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Entropy, S, is a term given to the number of ways particles and energy

can be arranged in a substance at a certain temperature.

A reaction is more likely to occur(to be SPONTANEOUS or

FEASIBLE) if it results in an Increase in Disorder i.e a reaction will
occur spontaneously if the change in entropy is Positive.

E.g NaCl(s) + aq ------> Na*(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Low entropy higher entropy
Very ordered more disordered

Some reactions which are spontaneous are very slow and a catalyst
or high temp is needed initially in order that the activation energy is
E.g 2Mg + O2 ----------> 2MgO

This reaction needs heat to get started but then continues even when
the heat source is removed

Change in entropy = Sum of entropy products - sum entropy reactants

1. CuCO3 (S) ----> CuO (s) + CO2 (g)

CuCO3 = 88J/molK 213.6 - 181.1 = 218.7 J/molK

CuO = 93.1 J/molK
Co2 = 213.6 J/molK

2. -284.5 J/molK
3. -219.5 J/molK
4. -38.5 J/molK
5. -66.4

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