceptable experience the "common bondage" of frustration and.
behavior and attitudes, then the children will play one discontent that may lead to separation or divorce. For True
parent against the other to get their own way-and the Love is only possible when you know God, and when you
parents will end up arguing over the results. Of course, can have His unselfish, uncompromising love for others,
the children are the real losers in these battles, putting them above yourself. All else pales in comparison to
the real thing. Don't be foolish. Don't settle for anything less
although they may not realize it at the time. A home
than God's very best for you. If you are called to marriage,
like this will be in constant turmoil, and will be a very
God has a perfect partner for you. But beware, the enemy is
unhappy place for all who live there, parents and a matchmaker too.
children alike. Trust the Lord, walk in obedience, and He will meet
If there is no agreement in the home about who your needs in His way and in His timing. Lean to your own
God is, and what our response to Him should be, then understanding and insist on your own way and watch
it is very difficult for children to learn how to know out-you just may get what you are looking for! You may
and love Him. If our children are getting a different also live to regret it. Trust God. He will never lead you
message from each parent, they will constantly be astray.
confused and forced to "take sides." In closing, I want to say that if you are now in a
The greatest factor in our children learning about relationship with an unbeliever, or if you have been in the
God is through the example we set for them. Children past (while professing to be a Christian), I think you'd better
usually transfer their feelings and impressions of their examine your heart before the Lord. If you can find peace
earthly father over to their idea of who God is. If their and contentment in a relationship with someone who doesn't
love God, then you must ask yourself how much you really
father is a righteous man and exercises godly
love Him. After all, if you find you have more in common
judgement balanced with love and encouragement, with those who walk in darkness ... it may be because you
then their image and understanding of God will most are both walking down the same path! (I John 1:6-7;
likely be good. (Eph. 6:4; Col 3:21) If he is unfair in John 3:21)
his judgements or antagonistic or indifferent to God, Don't deceive yourself. A sincere lover of God would
then they will have a hard time (even as an adult) never knowingly be joined to a lover of the world. Don't
seeing God's true nature and character. even think about submitting your life in marriage to a
What an unfair burden to put on a tiny child. It will godless partner-that is, unless it won't bother you to live a
not only Fost him his memories of a happy and godless life. Please pray about all that we have talked about
peaceful childhood-but in the end, it may cost him his and be quick to respond to the things God has spoken to
very soul. Let's not even think of putting ourselves, not your heart. I love you very much, and I pray that you will
to mention our innocent children, through such pain reach the highest potential possible in Christ Jesus as you
and unhappiness as to bring them up in a household of obey Him in all things. May God bless you as you seek
strife and confusion.
Copied from Last Days Ministries
If you are thinking of marrying an unbeliever, do
you have the unrealistic expectation of raising your 133 Isarog Street, LaLoma
children for God when you can't even submit Quezon City, M.M. 1114
something as important as your marriage to Him?
I would say that the prospect is highly unlikely, at best.
What is the best thing to do?

Civil Marriages? 1. The date is not publicly known, so it does

not "avoid the appearance of evil"
(1 Thess. 5:22).
This is especially true if the bride becomes
pregnant before the "secret is out".

Christian Weddings? 2. The pastor and parents do not know.

(Heb. 13:7, 17)
3. The relationship with the parents is stressed
or broken and the salvation of lost parents is

Private Ceremonies?
4. A civil ceremony satisfies ONLY the laws of
the state.
a) The ceremony is not Christian.
(1 Cor. 10:31, 32)
b) The officer is not Christian.
c) Family and pastor are not present.
d) Vows are not made to God, but
promises to the state.

Which is right 5. The state does not "join you together", God
does.(Matt. 19:5,6)
6. There is no Christian marital counseling.

for you?
7. Marriage for the Christian is to be a picture
of Christ and the Church. (2 Cor. 11:2,3;
Eph. 5:21-33)
Bringing the lost world into it, destroys the
A. Sex has already taken place.
-- Solution:
1. Repent and ask forgiveness of God. (If
marriage has not taken place - abstain)
2. Ask the pastor for counseling (as regards to
the sin).
3. Ask forgiveness of parents.
4. Ask forgiveness of the church.
5. Pray about whether this person is really
God's will (unless already married).
6. Ask pastor for marital counseling. 3. The ceremony is private to the IMMEDIATE
7. Ask pastor for a private wedding in the family and VERY best friends (10-15
church. people).
B. Parents do not approve. 4. All are dressed in their "Sunday Best" and
---Solution: no spectators are allowed.
1. Pray earnestly about God's will and 5. Flowers, music, wedding clothes or
parental approval. reception are not required. (a honeymoon is
2. Discuss with parents (saved or lost) the optional)
whole issue. Do NOT argue or fight, but 6. The wedding is announced in the church at
show respect at all times. the NEXT public service.
3. Listen seriously to their objections. (EXAMPLE) "Joe Nye and Mary Hart were married
last night in the church in a private ceremony. The
Even lost parents have experience and
church extends its best wishes and prayers for a long
wisdom, and God can speak to you through
and blessed life together. I'm sure you will want to
congratulate them personally."
4. Let parents know their blessing is important 7. The couple should send out announcements
to you and that you are willing to wait while to their extended family and friends
they get to know your intended better and all afterwards.
parties pray for God's guidance. Hand-written notes are O.K. if it is neat.
5. Ask your parents to pray about the matter, Printed announcements are O.K. also.
and tell them you are also praying. 8. There is no shame or secrecy in a private
6. Strive to develop a better, more mature wedding ceremony in the church.
relationship with both parents while you It is open and above-board and lets the world
wait and pray. know that the couple have nothing to hide or
7. Delay the wedding date, and pray, pray, be ashamed of. They simply do not have the
PRAY. finances for a public church wedding and do
(EXAMPLE) When a girl became a Christian her not feel it is God's will that they wait until
parents were so mad they boxed her eyes and locked they do.
her in her room for days. When Pastors Brown and 9. Variations of the above are, of course,
Estipona tried to visit the parents they were driven possible.
away from the door with an umbrella. Months later (EXAMPLE) The bride may carry flowers, or a friend
when the girl became engaged to a young pastor her could sing one song during the ceremony. The small
parents were very angry and said they would not group could eat together afterwards at a restaurant or
attend the wedding. The couple waited another year, home.
praying and talking with her parents. When they were 10. If the party and pastor decide to have the
married in the church a year later than they had first ceremony after the Wednesday service, the
bride and groom could walk down the aisle
planned, her parents attended the wedding and gave
together to music.
their blessing. The father walked his daughter down
The witnesses would stand with them in
the aisle and gave her away. Her parents are still lost,
front during the ceremony. (The "unity"
but their relationship is much better. The couple felt it candle and extensive music would not be
was worth the wait to have her parents present at their appropriate in the absence of the other usual
wedding. "trappings"). A small merienda for the larger
C. Lack of finances. group afterwards is possible, but not
-- Solution: A Private Wedding Ceremony necessary.
1. Vows are made before God, and family in 11. Make sure someone has at least a snapshot
the church with the pastor officiating. camera. Every bride needs a few pictures to
2. The ceremony is Christian. The date is NOT remember the event.
announced publicly beforehand.
the Christian Woman
This material is
copyrighted and
BY used by

B.A.M.A. Bible Institutes, Inc.

(Baptist Asian Missions Association, Inc.)
133 Isarog Street, LaLoma, Quezon City 1114 R.P.

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