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Equestrianism : Incredibly rewarding activity

I feel I can hear the inner voice of the stallion. I love horse riding as it gives me the
possibility to disconnect from the world of worries.
Work, Travel, Save, Repeat

I travel to make memories, to make new friends, enjoy the scenic beauty of this earth. Pre-
pandemic travel to Ireland in January 2020.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

I take care of the best asset a person can have, the body and the mind. I go strength training
for five days a week to tune up my healthy hormones.
A Journey into myself

I am fascinated to read about the state of mind of human lives in excruciating pain, I strive
to understand universally applicable lessons gleaned from Frank’s struggle and re-examine
my emotional, spiritual, and social dynamics in my own life.
Humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion

This is what we (Bangladesh Police) have done during the cruel phase of COVID19 when
even the first blood family members were reluctant to come out for funeral of the person
died of corona virus.
Organizing events is joyful with appreciation

Dalai Lama said, the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation. I got special
appreciation letter from the chief of our Police department for being the active member of
the organizing committee for arranging Chief of Police Conference jointly with Interpol.

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