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02d-Bloom, Nicholas, John Van Reenan, and Heidi Williams (2019), “A Toolkit of Policies to

Promote Innovation”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(3), 163-184

0. Untitled introduction
1. Some Background Facts
2. Why Should Governments Promote Innovation?
3. Tax Incentives for Research and Development
4. Patent Boxes
5. Government Research Grants
6. Human Capital Supply
7. Intellectual Property
8. Product Market Competition and International Trade
9. Targeting Small Firms
10. More Moonshots? A Mission-Oriented Approach
11. Conclusions

Summary paragraphs:

The main argument of this paper is that innovation integration is one of the important
ways to stimulate productivity growth. This paper shows the cases and practices that can
integrate innovation. Moreover, this paper also provides evidence that innovation integration can
stimulate productivity growth. In this respect, it emphasizes the roles of tax incentives for
research and development, government research grants, policies aimed at increasing the human
capital supply, intellectual property policies, and pro-competitive policies. These policy tools are
ranked in terms of quality and overall impact.

As the paper shows the evidence and describes all of the policies, the discussion on the
conclusion focuses on five parts: quality of evidence, conclusiveness of evidence, net benefit,
time frame, and effect on inequality. In the conclusion, the authors write that “others will
undoubtedly take different views on the policies listed in Table 2. Nevertheless, we hope that this
framework at least prompts additional debate over what needs to be done to restore equitable
growth in the modern economy”(p.180).

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