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Discussion - Biodegradable Plastic


1. What did you think when you read the headline?

When I read the headline I understood that the text was going to
be about some scientists who found a way to make biodegradable
2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'biodegradable'?
I imagine an image of recycling, I also see images of plants and
3. What do you think of plastic?
I think that normal plastic (the one that is not biodegradable) is
quite harmful to our planet, since its decomposition time is very
4. How do you feel when you see plastic waste in the countryside?

I feel very bad seeing it since the countryside is a totally natural

place, with no city at all, and seeing it contaminated fills me with
doubts and sadness
5. What damage is plastic doing to Earth?

Plastics can release harmful chemicals into the ground, which can
then leach into groundwater or other nearby water sources
6. How do you dispose of plastic?

It must be disposed of in the specific container for this type of

7. How could you switch to alternatives to plastic?

Using non-plastic straws, it is better to use metal and silicone straws

8. What do you think of compostable plastic?

It is very good because thanks to it we take care of our

environment and have a better world
9. Do we need the plastic stuff around us right now to be made of plastic?

It is not necessary, since we can change them for biodegradable

plastic and improve the environment
10. How good are you at recycling?

I am quite good at recycling, since I separate the waste that I can

recycle and those that I cannot, in addition to collecting bottle caps



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