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Death the Leveller

2. James Shirley
3. Death itself/Abode of death/End of life
4. Oxymoron (The Concept... victor never bleeds,  only
the victim bleeds. Here victor  bleeds.. So oxymoron..)
5. Gandhi/Gandhiji
6. Attract all kinds of people towards him.
7. Vital
8. "And Then Gandhi Came" by Jawaharlal Nehru.
9. You should + verb (You should trust us and try to

You ought to + verb (you ought to jump and flap your


10. (A) is
       (B) Moreover

11a) How can we achieve success? Or How can I set a

definite goal in my life 
b) What is the mission of Sasthrayan? Or Similar

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12. Greta told (her dad) that she thought that he/one
could make real peaches. Her dad replied that
she/one had to go to the store for those.

13. Alice Margret Clifford, lovingly called Maggie, is

the central character of the story 'The Price of
Flowers'. She is a young English girl of 13 or 14 years
old. She is a poor girl who works as a typist in the
civil service store. She is ambitious and wants a job
where her brain can be used. She had intense love for
her mother and brother.
She tried hard to bring her sick mother back to life.
She even asks Mr. Gupta to tell a lie to save her
mother.She is also superstitious because she believed
the story behind the crystal send by her brother.

Her love towards her brother is touching. She gave

the narrator a shilling to buy flowers to place them on
her brother's grave. A shilling is a lot of money for a
poor girl like her. To get that, she has to work for
many days The flowers represent love, sacrifice and
the strong bond of relationship between the sister
and brother. Her sacrifice and selfless acts brings
tears to the eyes of Mr. Gupta and the readers too are
moved. Surely, she is a model for girls of her age.

14.  The Supernova of Physics 

Stephen Hawking
 The Supernova of Physics   
                       (1942 - 2018)

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Stephen Hawking, also known as the 'supernova in
the world of physics, was born on 8th Jan, 1942. He
attended the St. Alban's School in Westfordshire. He
graduated from Oxford University and took his
masters degree from Cambridge University. He chose
a career in Theoretical Physics, to become a
tTheoretical Physicist.

"'A Brief History of Time' is a book written by Stephen

Hawking, which brought him world-wide recognition.
It was a book written to make science understandable
to non- scientists. He had received many awards &
honours during  his life time. The Presidential Medal
of Freedom, in 2009, BBVA Foundation Frontiers of
Knowledge Award in 2015 and Pride of Britain
Award, in 2016 are some worth-mentioning.

15. The Captain of the ship, Captain Smith, did not try
to save his own  life even the ship started sinking. He
called on the crew to 'Be British'. He commanded
them to save women and children first. The Captain
and the crew faced death bravely. The music band
continue to play the prayer, 'Nearer to thee, My Goď
as they were going down with the ship

16. Digital classes are superior to regular Education


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1) Classes organized with the support of advanced
technology convey content and subject in a far more 
more effective and efficient manner.

2) Digital classes are a feast to one's eye. 

3) It is very appealing & interesting

4)Knowledge & information are at our fingertips. 


1) Digital classes are monotonous

2)It has limitations in conducting interactive sessions.

3) Real-time classrooms reach to each and everyone

irrespective of financial status.

4) Regular education helps to the identify the

problems in children and find solutions in  a scientific

ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒരു സൈഡ് എഴുതിയാൽ മതി.)

17. Live Tv Report:

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I am Juano from Star TV, standing at Kadavu in
Namuana with cameraman, Ajith Sam. Let me
familiarize you with the area. Namuana, as you can
see, is a beautiful, quiet village with rocky cliffs on
the beach. You can climb a rocky tract, enjoy
watching the turtles, have great meals and feel very
safe. Many tourists have now gathered here. They are
all getting ready for the turtle calling, which is a
famous ritual here. Here the women chant a special
tune to call turtles.

There is a story connected to this legend. Once, the

beautiful Princess Tinaicoboga and her daughter
were seized by a group of fishermen, as they were
wading in the water. The women cried, but the
warriors only laughed at the women's tears and pleas.
The people here say that the gods sent a mighty storm
and tossed the canoe. The fishermen saw the women
turning into two giant sea turtles.

The turtles slipped into the water and the sea grew
calm. The Fijians still believe that forever afterward,
Tinaicoboga and Raudalice lived in the waters of that
bay. You can see the women of the Namuana village,
dressed in mourning clothes and carrying sacred
clubs as they walk to the shore. See, they are chanting
to their beloved turtles. Let's see what happens. Oh,
wonderful. As the women chant, the giant turtles rise
to the surface of the bright blue waters of this
beautiful bay beneath the cliffs of Kadavu. Don't you
feel excied to go near and see the turtles come up? It's
true, you will see.
18) Paragraph - Maggie's Views:

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I agree with Maggie when she says that she prefers a
work which makes her use her brain.
The kind of I love is associated with children.
I would like to be a teacher.
I believe it's a noble profession
Teacher can inspire/motivate children
They help boost confidence
A teacher acts as a friend, philosopher and guide.
Teachers also involve in social work.
They are role models ....

19) needs/There are/

On earth/Have

20) The Young Seagull

The young seagull had no confidence to face the first

real challenge of his life. Flying was natural for a bird
but he was afraid.
He thought: "My wings can never carry my body. I'll
fall into the sea and down to death".

But the mother's trick forced him to jump off the cliff.
His heart stopped. But somehow his wings got spread
out and he knew he was not falling." How is this that
I'm still in the air, moving! My wings are cutting the

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air. I'm so excited! I have won this challenge...
phew...." he was proud of himself now.

21. Narration- Gupta's experience:

Dear friends,
Last week I was in London, where I had a touching
experience. One day I met a young a teenage English
girl. She looked poor and lonely.  Her name was Alice
Margaret Clifford. They called her Maggie.
Her brother was a soldier in India but had no news of
him for a long time. Her mother wished to see me.
She had a small job, which she didn't like. She liked a
job that used her brain. ..........(continue in First Person
Narration mode)

22. Deeds Speak Louder....

 - The poem, 'Death the Leveller' reminds us about the
futility of earthly glories. Whoever we are, we will
face death. Death is invincible. The kings, beggars,
workers, poor and the rich_ all will taste death and
end up as dust. If we do good deeds during our life
time, our actions will bloom and smell sweet after are
dead. So we should go on doing good. Today people
speak and boast too much but do little. What makes
one great or a good human is not just words; but his
actions. Gandhiji's words, 'Do or Die' during feedom
struggle inspired the whole of India.
 .....(you may add more)

23. Teleponic Conversation:

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 A J Cronin : Hello, Hassan it's me,  Dr.Cronin.

Hassan: Hello Sir! It's so nice to hear from you again.

Is there anything urgent?

Cronin: No, Hasan nothing urgent. I just wanted to

talk with you for sometime, that's all.

Hasan: Yes, Sir. I just thought about you. But was busy
in my works, now I am free let's talk.

Cronin: Yeah, I know I have never seen such a diligent

person ever in my life. I was thinking about our
pathetic condition on Ranagangi and wanted to thank
you, for all your great help. Without you it would
have been impossible for me to overcome such a
terrifying situation.

Hasan: Oh Sir! there is no need for thanking me. It's

my job to help people on the deck. I just did my job..

Cronin: I knew that you will say this.  You ought to

have cared for ur health a little bit, while doing all
those jobs. Anyway, I am going to get you a salary

Hasan: I am not afraid of my life, sir. I have lived my

whole life in the ocean to help others and that's the

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greatest happiness in my life and I am not interested
in making money.

Cronin: Oh man! I can't understand you Hasan! How

can someone be this good! Anyway, nice  talking to
you. Bye.

Hasan:  Bye sir, nice talking to you too!

24.Character Sketch_
Hasan was the Serang:

 Hasan was the serang(an Asian head of lascar crew)

of the ship Ranaganji which was sailing from
Liverpool to India. He was a squat, very ugly native
seaman, with short legs and large disproportionate
He was a Muslim by Religion. He was born in Punjab
from where his family moved to south.
He liked a seafaring life and spent forty years in
various ships. It was his fifteenth year in Ranaganji.
The captain of the ship Mr. Hamble gave just Hasan
as the assistant when the young and inexperienced
doctor reported an outbreak of smallpox on board.
The captain was confident of Hasan. He nursed the
patients with dedication and was unmindful of the
danger to himself. It was his calm and unperturbed
nature that gave the doctor fresh heart. When a
patient died he would recite words from Ramayana,
sewed their shrouds and would give them a watery

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On shore he had no home, no family or friends. All
his possessions contained in his chest might worth a
few rupees.
He had no fondness for speech. He was unmistakably
sincere, completely detached from the usual hope of
reward. Money had no interest in him. He had
courage, self-control and faith.

25. In the poem (Sonnet), 'Sleep', William Wordsworth

highlights the importance of sleep. Sleep is the
mother of fresh thoughts and joyful health. The poet
was lying down, unable to sleep, for three nights. He
tried to get sleep by thinking about some of the
pleasant sights of nature such as the flock of sheep
that passed leisurely, he listened to the sound of rain,
the murmer of bees, the fall of rivers, winds, seas and
the white clouds in the pure sky. In the morning, the
song of small birds and the cry of the cuckoo
welcomed him to a new day. Still he failed to win
sleep. Hence, he prays to sleep not to make him tired
and weak any more. He pleads sleep to bless him to
enjoy the day.

26. Dr. Kalam's call to be Unique:

 [Main Points:  
 . We are created not to be the same
 . The world is full of diversity- it is true of man too.
 . Every person is different in abilities, tastes, talents
 . We have to fulfil different missions and play
different roles in the world.

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 . No two person in alike. So no meaning in trying to
be alike. It is impossible.
 . We should know our powers and more forward in a
path of our own.
 . Others - especially parents and teachers might ask
us to be like someone else, but we should never obey.
27. Hasan's Speech:
Dear Director, Dr. Cronin, respected officers and my

To be honest, I'm not delighted to be honoured like

this. Because I don't think I did anything great. Was'nt
it my duty to support Dr. Cronin or serve the
suffering? God has given me this life to love and serve
others. So when I get a chane, I should be able to do
my duty.

I'm a Muslim. But I believe all of us are the children

of God. So I recited Ramayana for the dead. I was not
afraid of disease or death because I had full faith in
God. Even I get infected, I will consider it as the will
of God.

I don't like any kind of honour for what I did.

But I value your love and regards for me.
I will use this opportunity to serve more and serve

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Before I conclude, let me thank Dr. Cronin and the
Director for the promotion. I will continue to serve
May Allah bless all of you . Thank you very much...!

Q. 28
Report on, Covid- 19 Testing based on Symptoms

                            A.R. Raj

The pandemic, Covid- 19 is creating a havoc in the

lives of people all around the world. Hence proper
steps and measures need to be ensured, to contain it's
spread; before it takes the valuable lives of millions of
people. The following measures recommended by
IMA are to be strictly implemented in the community.

Those who have any type of fever, throat pain, body

pain etc. are advised to stay back at home, enforcing a
self- quaratine. Then, get yourself tested immediately.
Stay at home till you get ur results negative. The
person is not supposed to roam about free in the
society, even if he/she feels better.

The test result can either be positive or negative. If

the result is +ve, it indicates Covid- 19 is confirmed.
Hence, he/she should opt for isolation. The close
contacts should also remain in quarantine during the

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If the test result is -ve, the person need to stay home
still, and take rest until the symptoms are gone. The
close contacts in such case need not remain in

Follow up of the implementation of these measures

are to be strictly ensured by the concerned

Place                        Sd/-
Date                  Secretary
                       Health Dept

29. Interview with Suraj :

1  Good morning sir. I know that you are one of the

most sought after actors in Kerala. How and when did
you come to the cine screen ?
2 your character in the film Android kunjappan is an
ever appealing one to the Keralites. How do you
evaluate your performance in the film?
3 . That character is both humorous and serious. So it
is life like .Wasn't it difficult foryou to do this
contrasting features?
4 . Did you feel any difficulty in acting with an
electronic gadget, a robot?
5 . You are the one and only actor to bag both the Best
Actor national award and the Best Comedian state

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award in the same year. Isn't it ironic ?
6 .If I say you have bridged the chasm created by the
withdrawal of Jagathy Sreekumar from the
Malayalam film industry. Do you agree with me sir? 

30-Importance of Physical Exercise:

Main Points:
-A sound mind in a sound body
- Health is wealth
- Connection between good health and happiness
- safety from diseases.
- confidence & power to work and act as we like
- Importance for a sportsperson
- etc.

31. Letter to the Brother:

'Rose Villa'
28, Gandhi Lane,
Mangalore- 4
02 Sep.2021

Dear Alex,

I feel so happy to write a letter because nowadays

letters are rare. Hope you're keeping fine and happy.

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-...................write ideas from the poem, "IF"
-          ......................
-                    .......................

Convey my regards to your friends there.

With Love,
Yours, Joji
Address on the Envelop

........     ........    .........

.......      ........     ........

32. E-Mail:
  - To  :
    Sub: Good-bye London
    02 Sept, 2021
Dear Maggie,

........   ....... .........

Reasons for not bidding a farewell. 

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Why I lied to her mother about Frank
Really sorry- Don't be sad- Be bold ....etc.

.......     ........   ........

Warm regards,




Every year, we used to visit famous destinations in

our Country. This year, we planned a long trip to the
mind blowing haven of peace – . is yet another pride
of the God’s Own Country, Kerala. There are many
reasons people visit , we heard. We wanted to explore
the place and enjoy its unfolded splendor as a part of
our family recreation.

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We planned a trip with our uncle’s family so that we
can enjoy together. It was a sunny day when we
started from our home town but as we moved
towards we felt very pleasant and cool. On our way,
we enjoyed the Flora and Fauna, valleys, hills and
The best thing about is the Tea Gardens everywhere.
We really loved walking along the Tea Gardens and
took a lot of photos there.The waterfalls in are
endless and we enjoyed the scenery over there. One
of the adventurous experience in is the Eravikulam
National Park.  In this National Park, we saw an
animal that is about to extinct – Nilgiri Tahr.  The Eco
Point was a thrilling Experience where we had fun
shouting our names loudly and hearing it back the
same way. We also went to the Blossom International
Park, which is a Garden with admirable flowers and
mind blowing surroundings.
Our Summer Vacation to is an unforgettable
experience in our Life. The natural scenery,
waterfalls, rivers and much more that we found in
kept us so attached with the place that we wished not
to leave at the last day.

34- Letter to The Editor (See format)

 -Format of speech
- Issues /Problems faced by women - 
 - Solutions

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 - Need for Women empowerment
 - Conclusion.
36. Article- See format
 Disaster Management
 - Types of disaster-Man-made & Natural
 - Impact
 - How to manage -
 - Precautions
 - Values - be good humans like Captain Smith, Hasan
37. Seminar Paper
 Gandhian Values in the Present World:
 Refer to notes given. importance of Gandhian values.

38. Poem Appreciation:

 - The given poem, 'Success is Sweetesť written by the
English poet Emily Dickinson tells us about the true
value of success.
-We realise the real value/worth of something not
when we have it but when miss it
 - Eyes when we lose sight, health when me fall ill,
good friends when they desert us....
 - Success is sweetest for those who never succeed...

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 - etc given by the poet - a  triumphant soldier may be
happy but it is the defeated one who can define
success in the best words. He is so sad to miss success
that he wanted it the most.....
Poetic devices used.... Language- message-relevance
today -conclusion

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