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Chips: what devices are they in?

- Pc's

- Phone's

- Car's

- Toothbrushes

- Earphones

- Television's

- Smart devices

- Laundry machine's

- Monitor's

- Medical equipment

- Fridges

- Hard drives

- Radio transmitters --> analog semi-conductor

- Thermostats --> analog semi-conductor

chips that there is a shortage of are mostly semiconductors

factories that makes the chips --> makes it difficult to open new factories because they don't have extra
chips spare to use them for the new factories.

1947 first transistor

Most people think the reason for the global chip shortage is delayed shipping and slower production due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this certainly is one of the reasons, the main reason for the global chip
shortage is because demands have gone up like crazy. The reason for this still is the pandemic but for
other reasons. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a lot of people were stuck at home and needed a faster
pc for all their online meetings and to work from home. Also a lot of people who got bored stuck home
started gaming all of a sudden which meant that, besides the demand for normal pc's and laptops, the
demand for graphics cards also had a crazy spike after the start of the lockdown. To add even more
products that needed upgrading because of the pandemic were cloud services and servers from
companies. Because of all the workers that logged in to their work computer from distance the need for
better servers and cloud services also had a major bump up in demand. (people also bought other
electronic devices that might look just like ordinary household items, but almost all of those items have
some if not multiple semiconductors and chips in them. some examples are dishwashers, washing
machines and refrigerators, but also the coffee maker and the boiler are highly complex machines that
have lots of chips inside them.)

Biggest companies:

Apple, intel, qualcomm, nvidia and amd

Some of these might sound familiar but most of the chip manufacturers are not well known along
people because for example knowledge about phone processors is way less common then for example
knowledge about processors for laptops. These coma


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