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Lesson 2 Concept of human behavior: Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological


We don't need police officers who see themselves as warriors. We need police officers
who see themselves as guardians and parts of the community. You can't police a
community that you're not a part of. - Bryan Stevenson

1. Is the spontaneous recovery as strong as the original response?

a. Yes
b. No
2. True or False: a Response is a reaction
a. True
b. False
3. What is operant conditioning?
a. People do certain things
b. People and animals learn to do certain things
c. A reinforce
d. A reward
4. Negative Reinforces do what?
a. Increase the frequency of the behavior when they are removed
b. Increase the frequency of the behavior when they are applied
c. Reinforce using the biological makeup
d. Reinforce using learned behaviors
5. Punishment is not the ideal way to solve a problem because...
a. Punishment teaches alternate behavior
b. Punishment can create anger and hostility
c. Punishment won’t have broader effects than desired
d. Punishment tends to work when it is not guaranteed
6. What did Pavlov discover?
a. that behaviors can be conditioned
b. that dogs' behaviors change more flexibly than people's behaviors
c. that people will act how they want, no matter what
d. that rewards are more effective than punishments in changing behavior
7. Psychology is best defined as the study of
a. mental health.
b. consciousness and intuition.
c. the mind and behavior.
d. learning and developmental delay
8. According to the social brain hypothesis, each of us can deal effectively with social interactions with
roughly 150 people. This implies that
a. most of us are able to maintain close, lifelong friendships with about 150 people.
b. we are capable of maintaining social networks of up to 150 people throughout our lives.
c. most of us cannot recognize more than 150 people at any given time in our lives.
d. we function best in groups of roughly 150 people, whether all are friends or strangers.
9. The idea that children are born with no knowledge or “content” whatsoever and are “filled” by life
experiences is called
a. rationalism.
b. determinism.
c. tabula rasa.
d. nature vs. nurture.
10. How is natural selection related to psychology?
a. All organisms have been shown to be capable of learning.
b. Humans behave as they do in part because that behavior promotes survival.
c. Survival depends on environment just as much as it depends on genes.
d. Animals share many genes with human beings.
We need to support our police officers and make sure that community policing becomes
something that becomes the standard across the country.- Chris Christie


Instruction: in this activity, you will explain the concept of human behavior in five sentences using
your own words. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Discuss the concept of human behavior.

2. Describe your MOI:

3. Describe your personne:


When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law
enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.- Mary Frances Berry





At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

1. Explain the concept of huma behavior

2. Examine your own self;
3. Discuss the different perspective of human behavior

HUMAN BEHAVIOR: Is defined as the term used to describe a person’s action and conduct. It is also referring
to the reaction to facts of relationship between the individual and his environment. Everything that we say and
do is a reflection of our own being. It speaks of who we are as a person.

According to the French Anthropologist Marcel Mauss as cited in the book of (Alata et.,2018) entitled
Understanding the Self, every self has two (2) faces:

1. MOI: Refers to a person’s sense of who he is, his body, and his basic identity, his biological givenness.
2. PERSONNE: Is composed of the social concepts of what it means to be who he is. For example, Mrs.
Reagana is a police officer; she is also a wife and a mother of two(2) kids. As a police officer she need
to maintain stern but calm personality in order to be respected. As a mother, she may be sweet
towards her husband and caring and loving towards her children. Mrs. Reagana’s self that shift in order
to blend and fit with the given situation is her personne but herself that is static or constant is her moi.


 SOCRATES believed that best life and the life most suited to human nature involved reasoning. He also
believed that nobody willingly chooses to do wrong.
PLATO, On the other hands, believed that human behavior flows from three main sources: desires, emotion,
and knowledge. In the article published by Edwards W. Younkins (2003) entitled

 “Aristotle, human flourishing, and the limited states”, it stated that Aristotle heralds the role of reason
in a proper human life. He examined the nature of man and his functions and sees that man survives
through purposeful conduct which results from the active exercise of man’s capacity for rational
thought. The ability to reason separates man from all other living organisms and supplies hi with his
unique means of survival and of flourishing. It is through purposive, rational conduct that a person can
achieve happiness. For Aristotle, a being of conceptual consciousness must focus on reality and must
discover the knowledge and actions required if he wants to fully develop as a human person.

Why would some men tend to get aroused sexually when they see a seductive girl while others do not?
In psychology, people are considered as living machines who receive information from the world, process it in
various ways, and then act on it. According to a school of thoughts known as behaviorism, human behavior
was all about the way a certain stimulus produces an appropriate response. Your behavior usually starts with
sensory perception: the way your five main sense (vision, hearing, sell, touch and taste), plus other lesser-
known sensory abilities such a proprioception ( your sense of where your limbs are and how your body is
moving), feed information into your brain.
 For example, when you see your crush, it is your sense of sight through your eyes that recognized the
stimulus (your crush). Then neurons send signals to your limbic brain causing your hypothalamus to
release the neurohormone known as dopamine. As a result, you feel happy and inspired on the
outside. In short, all our behaviors observed by others are the product of how our physiological system
inside our body works.

Functionalism, one of the schools in sociology, explains that society is a system having parts which are
connected and related with each other’s. It is through this system that human behavior is being formed in the
process of socialization. The way a specific person behaves within the society he lives is also influenced by
what culture has been established in that area. If you are living in a place that prohibits you to do that kind of
act but still you did it, then you can be called as a deviant or worse, you can hold criminally liable.
 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY is a discipline that uses scientific methods to understand and explain how the
thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied
presence of other human beings.
A publication entitled “shared agency”: A planning theory of acting together by Michael Bratman, best
described the socio-philosophical concept of how a person interacts with one another. Bratsman’s main claims
is that the key ingredients in human shared activity are the intentions to do something together, combined
with the interlocking and intended meshing of plans.
 SHARED INTENTIONAL ACTIVITY is a complicated structure of interconnected people who are
planning. For example, the congressmen and senators in the two houses of congress maybe against
each other politically but when it comes to drafting a bill, they agreed to work together on it. It is
because they have the shared intention and commitment to do it for the public who voted for them.


1. If you are going to add at least one perspective of human behavior, what will it be and why?

2. Which of the discussed perspectives of human behavior do you agree with? Why?


Content – 10 points
Organization- 5 points
Sentence construction/ Grammar – 5 points
Total 20 points
1. Write briefly the importance of theory in not more than five sentences.

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