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(| BB ston: x | MO) vim xe | BB Review x | BIB Heviow xx MB teview x] revo x | @ Dosiain x | siokime x |G wrkimy x] + = GB peiwptror/saies90376 eee Q]OoS%St eh @ ~v 6 Googe M cen 8,.By Ganges Wesel. Aaiansane. (toying GG. Liye ne ery Logit you ey Seach TOR a rmbcatsnaonhcom RTO Soret ~ Som wale tea St tetas Review: [Untitled] ren nen 27.0 59 ew ‘tran mss ~ REcasoron nciaagnzmsscs epson oan iaaiaten TB © aremekicin buraya yarn ot @CweBROOOE “aresgeaca”® ™ a 462 Mecmuslar: Polonya Dichor) (Inbaltsibarsicht Uber vinzelne Papyri). — 383-405 Cbursetounget: Die swEreahlungen des Rates Tsutsumi” (japanisch) || Mabmad Tamar: Der Kuss for font Pastor || Lo Sin: Dor Schnee (ehinessch). — 407-414 Ryszard Low Polonica hebrajskie (Mebriiache Polonia) (Libliographic 1048/38). — AMateialien fend Notion: 419 Teena Himner: Die Station fir Archfologe der Mitteimetr: Finder der Wartchaer Universitat in Agypten. — 417-431 Besprechougen: N. 8 Peerovski}: Euipel/skj jauyle Vvedente v wroghfikay leksike (oer gyammatie srolnersrpotakogo jaayia (Die sgypusche Sprache. Elafuhrang in ie. Micro flyphon. das Lexikon sowie Skisee der Grammatik der mitteligyptichen Sprache), Teo Teninavadskogo Universiteta, 1958. 329. S. (angezeigt von Albortyna Sreruilowska) || AE. Berthels (Bertel’3): Nasir Chostov 1 ismalem, Mosk 930. Teve Vostotino) literatury. 289 S. (angezeit_von Bogdan Skladanex) || Mavia Juskiewiczowa: Crarodriejsi mbrycrek (Das Zanberkannchen),japaaische Misehn und” Lagendon, Warschan 1958. Czytelk (angozeigt von Wiesaw Kotatski) || Biblographisehe Notizen, sack ass polnischen Zeitsciften, —~ 433438 Chromik: Eizetheiten ave Polen w. || Poitnche Zesthronie aR Korrchiwr: Yo Orin 13/1958/296, Z. 28 hes Michalsi state Machatsi, lm Hamburg ‘ertold Spuler| Rocenih Orientalsiyceny (8. Orions 11/1958297-298). 222 (Warschau 1958) 45 Januse Chnilensla: The problem of early loan-vordsin Chinese as WDastated by the Word p'astao (actat sich — vielfach zastimmead — mit B. Karlen aus- finander). — 47-73 Jan Reychman: Piosenka basckirska zapisana na wyzaania pres Tomasea ‘Zina (Ein boschiirsches Lisl, in der Verbannung von Tomase Jan oulgerschnet) (von. 1835; Fessteliong der genauen phonetichen Lantung des Gediehts anand der laionhatton Umsehrift des Verfassers mit grammatischen ‘inc lestkalischon ‘Eelouterungen). — 75-99 Nina Piseceikowa: Contribution & Vétude des rapports entre le Hluoussa el les auttes languos du groupe migero- thidion, —toriqo Hesptechungen: *Stadiea zur tirkischen Phone, ngeacigt von Ay Zajacekenrla fj "Jan Rypka, wa: Déjiny.porské a tidaické Iteravury (Geschichte der persischen und tadschikischen Literatur), Prag 1956. Nakladatelse Ceskosloventkd Akademie Vid. 486 S, angezeigt von Fr. Mackalski J tHoncy Mterciers Werke uber den arsbisch-marokieanichon Dalek, angezeiat “Yon Jeet Bislawaki! andere westiche Werke |! *Alelays Debaickt: The ,Che-shis hist’ gen source to the social history of Ancient China, Warsclaw 1956, Polska Akademia Nauk. 101 $, angezeigt vow Jaroslav Prise. 23) (Warschan 1959). -29 Petr Mijatev: Les monuments oasanlis en Bulgarie (Gute Ubersicht mit yituctung von taschriften usw, S. 30-50: 30 Abbilsemgen)— 57-65, Bistra Cretkova: Consnibation & Teétode dee impots exteaordinaires [avers dwvanive Ye tekdit tive) en Bulgariosous Ia domination surque (Desonders die Bedeutung des bedsl-i qustl; Stoner Voraserabiang 4a Naturalien; thee Hoe, die Zale eer Einforderang nd sihre Dsuer: einecblasige Urkonden Nachrichten). — 67-72 Stefan Streleyn: Une tradition (ahiopienne Worgine juive ydménite coneormant Metituro, — y399 Ananisce Zajqeckornekt: Marneckovkiperaeki perekind arab= ongo traklat Mkaddima Abo Lait as-Samarkand! (Eine masmlakisch-ypta~ fqocke Dberseteung der arkhachen Abhandiung Mugaddima des Abs FL at. Samatgandi) (Bescheerbung der Handschrfe, sprachlicke Lemeriungen; Test- proben in arabischer Scarfe and Unichrift, — Der Avisatz schliest an det VIS Arbeit: Mamelucko-tatscka wersja azabskiogo traktats 9 tucsmictwie 2 XIV isk = Die mamlakisch-tirkische Version emer arabirchen Abhandlang sber Pooks: Rusia 463 das Bogenschiossen aus dom 14. Jh., ia OR 20/1056)139-261, an). — ror-121 [Besprechungen: “Marian Lowicki’ La langue mongole des transcriptions chinoses du XIVesitele — Le Houa-yi yi-yisde 1389, 11: Verabulaie-Index, Brela 1050, 9F 5. (angezeigt von Janus? Chinielewsi) j/ *Charlotte Vandewile: Etude su les Sourees et la compoaition du Ramayana de Tula Das: Diesobe: Le ine aptiael, Traduction frangaise de TAyodhyakanga du Ramayana de Tuls-Dis avee intro duction et notes, Paris 1955. Adrien-Malsonneuve. XXIII, 337 S.; SXIX, 157 5. [angeseigt von Eugeninse Siusskiewice)j Milarepa ou Jotstn-Kakbum, aus dem ‘Tihetischen “ubersetst vom Lama Kazi DawaSamdvp, franz. vom Roland Ryser, Paris 195s Adiion-Masoonewve 363 5. (aigersige won demselben) Radolé Loewenthal: The Tarlic languages and Uteratures of Central Avia. Bibllogeaphy, Haag 1957. Mouton, 212 5. angearigt von Stanislaw Kalisvishi mit Erginzangen) Hamburg ertold Spulor RUSVA/ RUSSIA A Deca of Soviet Pubeations on Turkish Studies» ‘Turkish studies the Soviet Union follow, on the ane hand, a venerable academic ‘ratition, and represent, on the other hand, a response to current intrest, ‘ine! and events. They combine Western-type study with native scholarly development inasmuch as in addition to scholarly auclel in Leningrad and Moscow, poople to ‘whom some Turkie language is native are increasingly drawn into the scasemie Apparatus, especialy ab @ rusut of the more recent university and academy deve: lopment in the Turldelanguage republiee (a Tashkent, Alma-Ata, Ashkabad, Kazan). The field of work extends to Terie peoples inside the Soviet Union and to those Outside st (tarubeshnyie). Considerable wore has been done in linawistics, and in compiling collective works on the history of the Turkic peoples and republics Jn the Soviet Union, Here, we should like to concentrate on publications relating to ‘Torkey proper, and to mention only tercoloecal pibientions of more general ‘The Academy of Sciences published throe volumes by S. E. Malow (1880-1957) Monuments of Od Turhie Literature Pamiainihi dreimetunishotpis'mennes, 19513 4451 pp) is an anthology which offers very fino reproductions of texts in the ‘rious original seripts —Runic, Ugur, Arabic —, twansliteratons and trans- Jations. The inscriptions from Mongolia, Mahmud Kashghan, Rabguai, ete are Introduced to the reader and student. Tho vocabulary i almost a hundred pages strong. This was followed by a volume on inscriptions from the Yenisel region [Vewseishaia pis'mewnect urkov 1952; 116 pp.) and a volume oa Uighur (Uigher shit iazyh, 19543 203 BP). “The Academy publsied a collective work edited by N. K. Drnitriev (1898.1054)* Shidies im the Comparatice Grammmay of the Turkic Languages, TAI (Tssedovanta Dorsravnte nos grammatite turkehith satyhov, 1998-0) 336 4 335 BP) it which NA” Buskakov, FE. V. Sovortinn, F.C. lahakov and others took part, These ‘volumes represent a unique course in the subject, ‘Ahademibu Vd. Gordieeshom (A.N., 1933: 343 9.) is & Pestzhrift on the oc- cation. (in. 1952) of the 75th birtday of the dstingvishod cemanist (1870-1058) * fand contains some thirty studies, almost all turcological "UZ = Uchenyie Zapishi Institute Vostohovedenia KS = Krathtie Soobshchonta: Institute Vosohovedonia No claims laid, of couse, toa complete enumeration of al the germane material Fel E. 1. Ubristova in Tevesita of the Academy, Literature and Language Section, 1955, pp. 935, and in Tiurhologicheskit Shornil 1 (1958). Wek Teveatita, pp 156-69. Wel, RS, RI

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