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1. Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon)

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon), also called citronella, The leaves and the
oil are used to make medicine. Lemongrass is used
for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache,
high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting,
cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the
common cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill
germs and as a mild astringent.
2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is loaded with antioxidants,
compounds that prevent stress and damage
to your body's DNA. They may help your
body fight off chronic diseases like high
blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases
of the lungs, mouth infections, easing a cold or the flu plus promote
healthy aging.
3. Red Garlic (Nubia Red Garlic)
Garlic is an herb that is grown around the
world. Garlic is most commonly used for
conditions related to the heart and blood
system. Other benefits Contains more
antioxidants. regulate blood sugar.
Compounds in red garlic may protect brain
health. anticancer properties.
4. Lemon Fruit
The lemon is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant
family Rutaceae. Lemons promotes Heart
Health. Lemons are a good source of vitamin
C. Help Control Weight. Lemons are often
promoted as a weight loss food, Prevent
Kidney Stones. Protect Against Anemia.
Reduce Cancer Risk. Improve Digestive
5. Avocado leaves
The leaves of this plant are used to make
herbal tea. This herbal tea can aid in easing
asthma symptoms and lowering the blood
glucose levels. Other benefits of this tea
include treating muscle soreness, reducing
inflammation, curing kidney stones etc.
6. Guava Leaves
Guava leaf extract improved blood sugar levels, long-term blood sugar
control, and insulin resistance, boost
Heart Health. Relieve Painful Symptoms
of Menstruation. Improve digestive
System. May Aid Weight Loss. Contain
Anticancer properties. Boost Your
7. Lemon Leaves
The leaves of a lemon plant contain,
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Ascorbic acid, or in other words Vitamin C,
may help boost immune system and
promotes Antibacterial activity.

8. Mango leaves
As per a study carried out on mice in
2010, mango leaves extract absorbed
glucose, which helped to lower the
blood sugar levels. The tender green
leaves of mangoes contain tannins
called anthocyanidins, which is
effective in treating early diabetes. They also help to treat diabetic
angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy.
9. Soursop leaves
The leaves are usually cultivated for its
medicinal use. The leaves have different
ethnomedical uses according to their country
of origin. The most important uses in
traditional medicine, scientifically validated in
pre-clinical tests, are for inflammation, pain,
infections, diabetes and cancer.
10. Honey (Raw honey)
Raw honey has been used as a
remedy throughout history and has
a variety of health benefits and
medical uses. It’s even used in
some hospitals as a treatment for
wounds. Raw honey is a good
source of antioxidants. contains an array of plant chemicals that act as
antioxidants. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Heal
wounds. Phytonutrient powerhouse. Help for digestive issues. Soothe
a sore throat.

Prepare a clean pot/pan.
Grate the root ginger, (if you don’t have a grater use a large chef's knife
to slice thin slices in one direction, then chop in the other direction until
the ginger is minced into small pieces).
Do the same to the garlic after you have peeled them, add them to the
Then cut the lemon into halves squeeze the juice in the pot, then chop
them into small pieces (do not peel the lemon, just chop it and toss it in
the pot).
Add some water in the pot, plus the remaining ingredients, Lemon
grass, Avocado leaves, Guava leaves, Mango leaves, Lemon Leaves.
Soursop leaves are optional but its best you add them as well if at all
you can get them.
Now let it boil until it forms bubbles. Once its boiled remove the pot/
pan and sieve the liquid out. You can us a thermos to store the hot drink.
NOTE: (optional) Add honey to make it sweet but you can drink it the
way it is… without honey its fine (though raw honey is also good for
your health)
That’s it folks….. Drink it once daily, but make sure you take it while
its hot like tea and the best time is before you go to bed.
Do this every day and eventually you will build your immunity and
stop wearing pieces of clothes on your mouth and nose. It really works
believe me!
NOTE. Apart from Covid19, it also helps against common colds, the
loss of weight.
Thanks. Stay safe Guys!

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