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Dead Stars

Life is full of surprises and so were choices. We aren’t made to be bound to a destined path. Isn’t it
ironic that we were born to be happy and yet we hamper our happiness with what others want?

Using our brain is a lot easier than using our heart. Heart just pumps blood. Brain thinks. That being
said, use well our mind and brain to do what we really want. When we learn to use our so called
free will, I thought that we may be doing the right thing for ourselves. Right thing in a sense that we
do what we really want and we love. But as we slowly grow up, we met a lot of people that may
affect our decisions. We momentarily think what others want, what they want for us. Some of the
decisions made were sometimes and often good because they help us. Some, well, should be
amongst us to decide which is which. And to have enough reasons, experiences and making a choice
for ourselves regardless of others opinion is a must have unique attitude.

Life indeed is full of axiom that guides us to do well in our lives. As a popular cliché, we aren’t born
to please everybody. Go, live your life to the fullest. Live the life you want to have. Don’t make
regrets with your decisions if it didn’t please others. It is our life after all.


We may be in a world of lies and deception but that shouldn’t make us suppressed our ideas. A
groundless statement that is easier read than done. Our mind is full of suppressed ideas.

While some or most of us are being capable of letting our ideas deliberately to some, but still, not
everyone is capable of doing so. The idea of being right and must-be-right-for-others way of thinking
deprive us by doing so. We may have the ideas but we are afraid to tell so by any means of
communication. We’re restraining our mind for the ideas of others. What good may it do for us? We
may not be measured and judged wrongly, but taking risk to share that may and may not enlighten
some is also worthy. Should we be trapped intellectually and rationally, we limit ourselves. We may
have better that are worth sharing. We may be wrong for some of our ideas; nevertheless, we get
expounded ideas.

Take risks. Everyone has a chance to do so. We mustn’t deprive ourselves in such manner. We were
created equally. There are wrongs and rights. Why else care? We were informed and may inform

Maria Clara: Paragon or Caricature

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