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Anthropologist in Africa assisted to colonial system as they used data collected by

anthropologist. The anthropologist were the primary source of information who acted as spies
for colonist. Colonist used data collected by anthropologist to expand their ways as data from
anthropologist contained social economic of societies which was a Damascus light in their
part. They also knew the surroundings of Africans henceforth it helped the colonist to know
the people in that environment and to know the places much better through data collected.
They knew the strengths and weakness of the groups they studied was used by colonialist.
Collecting of data for colonialist has helped in terms of other parties or countries wanting to
grab a piece of what was found in particular societies. Stocking (2007) posits that in
collecting data and recording for posterity anthropology showed a readiness to adapt to
colonial ideology in its acceptance of the impending extermination of primitive ways of life
throughout the word. Therefore, through data collected by anthropologist contributed to
colonial system.

However, the missionaries also aided to colonial system. For instance priests like father
goncalo da silveria he came and changed the way people lived by preaching to them the word
of god as he believed that they lived a ruthless aggressive life for example killing of twins
and albinos hence this aided to colonial system. Evans Pritchard (1985) coins that citing a
remark of Wilhelm Schmidt, he compared the unbeliever writing about religion to a blind
person talking about colours. Division of human race in Africa occurred as Christianity broke
through in Africa. Therefore those Africans who became Christians they had a strong
relationship with priest. Due to the introduction of Christianity it aided to colonial system.



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