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Bogor, December 2, 2020

Head Of Human Resource Division

Perusahaan Umum Daerah (PERUMDA)
Aneka Usaha Kuningan

Dear Mr/Mrs,
Based on information from Linkedin posted, I would like to apply for Human Resources
Management (Divisi - Manajemen SDM). I have completed my undergraduate program and
schorlarship in the field of accounting at Trilogy University Kalibata Jakarta (STEKPI) and
Hospitality at Tourism Vacational High school 3 Bogor. I believe I have the perfect skills
required for the job.
I am 21 years old and had worked as Human Resource Trainee for 5 months at Mercure Hotel
Jakarta Sabang, 2 months at Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta. I can speak English, In Addition, I am well
adapted to operate any kinds of HRIS or Ms.Office.
For your concideration, I have also attached multiples such as:
 Curriculum Vitae
 ID Government Copy
 Latest 4x6 Photograph
 Scan of Trascript and SKL
 Scan of Ijazah High School
 Certificate
I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills.
Thank you for the attention.

Best Regards,

Riska Bella Permatasari

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